/* -*- Mode: C++; c-file-style: "gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil; -*- */ /* * Copyright (c) 2011 Centre Tecnologic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC) * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as * published by the Free Software Foundation; * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * Author: Xuan Zeng */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "extensions/lte-tap-helper.h" #include "extensions/lte-tap-ue-net-device.h" #define UE_IP_CONFIGURABLE 1 #ifdef UE_IP_CONFIGURABLE #include "extensions/tap-point-to-point-epc-helper.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #define CONSTANT_POSITION "constant_position" #define RANDOM_WAYPOINT "random_waypoint" #include "connection-pool.h" #include "query.h" #include "communication-protocol.h" #include "src/lte-emulator.h" #define DEFAULT_EXPERIMENT_ID "lte-emulation" #define N_AP 1 using namespace ns3; /** * this is a program to emulate a LTE channel with 1 EnodeB and multiple UE clients, which can be * connected to either containers or real machines. IP stack is used interally to forward packets through * epc core. */ /** * \brief an helper to assign an IP address to an existing network device * NOTE: if the ip address passed as parameter has been assigned to another device before the call to this function, * ns3 will crash and remind you about IP address conflicts. */ Ipv4InterfaceContainer AssignAnyIpv4Address (Ptr device, Ipv4Address ipAddress) { Ipv4AddressHelper ueAddrHelper; Ipv4Mask fakemask ("");//the mask is irrelevant here. Ipv4Mask fakemask2 (ipAddress.Get () & fakemask.Get ()); Ipv4Address id = Ipv4Address (ipAddress.Get () ^ fakemask2.Get ()); ueAddrHelper.SetBase (ipAddress, fakemask2, id); return ueAddrHelper.Assign (NetDeviceContainer (device)); } /** * \brief a callback to send arp reply when an arp request is received from outside the emulator, * NOTE: we need to wirte code to handle arp request ourselves inside LTE emulator because ARP protocol is not * intrinsically supported by a LTE device(on Enode B or UE). But arp should be needed by the container/VM outside the emulator * program. We implement this callback to solve the incomptability between external container/VM and internal emulated LTE node * */ void SendArpReply (std::vector ueIpAddrs, Ptr device, Ptr p, uint16_t protocol, const Address &from, const Address &to, NetDevice::PacketType packetType) { Ptr packet = p->Copy (); ArpHeader arp; uint32_t size = packet->RemoveHeader (arp); if (size == 0) return; if (!arp.IsRequest ()) return; bool shouldREply = false; ///do nothing. Don't send arp reply) if destionation IP address is not equal to one UE's Ip address for (unsigned iUe = 0; iUe < ueIpAddrs.size (); iUe++) { if (arp.GetDestinationIpv4Address () == Ipv4Address (ueIpAddrs.at (iUe) .c_str ())) { shouldREply = true; break; } } if (!shouldREply) return; Ipv4Address myIp = arp.GetDestinationIpv4Address (); Ipv4Address toIp = arp.GetSourceIpv4Address (); Address toMac = arp.GetSourceHardwareAddress (); ArpHeader replyArp; replyArp.SetReply (device->GetAddress (), myIp, toMac, toIp); Ptr replyPacket = Create (); replyPacket->AddHeader (replyArp); device->Send (replyPacket, toMac, ArpL3Protocol::PROT_NUMBER); } /** * \brief overwrite mac address of emulated device such that it will be the same as that of tap device. * This is require