#!/bin/bash # basic build script example set -xe -o pipefail OS_ID=$(grep '^ID=' /etc/os-release | cut -f2- -d= | sed -e 's/\"//g') OS_VERSION_ID=$(grep '^VERSION_ID=' /etc/os-release | cut -f2- -d= | sed -e 's/\"//g') echo OS_ID: $OS_ID echo OS_VERSION_ID: $OS_VERSION_ID # do nothing but print the current slave hostname hostname echo "cat /etc/bootstrap.sha" if [ -f /etc/bootstrap.sha ];then cat /etc/bootstrap.sha else echo "Cannot find cat /etc/bootstrap.sha" fi echo "cat /etc/bootstrap-functions.sha" if [ -f /etc/bootstrap-functions.sha ];then cat /etc/bootstrap-functions.sha else echo "Cannot find cat /etc/bootstrap-functions.sha" fi echo "sha1sum of this script: ${0}" sha1sum $0 # run with ASAN on # export VPP_EXTRA_CMAKE_ARGS='-DVPP_ENABLE_SANITIZE_ADDR=ON' # clang is not working with ASAN right now - see change 27268 # apparently gcc neither... # export CC=gcc make UNATTENDED=yes install-dep make UNATTENDED=yes install-ext-deps make UNATTENDED=yes build make UNATTENDED=yes TEST_JOBS=auto test-debug echo "*******************************************************************" echo "* VPP debug/asan test BUILD SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED" echo "*******************************************************************"