#! /bin/bash # Copyright (c) 2021 Cisco and/or its affiliates. # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at: # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. set -euxo pipefail # Log all output to stdout & stderr to a log file export DOCKER_DATE=${DOCKER_DATE:-"$(date -u +%Y_%m_%d_%H%M%S_UTC)"} logname="/tmp/$(basename $0).${DOCKER_DATE}.log" echo -e "\n*** Logging output to $logname ***\n\n" exec > >(tee -a $logname) 2>&1 export CIMAN_DOCKER_SCRIPTS=${CIMAN_DOCKER_SCRIPTS:-"$(dirname $BASH_SOURCE)"} . "$CIMAN_DOCKER_SCRIPTS/lib_vpp.sh" . "$CIMAN_DOCKER_SCRIPTS/lib_csit.sh" . "$CIMAN_DOCKER_SCRIPTS/lib_apt.sh" . "$CIMAN_DOCKER_SCRIPTS/lib_yum.sh" . "$CIMAN_DOCKER_SCRIPTS/lib_dnf.sh" all_os_names="" ci_tag="" ci_image="" os_names="" push_to_docker_hub="" dump_dockerfile="" usage() { set +x echo echo "Usage: $0 [-c ] [-p] [-r ] -a | [... ]" echo " -a Run all OS's supported on class $EXECUTOR_CLASS & arch $OS_ARCH" echo " -c Default is '$EXECUTOR_DEFAULT_CLASS'" executor_list_classes echo " -d Generate Dockerfile, dump it to stdout, and exit" echo " -p Push docker images to Docker Hub" echo " -r Add a role based tag (e.g. sandbox-x86_64):" executor_list_roles executor_list_os_names exit 1 } must_be_run_as_root_or_docker_group while getopts ":ac:dhpr:" opt; do case "$opt" in a) all_os_names="1" ;; c) if executor_verify_class "$OPTARG" ; then EXECUTOR_CLASS="$OPTARG" EXECUTOR_CLASS_ARCH="$EXECUTOR_CLASS-$OS_ARCH" else echo "ERROR: Invalid executor class '$OPTARG'!" usage fi ;; d) dump_dockerfile="1"; set +x ;; h) usage ;; p) push_to_docker_hub="1" ;; r) if executor_verify_role "$OPTARG" ; then ci_tag="${OPTARG}-$OS_ARCH" else echo "ERROR: Invalid executor role: '$OPTARG'!" usage fi ;; \?) echo "ERROR: Invalid option: -$OPTARG" >&2 usage ;; :) echo "ERROR: Option -$OPTARG requires an argument." >&2 usage ;; esac done shift $(( $OPTIND-1 )) if [ -n "$all_os_names" ] ; then os_names="${EXECUTOR_CLASS_ARCH_OS_NAMES[$EXECUTOR_CLASS_ARCH]}" else os_names="$@" fi # Validate arguments if [ -z "$os_names" ] ; then echo "ERROR: Missing executor OS name(s) for class '$EXECUTOR_CLASS'!" usage fi for executor_os_name in $os_names ; do if ! executor_verify_os_name "$executor_os_name" ; then set_opts="$-" set +x # disable trace output echo "ERROR: Invalid executor OS name for class '$EXECUTOR_CLASS': $executor_os_name!" executor_list_os_names echo exit 1 fi done # Build the specified docker images docker_build_setup_ciman docker_build_setup_vpp docker_build_setup_csit for executor_os_name in $os_names ; do docker_from_image="$(echo $executor_os_name | sed -e 's/-/:/')" # Remove '-' and '.' from executor_os_name in Docker Hub repo name os_name="${executor_os_name//-}" repository="fdiotools/${EXECUTOR_CLASS}-${os_name//.}" executor_docker_image="$repository:$DOCKER_TAG" case "$executor_os_name" in ubuntu*) generate_apt_dockerfile "$EXECUTOR_CLASS" "$executor_os_name" \ "$docker_from_image" "$executor_docker_image" ;; debian*) generate_apt_dockerfile "$EXECUTOR_CLASS" "$executor_os_name" \ "$docker_from_image" "$executor_docker_image" ;; centos-8) generate_dnf_dockerfile "$EXECUTOR_CLASS" "$executor_os_name" \ "$docker_from_image" "$executor_docker_image" ;; *) echo "ERROR: Don't know how to generate dockerfile for OS $executor_os_name!" usage ;; esac if [ -n "$dump_dockerfile" ] ; then line="===========================================================================" echo -e "\nDockerfile for '$EXECUTOR_CLASS' executor docker image on OS '$executor_os_name':\n$line" cat "$DOCKERFILE" echo -e "$line\n" else docker build -t "$executor_docker_image" "$DOCKER_BUILD_DIR" rm -f "$DOCKERFILE" if [ -n "$ci_tag" ] ; then ci_image="$repository:$ci_tag" echo -e "\nAdding docker tag $ci_image to $executor_docker_image" docker tag "$executor_docker_image" "$ci_image" fi if [ -n "$push_to_docker_hub" ] ; then echo -e "\nPushing $executor_docker_image to Docker Hub..." docker login docker push "$executor_docker_image" if [ -n "$ci_image" ] ; then echo -e "\nPushing $ci_image to Docker Hub..." docker push "$ci_image" fi fi fi done echo -e "\n$(basename $BASH_SOURCE) COMPLETE\nHave a great day! :D"