for communication with external containers/VM */ void setMac (Ptr m_bridgedDevice, std::string m_tapDeviceName) { int sock = socket (PF_UNIX, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); /// Bind to that socket and let the kernel allocate an endpoint struct sockaddr_un un; memset (&un, 0, sizeof (un)); un.sun_family = AF_UNIX; bind (sock, (struct sockaddr *) &un, sizeof (sa_family_t)); // Set the ns-3 device's mac address to the overlying container's mac address struct ifreq s; strncpy (s.ifr_name, m_tapDeviceName.c_str (), sizeof (s.ifr_name)); int ioctlResult = ioctl (sock, SIOCGIFHWADDR, &s); if (ioctlResult == 0) { Mac48Address learnedMac; learnedMac.CopyFrom ((uint8_t *) s.ifr_hwaddr .sa_data); m_bridgedDevice->SetAddress (learnedMac); } close (sock); } /** * \brief populate arp cache on the emulated pgw node with mac of VM/container in advance, * this is requred when external VM/container uses /32 ip addresses */ void populateArpCache (Ptr pgw, NetDeviceContainer csmaDevices, Mac48Address bsMac, Ipv4Address bsIp, int numberOfNodes) { Ptr pgwIp = pgw->GetObject (); NS_ASSERT (pgwIp != 0); ObjectVectorValue interfaces; pgwIp->GetAttribute ("InterfaceList", interfaces); Mac48Address PgwMacAddr = Mac48Address::ConvertFrom (csmaDevices.Get (1) ->GetAddress ()); for (ObjectVectorValue::Iterator j = interfaces.Begin (); j != interfaces.End (); j++) { Ptr ipIface = (*j).second ->GetObject (); NS_ASSERT (ipIface != 0); //std::cout<<"ip addr="<GetAddress(0).GetLocal()<<"\n"; Ptr device = ipIface->GetDevice (); if (device == csmaDevices.Get (1))///the csma interface on pgw { Ptr cache = ipIface->GetArpCache (); ArpCache::Entry *entry = cache->Add (bsIp); entry->MarkWaitReply (0); entry->MarkAlive (bsMac); entry->MarkPermanent (); break; } } } int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { ////////////////////// // // parameter list: // ///////////////////// double distance = 1; //in meters, initial distance between UEs and Enode B unsigned uplinkBW = 100; unsigned downlinkBW = 100; unsigned lteTxMode = 2;//0=SISO,1=Tx diversity,2=spatial multiplexing std::string pathLossModel = "ns3::Cost231PropagationLossModel";//ns3::FriisPropagationLossModel //FriisSpectrumPropagationLossModel//Cost231PropagationLossModel bool isUeFixed = false;///for debugging purpose only std::string fadingModel = "ns3::TraceFadingLossModel"; std::string fadingTrace = "/usr/share/lte-emulator/fading_trace_EPA_3kmph.fad"; bool isFading = true; int AmcModel = LteAmc::PiroEW2010;//PiroEW2010 or MiErrorModel unsigned rccTxBuffer = 1500 * 140;//140 packets bool isAMRccEnabled = false; bool isLogging = true; bool isIpPrint = false; GlobalValue::Bind ("SimulatorImplementationType", StringValue ("ns3::RealtimeSimulatorImpl")); GlobalValue::Bind ("ChecksumEnabled", BooleanValue (true)); ////////////////////////// // // Command line parsing // ////////////////////////// std::string bs_x_str = ""; std::string bs_y_str = ""; std::string bs_name = ""; std::string bs_tap = ""; std::string sta_list_str = ""; std::string sta_taps_str = ""; std::string sta_ips_str = ""; std::string sta_macs_str = ""; std::string n_sta_str = ""; std::string bs_mac_str = ""; std::string experiment_id_str = ""; std::string control_port_str = ""; std::string bs_ip_str = ""; CommandLine cmd; cmd.AddValue ("bs-tap", "Name of the tap between NS3 and the base station", bs_tap); cmd.AddValue ("n-sta", "Number of stations", n_sta_str); cmd.AddValue ("sta-list", "List of the stations of the simulation", sta_list_str); cmd.AddValue ("sta-taps", "List of the taps between NS3 and the mobile stations", sta_taps_str); cmd.AddValue ("sta-ips", "List of the IPs of the UEs in the format of, ...", sta_ips_str); cmd.AddValue ("sta-macs", "List of the macs of the mobile stations", sta_macs_str); cmd.AddValue ("bs-x", "X position of the Base Station", bs_x_str); cmd.AddValue ("bs-y", "Y position of the Base Station", bs_y_str); cmd.AddValue ("experiment-id", "Unique identifier for the experiment", experiment_id_str); cmd.AddValue ("bs-name", "Index of the base station", bs_name); cmd.AddValue ("bs-mac", "Base station MAC address", bs_mac_str); cmd.AddValue ("bs-ip", "Base station IP address, in the format of", bs_ip_str); cmd.AddValue ("control-port", "Control port for dynamically managing the stations movement", control_port_str); cmd.AddValue ("distance", "Initial distance between the bs and the other stations", distance); ///parameters for configuring the lte channel cmd.AddValue ("txBuffer", "rcc tx buffer", rccTxBuffer); cmd.AddValue ("isFading", "whether to enable fading in the channel", isFading); cmd.AddValue ("fadingTrace", "the fading trace file name", fadingTrace); ///parameters for debugging the lte channel cmd.AddValue ("printIP", "whether to print IP addresses in simulation", isIpPrint); cmd.AddValue ("isUeFixed", "whether ue moves or not, this is used for testing without mobility server", isUeFixed); ///log physical rate used by LTE device cmd.AddValue ("logging", "whether to log statistics of lte mac and physical layer", isLogging); cmd.Parse (argc, argv); if (bs_tap == "" || n_sta_str == "" || sta_list_str == "" || sta_taps_str == "" || sta_macs_str == "" || sta_ips_str == "" || bs_x_str == "" || bs_y_str == "" || bs_name == "" || bs_mac_str == "" || bs_ip_str == "" || control_port_str == "" || experiment_id_str == "") { std::cerr << "Important parameters are missing!" << std::endl; return -1; } ////////////////////////////////// // // further comandline parsing // ////////////////////////////////// std::list station_list; boost::split (station_list, sta_list_str, boost::is_any_of (",")); std::list taps_list; boost::split (taps_list, sta_taps_str, boost::is_any_of (",")); std::list macs_list; boost::split (macs_list, sta_macs_str, boost::is_any_of (",")); std::list sta_ips_list; boost::split (sta_ips_list, sta_ips_str, boost::is_any_of (",")); //UE IPs std::vector ueIpAddrs; std::string Ip1; std::string mask1; std::list::const_iterator sta_ip_i; bool first = true; for (sta_ip_i = sta_ips_list.begin (); sta_ip_i != sta_ips_list.end (); sta_ip_i++) { std::list ipComponents; boost::split (ipComponents, *sta_ip_i, boost::is_any_of ("/")); ueIpAddrs.push_back (ipComponents.front ()); if (first) { Ip1 = ipComponents.front (); mask1 = "/" + (ipComponents.back ()); first = false; } } ///BS IP configuration using the one passed from command line std::list BsIpAddr; boost::split (BsIpAddr, bs_ip_str, boost::is_any_of ("/")); std::string bsIp = BsIpAddr.front (); std::string bsMask = "/" + (BsIpAddr.back ()); ///number of UEs uint16_t numberOfNodes = (uint16_t) atoi (n_sta_str.c_str ()); //maximum value of id portion of ip address(to avoid address conflicts) uint32_t maxIP = Ipv4Address (bsIp.c_str ()).Get ();//max first initialized