/* -*- Mode:C++; c-file-style:"gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil; -*- */ /* * Copyright (c) 2008 INRIA * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as * published by the Free Software Foundation; * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * Author: Mathieu Lacage */ #include "regular-wifi-mac.h" #include "ns3/log.h" #include "ns3/boolean.h" #include "ns3/pointer.h" #include "ns3/uinteger.h" #include "ns3/trace-source-accessor.h" #include "mac-rx-middle.h" #include "mac-tx-middle.h" #include "mac-low.h" #include "dcf.h" #include "dcf-manager.h" #include "wifi-phy.h" #include "msdu-aggregator.h" namespace ns3 { NS_LOG_COMPONENT_DEFINE ("RegularWifiMac"); NS_OBJECT_ENSURE_REGISTERED (RegularWifiMac); RegularWifiMac::RegularWifiMac () { NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this); m_rxMiddle = new MacRxMiddle (); m_rxMiddle->SetForwardCallback (MakeCallback (&RegularWifiMac::Receive, this)); m_txMiddle = new MacTxMiddle (); m_low = CreateObject (); m_low->SetRxCallback (MakeCallback (&MacRxMiddle::Receive, m_rxMiddle)); m_dcfManager = new DcfManager (); m_dcfManager->SetupLowListener (m_low); m_dca = CreateObject (); m_dca->SetLow (m_low); m_dca->SetManager (m_dcfManager); m_dca->SetTxMiddle (m_txMiddle); m_dca->SetTxOkCallback (MakeCallback (&RegularWifiMac::TxOk, this)); m_dca->SetTxFailedCallback (MakeCallback (&RegularWifiMac::TxFailed, this)); //Construct the EDCAFs. The ordering is important - highest //priority (Table 9-1 UP-to-AC mapping; IEEE 802.11-2012) must be created //first. SetupEdcaQueue (AC_VO); SetupEdcaQueue (AC_VI); SetupEdcaQueue (AC_BE); SetupEdcaQueue (AC_BK); } RegularWifiMac::~RegularWifiMac () { NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this); } void RegularWifiMac::DoInitialize () { NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this); m_dca->Initialize (); for (EdcaQueues::iterator i = m_edca.begin (); i != m_edca.end (); ++i) { i->second->Initialize (); } } void RegularWifiMac::DoDispose () { NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this); delete m_rxMiddle; m_rxMiddle = 0; delete m_txMiddle; m_txMiddle = 0; delete m_dcfManager; m_dcfManager = 0; m_low->Dispose (); m_low = 0; m_phy = 0; m_stationManager = 0; m_dca->Dispose (); m_dca = 0; for (EdcaQueues::iterator i = m_edca.begin (); i != m_edca.end (); ++i) { i->second = 0; } } void RegularWifiMac::SetWifiRemoteStationManager (Ptr stationManager) { NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << stationManager); m_stationManager = stationManager; m_stationManager->SetHtSupported (GetHtSupported ()); m_stationManager->SetVhtSupported (GetVhtSupported ()); m_low->SetWifiRemoteStationManager (stationManager); m_dca->SetWifiRemoteStationManager (stationManager); for (EdcaQueues::iterator i = m_edca.begin (); i != m_edca.end (); ++i) { i->second->SetWifiRemoteStationManager (stationManager); } } Ptr RegularWifiMac::GetWifiRemoteStationManager () const { return m_stationManager; } void RegularWifiMac::SetupEdcaQueue (enum AcIndex ac) { NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << ac); //Our caller shouldn't be attempting to setup a queue that is //already configured. NS_ASSERT (m_edca.find (ac) == m_edca.end ()); Ptr edca = CreateObject (); edca->SetLow (m_low); edca->SetManager (m_dcfManager); edca->SetTxMiddle (m_txMiddle); edca->SetTxOkCallback (MakeCallback (&RegularWifiMac::TxOk, this)); edca->SetTxFailedCallback (MakeCallback (&RegularWifiMac::TxFailed, this)); edca->SetAccessCategory (ac); edca->CompleteConfig (); m_edca.insert (std::make_pair (ac, edca)); } void RegularWifiMac::SetTypeOfStation (TypeOfStation type) { NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << type); for (EdcaQueues::iterator i = m_edca.begin (); i != m_edca.end (); ++i) { i->second->SetTypeOfStation (type); } } Ptr RegularWifiMac::GetDcaTxop () const { return m_dca; } Ptr RegularWifiMac::GetVOQueue () const { return m_edca.find (AC_VO)->second; } Ptr RegularWifiMac::GetVIQueue () const { return m_edca.find (AC_VI)->second; } Ptr RegularWifiMac::GetBEQueue () const { return m_edca.find (AC_BE)->second; } Ptr RegularWifiMac::GetBKQueue () const { return m_edca.find (AC_BK)->second; } void RegularWifiMac::SetWifiPhy (Ptr phy) { NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << phy); m_phy = phy; m_dcfManager->SetupPhyListener (phy); m_low->SetPhy (phy); } Ptr RegularWifiMac::GetWifiPhy (void) const { NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this); return m_phy; } void RegularWifiMac::ResetWifiPhy (void) { NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this); m_low->ResetPhy (); m_dcfManager->RemovePhyListener (m_phy); m_phy = 0; } void RegularWifiMac::SetForwardUpCallback (ForwardUpCallback upCallback) { NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this); m_forwardUp = upCallback; } void RegularWifiMac::SetLinkUpCallback (Callback linkUp) { NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this); m_linkUp = linkUp; } void RegularWifiMac::SetLinkDownCallback (Callback linkDown) { NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this); m_linkDown = linkDown; } void RegularWifiMac::SetQosSupported (bool enable) { NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this); m_qosSupported = enable; } bool RegularWifiMac::GetQosSupported () const { return m_qosSupported; } void RegularWifiMac::SetHtSupported (bool enable) { NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this); m_htSupported = enable; } bool RegularWifiMac::GetVhtSupported () const { return m_vhtSupported; } void RegularWifiMac::SetVhtSupported (bool enable) { NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this); m_vhtSupported = enable; } bool RegularWifiMac::GetHtSupported () const { return m_htSupported; } void RegularWifiMac::SetCtsToSelfSupported (bool enable) { NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this); m_low->SetCtsToSelfSupported (enable); } bool RegularWifiMac::GetCtsToSelfSupported () const { return m_low->GetCtsToSelfSupported (); } void RegularWifiMac::SetSlot (Time slotTime) { NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << slotTime); m_dcfManager->SetSlot (slotTime); m_low->SetSlotTime (slotTime); } Time RegularWifiMac::GetSlot (void) const { return m_low->GetSlotTime (); } void RegularWifiMac::SetSifs (Time sifs) { NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << sifs); m_dcfManager->SetSifs (sifs); m_low->SetSifs (sifs); } Time RegularWifiMac::GetSifs (void) const { return m_low->GetSifs (); } void RegularWifiMac::SetEifsNoDifs (Time eifsNoDifs) { NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << eifsNoDifs); m_dcfManager->SetEifsNoDifs (eifsNoDifs); } Time RegularWifiMac::GetEifsNoDifs (void) const { return m_dcfManager->GetEifsNoDifs (); } void RegularWifiMac::SetRifs (Time rifs) { NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << rifs); m_low->SetRifs (rifs); } Time RegularWifiMac::GetRifs (void) const { return m_low->GetRifs (); } void RegularWifiMac::SetPifs (Time pifs) { NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << pifs); m_low->SetPifs (pifs); } Time RegularWifiMac::GetPifs (void) const { return m_low->GetPifs (); } void RegularWifiMac::SetAckTimeout (Time ackTimeout) { NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << ackTimeout); m_low->SetAckTimeout (ackTimeout); } Time