#!/bin/bash set -xeu -o pipefail if [[ ${GERRIT_EVENT_TYPE} == 'comment-added' ]]; then TRIGGER=`echo ${GERRIT_EVENT_COMMENT_TEXT} \ | grep -oE '(perftest$|perftest[[:space:]].+$)'` else TRIGGER='' fi # grep to see where minion is running grep search /etc/resolv.conf || true # Export test tags as string. export TEST_TAG_STRING=${TRIGGER#$"perftest"} # execute csit bootstrap script if it exists if [ ! -e bootstrap-verify-perf.sh ] then echo 'ERROR: No bootstrap-verify-perf.sh found' exit 1 fi # make sure that bootstrap-verify-perf.sh is executable chmod +x bootstrap-verify-perf.sh # run the script ./bootstrap-verify-perf.sh # vim: ts=4 ts=4 sts=4 et :