to bs' ip for (uint16_t iUe = 0; iUe < numberOfNodes; iUe++) { uint32_t ueIP = Ipv4Address (ueIpAddrs.at (iUe) .c_str ()).Get (); if (ueIP > maxIP) maxIP = ueIP; } /** * TO handle the extrem case of all /32 ip address. while assigned /32 ip address might be replaced with /24 ones in the emulator, the external container/VM * can keep using /32 address, the behaviour shall be consistent even in case of /32 address are used */ if (bsMask == "/32") bsMask = "/24"; if (mask1 == "/32") mask1 = "/24"; ///to check ip address duplicaton, since the ip address are assigned by lurch and not guaranteed to be in a sequential way uint32_t bsMaskInNumber = (Ipv4Mask (bsMask.c_str ()).Get ()); uint32_t bsIpInNumber = Ipv4Address (bsIp.c_str ()).Get (); uint32_t bsPrefix = bsIpInNumber & bsMaskInNumber; uint32_t uePrefix = Ipv4Address (Ip1.c_str ()).Get () & (Ipv4Mask (mask1.c_str ()).Get ()); uint32_t maxId = (maxIP & bsMaskInNumber) ^maxIP; uint32_t nextId = ((uint32_t) (2e32 - 1) ^ bsMaskInNumber) & (maxId + 1); uint32_t nextIP = bsPrefix | nextId;// nextIP that can be used, it's to be assigned to LTE gateway(pgw) uint32_t next2IP = 0;// the next next IP that can be used, it's to be assigned to LTE inner network uint32_t inc = 2; bool duplicated = true; int trials = 0; //after 10 trials, we will leave the ns3 system to detect duplicate IP addresses allocation and crash while (duplicated && trials < 10)//normally we don't have address collisions, so we are not going to iterate many times to get a combination of IP address configuration matching requrements passed from command line { trials++; next2IP = (((int) (2e32 - 1) ^ bsMaskInNumber) & (maxId + inc)) | uePrefix; duplicated = false; if (next2IP == bsIpInNumber || next2IP + 1 == bsIpInNumber) duplicated = true; for (uint16_t iUe = 0; iUe < numberOfNodes; iUe++) { uint32_t ueIP = Ipv4Address (ueIpAddrs.at (iUe) .c_str ()).Get (); if (next2IP == ueIP || next2IP + 1 == ueIP) duplicated = true; } inc++; } //control port unsigned short control_port = (unsigned short) atoi (control_port_str.c_str ()); //bs position double bs_x = atof (bs_x_str.c_str ()); double bs_y = atof (bs_y_str.c_str ()); ////////////////////////////////// // // configure lte channel // ////////////////////////////////// Config::SetDefault ("ns3::LteEnbNetDevice::UlBandwidth", UintegerValue (uplinkBW)); Config::SetDefault ("ns3::LteEnbNetDevice::DlBandwidth", UintegerValue (downlinkBW)); Config::SetDefault ("ns3::LteEnbRrc::DefaultTransmissionMode", UintegerValue (lteTxMode)); Config::SetDefault ("ns3::LteHelper::PathlossModel", StringValue (pathLossModel)); Config::SetDefault ("ns3::LteHelper::Scheduler", StringValue ("ns3::PfFfMacScheduler")); ///NOTE: ref: https://sites.google.com/site/lteencyclopedia/lte-radio-link-budgeting-and-rf-planning, gives the following set of parameters. Not used in our emulator any more /* Config::SetDefault("ns3::LteUePhy::TxPower", DoubleValue(24)); Config::SetDefault("ns3::LteUePhy::NoiseFigure", DoubleValue(7.0)); Config::SetDefault("ns3::LteEnbPhy::TxPower", DoubleValue(46)); Config::SetDefault("ns3::LteEnbPhy::NoiseFigure", DoubleValue(2.0)); */ /*error model configuration*/ if (AmcModel == LteAmc::PiroEW2010) { Config::SetDefault ("ns3::LteAmc::AmcModel", EnumValue (LteAmc::PiroEW2010)); Config::SetDefault ("ns3::LteAmc::Ber", DoubleValue (0.00005)); } else { Config::SetDefault ("ns3::LteAmc::AmcModel", EnumValue (LteAmc::MiErrorModel)); } if (isAMRccEnabled) Config::SetDefault ("ns3::LteEnbRrc::EpsBearerToRlcMapping", EnumValue (ns3::LteEnbRrc::RLC_AM_ALWAYS)); ///rcc layer tx queue Buffer size in bytes, having impact on throughput performance, idealy should be equal to DBP Config::SetDefault ("ns3::LteRlcUm::MaxTxBufferSize", UintegerValue (rccTxBuffer));//140 packets with 1500bytes ///create lte helper with our patch to support tap device and lte channel emulation Ptr lteHelper = CreateObject (); ///channel fading configuration if (isFading) { ///for fading configuration: lteHelper->SetAttribute ("FadingModel", StringValue (fadingModel)); std::ifstream ifTraceFile; ifTraceFile.open (fadingTrace.c_str (), std::ifstream::in); if (ifTraceFile.good ()) //trace file can be found { lteHelper->SetFadingModelAttribute ("TraceFilename", StringValue (fadingTrace)); } else { ifTraceFile.close (); std::ifstream ifTraceFile2; ifTraceFile2.open ("fading-traces/fading_trace_EPA_3kmph.fad", std::ifstream::in); if (ifTraceFile2.good ()) { lteHelper->SetFadingModelAttribute ("TraceFilename", StringValue ("fading-traces/fading_trace_EPA_3kmph.fad")); } else { std::cout << "WARNING: fading trace file not found, fading disabled\n"; } } // these parameters have to set only in case of the trace format // differs from the standard one, that is // - 10 seconds length trace // - 10,000 samples // - 0.5 seconds for window size // - 100 RB lteHelper->SetFadingModelAttribute ("TraceLength", TimeValue (Seconds (10.0))); lteHelper->SetFadingModelAttribute ("SamplesNum", UintegerValue (10000)); lteHelper->SetFadingModelAttribute ("WindowSize", TimeValue (Seconds (0.5))); lteHelper->SetFadingModelAttribute ("RbNum", UintegerValue (100)); } #ifdef UE_IP_CONFIGURABLE Ptr epcHelper = CreateObject (Ip1, mask1, maxIP + 2);//reserve one for pgw out interface #else Ptr epcHelper = CreateObject (); #endif lteHelper->SetEpcHelper (epcHelper); Ptr pgw = epcHelper->GetPgwNode (); ///Create a ghost node for representing the container/VM on pgw side in the emulator NodeContainer remoteHostContainer; remoteHostContainer.Create (1); Ptr ghostNode = remoteHostContainer.Get (0); InternetStackHelper internet; internet.Install (remoteHostContainer); ///Create the Internet using CSMA link CsmaHelper csmah; NodeContainer csmaNodes (ghostNode); ///install internet stack for pgw node: csmaNodes.Add (pgw); csmah.SetChannelAttribute ("DataRate", DataRateValue (DataRate ("1Gb/s"))); csmah.SetDeviceAttribute ("Mtu", UintegerValue (1500)); csmah.SetChannelAttribute ("Delay", TimeValue (Seconds (0)));//small enough NetDeviceContainer csmaDevices = csmah.Install (csmaNodes); AssignAnyIpv4Address (csmaDevices.Get (0), bsIp.c_str ());//assign explicity an address to ghost/BS node because it must be the same as that in VM Ipv4Address addrghost = ghostNode->GetObject () ->GetAddress (1, 0) .GetLocal (); Ipv4InterfaceContainer interfacesipv4csma = AssignAnyIpv4Address (csmaDevices.Get (1), Ipv4Address (nextIP));;//next IP after max IP assigned to ue and enode B ///NOTE: this is to handle arp request pgw->RegisterProtocolHandler (MakeBoundCallback (&SendArpReply, ueIpAddrs), ArpL3Protocol::PROT_NUMBER, csmaDevices.Get (1)/*, true*/); ///set a route to ghost node only on pgw, otherwise packets for uplink cannot come back Ipv4StaticRoutingHelper ipv4RoutingHelper; ///uncoment the following to see ip