RegularWifiMac::GetAckTimeout (void) const { return m_low->GetAckTimeout (); } void RegularWifiMac::SetCtsTimeout (Time ctsTimeout) { NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << ctsTimeout); m_low->SetCtsTimeout (ctsTimeout); } Time RegularWifiMac::GetCtsTimeout (void) const { return m_low->GetCtsTimeout (); } void RegularWifiMac::SetBasicBlockAckTimeout (Time blockAckTimeout) { NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << blockAckTimeout); m_low->SetBasicBlockAckTimeout (blockAckTimeout); } Time RegularWifiMac::GetBasicBlockAckTimeout (void) const { return m_low->GetBasicBlockAckTimeout (); } void RegularWifiMac::SetCompressedBlockAckTimeout (Time blockAckTimeout) { NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << blockAckTimeout); m_low->SetCompressedBlockAckTimeout (blockAckTimeout); } Time RegularWifiMac::GetCompressedBlockAckTimeout (void) const { return m_low->GetCompressedBlockAckTimeout (); } void RegularWifiMac::SetAddress (Mac48Address address) { NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << address); m_low->SetAddress (address); } Mac48Address RegularWifiMac::GetAddress (void) const { return m_low->GetAddress (); } void RegularWifiMac::SetSsid (Ssid ssid) { NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << ssid); m_ssid = ssid; } Ssid RegularWifiMac::GetSsid (void) const { return m_ssid; } void RegularWifiMac::SetBssid (Mac48Address bssid) { NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << bssid); m_low->SetBssid (bssid); } Mac48Address RegularWifiMac::GetBssid (void) const { return m_low->GetBssid (); } void RegularWifiMac::SetPromisc (void) { m_low->SetPromisc (); } void RegularWifiMac::Enqueue (Ptr packet, Mac48Address to, Mac48Address from) { //We expect RegularWifiMac subclasses which do support forwarding (e.g., //AP) to override this method. Therefore, we throw a fatal error if //someone tries to invoke this method on a class which has not done //this. NS_FATAL_ERROR ("This MAC entity (" << this << ", " << GetAddress () << ") does not support Enqueue() with from address"); } bool RegularWifiMac::SupportsSendFrom (void) const { return false; } void RegularWifiMac::ForwardUp (Ptr packet, Mac48Address from, Mac48Address to) { NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << packet << from); m_forwardUp (packet, from, to); } void RegularWifiMac::Receive (Ptr packet, const WifiMacHeader *hdr) { NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << packet << hdr); Mac48Address to = hdr->GetAddr1 (); Mac48Address from = hdr->GetAddr2 (); //We don't know how to deal with any frame that is not addressed to //us (and odds are there is nothing sensible we could do anyway), //so we ignore such frames. // //The derived class may also do some such filtering, but it doesn't //hurt to have it here too as a backstop. if (to != GetAddress ()) { return; } if (hdr->IsMgt () && hdr->IsAction ()) { //There is currently only any reason for Management Action //frames to be flying about if we are a QoS STA. NS_ASSERT (m_qosSupported); WifiActionHeader actionHdr; packet->RemoveHeader (actionHdr); switch (actionHdr.GetCategory ()) { case WifiActionHeader::BLOCK_ACK: switch (actionHdr.GetAction ().blockAck) { case WifiActionHeader::BLOCK_ACK_ADDBA_REQUEST: { MgtAddBaRequestHeader reqHdr; packet->RemoveHeader (reqHdr); //We've received an ADDBA Request. Our policy here is //to automatically accept it, so we get the ADDBA //Response on it's way immediately. SendAddBaResponse (&reqHdr, from); //This frame is now completely dealt with, so we're done. return; } case WifiActionHeader::BLOCK_ACK_ADDBA_RESPONSE: { MgtAddBaResponseHeader respHdr; packet->RemoveHeader (respHdr); //We've received an ADDBA Response. We assume that it //indicates success after an ADDBA Request we have //sent (we could, in principle, check this, but it //seems a waste given the level of the current model) //and act by locally establishing the agreement on //the appropriate queue. AcIndex ac = QosUtilsMapTidToAc (respHdr.GetTid ()); m_edca[ac]->GotAddBaResponse (&respHdr, from); //This frame is now completely dealt with, so we're done. return; } case WifiActionHeader::BLOCK_ACK_DELBA: { MgtDelBaHeader delBaHdr; packet->RemoveHeader (delBaHdr); if (delBaHdr.IsByOriginator ()) { //This DELBA frame was sent by the originator, so //this means that an ingoing established //agreement exists in MacLow and we need to //destroy it. m_low->DestroyBlockAckAgreement (from, delBaHdr.GetTid ()); } else { //We must have been the originator. We need to //tell the correct queue that the agreement has //been torn down AcIndex ac = QosUtilsMapTidToAc (delBaHdr.GetTid ()); m_edca[ac]->GotDelBaFrame (&delBaHdr, from); } //This frame is now completely dealt with, so we're done. return; } default: NS_FATAL_ERROR ("Unsupported Action field in Block Ack Action frame"); return; } default: NS_FATAL_ERROR ("Unsupported Action frame received"); return; } } NS_FATAL_ERROR ("Don't know how to handle frame (type=" << hdr->GetType ()); } void RegularWifiMac::DeaggregateAmsduAndForward (Ptr aggregatedPacket, const WifiMacHeader *hdr) { MsduAggregator::DeaggregatedMsdus packets = MsduAggregator::Deaggregate (aggregatedPacket); for (MsduAggregator::DeaggregatedMsdusCI i = packets.begin (); i != packets.end (); ++i) { ForwardUp ((*i).first, (*i).second.GetSourceAddr (), (*i).second.GetDestinationAddr ()); } } void RegularWifiMac::SendAddBaResponse (const MgtAddBaRequestHeader *reqHdr, Mac48Address originator) { NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this); WifiMacHeader hdr; hdr.SetAction (); hdr.SetAddr1 (originator); hdr.SetAddr2 (GetAddress ()); hdr.SetAddr3 (GetAddress ()); hdr.SetDsNotFrom (); hdr.SetDsNotTo (); MgtAddBaResponseHeader respHdr; StatusCode code; code.SetSuccess (); respHdr.SetStatusCode (code); //Here a control about queues type? respHdr.SetAmsduSupport (reqHdr->IsAmsduSupported ()); if (reqHdr->IsImmediateBlockAck ()) { respHdr.SetImmediateBlockAck (); } else { respHdr.SetDelayedBlockAck (); } respHdr.SetTid (reqHdr->GetTid ()); //For now there's not no control about limit of reception. We //assume that receiver has no limit on reception. However we assume //that a receiver sets a bufferSize in order to satisfy next //equation: (bufferSize + 1) % 16 = 0 So if a recipient is able to //buffer a packet, it should be also able to buffer all possible //packet's fragments. See section in IEEE802.11e for more details. respHdr.SetBufferSize (1023); respHdr.SetTimeout (reqHdr->GetTimeout ()); WifiActionHeader actionHdr; WifiActionHeader::ActionValue action; action.blockAck = WifiActionHeader::BLOCK_ACK_ADDBA_RESPONSE; actionHdr.SetAction (WifiActionHeader::BLOCK_ACK, action); Ptr packet = Create (); packet->AddHeader (respHdr); packet->AddHeader (actionHdr); #ifdef WITH_MORE_FIX_TO_BA_IN_REGULAR_MAC //added by zeng: //destory the old aggreement in case it exists m_low->DestroyBlockAckAgreement( originator, reqHdr->GetTid ()); #endif //We need to notify our MacLow object as it will have to buffer all //correctly received packets for this Block Ack session m_low->CreateBlockAckAgreement (&respHdr, originator, reqHdr->GetStartingSequence ()); //It is unclear which queue this frame should go into. For now we //bung it into the queue corresponding to the TID for which we are //establishing an agreement, and push it to