/* * Copyright (c) 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include typedef struct metis_udp_stats { uint64_t framesIn; uint64_t framesError; uint64_t framesReceived; } _MetisUdpStats; struct metis_udp_listener { MetisForwarder *metis; MetisLogger *logger; //MetisNetworkEvent *udp_event; PARCEvent *udp_event; MetisSocketType udp_socket; uint16_t port; unsigned id; CPIAddress *localAddress; _MetisUdpStats stats; }; static void _destroy(MetisListenerOps **listenerOpsPtr); static unsigned _getInterfaceIndex(const MetisListenerOps *ops); static const CPIAddress *_getListenAddress(const MetisListenerOps *ops); static MetisEncapType _getEncapType(const MetisListenerOps *ops); static int _getSocket(const MetisListenerOps *ops); static MetisListenerOps udpTemplate = { .context = NULL, .destroy = &_destroy, .getInterfaceIndex = &_getInterfaceIndex, .getListenAddress = &_getListenAddress, .getEncapType = &_getEncapType, .getSocket = &_getSocket }; static void _readcb(int fd, PARCEventType what, void *udpVoid); MetisListenerOps * metisUdpListener_CreateInet6(MetisForwarder *metis, struct sockaddr_in6 sin6) { MetisListenerOps *ops = NULL; MetisUdpListener *udp = parcMemory_AllocateAndClear(sizeof(MetisUdpListener)); assertNotNull(udp, "parcMemory_AllocateAndClear(%zu) returned NULL", sizeof(MetisUdpListener)); udp->metis = metis; udp->logger = metisLogger_Acquire(metisForwarder_GetLogger(metis)); udp->localAddress = cpiAddress_CreateFromInet6(&sin6); udp->id = metisForwarder_GetNextConnectionId(metis); udp->udp_socket = socket(AF_INET6, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); assertFalse(udp->udp_socket < 0, "Error opening UDP socket: (%d) %s", errno, strerror(errno)); // Set non-blocking flag int flags = fcntl(udp->udp_socket, F_GETFL, NULL); assertTrue(flags != -1, "fcntl failed to obtain file descriptor flags (%d)", errno); int failure = fcntl(udp->udp_socket, F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK); assertFalse(failure, "fcntl failed to set file descriptor flags (%d)", errno); int one = 1; // don't hang onto address after listener has closed failure = setsockopt(udp->udp_socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (void *) &one, (socklen_t) sizeof(one)); assertFalse(failure, "failed to set REUSEADDR on socket(%d)", errno); failure = bind(udp->udp_socket, (struct sockaddr *) &sin6, sizeof(sin6)); if (failure == 0) { udp->udp_event = metisDispatcher_CreateNetworkEvent(metisForwarder_GetDispatcher(metis), true, _readcb, (void *) udp, udp->udp_socket); metisDispatcher_StartNetworkEvent(metisForwarder_GetDispatcher(metis), udp->udp_event); ops = parcMemory_AllocateAndClear(sizeof(MetisListenerOps)); assertNotNull(ops, "parcMemory_AllocateAndClear(%zu) returned NULL", sizeof(MetisListenerOps)); memcpy(ops, &udpTemplate, sizeof(MetisListenerOps)); ops->context = udp; if (metisLogger_IsLoggable(udp->logger, MetisLoggerFacility_IO, PARCLogLevel_Debug)) { char *str = cpiAddress_ToString(udp->localAddress); metisLogger_Log(udp->logger, MetisLoggerFacility_IO, PARCLogLevel_Debug, __func__, "UdpListener %p created for address %s", (void *) udp, str); parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &str); } } else { if (metisLogger_IsLoggable(udp->logger, MetisLoggerFacility_IO, PARCLogLevel_Error)) { int myerrno = errno; char *str = cpiAddress_ToString(udp->localAddress); metisLogger_Log(udp->logger, MetisLoggerFacility_IO, PARCLogLevel_Error, __func__, "Error binding UDP socket to address %s: (%d) %s", str, myerrno, strerror(myerrno)); parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &str); } close(udp->udp_socket); cpiAddress_Destroy(&udp->localAddress); metisLogger_Release(&udp->logger); parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &udp); } return