routing table // Ptr routintable = Create("routingtable",std::ios::out); // ipv4RoutingHelper.PrintRoutingTableAt(Seconds(0), pgw, routintable); Ptr pgwStaticRouting = ipv4RoutingHelper.GetStaticRouting (pgw->GetObject ()); pgwStaticRouting->AddHostRouteTo (Ipv4Address (bsIp.c_str ()), 2); ///add route for each UE manually to support /32 address for UE for (int ith = 0; ith < numberOfNodes; ith++) { pgwStaticRouting->AddHostRouteTo (Ipv4Address (ueIpAddrs.at (ith) .c_str ()), 1); } if (isIpPrint) { std::cout << "ghost node IP address=" << addrghost << "\n"; std::cout << "pgw IP addressOut=" << pgw->GetObject () ->GetAddress (2, 0) .GetLocal () << "\n"; std::cout << "pgw IP addressIn=" << pgw->GetObject () ->GetAddress (1, 0) .GetLocal () << "\n"; } ///ue and enodeB nodes NodeContainer ueNodes; NodeContainer enbNodes; enbNodes.Create (1); ueNodes.Create (numberOfNodes); ///populate arp cache, necessary if the external VM container are configured to use /32 IP addresses populateArpCache (pgw, csmaDevices, Mac48Address (bs_mac_str.c_str ()), Ipv4Address (bsIp.c_str ()), numberOfNodes); //////////////////////////////////// // // initial Mobility Configuration // //////////////////////////////////// /// Install Mobility Model for enodeB Ptr positionAlloc = CreateObject (); positionAlloc->Add (Vector (bs_x, bs_y, 0)); MobilityHelper mobility; mobility.SetMobilityModel ("ns3::ConstantPositionMobilityModel"); mobility.SetPositionAllocator (positionAlloc); mobility.Install (enbNodes); if (isUeFixed) { ///install mobility for UE Ptr UEpositionAlloc = CreateObject (); for (uint16_t i = 0; i < numberOfNodes; i++) { UEpositionAlloc->Add (Vector (distance * i, distance, 0)); } mobility.SetPositionAllocator (UEpositionAlloc); mobility.Install (ueNodes); } else { // UEs mobility. By default the UEs start from the same position of the Enode B MobilityHelper staMobility; Ptr UEpositionAlloc = CreateObject (); for (uint16_t i = 0; i < numberOfNodes; i++) { UEpositionAlloc->Add (Vector (bs_x, bs_y + distance, 0.0)); } staMobility.SetPositionAllocator (UEpositionAlloc); staMobility.SetMobilityModel ("ns3::WaypointMobilityModel", "InitialPositionIsWaypoint", BooleanValue (false)); staMobility.Install (ueNodes); } /// Install LTE Devices to the enodeB and UE nodes NetDeviceContainer enbLteDevs = lteHelper->InstallEnbDevice (enbNodes); NetDeviceContainer ueLteDevs = lteHelper->InstallUeDevice (ueNodes); /// Install the IP stack on the UEs internet.Install (ueNodes); Ipv4InterfaceContainer ueIpIface; #ifdef UE_IP_CONFIGURABLE for (unsigned i = 0; i < ueLteDevs.GetN (); i++) ueIpIface.Add (epcHelper->AssignUeIpv4Address (ueLteDevs.Get (i), ueIpAddrs.at (i) .c_str ())); #else ueIpIface = epcHelper->AssignUeIpv4Address (NetDeviceContainer (ueLteDevs)); #endif /// Assign IP address to UEs, and set default gateways for them for (uint32_t u = 0; u < ueNodes.GetN (); ++u) { Ptr ueNode = ueNodes.Get (u); /// Set the default gateway for the UE Ptr ueStaticRouting = ipv4RoutingHelper.GetStaticRouting (ueNode->GetObject ()); ueStaticRouting->SetDefaultRoute (epcHelper->GetUeDefaultGatewayAddress (), 1); Ptr ipv4ue = ueNode->GetObject (); // Get Ipv4 instance of the node Ipv4Address addrUe = ipv4ue->GetAddress (1, 0) .GetLocal (); if (isIpPrint) { std::cout << "ue IP address=" << addrUe << "\n"; std::cout << "ue gateway=" << epcHelper->GetUeDefaultGatewayAddress () << "\n"; } } if (isIpPrint) { Ptr ipv4enb = enbNodes.Get (0) ->GetObject (); Ipv4Address addrenb = ipv4enb->GetAddress (1, 0) .GetLocal (); std::cout << "enb IP address to ue=" << addrenb << "\n"; } /// Attach UEs to eNodeB for (uint16_t i = 0; i < numberOfNodes; i++) { lteHelper->Attach (ueLteDevs.Get (i), enbLteDevs.Get (0)); } lteHelper->ActivateDedicatedEpsBearer (ueLteDevs, EpsBearer (EpsBearer::NGBR_VIDEO_TCP_DEFAULT), EpcTft::Default ()); //uncomment the following to enable full lte traces //lteHelper->EnableTraces (); // Uncomment to enable PCAP tracing //p2ph.EnablePcapAll("lena-epc-first"); ////////////////////////////////////// // // TapBridge devices configuration // ///////////////////////////////////// TapBridgeHelper tapBridge; tapBridge.SetAttribute ("Mode", StringValue ("UseLocal")); std::unordered_map > map_name_ns3node; std::list::const_iterator station; std::list::const_iterator tap_sta; std::list::const_iterator mac_sta; uint32_t i; //install tapbridge for UEs for (tap_sta = taps_list.begin (), mac_sta = macs_list.begin (), station = station_list.begin (), i = 0; tap_sta != taps_list.end () && mac_sta != macs_list.end () && station != station_list.end (); tap_sta++, mac_sta++, station++, i++) { map_name_ns3node[*station] = ueNodes.Get (i); ueLteDevs.Get (i) ->GetObject () ->setMacAdressOnVM (Mac48Address (mac_sta->c_str ())); ueLteDevs.Get (i) ->GetObject () ->setBsIpAddress (Ipv4Address (bsIp.c_str ())); tapBridge.SetAttribute ("DeviceName", StringValue (tap_sta->c_str ())); tapBridge.Install (ueNodes.Get (i), ueLteDevs.Get (i)); setMac (ueLteDevs.Get (i), *tap_sta); } map_name_ns3node[bs_name] = enbNodes.Get (0); ///install tapbridge for eNodeB tapBridge.SetAttribute ("DeviceName", StringValue (bs_tap.c_str ())); tapBridge.Install (ghostNode, csmaDevices.Get (0)); //NOTE: required to overwrite the mac address of emulated device so that it is the same as that of tap device setMac (csmaDevices.Get (0), bs_tap); ///////////////////////////////// // // Start of the simulation // //////////////////////////////// if (isUeFixed) { Simulator::Stop (); Simulator::Run (); Simulator::Destroy (); return 0; } //////////////////////////////////// // // lte mac and physical layer loggin // //////////////////////////////////// if (isLogging) { lteHelper->NewEnableTxPhyTraces (); } auto handle = std::async (std::launch::async, [] () { Simulator::Stop (); Simulator::Run (); Simulator::Destroy (); }); ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // handle websocket control commands from outside // /////////////////////////////////////////////////// ns3::emulator::LteEmulator emulator (map_name_ns3node, lteHelper); /// Handler function for outcoming connections CommunicationProtocol protocol; HandlerFunction handler = [&emulator, &protocol] (Server *s, websocketpp::connection_hdl hdl, message_ptr msg, const uint8_t *data, std::size_t size) { std::string command ((char *) data, size); boost::trim (command); std::cout << command << std::endl; Query query = Query::fromJsonString (command); protocol.processQuery (s, hdl, msg, emulator, query); }; ns3::emulator::ConnectionPool connPool (control_port, 9000); std::cout << "Starting listeners" << std::endl; connPool.startListeners (handler) .processEvents (); /// If we reach this point the control servers have stopped, that means we can also stop the simulation. Simulator::Stop (); return 0; }