csit/resources/libraries/python/VppApiCrc.py, branch oper-241202 Integration tests http://git.fd.io/csit/atom?h=oper-241202 2023-08-17T12:53:26+00:00 feat(swasync): switch to polling mode 2023-08-17T12:53:26+00:00 Vratko Polak vrpolak@cisco.com 2023-08-17T12:53:26+00:00 urn:sha1:38c04b2566c3ecf2109611628783dd1c8a1be99a Performance of adaptive mode is bad (different bug), keep continuity of ipsec swasync tests (when VPP allows). As 23.06-release does not have the new API message, the new CSIT code needs to be more careful around CRC checking. + Add new crc collection with the new API call used. + Also keep the old collection so older VPP does not fail. + Document how papi executor works with VPP without a message. + Prevent CRC checker from raising bodus errors with old VPP. Change-Id: I9ff933a8a9558289d22d55526905d63e7894378c Signed-off-by: Vratko Polak <vrpolak@cisco.com> feat(crc): print warnings in crc checker script 2023-07-17T10:47:30+00:00 Vratko Polak vrpolak@cisco.com 2023-07-17T10:47:30+00:00 urn:sha1:c1ddda9b19f448c6c38ad3705f50b6fffe9cb80e Robot already prints warnings when running tests, but not many people are looking at robot console output. This makes the warnings visible also in VPP API CRC job console log. Change-Id: I9044a2970f46e132ec80ae0faa2e0adacc889447 Signed-off-by: Vratko Polak <vrpolak@cisco.com> Line length: Fix recent merges 2021-06-16T13:29:14+00:00 Vratko Polak vrpolak@cisco.com 2021-06-15T12:35:41+00:00 urn:sha1:6da5a6920171682bd5bf6a77517bedfef91cbd0e Not fixing .rst, .md, .yaml, conf.py, .vat, and so on. Change-Id: Icc585d6dbebc8eb5c483b10326302571e94c614d Signed-off-by: Vratko Polak <vrpolak@cisco.com> FIX: Pylint reduce 2021-06-10T11:05:48+00:00 pmikus pmikus@cisco.com 2021-06-10T08:02:29+00:00 urn:sha1:7829fea4a2c8936513fa95215b7d84997f814a69 Signed-off-by: pmikus <pmikus@cisco.com> Change-Id: I909942dbb920df7f0fe15c0c92cda92c3cd8d8ad API options: Fix case when no options are present 2021-03-16T00:46:49+00:00 Vratko Polak vrpolak@cisco.com 2021-03-15T09:02:45+00:00 urn:sha1:1d84dc8e8f916bb0854e80e60bad1006d8d7be25 In that case we want to pass by returning an empty dict, as docstring already describes. Before this, the code failed when checking for included version. Change-Id: Ia0d6b81a64ad0e7027ac7daf15c72ace1f6982ce Signed-off-by: Vratko Polak <vrpolak@cisco.com> API: Track options and version 2021-03-09T13:22:34+00:00 Vratko Polak vrpolak@cisco.com 2021-03-09T13:22:34+00:00 urn:sha1:d76d99af81585c10e778d761d862fca77a94bc35 If options are not present in .api.json file (e.g. old PVP build), use an empty dict. If a message is used in CSIT, check its options. Tolerate vat_help, but print warning for others. This aims to discover in-progress and obsolete APIs. If .api.json version is not detected, or starts with "0.", add a "version" item to options, so they get reported. Change-Id: Ic5a9423157728a58f7ad306c7bd9eaef3bd92488 Signed-off-by: Vratko Polak <vrpolak@cisco.com> Autogen: Generate also NIC drivers. 2020-01-10T15:08:42+00:00 Vratko Polak vrpolak@cisco.com 2020-01-03T15:01:30+00:00 urn:sha1:b55e324d526e5b05baef015c3614b9743c955992 + Disallowed -avf- (or -rdma-) as "template" suites. + GBP suite switched to DPDK driver in repo. + Each NIC has its own list of supported drivers, in Constants. + Updated tag expressions for daily jobs: + Feature, ipsec, memif, scale, srv6, tunnels, vhost and vts are tested only with vfio-pci. + Other (base, dot1q, dot1ad) tested with all drivers. + Setup actions currently depend on driver, generated. - The performance_rdma action is trivial for now. - Several tests fail, to be fixed later, e.g. by performance_rdma. + Reconf tests are also supported. + Added DRV_VFIO_PCI tags missing, mainly in density tests. - Vhost suites (density, reconf) are failing, but suites look good. - TCP suites do not support NIC drivers yet. - DPDK obviously not supported. + Use Python 3 in regenerate scripts. + Fix typos binded => bound. + File open modes set either u"rt" or u"wt" everywhere. + Remove a trailing space in an environment variable name. Change-Id: I290470675dc5c9e88b2eaa5ab6285ecd9ed7827a Signed-off-by: Vratko Polak <vrpolak@cisco.com> Python3: resources and libraries 2019-11-28T17:26:21+00:00 Jan Gelety jgelety@cisco.com 2019-11-12T04:27:43+00:00 urn:sha1:d68951ac245150eeefa6e0f4156e4c1b5c9e9325 Change-Id: I1392c06b1d64f62b141d24c0d42a8e36913b15e2 Signed-off-by: Jan Gelety <jgelety@cisco.com> CRCs: Update comments and improve CSIT checks. 