/* * Copyright (c) 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef _ANDROID_ # ifdef HAVE_ERRNO_H # include # else extern int errno; # endif #endif struct metis_command_parser { // key = command, value = MetisCommandOps PARCTreeRedBlack *commandTree; bool debugFlag; }; static int _stringCompare(const void *key1, const void *key2) { return strcasecmp((const char *) key1, (const char *) key2); } MetisCommandParser * metisCommandParser_Create(void) { MetisCommandParser *state = parcMemory_AllocateAndClear(sizeof(MetisCommandParser)); assertNotNull(state, "parcMemory_AllocateAndClear(%zu) returned NULL", sizeof(MetisCommandParser)); state->commandTree = parcTreeRedBlack_Create( _stringCompare, // key compare NULL, // key free NULL, // key copy NULL, // value equals NULL, // value free NULL // value copy ); state->debugFlag = false; return state; } void metisCommandParser_Destroy(MetisCommandParser **parserPtr) { MetisCommandParser *parser = *parserPtr; // destroy every element if it has a destroyer PARCArrayList *values = parcTreeRedBlack_Values(parser->commandTree); if (values) { for (int i = 0; i < parcArrayList_Size(values); i++) { MetisCommandOps *ops = parcArrayList_Get(values, i); parcTreeRedBlack_Remove(parser->commandTree, ops->command); if (ops->destroyer) { ops->destroyer(&ops); } } parcArrayList_Destroy(&values); } parcTreeRedBlack_Destroy(&parser->commandTree); parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &parser); *parserPtr = NULL; } void metisCommandParser_SetDebug(MetisCommandParser *state, bool debugFlag) { state->debugFlag = debugFlag; } bool metisCommandParser_GetDebug(MetisCommandParser *state) { return state->debugFlag; } void metisCommandParser_RegisterCommand(MetisCommandParser *state, MetisCommandOps *ops) { assertNotNull(state, "Parameter state must be non-null"); assertNotNull(ops, "Parameter ops must be non-null"); assertNotNull(ops->command, "Operation command string must be non-null"); void *exists = parcTreeRedBlack_Get(state->commandTree, ops->command); assertNull(exists, "Command '%s' already exists in the tree %p\n", ops->command, (void *) exists); parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(state->commandTree, (void *) ops->command, (void *) ops); // if the command being registered asked for an init function to be called, call it if (ops->init != NULL) { ops->init(state, ops); } } static PARCList * parseStringIntoTokens(const char *originalString) { PARCList *list = parcList(parcArrayList_Create(parcArrayList_StdlibFreeFunction), PARCArrayListAsPARCList); char *token; char *tofree = parcMemory_StringDuplicate(originalString, strlen(originalString) + 1); char *string = tofree; while ((token = strsep(&string, " \t\n")) != NULL) { if (strlen(token) > 0) { parcList_Add(list, strdup(token)); } } parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &tofree); return list; } /** * Matches the user arguments to available commands, returning the command or NULL if not found * * <#Paragraphs Of Explanation#> * * @param [<#in out in,out#>] <#name#> <#description#> * * @return <#value#> <#explanation#> * * Example: * @code * <#example#> * @endcode */ static MetisCommandOps * metisCommandParser_MatchCommand(MetisCommandParser *state, PARCList *args) { // Find the longest matching prefix command. // Pretty wildly inefficient size_t longest_token_count = 0; char *longest_command = NULL; PARCArrayList *commands = parcTreeRedBlack_Keys(state->commandTree); for (int i = 0; i < parcArrayList_Size(commands); i++) { char *command = parcArrayList_Get(commands, i); PARCList *command_tokens = parseStringIntoTokens(command); // is it a prefix match? if (parcList_Size(args) >= parcList_Size(command_tokens)) { bool possible_match = true; for (int i = 0; i < parcList_Size(command_tokens) && possible_match; i++) { const char *a = parcList_GetAtIndex(command_tokens, i); const char *b = parcList_GetAtIndex(args, i); if (strncasecmp(a, b, strlen(a) + 1) != 0) { possible_match = false; } } if (possible_match && parcList_Size(command_tokens) > longest_token_count) { longest_token_count = parcList_Size(command_tokens); longest_command = command; } } parcList_Release(&command_tokens); } parcArrayList_Destroy(&commands); if (longest_token_count == 0) { return NULL; } else { MetisCommandOps *ops = parcTreeRedBlack_Get(state->commandTree, longest_command); assertNotNull(ops, "Got null operations for command '%s'\n", longest_command); return ops; } } MetisCommandReturn metisCommandParser_DispatchCommand(MetisCommandParser *state, PARCList *args) { MetisCommandOps *ops = metisCommandParser_MatchCommand(state, args); if (ops == NULL) { printf("Command not found.\n"); return MetisCommandReturn_Failure; } else { return ops->execute(state, ops, args); } } bool metisCommandParser_ContainsCommand(MetisCommandParser *parser, const char *command) { MetisCommandOps *ops = parcTreeRedBlack_Get(parser->commandTree, command); return (ops != NULL); }