#!/bin/bash # basic build script example set -xe -o pipefail OS_ID=$(grep '^ID=' /etc/os-release | cut -f2- -d= | sed -e 's/\"//g') OS_VERSION_ID=$(grep '^VERSION_ID=' /etc/os-release | cut -f2- -d= | sed -e 's/\"//g') echo OS_ID: ${OS_ID} echo OS_VERSION_ID: ${OS_VERSION_ID} # do nothing but print the current slave hostname hostname export CCACHE_DIR=/tmp/ccache if [[ -d ${CCACHE_DIR} ]];then echo ${CCACHE_DIR} exists du -sk ${CCACHE_DIR} else echo ${CCACHE_DIR} does not exist. This must be a new slave. fi echo "cat /etc/bootstrap.sha" if [[ -f /etc/bootstrap.sha ]];then cat /etc/bootstrap.sha else echo "Cannot find cat /etc/bootstrap.sha" fi echo "cat /etc/bootstrap-functions.sha" if [[ -f /etc/bootstrap-functions.sha ]];then cat /etc/bootstrap-functions.sha else echo "Cannot find cat /etc/bootstrap-functions.sha" fi echo "sha1sum of this script: ${0}" sha1sum $0 echo "CC=${CC}" echo "Building using \"make package\"" # ensure that we build from scratch ./clean.sh [[ "x${DRYRUN}" == "xTrue" ]] || cd Requirements && make UNATTENDED=yes install-dep && cd .. [[ "x${DRYRUN}" == "xTrue" ]] || pwd if [[ "${OS_ID}" == "centos" ]]; then [[ "x${DRYRUN}" == "xTrue" ]] || cmake3 . else [[ "x${DRYRUN}" == "xTrue" ]] || cmake . fi [[ "x${DRYRUN}" == "xTrue" ]] || make package # This will build deb or rpm JVPP package based on OS. Built packages are located in build-root/packages/ echo "*******************************************************************" echo "* JVPP BUILD SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED" echo "*******************************************************************"