#!/bin/bash set -xe -o pipefail echo "*******************************************************************" echo "* STARTING PUSH OF PACKAGES TO REPOS" echo "* NOTHING THAT HAPPENS BELOW THIS POINT IS RELATED TO BUILD FAILURE" echo "*******************************************************************" [ "$MVN" ] || MVN="/opt/apache/maven/bin/mvn" GROUP_ID="io.fd.${PROJECT}" BASEURL="${NEXUSPROXY}/content/repositories/fd.io." BASEREPOID='fdio-' function push_file () { push_file=$1 repoId=$2 url=$3 version=$4 artifactId=$5 file_type=$6 if [ -n "$7" ]; then d_classifier="-Dclassifier=$7" fi if [ ! -f "$push_file" ] ; then echo "file for deployment does not exist: $push_file" exit 1; fi # Disable checks for doublequote to prevent glob / splitting # shellcheck disable=SC2086 $MVN org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-deploy-plugin:deploy-file \ -Dfile=$push_file -DrepositoryId=$repoId \ -Durl=$url -DgroupId=$GROUP_ID \ -Dversion=$version -DartifactId=$artifactId \ -Dtype=$file_type $d_classifier\ -gs $GLOBAL_SETTINGS_FILE -s $SETTINGS_FILE # make sure the script bombs if we fail an upload if [ "$?" != '0' ]; then echo "ERROR: There was an error with the upload" exit 1 fi } function push_jar () { jarfile=$1 repoId="${BASEREPOID}snapshot" url="${BASEURL}snapshot" # examples: # * jvpp-registry-16.09.jar # * jvpp-16.09.jar basefile=$(basename -s .jar "$jarfile") artifactId=$(echo "$basefile" | rev | cut -d '-' -f 2- | rev) version=$(echo "$basefile" | rev | cut -d '-' -f 1 | rev) push_file "$jarfile" "$repoId" "$url" "${version}-SNAPSHOT" "$artifactId" jar } function push_deb () { debfile=$1 repoId="fd.io.${REPO_NAME}" url="${BASEURL}${REPO_NAME}" basefile=$(basename -s .deb "$debfile") artifactId=$(echo "$basefile" | cut -f 1 -d '_') version=$(echo "$basefile" | cut -f 2- -d '_') file_type=deb classifier=deb push_file "$debfile" "$repoId" "$url" "$version" "$artifactId" "$file_type" "$classifier" } function push_rpm () { rpmfile=$1 repoId="fd.io.${REPO_NAME}" url="${BASEURL}${REPO_NAME}" if grep -qE '\.s(rc\.)?rpm' <<<"$rpmfile" then rpmrelease=$(rpm -qp --queryformat="%{release}.src" "$rpmfile") else rpmrelease=$(rpm -qp --queryformat="%{release}.%{arch}" "$rpmfile") fi artifactId=$(rpm -qp --queryformat="%{name}" "$rpmfile") version=$(rpm -qp --queryformat="%{version}" "$rpmfile") push_file "$rpmfile" "$repoId" "$url" "${version}-${rpmrelease}" "$artifactId" rpm }