2019-10-21T12:58:16+00:00 Vratko Polak vrpolak@cisco.com 2019-10-21T12:58:16+00:00 urn:sha1:23b5bfe679371df276db4713f6089655b0e9bc56 + Restore alphabetic order in yaml. + Mark the lisp messages verified to be covered by dev instead of virl. + Mark the GBP messages verified by devicetest now. + Mark acl_add_replace as dev and create_subif as perf. + Mark ip_probe_neighbor as unused L1. + Improve loadbalancer comments. - Nat4 testcase is described, even if not merged yet. + Forget reported CRC after initial dir report, and report them again (once) in test cases (if hit). With this, single run (with fail on crc off) gives full info. + Small improvements to CRC library docstrings and messages. Change-Id: Ic1cfad45e10d437be827af2a89eac49e25267b59 Signed-off-by: Vratko Polak <vrpolak@cisco.com> CRC checker: Sort and indent dict output 2019-09-13T08:31:40+00:00 Vratko Polak vrpolak@cisco.com 2019-09-12T13:45:31+00:00 urn:sha1:8be5c3483fffdc62550f74acf8ccba2123547bb5 Also, use double quotes, so the dict is shown not only as a valid Python code, but also a valid JSON. This should make it easier to handle big CRC changes such as: https://logs.fd.io/production/vex-yul-rot-jenkins-1 /vpp-csit-verify-api-crc-master/646/console.log.gz + Log indented message about CRC conflict to console even on failure, as in the exception, endlines are escaped. Change-Id: If4fe3003f612d4b0c156004a0aa2dab088e50723 Signed-off-by: Vratko Polak <vrpolak@cisco.com>
This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.
<feed xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom">
<title>csit/resources/libraries/python/VppApiCrc.py, branch oper-241202</title>
<subtitle>Integration tests</subtitle>
<link rel="self" href="http://git.fd.io/csit/atom?h=oper-241202"/>
<link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="http://git.fd.io/csit/"/>
<title>feat(swasync): switch to polling mode</title>
<name>Vratko Polak</name>
<link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="http://git.fd.io/csit/commit/?id=38c04b2566c3ecf2109611628783dd1c8a1be99a"/>
<content type="text"> Performance of adaptive mode is bad (different bug), keep continuity of ipsec swasync tests (when VPP allows). As 23.06-release does not have the new API message, the new CSIT code needs to be more careful around CRC checking. + Add new crc collection with the new API call used. + Also keep the old collection so older VPP does not fail. + Document how papi executor works with VPP without a message. + Prevent CRC checker from raising bodus errors with old VPP. Change-Id: I9ff933a8a9558289d22d55526905d63e7894378c Signed-off-by: Vratko Polak <vrpolak@cisco.com> </content>
<title>feat(crc): print warnings in crc checker script</title>
<name>Vratko Polak</name>
<link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="http://git.fd.io/csit/commit/?id=c1ddda9b19f448c6c38ad3705f50b6fffe9cb80e"/>
<content type="text"> Robot already prints warnings when running tests, but not many people are looking at robot console output. This makes the warnings visible also in VPP API CRC job console log. Change-Id: I9044a2970f46e132ec80ae0faa2e0adacc889447 Signed-off-by: Vratko Polak <vrpolak@cisco.com> </content>
<title>Line length: Fix recent merges</title>
<name>Vratko Polak</name>
<link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="http://git.fd.io/csit/commit/?id=6da5a6920171682bd5bf6a77517bedfef91cbd0e"/>
<content type="text"> Not fixing .rst, .md, .yaml, conf.py, .vat, and so on. Change-Id: Icc585d6dbebc8eb5c483b10326302571e94c614d Signed-off-by: Vratko Polak <vrpolak@cisco.com> </content>
<title>FIX: Pylint reduce</title>
<link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="http://git.fd.io/csit/commit/?id=7829fea4a2c8936513fa95215b7d84997f814a69"/>
<content type="text"> Signed-off-by: pmikus <pmikus@cisco.com> Change-Id: I909942dbb920df7f0fe15c0c92cda92c3cd8d8ad </content>
<title>API options: Fix case when no options are present</title>
<name>Vratko Polak</name>
<link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="http://git.fd.io/csit/commit/?id=1d84dc8e8f916bb0854e80e60bad1006d8d7be25"/>
