#! /bin/bash # Copyright (c) 2020 Cisco and/or its affiliates. # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at: # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. set -euo pipefail shopt -s extglob # Log all output to stdout & stderr to a log file logname="/tmp/$(basename $0).$(date +%Y_%m_%d_%H%M%S).log" echo -e "\n*** Logging output to $logname ***\n" exec > >(tee -a $logname) 2>&1 export CIMAN_DOCKER_SCRIPTS=${CIMAN_DOCKER_SCRIPTS:-"$(dirname $BASH_SOURCE)"} . $CIMAN_DOCKER_SCRIPTS/lib_common.sh # Global variables long_bar="################################################################" short_bar="-----" image_not_found="" image_user="" image_repo="" image_version="" image_arch="" image_name_prod="" image_name_prev="" image_name_new="" image_realname="" image_realname_prod="" image_realname_prev="" image_tags="" image_tags_prod="" image_tags_prev="" image_tags_new="" docker_id_prod="" docker_id_prev="" docker_id_new="" digest_prod="" digest_prev="" digest_new="" restore_cmd="" usage() { local script="$(basename $0)" echo echo "Usage: $script r[evert] " echo " $script p[romote] []" echo " $script i[nspect] " echo echo " revert: swaps 'prod-' and 'prod-prev-' images" echo " : e.g. fdiotools/builder-ubuntu1804:prod-x86_64" echo echo " promote: moves 'prod-' image to 'prod-prev-' tag and" echo " tags with 'prod-'" echo " : e.g. fdiotools/builder-ubuntu1804:2020_09_23_151655-x86_64" echo " inspect: prints out all tags for prod- and prod-prev-" echo exit 1 } echo_restore_cmd() { echo -e "\n$long_bar\n" echo "To restore tags to original state, issue the following command:" echo -e "\n$restore_cmd\n\n$long_bar\n" } push_to_dockerhub() { echo_restore_cmd for image in "$@" ; do set +e echo "Pushing '$image' to docker hub..." if ! docker push $image ; then echo "ERROR: 'docker push $image' failed!" exit 1 fi done } parse_image_name() { image_user="$(echo $1 | cut -d'/' -f1)" image_repo="$(echo $1 | cut -d'/' -f2 | cut -d':' -f1)" local tag="$(echo $1 | cut -d':' -f2)" image_version="$(echo $tag | cut -d'-' -f1)" image_arch="$(echo $tag | sed -e s/$image_version-//)" image_name_new="${image_user}/${image_repo}:${image_version}-${image_arch}" if [ "$1" != "$image_name_new" ] ; then echo "ERROR: Image name parsing failed: $1 != '$image_name_new'" usage fi if [[ "$image_version" =~ "prod" ]] ; then image_name_new="" fi image_name_prod="${image_user}/${image_repo}:prod-${image_arch}" image_name_prev="${image_user}/${image_repo}:prod-prev-${image_arch}" } format_image_tags() { # Note: 'grep $image_arch' & grep -v 'prod-curr' is required due to a # bug in docker hub which returns old tags which were deleted via # the webUI, but are still retrieved by 'docker pull -a' image_tags="$(docker images | grep $1 | grep $image_arch | grep -v prod-curr | sort -r | mawk '{print $1":"$2}' | tr '\n' ' ')" image_realname="$(docker images | grep $1 | grep $image_arch | sort -r | grep -v prod | mawk '{print $1":"$2}')" } get_image_id_tags() { for image in "$image_name_new" "$image_name_prod" "$image_name_prev" ; do if [ -z "$image" ] ; then continue fi # ensure image exists set +e local image_found="$(docker images | mawk '{print $1":"$2}' | grep $image)" set -e if [ -z "$image_found" ] ; then if [ "$image" = "$image_name_prev" ] ; then if [ "$action" = "revert" ] ; then echo "ERROR: Image '$image' not found!" echo "Unable to revert production image '$image_name_prod'!" usage else continue fi else echo "ERROR: Image '$image' not found!" usage fi fi set +e local id="$(docker image inspect $image | mawk -F':' '/Id/{print $3}')" local digest="$(docker image inspect $image | grep -A1 RepoDigests | grep -v RepoDigests | mawk -F':' '{print $2}')" local retval="$?" set -e if [ "$retval" -ne "0" ] ; then echo "ERROR: Docker ID not found for '$image'!" usage fi if [ "$image" = "$image_name_prod" ] ; then docker_id_prod="${id::12}" digest_prod="${digest::12}" format_image_tags "$docker_id_prod" image_tags_prod="$image_tags" if [ -z "$image_realname_prod" ] ; then image_realname_prod="$image_realname" fi elif [ "$image" = "$image_name_prev" ] ; then docker_id_prev="${id::12}" digest_prev="${digest::12}" format_image_tags "$docker_id_prev" image_tags_prev="$image_tags" if [ -z "$image_realname_prev" ] ; then image_realname_prev="$image_realname" fi else docker_id_new="${id::12}" digest_new="${digest::12}" format_image_tags "$docker_id_new" "NEW" image_tags_new="$image_tags" fi done if [ -z "$restore_cmd" ] ; then restore_cmd="sudo $0 p $image_realname_prev $image_realname_prod" fi } get_all_tags_from_dockerhub() { local dh_repo="$image_user/$image_repo" echo -e "Pulling all tags from docker hub repo '$dh_repo':\n$long_bar" if ! docker pull -a "$dh_repo" ; then echo "ERROR: Repository '$dh_repo' not found on docker hub!" usage fi echo "$long_bar" } verify_image_name() { image_not_found="" # Invalid user if [ "$image_user" != "fdiotools" ] ; then image_not_found="true" echo "ERROR: invalid user '$image_user' in '$image_name_new'!" fi # Invalid version if [ -z "$image_not_found" ] \ && [ "$image_version" != "prod" ] \ && ! [[ "$image_version" =~ \ ^[0-9]{4}_[0-1][0-9]_[0-3][0-9]_[0-2][0-9][0-5][0-9][0-5][0-9]$ ]] then image_not_found="true" echo "ERROR: invalid version '$image_version' in '$image_name_new'!" fi # Invalid arch if [ -z "$image_not_found" ] \ && ! [[ "$EXECUTOR_ARCHS" =~ .*"$image_arch".* ]] ; then image_not_found="true" echo "ERROR: invalid arch '$image_arch' in '$image_name_new'!" fi if [ -n "$image_not_found" ] ; then echo "ERROR: Invalid image '$image_name_new'!" usage fi } docker_tag_image() { echo ">>> docker tag $1 $2" set +e docker tag $1 $2 local retval="$?" set -e if [ "$retval" -ne "0" ] ; then echo "WARNING: 'docker tag $1 $2' failed!" fi } docker_rmi_tag() { set +e echo ">>> docker rmi $1" docker rmi $1 local retval="$?" set -e if [ "$retval" -ne "0" ] ; then echo "WARNING: 'docker rmi $1' failed!" fi } print_image_list() { if [ -z "$2" ] ; then echo "$1 Image Not Found" return fi echo "$1 (Id $2, Digest $3):" for image in $4 ; do echo -e "\t$image" done } inspect_images() { echo -e "\n${1}Production Docker Images:" echo "$short_bar" if [ -n "$image_tags_new" ] ; then print_image_list "NEW" "$docker_id_new" "$digest_new" "$image_tags_new" echo fi print_image_list "prod-$image_arch" "$docker_id_prod" "$digest_prod" \ "$image_tags_prod" echo print_image_list "prod-prev-$image_arch" "$docker_id_prev" "$digest_prev" \ "$image_tags_prev" echo -e "$short_bar\n" } revert_prod_image() { inspect_images "EXISTING " docker_tag_image $docker_id_prod $image_name_prev docker_tag_image $docker_id_prev $image_name_prod get_image_id_tags inspect_images "REVERTED " local yn="" while true; do read -p "Push Reverted tags to '$image_user/$image_repo' (yes/no)? " yn case ${yn:0:1} in y|Y ) break ;; n|N ) echo -e "\nABORTING REVERT!\n" docker_tag_image $docker_id_prev $image_name_prod docker_tag_image $docker_id_prod $image_name_prev get_image_id_tags inspect_images "RESTORED LOCAL " exit 1 ;; * ) echo "Please answer yes or no." ;; esac done echo push_to_dockerhub $image_name_prev $image_name_prod inspect_images "" echo_restore_cmd } promote_new_image() { inspect_images "EXISTING " docker_tag_image $docker_id_prod $image_name_prev docker_tag_image $docker_id_new $image_name_prod get_image_id_tags inspect_images "PROMOTED " local yn="" while true; do read -p "Push promoted tags to '$image_user/$image_repo' (yes/no)? " yn case ${yn:0:1} in y|Y ) break ;; n|N ) echo -e "\nABORTING PROMOTION!\n" docker_tag_image $docker_id_prev $image_name_prod local restore_both="$(echo $restore_cmd | mawk '{print $5}')" if [[ -n "$restore_both" ]] ; then docker_tag_image $image_realname_prev $image_name_prev else docker_rmi_tag $image_name_prev image_name_prev="" docker_id_prev="" fi get_image_id_tags inspect_images "RESTORED " exit 1 ;; * ) echo "Please answer yes or no." ;; esac done echo push_to_dockerhub $image_name_new $image_name_prev $image_name_prod inspect_images "" echo_restore_cmd } must_be_run_as_root # Validate arguments num_args="$#" if [ "$num_args" -lt "1" ] ; then usage fi action="" case "$1" in r?(evert)) action="revert" if [ "$num_args" -ne "2" ] ; then echo "ERROR: Invalid number of arguments: $#" usage fi ;; p?(romote)) if [ "$num_args" -eq "2" ] || [ "$num_args" -eq "3" ] ; then action="promote" else echo "ERROR: Invalid number of arguments: $#" usage fi ;; i?(nspect)) action="inspect" if [ "$num_args" -ne "2" ] ; then echo "ERROR: Invalid number of arguments: $#" usage fi ;; *) echo "ERROR: Invalid option '$1'!" usage ;; esac shift docker login >& /dev/null # Update local tags tags_to_push="" for image in "$@" ; do parse_image_name "$image" verify_image_name "$image" get_all_tags_from_dockerhub get_image_id_tags if [ "$action" = "promote" ] ; then if [ -n "$image_name_new" ] ; then promote_new_image else echo "ERROR: No new image specified to promote!" usage fi elif [ "$action" = "revert" ] ; then if [ "$image_version" = "prod" ] ; then revert_prod_image else echo "ERROR: Non-production image '$image' specified!" usage fi else if [ "$image_version" = "prod" ] ; then inspect_images "" else echo "ERROR: Non-production image '$image' specified!" usage fi fi done