ops; } MetisListenerOps * metisUdpListener_CreateInet(MetisForwarder *metis, struct sockaddr_in sin) { MetisListenerOps *ops = NULL; MetisUdpListener *udp = parcMemory_AllocateAndClear(sizeof(MetisUdpListener)); assertNotNull(udp, "parcMemory_AllocateAndClear(%zu) returned NULL", sizeof(MetisUdpListener)); udp->metis = metis; udp->logger = metisLogger_Acquire(metisForwarder_GetLogger(metis)); udp->localAddress = cpiAddress_CreateFromInet(&sin); udp->id = metisForwarder_GetNextConnectionId(metis); udp->udp_socket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); assertFalse(udp->udp_socket < 0, "Error opening UDP socket: (%d) %s", errno, strerror(errno)); // Set non-blocking flag int flags = fcntl(udp->udp_socket, F_GETFL, NULL); assertTrue(flags != -1, "fcntl failed to obtain file descriptor flags (%d)", errno); int failure = fcntl(udp->udp_socket, F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK); assertFalse(failure, "fcntl failed to set file descriptor flags (%d)", errno); int one = 1; // don't hang onto address after listener has closed failure = setsockopt(udp->udp_socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (void *) &one, (socklen_t) sizeof(one)); assertFalse(failure, "failed to set REUSEADDR on socket(%d)", errno); failure = bind(udp->udp_socket, (struct sockaddr *) &sin, sizeof(sin)); if (failure == 0) { udp->udp_event = metisDispatcher_CreateNetworkEvent(metisForwarder_GetDispatcher(metis), true, _readcb, (void *) udp, udp->udp_socket); metisDispatcher_StartNetworkEvent(metisForwarder_GetDispatcher(metis), udp->udp_event); ops = parcMemory_AllocateAndClear(sizeof(MetisListenerOps)); assertNotNull(ops, "parcMemory_AllocateAndClear(%zu) returned NULL", sizeof(MetisListenerOps)); memcpy(ops, &udpTemplate, sizeof(MetisListenerOps)); ops->context = udp; if (metisLogger_IsLoggable(udp->logger, MetisLoggerFacility_IO, PARCLogLevel_Debug)) { char *str = cpiAddress_ToString(udp->localAddress); metisLogger_Log(udp->logger, MetisLoggerFacility_IO, PARCLogLevel_Debug, __func__, "UdpListener %p created for address %s", (void *) udp, str); parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &str); } } else { if (metisLogger_IsLoggable(udp->logger, MetisLoggerFacility_IO, PARCLogLevel_Error)) { int myerrno = errno; char *str = cpiAddress_ToString(udp->localAddress); metisLogger_Log(udp->logger, MetisLoggerFacility_IO, PARCLogLevel_Error, __func__, "Error binding UDP socket to address %s: (%d) %s", str, myerrno, strerror(myerrno)); parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &str); } close(udp->udp_socket); cpiAddress_Destroy(&udp->localAddress); metisLogger_Release(&udp->logger); parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &udp); } return ops; } static void metisUdpListener_Destroy(MetisUdpListener **listenerPtr) { assertNotNull(listenerPtr, "Parameter must be non-null double pointer"); assertNotNull(*listenerPtr, "Parameter must derefernce to non-null pointer"); MetisUdpListener *udp = *listenerPtr; if (metisLogger_IsLoggable(udp->logger, MetisLoggerFacility_IO, PARCLogLevel_Debug)) { metisLogger_Log(udp->logger, MetisLoggerFacility_IO, PARCLogLevel_Debug, __func__, "UdpListener %p destroyed", (void *) udp); } close(udp->udp_socket); cpiAddress_Destroy(&udp->localAddress); metisDispatcher_DestroyNetworkEvent(metisForwarder_GetDispatcher(udp->metis), &udp->udp_event); metisLogger_Release(&udp->logger); parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &udp); *listenerPtr = NULL; } static void _destroy(MetisListenerOps **listenerOpsPtr) { MetisListenerOps *ops = *listenerOpsPtr; MetisUdpListener *udp = (MetisUdpListener *) ops->context; metisUdpListener_Destroy(&udp); parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &ops); *listenerOpsPtr = NULL; } static