/* * Copyright (c) 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * Implements an open-addressing hash table. We use linear probing of +1 per step. * * Table is rehashed when we reach 75% utilization. * The table is rehashed if we go more than 10 linear probes without being able to insert. * * HashCodeTable is a wrapper that holds the key/data management functions. It also * has LinearAddressingHashTable that is the actual hash table. * * This open-addressing table is inefficient for GET or DEL if the element does not exist. * The whole table needs to be * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include // minimum size if nothing specified #define MIN_SIZE 256 // when we expand, use this factor #define EXPAND_FACTOR 2 #define MAX_PROBE_LENGTH 20 typedef enum { ADD_OK, // we added the key ADD_DUP, // the key is a duplicate ADD_NOSPACE // ran out of space } PARCHashCodeTable_AddResult; typedef struct hashtable_entry { // A hashtable entry is in use if the key is non-null void *key; void *data; HashCodeType hashcode; } HashTableEntry; typedef struct linear_address_hash_table { HashTableEntry *entries; // Number of elements allocated size_t tableLimit; // Number of elements in use size_t tableSize; // When the tableSize equals or exceeds this // threshold, we should expand and re-hash the tableāˆ« size_t expandThreshold; } LinearAddressingHashTable; struct parc_hashcode_table { LinearAddressingHashTable hashtable; PARCHashCodeTable_KeyEqualsFunc keyEqualsFunc; PARCHashCodeTable_HashCodeFunc keyHashCodeFunc; PARCHashCodeTable_Destroyer keyDestroyer; PARCHashCodeTable_Destroyer dataDestroyer; unsigned expandCount; }; static bool _findIndex(PARCHashCodeTable *table, const void *key, size_t *outputIndexPtr) { size_t index, start; HashCodeType hashcode; LinearAddressingHashTable *innerTable; innerTable = &table->hashtable; hashcode = table->keyHashCodeFunc(key); index = hashcode % innerTable->tableLimit; start = index; // check until we've gone MAX_PROBE_LENGTH unsigned steps = 0; do { if (innerTable->entries[index].key != NULL) { if ((innerTable->entries[index].hashcode == hashcode) && table->keyEqualsFunc(key, innerTable->entries[index].key)) { // the key already exists in the table *outputIndexPtr = index; return true; } } steps++; index = index + 1; if (index == innerTable->tableLimit) { index = 0; } } while (index != start && steps < MAX_PROBE_LENGTH); return false; } static PARCHashCodeTable_AddResult _innerTableAdd(LinearAddressingHashTable *innerTable, PARCHashCodeTable_KeyEqualsFunc keyEqualsFunc, HashCodeType hashcode, void *key, void *data) { size_t index = hashcode % innerTable->tableLimit; unsigned steps = 0; // we know the size < limit, so it will fit eventually while (steps < MAX_PROBE_LENGTH) { if (innerTable->entries[index].key == NULL) { innerTable->entries[index].hashcode = hashcode; innerTable->entries[index].key = key; innerTable->entries[index].data = data; innerTable->tableSize++; return ADD_OK; } if ((innerTable->entries[index].hashcode == hashcode) && keyEqualsFunc(key, innerTable->entries[index].key)) { // the key already exists in the table return ADD_DUP; } steps++; index = index + 1; if (index == innerTable->tableLimit) { index = 0; } } return ADD_NOSPACE; } static PARCHashCodeTable_AddResult _rehash(LinearAddressingHashTable *old_table, LinearAddressingHashTable *new_table, PARCHashCodeTable_KeyEqualsFunc keyEqualsFunc) { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < old_table->tableLimit; i++) { if (old_table->entries[i].key != NULL) { PARCHashCodeTable_AddResult result = _innerTableAdd(new_table, keyEqualsFunc, old_table->entries[i].hashcode, old_table->entries[i].key, old_table->entries[i].data); if (result != ADD_OK) { return result; } } } return ADD_OK; } static void _expandTable(PARCHashCodeTable *hashCodeTable) { LinearAddressingHashTable temp_table; LinearAddressingHashTable *old_table = &hashCodeTable->hashtable; size_t expandby = EXPAND_FACTOR; // start with a copy of the current table PARCHashCodeTable_AddResult result = ADD_OK; do { hashCodeTable->expandCount++; temp_table.tableSize = 0; temp_table.tableLimit = old_table->tableLimit * expandby; temp_table.expandThreshold = temp_table.tableLimit - temp_table.tableLimit / 4; temp_table.entries = parcMemory_AllocateAndClear(temp_table.tableLimit * sizeof(HashTableEntry)); parcAssertNotNull(temp_table.entries, "parcMemory_AllocateAndClear(%zu) returned NULL", temp_table.tableLimit * sizeof(HashTableEntry)); result = _rehash(old_table, &temp_table, hashCodeTable->keyEqualsFunc); if (result == ADD_NOSPACE) { // could not rehash, so expand by more and try again parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &(temp_table.entries)); expandby++; } } while (result == ADD_NOSPACE); parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &old_table->entries); hashCodeTable->hashtable = temp_table; } PARCHashCodeTable * parcHashCodeTable_Create_Size(PARCHashCodeTable_KeyEqualsFunc keyEqualsFunc, PARCHashCodeTable_HashCodeFunc keyHashCodeFunc, PARCHashCodeTable_Destroyer keyDestroyer, PARCHashCodeTable_Destroyer dataDestroyer, size_t minimumSize) { PARCHashCodeTable *table = parcMemory_AllocateAndClear(sizeof(PARCHashCodeTable)); parcAssertNotNull(table, "parcMemory_AllocateAndClear(%zu) returned NULL", sizeof(PARCHashCodeTable)); parcAssertNotNull(keyEqualsFunc, "keyEqualsFunc must be non-null"); parcAssertNotNull(keyHashCodeFunc, "keyHashCodeFunc must be non-null"); parcAssertTrue(minimumSize > 0, "minimumSize must be greater than zero"); table->keyEqualsFunc = keyEqualsFunc; table->keyHashCodeFunc = keyHashCodeFunc; table->keyDestroyer = keyDestroyer; table->dataDestroyer = dataDestroyer; table->hashtable.entries = parcMemory_AllocateAndClear(minimumSize * sizeof(HashTableEntry)); parcAssertNotNull(table->hashtable.entries, "parcMemory_AllocateAndClear(%zu) returned NULL", minimumSize * sizeof(HashTableEntry)); table->hashtable.tableLimit = minimumSize; table->hashtable.tableSize = 0; memset(table->hashtable.entries, 0, minimumSize * sizeof(HashTableEntry)); // expand at 75% utilization table->hashtable.expandThreshold = minimumSize - minimumSize / 4; return table; } PARCHashCodeTable * parcHashCodeTable_Create(PARCHashCodeTable_KeyEqualsFunc keyEqualsFunc, PARCHashCodeTable_HashCodeFunc keyHashCodeFunc, PARCHashCodeTable_Destroyer keyDestroyer, PARCHashCodeTable_Destroyer dataDestroyer) { return parcHashCodeTable_Create_Size(keyEqualsFunc, keyHashCodeFunc, keyDestroyer, dataDestroyer, MIN_SIZE); } void parcHashCodeTable_Destroy(PARCHashCodeTable **tablePtr) { parcAssertNotNull(tablePtr, "Parameter must be non-null double pointer"); parcAssertNotNull(*tablePtr, "Parameter must dereference to non-null pointer"); PARCHashCodeTable *table = *tablePtr; size_t i; for (i = 0; i < table->hashtable.tableLimit; i++) { if (table->hashtable.entries[i].key != NULL) { if (table->keyDestroyer) { table->keyDestroyer(&table->hashtable.entries[i].key); } if (table->dataDestroyer) { table->dataDestroyer(&table->hashtable.entries[i].data); } } } parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &(table->hashtable.entries)); parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &table); *tablePtr = NULL; } bool parcHashCodeTable_Add(PARCHashCodeTable *table, void *key, void *data) { parcAssertNotNull(table, "Parameter table must be non-null"); parcAssertNotNull(key, "Parameter key must be non-null"); parcAssertNotNull(data, "Parameter data must be non-null"); if (table->hashtable.tableSize >= table->hashtable.expandThreshold) { _expandTable(table); } HashCodeType hashcode = table->keyHashCodeFunc(key); PARCHashCodeTable_AddResult result = ADD_OK; do { result = _innerTableAdd(&table->hashtable, table->keyEqualsFunc, hashcode, key, data); if (result == ADD_NOSPACE) { _expandTable(table); } } while (result == ADD_NOSPACE); return (result == ADD_OK); } void parcHashCodeTable_Del(PARCHashCodeTable *table, const void *key) { size_t index; bool found; parcAssertNotNull(table, "Parameter table must be non-null"); parcAssertNotNull(key, "parameter key must be non-null"); found = _findIndex(table, key, &index); if (found) { parcAssertTrue(table->hashtable.tableSize > 0, "Illegal state: found entry in a hash table with 0 size"); if (table->keyDestroyer) { table->keyDestroyer(&table->hashtable.entries[index].key); } if (table->dataDestroyer) { table->dataDestroyer(&table->hashtable.entries[index].data); } memset(&table->hashtable.entries[index], 0, sizeof(HashTableEntry)); table->hashtable.tableSize--; } } void * parcHashCodeTable_Get(PARCHashCodeTable *table, const void *key) { size_t index; parcAssertNotNull(table, "Parameter table must be non-null"); parcAssertNotNull(key, "parameter key must be non-null"); bool found = _findIndex(table, key, &index); if (found) { return table->hashtable.entries[index].data; } return NULL; } size_t parcHashCodeTable_Length(const PARCHashCodeTable *table) { parcAssertNotNull(table, "Parameter table must be non-null"); return table->hashtable.tableSize; }