############################################################################# # Copyright (c) 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates. # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at: # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. ############################################################################## #DISTILLERY_GITHUB_UPSTREAM_NAME?=ccnxs_upstream # The name to give this upstream DISTILLERY_GITHUB_UPSTREAM_NAME?=ccnx_upstream # DISTILLERY_GITHUB_UPSTREAM_REPO=${DISTILLERY_GITHUB_UPSTREAM_URL}/CCNx_Distillery # The upstream that we expect on Distillery itself. DISTILLERY_GITHUB_UPSTREAM_REPO?=${DISTILLERY_GITHUB_UPSTREAM_URL}/CCNx_Distillery # DISTILLERY_ROOT_DIR=/path/to/root/dir # This is the root directory of the Distillery distribution. Many other paths depend # on this. This file assumes that make is being run from the DISTILLERY # directory. If this is not true, it's convenient to assign the variable at the # shell. DISTILLERY_ROOT_DIR?=$(shell pwd) # This is a variable that can be used to multiplex the build. # If you set this variable the default output directories will have this # appended to them DISTILLERY_BUILD_NAME?= # This is the directory where things are built. # Note that if some modules don't support off-tree builds you may have problems DISTILLERY_BUILD_DIR?=${DISTILLERY_ROOT_DIR}/build${DISTILLERY_BUILD_NAME} # This is the directory where the source is checked out. DISTILLERY_SOURCE_DIR?=${DISTILLERY_ROOT_DIR}/src # MAKE_BUILD_FLAGS # Flags to pass to make when building the projects. This is mostly used for # parallel builds. Disable by setting it to empty MAKE_BUILD_FLAGS?=-j8 # DISTILLERY_INSTALL_DIR=/path/to/install/dir # This is the directory where all the ccn software will be installed. This # directory will be DELETED if you do a make clobber. Do not treat this the # same way you would treat a system install directory. DISTILLERY_INSTALL_DIR?=${DISTILLERY_ROOT_DIR}/usr # DISTILLERY_DEPENDENCIES_DIR=/path/to/dependencies/dir # This is the path to the dependencies directory. It is used as the base for # the dependencies install directories. (tools and libraries) # You should normally not edit this variable. DISTILLERY_DEPENDENCIES_DIR?=${DISTILLERY_INSTALL_DIR} # DISTILLERY_EXTERN_DIR=/path/to/dependencies/external/install/dir # This is the directory where the dependencies will be installed. This # directory is deleted and created as needed by the dependencies system. # It is used in gravy for includes and linking. This should be for the TARGET # architecture. DISTILLERY_EXTERN_DIR?=${DISTILLERY_DEPENDENCIES_DIR} CCNX_DEPENDENCIES?=${DISTILLERY_EXTERN_DIR} export CCNX_DEPENDENCIES # DISTILLERY_TOOLS_DIR=/path/to/dependency/tools/dir # This directory holds some of the tools needed to build libccnx. It should be # built for the HOST. The directory might be deleted and rebuilt by the # dependency system. The directory will be included in the execution PATH as # Distillery builds all the modules. DISTILLERY_TOOLS_DIR?=${DISTILLERY_DEPENDENCIES_DIR}/build-tools # DISTILLERY_XCODE_DIR?=${DISTILLERY_ROOT_DIR}/xcode # Directory where distillery will create the xcode project files. This is done # via cmake's build system. Modules that don't use cmake won't have a way to # create this unless the Makefile provides a way. DISTILLERY_XCODE_DIR?=${DISTILLERY_ROOT_DIR}/xcode # CMAKE_MAKE_TEST_ARGS="ARGS=-j16" # Tell CTest (via CMake) to run parallel tests (16) # To run only 1 test at a time run with -j1 or set it empty CMAKE_MAKE_TEST_ARGS?="ARGS=-j16" # CCNX_HOME # These variables are used by scripts to know where to find the installed # CCNX software and libaries. They are also used by various packaging scripts. CCNX_HOME=${DISTILLERY_INSTALL_DIR} export DISTILLERY_ROOT_DIR export SDK=$(shell if [ -z ${SDK_PATH} ]; then echo ${DISTILLERY_ROOT_DIR}/sdk/sdk; else echo ${SDK_PATH}; fi;) export NDK=$(shell if [ -z ${NDK_PATH} ]; then echo ${DISTILLERY_ROOT_DIR}/sdk/ndk-bundle; else echo ${NDK_PATH}; fi;) export CMAKE=$(shell if [ -z ${CMAKE_PATH} ]; then echo ${DISTILLERY_ROOT_DIR}/sdk/cmake/bin/; else echo ${CMAKE_PATH}; fi;) export OS=$(shell uname | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') export ARCH=$(shell uname -m) CCNX_COMPILE_ENVIRONMENT=-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=${DISTILLERY_ROOT_DIR}/config/config.android OPEN_SSL_DIR=-DOPENSSL_ROOT_DIR=${DISTILLERY_INSTALL_DIR} LIBEVENT_ROOT=${DISTILLERY_INSTALL_DIR} export ABI=armeabi-v7a export QT_HOME=${DISTILLERY_ROOT_DIR}/qt/Qt export ANDROID_ARCH=armv7 export DISTILLERY_BUILD_DIR export DISTILLERY_INSTALL_DIR