unsigned _getInterfaceIndex(const MetisListenerOps *ops) { MetisUdpListener *udp = (MetisUdpListener *) ops->context; return udp->id; } static const CPIAddress * _getListenAddress(const MetisListenerOps *ops) { MetisUdpListener *udp = (MetisUdpListener *) ops->context; return udp->localAddress; } static MetisEncapType _getEncapType(const MetisListenerOps *ops) { return METIS_ENCAP_UDP; } static int _getSocket(const MetisListenerOps *ops) { MetisUdpListener *udp = (MetisUdpListener *) ops->context; return (int) udp->udp_socket; } static void _logStats(MetisUdpListener *udp, PARCLogLevel level) { if (metisLogger_IsLoggable(udp->logger, MetisLoggerFacility_IO, level)) { metisLogger_Log(udp->logger, MetisLoggerFacility_IO, level, __func__, "UdpListener %p frames in %" PRIu64 ", errors %" PRIu64 " ok %" PRIu64, (void *) udp, udp->stats.framesIn, udp->stats.framesError, udp->stats.framesReceived); } } // ===================================================================== static void _receiveProbeMessage(MetisUdpListener *udp, int fd, uint8_t *pkt, struct sockaddr *peerIpAddress, socklen_t peerIpAddressLength); /** * @function peekMesageLength * @abstract Peek at the next packet to learn its length by reading the fixed header * @discussion * <#Discussion#> * * @param <#param1#> * @return <#return#> */ static size_t _peekMessageLength(MetisUdpListener *udp, int fd, struct sockaddr *peerIpAddress, socklen_t *peerIpAddressLengthPtr) { size_t packetLength = 0; uint8_t fixedHeader[metisTlv_FixedHeaderLength()]; // peek at the UDP packet and read in the fixed header. // Also returns the socket information for the remote peer uint8_t wldr_flag[1]; ssize_t checkWldrHeader = recvfrom(fd, wldr_flag, 1, MSG_PEEK, (struct sockaddr *) peerIpAddress, peerIpAddressLengthPtr); if (checkWldrHeader == -1) { return -1; } ssize_t readLength; if (wldr_flag[0] == WLDR_HEADER) { //the message contains wldr header uint8_t tmp[metisTlv_FixedHeaderLength() + WLDR_HEADER_SIZE]; readLength = recvfrom(fd, tmp, metisTlv_FixedHeaderLength() + WLDR_HEADER_SIZE, MSG_PEEK, (struct sockaddr *) peerIpAddress, peerIpAddressLengthPtr); if (readLength == (metisTlv_FixedHeaderLength() + WLDR_HEADER_SIZE)) { for (int i = 6; i < metisTlv_FixedHeaderLength() + WLDR_HEADER_SIZE; ++i) { fixedHeader[i - WLDR_HEADER_SIZE] = tmp[i]; } readLength = metisTlv_FixedHeaderLength(); } else { readLength = 0; } } else { readLength = recvfrom(fd, fixedHeader, metisTlv_FixedHeaderLength(), MSG_PEEK, (struct sockaddr *) peerIpAddress, peerIpAddressLengthPtr); } if (readLength == -1) { return -1; } if (readLength == metisTlv_FixedHeaderLength()) { packetLength = metisTlv_TotalPacketLength(fixedHeader); if (packetLength == 0) { uint8_t *pkt; pkt = (uint8_t *) malloc(sizeof(uint8_t) * metisTlv_FixedHeaderLength()); for (unsigned i = 0; i < metisTlv_FixedHeaderLength(); i++) { pkt[i] = fixedHeader[i]; } _receiveProbeMessage(udp, fd, pkt, peerIpAddress, *peerIpAddressLengthPtr); free(pkt); } } else { if (metisLogger_IsLoggable(udp->logger, MetisLoggerFacility_IO, PARCLogLevel_Warning)) { metisLogger_Log(udp->logger, MetisLoggerFacility_IO, PARCLogLevel_Warning, __func__, "read %zu bytes from fd %d, wrong size for a FixedHeader", readLength, fd); } if (readLength < 0) { if (metisLogger_IsLoggable(udp->logger, MetisLoggerFacility_IO, PARCLogLevel_Error)) { metisLogger_Log(udp->logger, MetisLoggerFacility_IO, PARCLogLevel_Error, __func__, "Error reading fd %d: (%d) %s", fd, errno, strerror(errno)); } } } if (wldr_flag[0] == WLDR_HEADER) { return packetLength + WLDR_HEADER_SIZE; } else { return packetLength; } } static MetisMessage * _readMessage(MetisForwarder *metis, unsigned connid, int fd, size_t packetLength) { PARCEventBuffer *readbuffer = parcEventBuffer_Create(); int