/* * Copyright (c) 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifndef _WIN32 #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include char *sub_delims = "!$&'()*+,;="; char *gen_delims = ":/?#[]@"; #define isSubDelims(c) (c != 0 && strchr(sub_delims, c) != NULL) #define isGenDelims(c) (c != 0 && strchr(gen_delims, c) != NULL) #define isDigit(c) (c >= '0' && c <= '9') #define isAlpha(c) (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') #define isUnreserved(c) (isAlpha(c) || isDigit(c) || c == '-' || c == '.' || c == '_' || c == '~') #define isReserved(c) (isGenDelims(c) || isSubDelims(c)) #define isPchar(c) (isUnreserved(c) || isSubDelims(c) || c == ':' || c == '@') int vasprintf(char **strp, const char *fmt, va_list ap); struct parc_uri { char *scheme; char *authority; PARCURIPath *path; char *query; char *fragment; }; static void _parcURI_Finalize(PARCURI **uriPtr) { parcAssertNotNull(uriPtr, "Parameter must be a non-null pointer to a pointer to a PARCURI instance."); PARCURI *uri = *uriPtr; if (uri->scheme != NULL) { parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &uri->scheme); } if (uri->authority != NULL) { parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &(uri->authority)); } if (uri->path) { parcURIPath_Release(&uri->path); } if (uri->query != NULL) { parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &(uri->query)); } if (uri->fragment != NULL) { parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &(uri->fragment)); } } parcObject_ExtendPARCObject(PARCURI, _parcURI_Finalize, parcURI_Copy, parcURI_ToString, parcURI_Equals, NULL, NULL, NULL); PARCURI * parcURI_Create(void) { PARCURI *result = parcObject_CreateAndClearInstance(PARCURI); return result; } PARCURI * parcURI_CreateFromValist(const char *restrict format, va_list argList) { PARCURI *result = NULL; char *string; if (vasprintf(&string, format, argList) != -1) { result = parcURI_Parse(string); free(string); } return result; } PARCURI * parcURI_CreateFromFormatString(const char *restrict format, ...) { va_list argList; va_start(argList, format); PARCURI *result = parcURI_CreateFromValist(format, argList); va_end(argList); return result; } parcObject_ImplementAcquire(parcURI, PARCURI); parcObject_ImplementRelease(parcURI, PARCURI); static bool _parcURI_SchemeEquals(const char *schemeA, const char *schemeB) { if (schemeA == schemeB) { return true; } if (schemeA == NULL || schemeB == NULL) { return false; } return strcmp(schemeA, schemeB) == 0; } static bool _parcURI_AuthorityEquals(const char *authorityA, const char *authorityB) { if (authorityA == authorityB) { return true; } if (authorityA == NULL || authorityB == NULL) { return false; } return strcmp(authorityA, authorityB) == 0; } static bool _parcURI_QueryEquals(const char *queryA, const char *queryB) { if (queryA == queryB) { return true; } if (queryA == NULL || queryB == NULL) { return false; } return strcmp(queryA, queryB) == 0; } static bool _parcURI_FragmentEquals(const char *fragmentA, const char *fragmentB) { if (fragmentA == fragmentB) { return true; } if (fragmentA == NULL || fragmentB == NULL) { return false; } return strcmp(fragmentA, fragmentB) == 0; } bool parcURI_Equals(const PARCURI *uriA, const PARCURI *uriB) { if (uriA == uriB) { return true; } if (uriA == NULL || uriB == NULL) { return false; } if (_parcURI_SchemeEquals(uriA->scheme, uriB->scheme)) { if (_parcURI_AuthorityEquals(uriA->authority, uriB->authority)) { if (parcURIPath_Equals(uriA->path, uriB->path)) { if (_parcURI_QueryEquals(uriA->query, uriB->query)) { if (_parcURI_FragmentEquals(uriA->fragment, uriB->fragment)) { return true; } } } } } return false; } /* * Parse and return a copy of the scheme portion of the URI. * * If this function returns successfully, * the input parameter @p pointer will point to either a null-byte or the first character * after the ':' separating the scheme from the rest of the URI. * * @return non-NULL An allocated string copy of the string which must be freed by the caller via parcMemory_Deallocate. * @return NULL The scheme is malformed. */ static char * _parseScheme(const char *uri, const char **pointer) { size_t length = 0; const char *p = uri; while (*p != 0 && *p != ':') { length++; p++; } if (*p == 0) { return NULL; } if (length == 0) { return NULL; } char *result = parcMemory_StringDuplicate(uri, length); *pointer = (char *) &uri[length + 1]; return result; } /** * @function _parseAuthority * @abstract Parse the authority portion of a URI, if present. * @discussion * A URI may have an optional authority component. * If the given string begins with a double forward slash ("//"), * then it is followed by an authority part and a path. * If the string doesn't begin with ("//") it contains only a path and this * function simply returns NULL and setting the give pointer to the first * character of the (expected) path. * * @param string A pointer to the start of