# Automated Building Of FD.io CI Executor Docker Images This collection of bash scripts and libraries is used to automate the process of building FD.io docker 'builder' images (aka Nomad executors). The goal is to create a completely automated CI/CD pipeline. The bash code is designed to be run in a regular Linux bash shell in order to bootstrap the CI/CD pipeline as well as in a docker 'builder' image started by a ci-management jenkins job. The Dockerfile is generated prior to executing 'docker build' based on the os parameter specified. The project git repos are also copied into the docker container and retained for optimization of git object retrieval by the Jenkins jobs running the CI/CD tasks. ## Image Builder Algorithm The general algorithm to automate the generation of the docker images such that the downloadable requirements for each project are pre-installed or cached in the executor image is as follows: 1. Run the docker image builder on a host of the target architecture. Bootstrap images will be built 'by hand' on target hosts until such a time when the CI is capable of executing the docker image builder scripts inside docker images running on Nomad instances via jenkins jobs. 2. For each OS package manager, there is a bash function which generates the Dockerfile for the specified OS which uses said package manager. For example, lib_apt.sh contains 'generate_apt_dockerfile()' which is executed for Ubuntu and debian OS's. 3. The Dockerfiles contain the following sections: - a. Environment setup and copying of project workspace git repos - b. Installation of OS package pre-requisites - c. Docker install and project requirements installation (more on this below) - d. Working environment setup - e. Build cleanup 4. The Project installation section (c.) above is where all of the packages for each of the supported project branches are installed or cached to save time and bandwidth when the CI jobs are run. Each project script defines the branches supported for each OS and iterates over them from oldest to newest using the dependency and requirements files or build targets in each supported project branch. 5. `docker build` is run on the generated Dockerfile. ## Bash Libraries (lib_*.sh) The bash libraries are designed to be sourced both inside of the docker build environment (e.g. from a script invoked in a Dockerfile RUN statement) as well as in a normal Linux shell. These scripts create environment variables and bash functions for use by the operational scripts. - `lib_apt.sh`: Dockerfile generation functions for apt package manager. - `lib_common.sh`: Common utility functions and environment variables - `lib_csit.sh`: CSIT specific functions and environment variables - `lib_vpp.sh`: VPP specific functions and environment variables ## Bash Scripts There are two types of bash scripts, those intended to be run solely inside the docker build execution environment, the other run either inside or outside of it. ### Docker Build (dbld_*.sh) Scripts These scripts run inside the 'docker build' environment are either per-project scripts that install OS and python packages or scripts that install other docker image runtime requirements. Python packages are not retained because they are typically installed in virtual environments. However installing the python packages in the Docker Build scripts populates the pip/http caches. Therefore packages are installed from the cache files during CI job execution instead of being downloaded from the Internet. - `dbld_csit_find_ansible_packages.sh`: Script to find OS packages installed by CSIT using ansible. - `dbld_csit_install_packages.sh`: Install OS and python packages for CSIT branches - `dbld_dump_build_logs.sh`: Find warnings/errors in the build logs and dump the build_executor_docker_image.sh execution log. - `dbld_install_docker.sh`: Install docker ce - `dbld_lfit_requirements.sh`: Install requirements for LFIT global-jjb macros / scripts - `dbld_vpp_install_packages.sh`: Install OS and python packages for VPP branches ### Executor Docker Image Management Bash Scripts These scripts are used to build executor docker images, inspect the results, and manage the docker image tags in the Docker Hub fdiotools repositories. - `build_executor_docker_image.sh`: Build script to create one or more executor docker images. - `update_dockerhub_prod_tags.sh`: Inspect/promote/revert production docker tag in the Docker Hub fdiotools repositories. ## Running The Scripts ### Bootstrapping The Builder Images The following commands are useful to build the initial builder images: `cd ` `sudo ./docker/scripts/build_executor_docker_image.sh ubuntu-20.04 2>&1 | tee u2004-$(uname -m).log | grep -ve '^+'` `sudo ./docker/scripts/build_executor_docker_image.sh -apr sandbox 2>&1 | tee all-sandbox-$(uname -m).log | grep -ve '^+'` Note: The initial population of a Docker Hub repository is performed manually by tagging and pushing the verified sandbox image as 'prod-' and 'prod-prev-' as the update_dockerhub_prod_tags.sh script assumes that both labels exist in the repo. After the intial images have been pushed to the Docker Hub respository, the update script is used to prevent inadvertently applying the wrong tags to images in the repository. ### Building in a Builder Image By running the docker image with docker socket mounted in the container, the docker build environment runs on the host's docker daemon. This avoids the pitfalls encountered with Docker-In-Docker environments: `sudo docker run -it -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock ` The environment in the docker shell contains all of the necessary environment variable definitions so the docker scripts can be run directly on the cli. Here is an example command that would be