readLength = parcEventBuffer_ReadFromFileDescriptor(readbuffer, fd, packetLength); MetisMessage *message = NULL; if (readLength == packetLength) { message = metisMessage_CreateFromBuffer(connid, metisForwarder_GetTicks(metis), readbuffer, metisForwarder_GetLogger(metis)); // because metisMessage_CreateFromBuffer takes ownership of readbuffer, if there is // an error and it returns null, metisMessage_CreateFromBuffer will destroy the readbuffer. } else { parcEventBuffer_Destroy(&readbuffer); if (metisLogger_IsLoggable(metisForwarder_GetLogger(metis), MetisLoggerFacility_IO, PARCLogLevel_Warning)) { metisLogger_Log(metisForwarder_GetLogger(metis), MetisLoggerFacility_IO, PARCLogLevel_Warning, __func__, "read %d bytes from fd %d, expected %zu", readLength, fd, packetLength); } if (readLength < 0) { if (metisLogger_IsLoggable(metisForwarder_GetLogger(metis), MetisLoggerFacility_IO, PARCLogLevel_Error)) { metisLogger_Log(metisForwarder_GetLogger(metis), MetisLoggerFacility_IO, PARCLogLevel_Error, __func__, "Error reading fd %d: (%d) %s", fd, errno, strerror(errno)); } } } return message; } /** * @function _constructAddressPair * @abstract Creates the address pair that uniquely identifies the connection * @discussion * The peerIpAddress must be of AF_INET or AF_INET6 family. * * @param <#param1#> * @return Allocated MetisAddressPair, must be destroyed */ static MetisAddressPair * _constructAddressPair(MetisUdpListener *udp, struct sockaddr *peerIpAddress, socklen_t peerIpAddressLength) { CPIAddress *remoteAddress; switch (peerIpAddress->sa_family) { case AF_INET: remoteAddress = cpiAddress_CreateFromInet((struct sockaddr_in *) peerIpAddress); break; case AF_INET6: remoteAddress = cpiAddress_CreateFromInet6((struct sockaddr_in6 *) peerIpAddress); break; default: trapIllegalValue(peerIpAddress, "Peer address unrecognized family for IP: %d", peerIpAddress->sa_family); } MetisAddressPair *pair = metisAddressPair_Create(udp->localAddress, remoteAddress); cpiAddress_Destroy(&remoteAddress); return pair; } /** * @function _lookupConnectionId * @abstract Lookup a connection in the connection table * @discussion * Looks up the connection in the connection table and returns the connection id if it exists. * * @param outputConnectionIdPtr is the output parameter * @return true if connection found and outputConnectionIdPtr set */ static bool _lookupConnectionId(MetisUdpListener *udp, MetisAddressPair *pair, unsigned *outputConnectionIdPtr) { MetisConnectionTable *connTable = metisForwarder_GetConnectionTable(udp->metis); const MetisConnection *conn = metisConnectionTable_FindByAddressPair(connTable, pair); if (conn) { *outputConnectionIdPtr = metisConnection_GetConnectionId(conn); return true; } return false; } /** * @function _createNewConnection * @abstract Creates a new Metis connection for the peer * @discussion * PRECONDITION: you know there's not an existing connection with the address pair * * Creates a new connection and adds it to the connection table. * * @param <#param1#> * @return The connection id for the new connection */ static unsigned _createNewConnection(MetisUdpListener * udp, int fd, const MetisAddressPair * pair) { bool isLocal = false; // metisUdpConnection_Create takes ownership of the pair MetisIoOperations * ops = metisUdpConnection_Create(udp->metis, fd, pair, isLocal); MetisConnection * conn = metisConnection_Create(ops); metisConnectionTable_Add(metisForwarder_GetConnectionTable(udp->metis), conn); unsigned connid = metisIoOperations_GetConnectionId(ops); return connid; } static void _receivePacket(MetisUdpListener *udp, int fd, size_t packetLength, struct sockaddr_storage *peerIpAddress, socklen_t peerIpAddressLength) { unsigned connid = 0; MetisAddressPair *pair = _constructAddressPair(udp, (struct