the (potential) authority component. * @param pointer A pointer to a character pointer that will be assigned point to the first character that begins the path. * @return An allocated string, to be freed via parcMemory_Deallocate, if the authority portion is present or NULL if otherwise. */ static char * _parseAuthority(const char *string, const char **pointer) { if (string[0] == '/' && string[1] == '/') { size_t length = 0; for (const char *p = &string[2]; *p != '/'; p++) { if (*p == 0) { *pointer = p; break; } length++; } char *result = parcMemory_StringDuplicate(&string[2], length); // The pointer must point to the first character *after* the '/' character as the '/' is not part of the path. *pointer = &(&string[2])[length]; return result; } *pointer = string; return NULL; } static char * _parseQuery(const char *string, const char **pointer) { if (*string != '?') { return NULL; } string++; size_t length = 0; for (const char *p = string; *p != 0 && *p != '#'; p++) { length++; } char *result = parcMemory_StringDuplicate(string, length); *pointer = &string[length]; return result; } static char * _parseFragment(const char *string, const char **pointer) { if (*string != '#') { return NULL; } string++; size_t length = 0; for (const char *p = string; *p != 0; p++) { length++; } char *result = parcMemory_StringDuplicate(string, length); *pointer = &string[length]; return result; } static void _parcURI_SetScheme(PARCURI *uri, const char *scheme) { if (uri->scheme != NULL) { parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &(uri->scheme)); } if (scheme == NULL) { uri->scheme = NULL; } else { uri->scheme = parcMemory_StringDuplicate(scheme, strlen(scheme)); } } static void _parcURI_SetAuthority(PARCURI *uri, const char *authority) { if (uri->authority != NULL) { parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &(uri->authority)); } if (authority == NULL) { uri->authority = NULL; } else { uri->authority = parcMemory_StringDuplicate(authority, strlen(authority)); } } static void _parcURI_SetQuery(PARCURI *uri, const char *query) { if (uri->query != NULL) { parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &(uri->query)); } if (query == NULL) { uri->query = NULL; } else { uri->query = parcMemory_StringDuplicate(query, strlen(query)); } } static void _parcURI_SetFragment(PARCURI *uri, const char *fragment) { if (uri->fragment != NULL) { parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &(uri->fragment)); } if (fragment == NULL) { uri->fragment = NULL; } else { uri->fragment = parcMemory_StringDuplicate(fragment, strlen(fragment)); } } PARCURI * parcURI_Parse(const char *string) { const char *pointer = string; PARCURI *result = parcURI_Create(); if (result != NULL) { result->scheme = _parseScheme(pointer, &pointer); if (result->scheme != NULL) { result->authority = _parseAuthority(pointer, &pointer); result->path = parcURIPath_Parse(pointer, &pointer); result->query = _parseQuery(pointer, &pointer); result->fragment = _parseFragment(pointer, &pointer); } else { parcURI_Release(&result); result = NULL; } } return result; } PARCURI * parcURI_Copy(const PARCURI *uri) { PARCURI *result = parcURI_Create(); if (result != NULL) { _parcURI_SetScheme(result, parcURI_GetScheme(uri)); _parcURI_SetAuthority(result, parcURI_GetAuthority(uri)); result->path = parcURIPath_Copy(parcURI_GetPath(uri)); _parcURI_SetQuery(result, parcURI_GetQuery(uri)); _parcURI_SetFragment(result, parcURI_GetFragment(uri)); } return result; } PARCBufferComposer * parcURI_BuildString(const PARCURI *uri, PARCBufferComposer *composer) { parcBufferComposer_PutStrings(composer, parcURI_GetScheme(uri), ":", NULL); if (parcURI_GetAuthority(uri)) { parcBufferComposer_PutString(composer, "//"); parcBufferComposer_PutString(composer, parcURI_GetAuthority(uri)); } parcBufferComposer_PutString(composer, "/"); parcURIPath_BuildString(parcURI_GetPath(uri), composer); if (parcURI_GetQuery(uri)) { parcBufferComposer_PutStrings(composer, "?", parcURI_GetQuery(uri), NULL); } if (parcURI_GetFragment(uri)) { parcBufferComposer_PutStrings(composer, "#", parcURI_GetFragment(uri), NULL); } return composer; } char * parcURI_ToString(const PARCURI *uri) { char *result = NULL; PARCBufferComposer *composer = parcBufferComposer_Create(); if (composer != NULL) { if (parcURI_BuildString(uri, composer) != NULL) { PARCBuffer *tempBuffer = parcBufferComposer_ProduceBuffer(composer); result = parcBuffer_ToString(tempBuffer); parcBuffer_Release(&tempBuffer); } parcBufferComposer_Release(&composer); } return result; } const char * parcURI_GetScheme(const PARCURI *uri) { return uri->scheme; } const char * parcURI_GetAuthority(const PARCURI *uri) { return uri->authority; } PARCURIPath * parcURI_GetPath(const PARCURI *uri) { return uri->path; } const char * parcURI_GetQuery(const PARCURI *uri) { return uri->query; } const char * parcURI_GetFragment(const PARCURI *uri) { return uri->fragment; }