/* * MPD.cpp ***************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2012, bitmovin Softwareentwicklung OG, All Rights Reserved * * Email: libdash-dev@vicky.bitmovin.net * * This source code and its use and distribution, is subject to the terms * and conditions of the applicable license agreement. *****************************************************************************/ #include "MPD.h" using namespace dash::mpd; using namespace dash::metrics; MPD::MPD () : id(""), type("static"), availabilityStarttime(""), availabilityEndtime(""), mediaPresentationDuration(""), minimumUpdatePeriod(""), minBufferTime(""), timeShiftBufferDepth(""), suggestedPresentationDelay(""), maxSegmentDuration(""), maxSubsegmentDuration("") { } MPD::~MPD () { for(size_t i = 0; i < this->programInformations.size(); i++) delete(this->programInformations.at(i)); for(size_t i = 0; i < this->metrics.size(); i++) delete(this->metrics.at(i)); for(size_t i = 0; i < this->periods.size(); i++) delete(this->periods.at(i)); for(size_t i = 0; i < this->baseUrls.size(); i++) delete(this->baseUrls.at(i)); } const std::vector& MPD::GetProgramInformations () const { return (std::vector &) this->programInformations; } void MPD::AddProgramInformation (ProgramInformation *programInformation) { this->programInformations.push_back(programInformation); } const std::vector& MPD::GetBaseUrls () const { return (std::vector &) this->baseUrls; } void MPD::AddBaseUrl (BaseUrl *url) { this->baseUrls.push_back(url); } const std::vector& MPD::GetLocations () const { return this->locations; } void MPD::AddLocation (const std::string& location) { this->locations.push_back(location); } const std::vector& MPD::GetPeriods () const { return (std::vector &) this->periods; } void MPD::AddPeriod (Period *period) { this->periods.push_back(period); } const std::vector& MPD::GetMetrics () const { return (std::vector &) this->metrics; } void MPD::AddMetrics (Metrics *metrics) { this->metrics.push_back(metrics); } const std::string& MPD::GetId () const { return this->id; } void MPD::SetId (const std::string& id) { this->id = id; } const std::vector& MPD::GetProfiles () const { return this->profiles; } void MPD::SetProfiles (const std::string& profiles) { dash::helpers::String::Split(profiles, ',', this->profiles); } const std::string& MPD::GetType () const { return this->type; } void MPD::SetType (const std::string& type) { this->type = type; } const std::string& MPD::GetPublishTime () const { return this->publishTime; } const std::string& MPD::GetAvailabilityStarttime () const { return this->availabilityStarttime; } void MPD::SetAvailabilityStarttime (const std::string& availabilityStarttime) { this->availabilityStarttime = availabilityStarttime; } void MPD::SetPublishTime (const std::string& publishTime) { this->publishTime = publishTime; } const std::string& MPD::GetAvailabilityEndtime () const { return this->availabilityEndtime; } void MPD::SetAvailabilityEndtime (const std::string& availabilityEndtime) { this->availabilityEndtime = availabilityEndtime; } const std::string& MPD::GetMediaPresentationDuration () const { return this->mediaPresentationDuration; } void MPD::SetMediaPresentationDuration (const std::string& mediaPresentationDuration) { this->mediaPresentationDuration = mediaPresentationDuration; } const std::string& MPD::GetMinimumUpdatePeriod () const { return this->minimumUpdatePeriod; } void MPD::SetMinimumUpdatePeriod (const std::string& minimumUpdatePeriod) { this->minimumUpdatePeriod = minimumUpdatePeriod; } const std::string& MPD::GetMinBufferTime () const { return this->minBufferTime; } void MPD::SetMinBufferTime (const std::string& minBufferTime) { this->minBufferTime = minBufferTime; } const std::string& MPD::GetTimeShiftBufferDepth () const { return this->timeShiftBufferDepth; } void MPD::SetTimeShiftBufferDepth (const std::string& timeShiftBufferDepth) { this->timeShiftBufferDepth = timeShiftBufferDepth; } const std::string& MPD::GetSuggestedPresentationDelay () const { return this->suggestedPresentationDelay; } void MPD::SetSuggestedPresentationDelay (const std::string& suggestedPresentationDelay) { this->suggestedPresentationDelay = suggestedPresentationDelay; } const std::string& MPD::GetMaxSegmentDuration () const { return this->maxSegmentDuration; } void MPD::SetMaxSegmentDuration (const std::string& maxSegmentDuration) { this->maxSegmentDuration = maxSegmentDuration; } const std::string& MPD::GetMaxSubsegmentDuration () const { return this->maxSubsegmentDuration; } void MPD::SetMaxSubsegmentDuration (const std::string& maxSubsegmentDuration) { this->maxSubsegmentDuration = maxSubsegmentDuration; } IBaseUrl* MPD::GetMPDPathBaseUrl () const { return this->mpdPathBaseUrl; } void MPD::SetMPDPathBaseUrl (BaseUrl *mpdPath) { this->mpdPathBaseUrl = mpdPath; } uint32_t MPD::GetFetchTime () const { return this->fetchTime; } void MPD::SetFetchTime (uint32_t fetchTimeInSec) { this->fetchTime = fetchTimeInSec; } const std::vector& MPD::GetTCPConnectionList () const { return (std::vector &) this->tcpConnections; } void MPD::AddTCPConnection (TCPConnection *tcpConn) { this->tcpConnections.push_back(tcpConn); } const std::vector& MPD::GetHTTPTransactionList () const { return (std::vector &) this->httpTransactions; } void MPD::AddHTTPTransaction (HTTPTransaction *httpTransAct) { this->httpTransactions.push_back(httpTransAct); }