sockaddr *) peerIpAddress, peerIpAddressLength); bool foundConnection = _lookupConnectionId(udp, pair, &connid); if (!foundConnection) { //PARCEventBuffer *readbuffer = parcEventBuffer_Create(); //parcEventBuffer_ReadFromFileDescriptor(readbuffer, fd, packetLength); //parcEventBuffer_Destroy(&readbuffer); //metisAddressPair_Release(&pair); //return; connid = _createNewConnection(udp, fd, pair); } metisAddressPair_Release(&pair); MetisMessage *message = _readMessage(udp->metis, connid, fd, packetLength); if (message) { udp->stats.framesReceived++; if (metisLogger_IsLoggable(udp->logger, MetisLoggerFacility_IO, PARCLogLevel_Debug)) { metisLogger_Log(udp->logger, MetisLoggerFacility_IO, PARCLogLevel_Debug, __func__, "read %zu bytes from fd %d sa %s:%d connid %d", metisMessage_Length(message), fd, inet_ntoa(((struct sockaddr_in *) peerIpAddress)->sin_addr), ntohs(((struct sockaddr_in *) peerIpAddress)->sin_port), connid); } _logStats(udp, PARCLogLevel_Debug); metisForwarder_Receive(udp->metis, message); } else { udp->stats.framesError++; if (metisLogger_IsLoggable(udp->logger, MetisLoggerFacility_IO, PARCLogLevel_Warning)) { metisLogger_Log(udp->logger, MetisLoggerFacility_IO, PARCLogLevel_Warning, __func__, "Could not parse frame from fd %d, discarding", fd); } _logStats(udp, PARCLogLevel_Warning); } } static void _readFrameToDiscard(MetisUdpListener *udp, int fd) { // we need to discard the frame. Read 1 byte. This will clear it off the stack. uint8_t buffer; ssize_t nread = read(fd, &buffer, 1); udp->stats.framesError++; if (nread == 1) { if (metisLogger_IsLoggable(udp->logger, MetisLoggerFacility_IO, PARCLogLevel_Debug)) { metisLogger_Log(udp->logger, MetisLoggerFacility_IO, PARCLogLevel_Debug, __func__, "Discarded frame from fd %d", fd); } _logStats(udp, PARCLogLevel_Debug); } else if (nread < 0) { if (metisLogger_IsLoggable(udp->logger, MetisLoggerFacility_IO, PARCLogLevel_Error)) { metisLogger_Log(udp->logger, MetisLoggerFacility_IO, PARCLogLevel_Error, __func__, "Error trying to discard frame from fd %d: (%d) %s", fd, errno, strerror(errno)); } _logStats(udp, PARCLogLevel_Error); } } static void _receiveProbeMessage(MetisUdpListener *udp, int fd, uint8_t *pkt, struct sockaddr *peerIpAddress, socklen_t peerIpAddressLength) { MetisAddressPair *pair = _constructAddressPair(udp, peerIpAddress, peerIpAddressLength); MetisConnectionTable *connTable = metisForwarder_GetConnectionTable(udp->metis); const MetisConnection *conn = metisConnectionTable_FindByAddressPair(connTable, pair); if (conn == NULL) { metisAddressPair_Release(&pair); return; //we discard probes coming from connections that we don't know. this should never happen. } metisAddressPair_Release(&pair); //handle the probe. metisConnection_HandleProbe((MetisConnection *) conn, pkt, metisForwarder_GetTicks(udp->metis)); } static void _readcb(int fd, PARCEventType what, void *udpVoid) { MetisUdpListener *udp = (MetisUdpListener *) udpVoid; if (metisLogger_IsLoggable(udp->logger, MetisLoggerFacility_IO, PARCLogLevel_Debug)) { metisLogger_Log(udp->logger, MetisLoggerFacility_IO, PARCLogLevel_Debug, __func__, "%s socket %d what %s%s%s%s data %p", __func__, fd, (what & PARCEventType_Timeout) ? " timeout" : "", (what & PARCEventType_Read) ? " read" : "", (what & PARCEventType_Write) ? " write" : "", (what & PARCEventType_Signal) ? " signal" : "", udpVoid); } if (what & PARCEventType_Read) { udp->stats.framesIn++; struct sockaddr_storage peerIpAddress; socklen_t peerIpAddressLength = sizeof(peerIpAddress); size_t packetLength = _peekMessageLength(udp, fd, (struct sockaddr *) &peerIpAddress, &peerIpAddressLength); if (packetLength > 0) { _receivePacket(udp, fd, packetLength, &peerIpAddress, peerIpAddressLength); } else { _readFrameToDiscard(udp, fd); } } }