/* * Copyright (c) 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "parc_HashMap.h" #include "parc_LinkedList.h" #include static const uint32_t DEFAULT_CAPACITY = 43; typedef struct PARCHashMapEntry { PARCObject *key; PARCObject *value; } _PARCHashMapEntry; static bool _parcHashMapEntry_IsValid(_PARCHashMapEntry *hashEntry) { bool result = false; if (hashEntry) { if (parcObject_IsValid(hashEntry->key)) { if (parcObject_IsValid(hashEntry->value)) { result = true; } } } return result; } static void _parcHashMapEntry_Finalize(_PARCHashMapEntry **instancePtr) { parcAssertNotNull(instancePtr, "Parameter must be a non-null pointer to a PARCHashMap pointer."); _PARCHashMapEntry *hashMapEntry = *instancePtr; _parcHashMapEntry_IsValid(hashMapEntry); parcObject_Release(&hashMapEntry->key); parcObject_Release(&hashMapEntry->value); } static bool _parcHashMapEntry_Equals(const _PARCHashMapEntry *a, const _PARCHashMapEntry *b) { return (parcObject_Equals(a->key, b->key) && parcObject_Equals(a->value, b->value)); } static PARCHashCode _parcHashMapEntry_HashCode(const _PARCHashMapEntry *entry) { return parcObject_HashCode(entry->key); } struct PARCHashMap { PARCLinkedList **buckets; size_t minCapacity; size_t capacity; size_t size; double maxLoadFactor; double minLoadFactor; }; static _PARCHashMapEntry * _parcHashMap_GetEntry(const PARCHashMap *hashMap, const PARCObject *key) { PARCHashCode keyHash = parcObject_HashCode(key); int bucket = (int)(keyHash % hashMap->capacity); _PARCHashMapEntry *result = NULL; if (hashMap->buckets[bucket] != NULL) { PARCIterator *iterator = parcLinkedList_CreateIterator(hashMap->buckets[bucket]); while (parcIterator_HasNext(iterator)) { _PARCHashMapEntry *entry = parcIterator_Next(iterator); if (parcObject_Equals(key, entry->key)) { result = entry; break; } } parcIterator_Release(&iterator); } return result; } //static parcObject_ImplementAcquire(parcHashMapEntry, _PARCHashMapEntry); static parcObject_ImplementRelease(_parcHashMapEntry, _PARCHashMapEntry); parcObject_ExtendPARCObject(_PARCHashMapEntry, _parcHashMapEntry_Finalize, NULL, NULL, _parcHashMapEntry_Equals, NULL, _parcHashMapEntry_HashCode, NULL); static _PARCHashMapEntry * _parcHashMapEntry_Create(const PARCObject *key, const PARCObject *value) { parcObject_OptionalAssertValid(key); parcObject_OptionalAssertValid(value); _PARCHashMapEntry *result = parcObject_CreateInstance(_PARCHashMapEntry); result->key = parcObject_Copy(key); result->value = parcObject_Acquire(value); return result; } static void _parcHashMap_Finalize(PARCHashMap **instancePtr) { parcAssertNotNull(instancePtr, "Parameter must be a non-null pointer to a PARCHashMap pointer."); PARCHashMap *hashMap = *instancePtr; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < hashMap->capacity; i++) { if (hashMap->buckets[i] != NULL) { parcLinkedList_Release(&hashMap->buckets[i]); } } parcMemory_Deallocate(&hashMap->buckets); /* cleanup the instance fields here */ } parcObject_ImplementAcquire(parcHashMap, PARCHashMap); parcObject_ImplementRelease(parcHashMap, PARCHashMap); parcObject_ExtendPARCObject(PARCHashMap, _parcHashMap_Finalize, parcHashMap_Copy, parcHashMap_ToString, parcHashMap_Equals, NULL, parcHashMap_HashCode, parcHashMap_ToJSON); void parcHashMap_AssertValid(const PARCHashMap *instance) { parcAssertTrue(parcHashMap_IsValid(instance), "PARCHashMap is not valid."); } PARCHashMap * parcHashMap_CreateCapacity(unsigned int capacity) { PARCHashMap *result = parcObject_CreateInstance(PARCHashMap); if (result != NULL) { if (capacity == 0) { capacity = DEFAULT_CAPACITY; } result->minCapacity = capacity; result->capacity = capacity; result->size = 0; result->maxLoadFactor = 0.75; result->minLoadFactor = result->maxLoadFactor / 3.0; result->buckets = parcMemory_AllocateAndClear(capacity * sizeof(PARCLinkedList*)); } return result; } PARCHashMap * parcHashMap_Create(void) { PARCHashMap *result = parcHashMap_CreateCapacity(DEFAULT_CAPACITY); return result; } PARCHashMap * parcHashMap_Copy(const PARCHashMap *original) { parcHashMap_OptionalAssertValid(original); PARCHashMap *result = parcObject_CreateInstance(PARCHashMap); result->capacity = original->capacity; result->minCapacity = original->minCapacity; result->maxLoadFactor = original->maxLoadFactor; result->minLoadFactor = original->minLoadFactor; result->size = original->size; result->buckets = parcMemory_Allocate(result->capacity * sizeof(PARCLinkedList*)); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < result->capacity; i++) { result->buckets[i] = NULL; if (original->buckets[i] != NULL) { result->buckets[i] = parcLinkedList_Copy(original->buckets[i]); } } return result; } void parcHashMap_Display(const PARCHashMap *hashMap, int indentation) { parcDisplayIndented_PrintLine(indentation, "PARCHashMap@%p {", hashMap); PARCIterator *iterator = parcHashMap_CreateKeyIterator((PARCHashMap *) hashMap); while (parcIterator_HasNext(iterator)) { PARCObject *keyObject = parcIterator_Next(iterator); const PARCObject *valueObject = parcHashMap_Get(hashMap, keyObject); char *key = parcObject_ToString(keyObject); char *value = parcObject_ToString(valueObject); parcDisplayIndented_PrintLine(indentation + 1, "%s -> %s", key, value); parcMemory_Deallocate(&key); parcMemory_Deallocate(&value); } parcIterator_Release(&iterator); parcDisplayIndented_PrintLine(indentation, "}"); } bool parcHashMap_Equals(const PARCHashMap *x, const PARCHashMap *y) { bool result = false; if (x == y) { result = true; } else if (x == NULL || y == NULL) { result = false; } else { parcHashMap_OptionalAssertValid(x); parcHashMap_OptionalAssertValid(y); if (x->capacity == y->capacity) { if (x->size == y->size) { result = true; for (unsigned int i = 0; (i < x->capacity) && result; i++) { if ((x->buckets[i] == NULL) || (y->buckets[i] == NULL)) { result = (x->buckets[i] == y->buckets[i]); } else { // For each item in an X bucket, it must be in the Y bucket. result = parcLinkedList_SetEquals(x->buckets[i], y->buckets[i]); } } } } } return result; } PARCHashCode parcHashMap_HashCode(const PARCHashMap *hashMap) { parcHashMap_OptionalAssertValid(hashMap); PARCHashCode result = 0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < hashMap->capacity; i++) { if (hashMap->buckets[i] != NULL) { result += parcLinkedList_HashCode(hashMap->buckets[i]); } } return result; } bool parcHashMap_IsValid(const PARCHashMap *map) { bool result = false; if (map != NULL) { if (parcObject_IsValid(map)) { result = true; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < map->capacity; i++) { if (map->buckets[i] != NULL) { if (parcLinkedList_IsValid(map->buckets[i]) == false) { result = false; break; } } } } } return result; } PARCJSON * parcHashMap_ToJSON(const PARCHashMap *hashMap) { parcHashMap_OptionalAssertValid(hashMap); PARCJSON *result = parcJSON_Create(); PARCIterator *iterator = parcHashMap_CreateKeyIterator((PARCHashMap *) hashMap); while (parcIterator_HasNext(iterator)) { PARCObject *keyObject = parcIterator_Next(iterator); const PARCObject *valueObject = parcHashMap_Get(hashMap, keyObject); char *key = parcObject_ToString(keyObject); PARCJSON *value = parcObject_ToJSON(valueObject); parcJSON_AddObject(result, key, value); parcMemory_Deallocate(&key); parcJSON_Release(&value); } parcIterator_Release(&iterator); return result; } PARCBufferComposer * parcHashMap_BuildString(const PARCHashMap *hashMap, PARCBufferComposer *composer) { PARCIterator *iterator = parcHashMap_CreateKeyIterator((PARCHashMap *) hashMap); while (parcIterator_HasNext(iterator)) { PARCObject *keyObject = parcIterator_Next(iterator); const PARCObject *valueObject = parcHashMap_Get(hashMap, keyObject); char *key = parcObject_ToString(keyObject); char *value = parcObject_ToString(valueObject); parcBufferComposer_Format(composer, "%s -> %s\n", key, value); parcMemory_Deallocate(&key); parcMemory_Deallocate(&value); } parcIterator_Release(&iterator); return composer; } char * parcHashMap_ToString(const PARCHashMap *hashMap) { parcHashMap_OptionalAssertValid(hashMap); char *result = NULL; PARCBufferComposer *composer = parcBufferComposer_Create(); if (composer != NULL) { parcHashMap_BuildString(hashMap, composer); PARCBuffer *tempBuffer = parcBufferComposer_ProduceBuffer(composer); result = parcBuffer_ToString(tempBuffer); parcBuffer_Release(&tempBuffer); parcBufferComposer_Release(&composer); } return result; } bool parcHashMap_Contains(PARCHashMap *hashMap, const PARCObject *key) { PARCObject *result = NULL; _PARCHashMapEntry *entry = _parcHashMap_GetEntry(hashMap, key); if (entry != NULL) { result = entry->value; } return result; } static void _parcHashMap_Resize(PARCHashMap *hashMap, size_t newCapacity) { if (newCapacity < hashMap->minCapacity) { return; } PARCLinkedList **newBuckets = parcMemory_AllocateAndClear(newCapacity * sizeof(PARCLinkedList*)); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < hashMap->capacity; i++) { if (hashMap->buckets[i] != NULL) { if (!parcLinkedList_IsEmpty(hashMap->buckets[i])) { PARCIterator *elementIt = parcLinkedList_CreateIterator(hashMap->buckets[i]); while (parcIterator_HasNext(elementIt)) { _PARCHashMapEntry *entry = parcIterator_Next(elementIt); PARCHashCode keyHash = parcObject_HashCode(entry->key); int newBucket = (int)(keyHash % newCapacity); if (newBuckets[newBucket] == NULL) { newBuckets[newBucket] = parcLinkedList_Create(); } parcLinkedList_Append(newBuckets[newBucket], entry); } parcIterator_Release(&elementIt); } parcLinkedList_Release(&hashMap->buckets[i]); } } PARCLinkedList **cleanupBuckets = hashMap->buckets; hashMap->buckets = newBuckets; hashMap->capacity = newCapacity; parcMemory_Deallocate(&cleanupBuckets); } bool parcHashMap_Remove(PARCHashMap *hashMap, const PARCObject *key) { PARCHashCode keyHash = parcObject_HashCode(key); int bucket = (int)(keyHash % hashMap->capacity); bool result = false; if (hashMap->buckets[bucket] != NULL) { PARCIterator *iterator = parcLinkedList_CreateIterator(hashMap->buckets[bucket]); while (parcIterator_HasNext(iterator)) { _PARCHashMapEntry *entry = parcIterator_Next(iterator); if (parcObject_Equals(key, entry->key)) { parcIterator_Remove(iterator); hashMap->size--; result = true; break; } } parcIterator_Release(&iterator); } // When expanded by 2 the load factor goes from .75 (3/4) to .375 (3/8), if // we compress by 2 when the load factor is .25 (1/4) the load // factor becomes .5 (1/2). double loadFactor = (double) hashMap->size / (double) hashMap->capacity; if (loadFactor <= (hashMap->minLoadFactor)) { _parcHashMap_Resize(hashMap, hashMap->capacity / 2); } return result; } #include PARCHashMap * parcHashMap_Put(PARCHashMap *hashMap, const PARCObject *key, const PARCObject *value) { // When expanded by 2 the load factor goes from .75 (3/4) to .375 (3/8), if // we compress by 2 when the load factor is .25 (1/4) the load // factor becomes .5 (1/2). double loadFactor = (double) hashMap->size / (double) hashMap->capacity; if (loadFactor >= hashMap->maxLoadFactor) { _parcHashMap_Resize(hashMap, hashMap->capacity * 2); } _PARCHashMapEntry *entry = _parcHashMap_GetEntry(hashMap, key); if (entry != NULL) { if (entry->value != value) { parcObject_Release(&entry->value); entry->value = parcObject_Acquire(value); } } else { entry = _parcHashMapEntry_Create(key, value); PARCHashCode keyHash = parcObject_HashCode(key); int bucket = (int)(keyHash % hashMap->capacity); if (hashMap->buckets[bucket] == NULL) { hashMap->buckets[bucket] = parcLinkedList_Create(); } parcLinkedList_Append(hashMap->buckets[bucket], entry); hashMap->size++; _parcHashMapEntry_Release(&entry); } return hashMap; } const PARCObject * parcHashMap_Get(const PARCHashMap *hashMap, const PARCObject *key) { PARCObject *result = NULL; _PARCHashMapEntry *entry = _parcHashMap_GetEntry(hashMap, key); if (entry != NULL) { result = entry->value; } return result; } size_t parcHashMap_Size(const PARCHashMap *hashMap) { parcHashMap_OptionalAssertValid(hashMap); return hashMap->size; } double parcHashMap_GetClusteringNumber(const PARCHashMap *hashMap) { // This function compute the standard deviation of the chain-lengths // from a value of 1.0 (as opposed to the mean) and weights the // result by in inverse of the current load factor. The deviation // from 1.0 is used because the hashmap's max load factor is < 1.0 and // thus the ideal average chain-length is 1.0 // // A result of 0.0 equates to an ideal distribution, a result of ~1.0 should // represent a fairly normal or random distribution, and a result > 1.5 or so // implies some amount of undesirable clumping may be happening. size_t totalLength = 0; double variance = 0; // Compute the variance vs 1.0 for (size_t i = 0; i < hashMap->capacity; ++i) { if (hashMap->buckets[i] != NULL) { size_t bucketSize = parcLinkedList_Size(hashMap->buckets[i]); totalLength += bucketSize; variance += (bucketSize - 1) * (bucketSize - 1); //Variance relative to 1 } } variance /= ((double) totalLength); // Compute the standard deviation double standardDeviation = sqrt(variance); // Weight the standard deviation by the inverse of the current load factor return standardDeviation * ((double) hashMap->capacity / (double) totalLength); } typedef struct { PARCHashMap *map; int bucket; PARCIterator *listIterator; _PARCHashMapEntry *current; } _PARCHashMapIterator; static _PARCHashMapIterator * _parcHashMap_Init(PARCHashMap *map __attribute__((unused))) { _PARCHashMapIterator *state = parcMemory_AllocateAndClear(sizeof(_PARCHashMapIterator)); if (state != NULL) { state->map = map; state->bucket = 0; state->listIterator = NULL; for (size_t i = 0; i < map->capacity; ++i) { if (map->buckets[i] != NULL) { state->bucket = (int)i; state->listIterator = parcLinkedList_CreateIterator(map->buckets[i]); break; } } parcTrapOutOfMemoryIf(state->listIterator == NULL, "Cannot create parcLinkedList_CreateIterator"); } return state; } static bool _parcHashMap_Fini(PARCHashMap *map __attribute__((unused)), _PARCHashMapIterator *state __attribute__((unused))) { if (state->listIterator != NULL) { parcIterator_Release(&state->listIterator); } parcMemory_Deallocate(&state); return true; } static _PARCHashMapIterator * _parcHashMap_Next(PARCHashMap *map __attribute__((unused)), _PARCHashMapIterator *state) { _PARCHashMapEntry *result = parcIterator_Next(state->listIterator); state->current = result; return state; } static void _parcHashMap_Remove(PARCHashMap *map, _PARCHashMapIterator **statePtr __attribute__((unused))) { _PARCHashMapIterator *state = *statePtr; if (state->listIterator != NULL) { parcIterator_Remove(state->listIterator); map->size--; } } static bool _parcHashMap_HasNext(PARCHashMap *map __attribute__((unused)), _PARCHashMapIterator *state) { bool result = false; if (state->listIterator != NULL) { if (parcIterator_HasNext(state->listIterator)) { result = true; } else { while ((result == false) && (++state->bucket < map->capacity)) { if (map->buckets[state->bucket] != NULL) { parcIterator_Release(&state->listIterator); state->listIterator = parcLinkedList_CreateIterator(map->buckets[state->bucket]); parcTrapOutOfMemoryIf(state->listIterator == NULL, "Cannot create parcLinkedList_CreateIterator"); result = parcIterator_HasNext(state->listIterator); } } } } return result; } static PARCObject * _parcHashMapValue_Element(PARCHashMap *map __attribute__((unused)), const _PARCHashMapIterator *state) { return state->current->value; } static PARCObject * _parcHashMapKey_Element(PARCHashMap *map __attribute__((unused)), const _PARCHashMapIterator *state) { return state->current->key; } PARCIterator * parcHashMap_CreateValueIterator(PARCHashMap *hashMap) { PARCIterator *iterator = parcIterator_Create(hashMap, (void *(*)(PARCObject *))_parcHashMap_Init, (bool (*)(PARCObject *, void *))_parcHashMap_HasNext, (void *(*)(PARCObject *, void *))_parcHashMap_Next, (void (*)(PARCObject *, void **))_parcHashMap_Remove, (void *(*)(PARCObject *, void *))_parcHashMapValue_Element, (void (*)(PARCObject *, void *))_parcHashMap_Fini, NULL); return iterator; } PARCIterator * parcHashMap_CreateKeyIterator(PARCHashMap *hashMap) { PARCIterator *iterator = parcIterator_Create(hashMap, (void *(*)(PARCObject *))_parcHashMap_Init, (bool (*)(PARCObject *, void *))_parcHashMap_HasNext, (void *(*)(PARCObject *, void *))_parcHashMap_Next, (void (*)(PARCObject *, void **))_parcHashMap_Remove, (void *(*)(PARCObject *, void *))_parcHashMapKey_Element, (void (*)(PARCObject *, void *))_parcHashMap_Fini, NULL); return iterator; }