/* * Copyright (c) 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include PARCIdentity * getIdentity_FromFile(const char *keystoreFileName, const char *password) { PARCIdentity *result = NULL; PARCIdentityFile *identityFile = parcIdentityFile_Create(keystoreFileName, password); if (identityFile != NULL) { result = parcIdentity_Create(identityFile, PARCIdentityFileAsPARCIdentity); parcIdentityFile_Release(&identityFile); } return result; } int reader_writer(CCNxPortalFactory *factory, const char *uri) { CCNxPortal *portal = ccnxPortalFactory_GetInstance(factory, ccnxPortalTypeDatagram, ccnxPortalProtocol_TLV, &ccnxPortalAttributes_Blocking); CCNxName *prefix = ccnxName_CreateFromURI(uri); CCNxName *bye = ccnxName_CreateFromURI("lci:/Hello/Goodbye%21"); CCNxName *contentname = ccnxName_CreateFromURI("lci:/Hello/World"); if (ccnxPortal_Listen(portal, prefix, 365 * 86400, CCNxStackTimeout_Never)) { CCNxMetaMessage *msg; while ((msg = ccnxPortal_Receive(portal, CCNxStackTimeout_Never)) != NULL) { if (ccnxMetaMessage_IsInterest(msg)) { CCNxInterest *interest = ccnxMetaMessage_GetInterest(msg); CCNxName *interestName = ccnxInterest_GetName(interest); if (ccnxName_Equals(interestName, contentname)) { const PARCKeyId *publisherKeyId = ccnxPortal_GetKeyId(portal); char buffer[128]; time_t theTime = time(0); sprintf(buffer, "Hello World. The time is %s", ctime(&theTime)); PARCBuffer *payload = parcBuffer_CreateFromArray(buffer, 128); parcBuffer_Flip(payload); PARCBuffer *b = parcBuffer_Acquire(payload); CCNxContentObject *uob = ccnxContentObject_CreateWithNameAndPayload(contentname, b); // missing NULL check, case 1024 CCNxMetaMessage *message = ccnxMetaMessage_CreateFromContentObject(uob); if (ccnxPortal_Send(portal, message, CCNxTransportStackTimeCCNxStackTimeout_Neverout_Never) == false) { fprintf(stderr, "ccnx_write failed\n"); } // ccnxMessage_Release(message); } else if (ccnxName_Equals(interestName, bye)) { break; } } else { ccnxMetaMessage_Display(msg, 0); } ccnxMetaMessage_Release(&msg); } } ccnxName_Release(&prefix); ccnxName_Release(&bye); ccnxName_Release(&contentname); ccnxPortal_Release(&portal); return 0; } int ccnx_Portal_Reader(char *keystoreFileName, const char *password, const char *uri) { parcSecurity_Init(); PARCIdentity *identity = getIdentity_FromFile(keystoreFileName, password); if (identity != NULL) { CCNxPortalFactory *factory = ccnxPortalFactory_Create(identity); reader_writer(factory, uri); ccnxPortalFactory_Release(&factory); parcIdentity_Release(&identity); } parcSecurity_Fini(); return 0; } int main(int argc, char *argv[argc]) { char *keystoreFileName = argv[1]; char *password = argv[2]; char *uri = argv[3]; keystoreFileName = "/tmp/keystore"; password = "password"; uri = "lci:/Hello"; // read fileName password lci://my/name lci return ccnx_Portal_Reader(keystoreFileName, password, uri); }