#!/bin/bash # Copyright (c) 2021 Cisco and/or its affiliates. # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at: # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. echo "---> jjb/scripts/backup_upload_archives.sh" PYTHON_SCRIPT="/w/workspace/test-logs/artifact.py" # This script uploads the artifacts to a backup upload location if [ -f "$PYTHON_SCRIPT" ]; then echo "WARNING: $PYTHON_SCRIPT already exists - assume backup archive upload already done" exit 0 fi # TEMPORARY: talk to consul-aware resolver rather than external ones echo "nameserver" >/etc/resolv.conf # the Python code below needs boto3 installed python3 -m pip install boto3 mkdir -p $(dirname "$PYTHON_SCRIPT") cat >$PYTHON_SCRIPT <<'END_OF_PYTHON_SCRIPT' #!/usr/bin/python3 """Storage utilities library.""" import argparse import gzip import os from mimetypes import MimeTypes from boto3 import resource from botocore.client import Config ENDPOINT_URL = u"http://storage.service.consul:9000" AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID = u"storage" AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = u"Storage1234" REGION_NAME = u"yul1" COMPRESS_MIME = ( u"text/html", u"text/xml", u"application/octet-stream" ) def compress(src_fpath): """Compress a single file. :param src_fpath: Input file path. :type src_fpath: str """ with open(src_fpath, u"rb") as orig_file: with gzip.open(src_fpath + ".gz", u"wb") as zipped_file: zipped_file.writelines(orig_file) def upload(storage, bucket, src_fpath, dst_fpath): """Upload single file to destination bucket. :param storage: S3 storage resource. :param bucket: S3 bucket name. :param src_fpath: Input file path. :param dst_fpath: Destination file path on remote storage. :type storage: Object :type bucket: str :type src_fpath: str :type dst_fpath: str """ mime = MimeTypes().guess_type(src_fpath)[0] if not mime: mime = "application/octet-stream" if mime in COMPRESS_MIME and bucket in "logs": compress(src_fpath) src_fpath = src_fpath + ".gz" dst_fpath = dst_fpath + ".gz" extra_args = dict() extra_args['ContentType'] = mime storage.Bucket(bucket + ".fd.io").upload_file( src_fpath, dst_fpath, ExtraArgs=extra_args ) print("https://" + bucket + ".nginx.service.consul/" + dst_fpath) def upload_recursive(storage, bucket, src_fpath): """Recursively uploads input folder to destination. Example: - bucket: logs - src_fpath: /home/user - dst_fpath: logs.fd.io/home/user :param storage: S3 storage resource. :param bucket: S3 bucket name. :param src_fpath: Input folder path. :type storage: Object :type bucket: str :type src_fpath: str """ for path, _, files in os.walk(src_fpath): for file in files: _path = path.replace(src_fpath, u"") _dir = src_fpath[1:] if src_fpath[0] == "/" else src_fpath _dst_fpath = os.path.normpath(_dir + "/" + _path + "/" + file) _src_fpath = os.path.join(path, file) upload(storage, bucket, _src_fpath, _dst_fpath) def main(): """Main function for storage manipulation.""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( u"-d", u"--dir", required=True, type=str, help=u"Directory to upload to storage." ) parser.add_argument( u"-b", u"--bucket", required=True, type=str, help=u"Target bucket on storage." ) args = parser.parse_args() # Create main storage resource. storage = resource( u"s3", endpoint_url=ENDPOINT_URL, aws_access_key_id=AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, aws_secret_access_key=AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, config=Config( signature_version=u"s3v4" ), region_name=REGION_NAME ) upload_recursive( storage=storage, bucket=args.bucket, src_fpath=args.dir ) if __name__ == u"__main__": main() END_OF_PYTHON_SCRIPT WS_ARCHIVES_DIR="$WORKSPACE/archives" ARCHIVES_DIR="$JENKINS_HOSTNAME/$JOB_NAME/$BUILD_NUMBER" ARCHIVES_ZIP_FILE="$WORKSPACE/.archives/archives.zip" TMP_ARCHIVES_DIR="/tmp/archives" mkdir -p $TMP_ARCHIVES_DIR pushd $TMP_ARCHIVES_DIR if [ -f "$ARCHIVES_ZIP_FILE" ]; then # FIXME: this branch to be removed upon full transition to lftools: # we are include_raw from fdio-infra-shiplogs publisher, and # it already packed everything into archives.zip and removed # the original archives directory. So just unpack and use that. echo "Detected existing archives.zip, uploading the contents of it" unzip "$ARCHIVES_ZIP_FILE" else # the include_raw is done from fdio-infra-publish publisher mkdir -p "$ARCHIVES_DIR" if [ -e "$WS_ARCHIVES_DIR" ]; then echo "Found $WS_ARCHIVES_DIR, uploading its contents" cp -r "$WS_ARCHIVES_DIR" . else echo "No $WS_ARCHIVES_DIR found. Creating a dummy file." echo "No archives found while doing backup upload" > "$ARCHIVES_DIR/no-archives-found.txt" fi fi echo "Contents of the archives dir:" ls -alR $TMP_ARCHIVES_DIR echo "Running uploader script $PYTHON_SCRIPT:" python3 $PYTHON_SCRIPT -d . -b logs || echo "Failed to upload logs" popd