<content type="text"> In that case we want to pass by returning an empty dict, as docstring already describes. Before this, the code failed when checking for included version. Change-Id: Ia0d6b81a64ad0e7027ac7daf15c72ace1f6982ce Signed-off-by: Vratko Polak <vrpolak@cisco.com> </content>
<title>API: Track options and version</title>
<name>Vratko Polak</name>
<link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="http://git.fd.io/csit/commit/?id=d76d99af81585c10e778d761d862fca77a94bc35"/>
<content type="text"> If options are not present in .api.json file (e.g. old PVP build), use an empty dict. If a message is used in CSIT, check its options. Tolerate vat_help, but print warning for others. This aims to discover in-progress and obsolete APIs. If .api.json version is not detected, or starts with "0.", add a "version" item to options, so they get reported. Change-Id: Ic5a9423157728a58f7ad306c7bd9eaef3bd92488 Signed-off-by: Vratko Polak <vrpolak@cisco.com> </content>
<title>Autogen: Generate also NIC drivers.</title>
<name>Vratko Polak</name>
<link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="http://git.fd.io/csit/commit/?id=b55e324d526e5b05baef015c3614b9743c955992"/>
<content type="text"> + Disallowed -avf- (or -rdma-) as "template" suites. + GBP suite switched to DPDK driver in repo. + Each NIC has its own list of supported drivers, in Constants. + Updated tag expressions for daily jobs: + Feature, ipsec, memif, scale, srv6, tunnels, vhost and vts are tested only with vfio-pci. + Other (base, dot1q, dot1ad) tested with all drivers. + Setup actions currently depend on driver, generated. - The performance_rdma action is trivial for now. - Several tests fail, to be fixed later, e.g. by performance_rdma. + Reconf tests are also supported. + Added DRV_VFIO_PCI tags missing, mainly in density tests. - Vhost suites (density, reconf) are failing, but suites look good. - TCP suites do not support NIC drivers yet. - DPDK obviously not supported. + Use Python 3 in regenerate scripts. + Fix typos binded => bound. + File open modes set either u"rt" or u"wt" everywhere. + Remove a trailing space in an environment variable name. Change-Id: I290470675dc5c9e88b2eaa5ab6285ecd9ed7827a Signed-off-by: Vratko Polak <vrpolak@cisco.com> </content>
<title>Python3: resources and libraries</title>
<name>Jan Gelety</name>
<link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="http://git.fd.io/csit/commit/?id=d68951ac245150eeefa6e0f4156e4c1b5c9e9325"/>
<content type="text"> Change-Id: I1392c06b1d64f62b141d24c0d42a8e36913b15e2 Signed-off-by: Jan Gelety <jgelety@cisco.com> </content>
<title>CRCs: Update comments and improve CSIT checks.</title>
<name>Vratko Polak</name>
<link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="http://git.fd.io/csit/commit/?id=23b5bfe679371df276db4713f6089655b0e9bc56"/>
<content type="text"> + Restore alphabetic order in yaml. + Mark the lisp messages verified to be covered by dev instead of virl. + Mark the GBP messages verified by devicetest now. + Mark acl_add_replace as dev and create_subif as perf. + Mark ip_probe_neighbor as unused L1. + Improve loadbalancer comments. - Nat4 testcase is described, even if not merged yet. + Forget reported CRC after initial dir report, and report them again (once) in test cases (if hit). With this, single run (with fail on crc off) gives full info. + Small improvements to CRC library docstrings and messages. Change-Id: Ic1cfad45e10d437be827af2a89eac49e25267b59 Signed-off-by: Vratko Polak <vrpolak@cisco.com> </content>
<title>CRC checker: Sort and indent dict output</title>
<name>Vratko Polak</name>
<link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="http://git.fd.io/csit/commit/?id=8be5c3483fffdc62550f74acf8ccba2123547bb5"/>
<content type="text"> Also, use double quotes, so the dict is shown not only as a valid Python code, but also a valid JSON. This should make it easier to handle big CRC changes such as: https://logs.fd.io/production/vex-yul-rot-jenkins-1 /vpp-csit-verify-api-crc-master/646/console.log.gz + Log indented message about CRC conflict to console even on failure, as in the exception, endlines are escaped. Change-Id: If4fe3003f612d4b0c156004a0aa2dab088e50723 Signed-off-by: Vratko Polak <vrpolak@cisco.com> </content>