/* * Copyright (c) 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** */ //#include #include #include #include #include "parc_MyObject.h" // Detect a compile time if a buffer is large enough to hold a structure. #define parcObject_DefineXXX(_type_, ...) \ typedef struct { __VA_ARGS__ } _ ## _type_; \ enum { bytesCompileTimeAssertion = 1 / !!(sizeof(_type_) >= sizeof(_ ## _type_)) } struct PARCMyObject { int x; double y; double z; }; static bool _parcMyObject_Destructor(PARCMyObject **instancePtr) { assertNotNull(instancePtr, "Parameter must be a non-null pointer to a PARCMyObject pointer."); /* cleanup the instance fields here */ return true; } parcObject_ImplementAcquire(parcMyObject, PARCMyObject); parcObject_ImplementRelease(parcMyObject, PARCMyObject); parcObject_Override( PARCMyObject, PARCObject, .destructor = (PARCObjectDestructor *) _parcMyObject_Destructor, .copy = (PARCObjectCopy *) parcMyObject_Copy, .toString = (PARCObjectToString *) parcMyObject_ToString, .equals = (PARCObjectEquals *) parcMyObject_Equals, .compare = (PARCObjectCompare *) parcMyObject_Compare, .hashCode = (PARCObjectHashCode *) parcMyObject_HashCode, .toJSON = (PARCObjectToJSON *) parcMyObject_ToJSON); void parcMyObject_AssertValid(const PARCMyObject *instance) { assertTrue(parcMyObject_IsValid(instance), "PARCMyObject is not valid."); } PARCMyObject * parcMyObject_Wrap(void *origin) { PARCMyObject *result = parcObject_Wrap(origin, PARCMyObject); return result; } PARCMyObject * parcMyObject_Init(PARCMyObject *object, int x, double y, double z) { if (object != NULL) { object->x = x; object->y = y; object->z = z; } return object; } PARCMyObject * parcMyObject_Create(int x, double y, double z) { PARCMyObject *result = parcObject_CreateInstance(PARCMyObject); if (result != NULL) { result->x = x; result->y = y; result->z = z; } return (PARCMyObject *) result; } int parcMyObject_Compare(const PARCMyObject *instance, const PARCMyObject *other) { int result = 0; return result; } PARCMyObject * parcMyObject_Copy(const PARCMyObject *original) { PARCMyObject *result = NULL; return result; } void parcMyObject_Display(const PARCMyObject *object, int indentation) { parcDisplayIndented_PrintLine(indentation, "PARCMyObject@%p { .x=%d .y=%f .z=%f }", object, object->x, object->y, object->z); } bool parcMyObject_Equals(const PARCMyObject *x, const PARCMyObject *y) { bool result = false; if (x == y) { result = true; } else if (x == NULL || y == NULL) { result = false; } else { /* perform instance specific equality tests here. */ } return result; } PARCHashCode parcMyObject_HashCode(const PARCMyObject *instance) { PARCHashCode result = 0; return result; } bool parcMyObject_IsValid(const PARCMyObject *instance) { bool result = false; if (instance != NULL) { result = true; } return result; } PARCJSON * parcMyObject_ToJSON(const PARCMyObject *instance) { PARCJSON *result = parcJSON_Create(); if (result != NULL) { } return result; } char * parcMyObject_ToString(const PARCMyObject *object) { char *result = parcMemory_Format("PARCMyObject@%p { .x=%d .y=%f .z=%f }", object, object->x, object->y, object->z); return result; }