the head. m_edca[QosUtilsMapTidToAc (reqHdr->GetTid ())]->PushFront (packet, hdr); } TypeId RegularWifiMac::GetTypeId (void) { static TypeId tid = TypeId ("ns3::RegularWifiMac") .SetParent () .SetGroupName ("Wifi") .AddAttribute ("QosSupported", "This Boolean attribute is set to enable 802.11e/WMM-style QoS support at this STA", BooleanValue (false), MakeBooleanAccessor (&RegularWifiMac::SetQosSupported, &RegularWifiMac::GetQosSupported), MakeBooleanChecker ()) .AddAttribute ("HtSupported", "This Boolean attribute is set to enable 802.11n support at this STA", BooleanValue (false), MakeBooleanAccessor (&RegularWifiMac::SetHtSupported, &RegularWifiMac::GetHtSupported), MakeBooleanChecker ()) .AddAttribute ("VhtSupported", "This Boolean attribute is set to enable 802.11ac support at this STA", BooleanValue (false), MakeBooleanAccessor (&RegularWifiMac::SetVhtSupported, &RegularWifiMac::GetVhtSupported), MakeBooleanChecker ()) .AddAttribute ("CtsToSelfSupported", "Use CTS to Self when using a rate that is not in the basic set rate", BooleanValue (false), MakeBooleanAccessor (&RegularWifiMac::SetCtsToSelfSupported, &RegularWifiMac::GetCtsToSelfSupported), MakeBooleanChecker ()) .AddAttribute ("DcaTxop", "The DcaTxop object", PointerValue (), MakePointerAccessor (&RegularWifiMac::GetDcaTxop), MakePointerChecker ()) .AddAttribute ("VO_EdcaTxopN", "Queue that manages packets belonging to AC_VO access class", PointerValue (), MakePointerAccessor (&RegularWifiMac::GetVOQueue), MakePointerChecker ()) .AddAttribute ("VI_EdcaTxopN", "Queue that manages packets belonging to AC_VI access class", PointerValue (), MakePointerAccessor (&RegularWifiMac::GetVIQueue), MakePointerChecker ()) .AddAttribute ("BE_EdcaTxopN", "Queue that manages packets belonging to AC_BE access class", PointerValue (), MakePointerAccessor (&RegularWifiMac::GetBEQueue), MakePointerChecker ()) .AddAttribute ("BK_EdcaTxopN", "Queue that manages packets belonging to AC_BK access class", PointerValue (), MakePointerAccessor (&RegularWifiMac::GetBKQueue), MakePointerChecker ()) .AddTraceSource ("TxOkHeader", "The header of successfully transmitted packet", MakeTraceSourceAccessor (&RegularWifiMac::m_txOkCallback), "ns3::WifiMacHeader::TracedCallback") .AddTraceSource ("TxErrHeader", "The header of unsuccessfully transmitted packet", MakeTraceSourceAccessor (&RegularWifiMac::m_txErrCallback), "ns3::WifiMacHeader::TracedCallback") ; return tid; } void RegularWifiMac::FinishConfigureStandard (enum WifiPhyStandard standard) { uint32_t cwmin; uint32_t cwmax; switch (standard) { case WIFI_PHY_STANDARD_holland: case WIFI_PHY_STANDARD_80211a: case WIFI_PHY_STANDARD_80211g: case WIFI_PHY_STANDARD_80211_10MHZ: case WIFI_PHY_STANDARD_80211_5MHZ: case WIFI_PHY_STANDARD_80211n_5GHZ: case WIFI_PHY_STANDARD_80211n_2_4GHZ: case WIFI_PHY_STANDARD_80211ac: cwmin = 15; cwmax = 1023; break; case WIFI_PHY_STANDARD_80211b: cwmin = 31; cwmax = 1023; break; default: NS_FATAL_ERROR ("Unsupported WifiPhyStandard in RegularWifiMac::FinishConfigureStandard ()"); } //The special value of AC_BE_NQOS which exists in the Access //Category enumeration allows us to configure plain old DCF. ConfigureDcf (m_dca, cwmin, cwmax, AC_BE_NQOS); //Now we configure the EDCA functions for (EdcaQueues::iterator i = m_edca.begin (); i != m_edca.end (); ++i) { ConfigureDcf (i->second, cwmin, cwmax, i->first); } } void RegularWifiMac::TxOk (const WifiMacHeader &hdr) { NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << hdr); m_txOkCallback (hdr); } void RegularWifiMac::TxFailed (const WifiMacHeader &hdr) { NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << hdr); m_txErrCallback (hdr); } } //namespace ns3