used in a CI job which automates the generation and testing of a new ubuntu-20.04 docker image and push it to Docker Hub fdiotools/builder-ubuntu2004:test-: `build_executor_docker_image.sh -pr test ubuntu-20.04` In the future, a fully automated CI/CD pipeline may be created for production docker images. # Docker Image Script Workflow This section describes the current workflow used for managing the CI/CD pipeline for the Docker Images used by the FD.io CI Jobs. Note: all operations that push images or image tags to Docker Hub require an account with management privileges of the fdiotools repositories. ## Update Production Docker Images Note: Presently only the 'builder' class executor docker images are supported. The others will be supported in the near future. ### Build Docker Images and Push to Docker Hub with Sandbox CI Tag For each hardware architecture, the build_executor_docker_image.sh script is used to build all variants of the each executor class: 1. `git clone https://gerrit.fd.io/r/ci-management && cd ci-management` 2. `sudo ./docker/scripts/build_executor_docker_image.sh -p -r sandbox -a | tee builder-all-sandbox-$(uname -m).log | grep -ve '^+'`` 3. `Inspect the build log for Errors and other build anomalies` This step will take a very long time so best to do it overnight. There is not currently an option to automatically run builds in parallel, so if optimizing build times is important, then run the jobs in separate shells for each OS. The aarch64 builds are particularly slow, thus may benefit from being run on separate hosts in parallel. Note: the 'prod' role is disallowed in the build script to prevent accidental deployment of untested docker images to production. ### Test Docker Images in the Jenkins Sandbox In the future, this step will be automated using the role 'test' and associated tags, but for now testing is a manual operation. 1. `git clone https://gerrit.fd.io/r/vpp ../vpp && source ../vpp/extras/bash/functions.sh` 2. Edit jjb/vpp/vpp.yam (or other project yaml file) and replace '-prod-' with '-sandbox-' for all of the docker image 3. `jjb-sandbox-env` # This bash function currently lives in ../vpp/extras/bash/functions.sh - TODO: move it to ci-management repo. 4. For each job using one of the docker images: a. `jjsb-update ` # bash function created by jjb-sandbox-env to push job to the sandbox b. manually run the job in https://jenkins.fd.io/sandbox c. Inspect the console output of each job for unnecessary downloads & errors. ### Promote Docker Images to Production Once all of the docker images have been tested, promote each one to production: `sudo ./docker/scripts/update_dockerhub_prod_tags.sh promote ` Note: this script currently requires human acceptance via the terminal to ensure correctness. It pulls all tags from the Docker Hub repos, does an Inspect action (displaying the current state of 'prod' & 'prod-prev' tags) and local Promotion action (i.e. tags local images with 'prod-' and 'prod-prev-') with a required confirmation to continue the promotion by pushing the tags to Docker Hub. If 'no' is specified, it restores the previous local tags so they match the state of Docker Hub and does a new Inspect action for verification. If 'yes' is specified, it prints out the command to use to restore the existing state of the production tags on Docker Hub in case the script is terminated prior to completion. If necessary, the restore command can be repeated multiple times until it completes successfully since it promotes the 'prod-prev-' image, then the 'prod-' image in succession. ## Other Docker Hub Operations ### Inspect Production Docker Image Tags Inspect the current production docker image tags: `sudo ./docker/scripts/update_dockerhub_prod_tags.sh inspect fdiotools/-:prod-$(uname -m)` ### Revert Production Docker Image To Previous Docker Image Inspect the current production docker image tags: `sudo ./docker/scripts/update_dockerhub_prod_tags.sh revert fdiotools/-:prod-$(uname -m)` ### Restoring Previous Production Image State Assuming that the images still exist in the Docker Hub repository, any previous state of the production image tags can be restored by executing the 'restore command' as output by the build_executor_docker_image.sh script. This script writes a copy of all of the terminal output to a log file in /tmp/build_executor_docker_image.sh..log thus providing a history of the restore commands. When the building of executor docker images is peformed by a CI job, the logging can be removed since the job execution will be captured in the Jenkins console output log. ### Docker Image Garbage Collection Presently, cleaning up the Docker Hub repositories of old images/tags is a manual process using the Docker Hub WebUI. In the future, a garbage collection script will be written to automate the process. # DockerHub Repository & Docker Image Tag Nomenclature: ## DockerHub Repositories - fdiotools/builder-debian11 - fdiotools/builder-ubuntu2004 - fdiotools/builder-ubuntu2204 - fdiotools/csit_dut-ubuntu2004 - fdiotools/csit_shim-ubuntu2004 ## Docker Image Tags - prod-x86_64: Tag used to select the x86_64 production image by the associated Jenkins-Nomad Label. - prod-prev-x86_64: Tag of the previous x86_64 production image used to revert a production image to the previous image used in production. - prod-aarch64: Tag used to select the aarch64 production image by the associated Jenkins-Nomad Label. - prod-prev-aarch64 Tag of the previous aarch64 production image used to revert a production image to the previous image used in production. - sandbox-x86_64: Tag used to select the x86_64 sandbox image by the associated Jenkins-Nomad Label. - sandbox-aarch64: Tag used to select the aarch64 sandbox image by the associated Jenkins-Nomad Label.