/* * Copyright (c) 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** */ #include #include #include #if __APPLE__ #include #include #include #endif #include #include #include #include struct PARCStopwatch { uint64_t start; // uint64_t stop; }; static bool _parcStopwatch_Destructor(PARCStopwatch **instancePtr) { assertNotNull(instancePtr, "Parameter must be a non-null pointer to a PARCStopwatch pointer."); /* cleanup the instance fields here */ return true; } parcObject_ImplementAcquire(parcStopwatch, PARCStopwatch); parcObject_ImplementRelease(parcStopwatch, PARCStopwatch); parcObject_Override(PARCStopwatch, PARCObject, .destructor = (PARCObjectDestructor *) _parcStopwatch_Destructor, .release = (PARCObjectRelease *) parcStopwatch_Release, .copy = (PARCObjectCopy *) parcStopwatch_Copy, .toString = (PARCObjectToString *) parcStopwatch_ToString, .equals = (PARCObjectEquals *) parcStopwatch_Equals, .hashCode = (PARCObjectHashCode *) parcStopwatch_HashCode, .toJSON = (PARCObjectToJSON *) parcStopwatch_ToJSON, .display = (PARCObjectDisplay *) parcStopwatch_Display); void parcStopwatch_AssertValid(const PARCStopwatch *instance) { assertTrue(parcStopwatch_IsValid(instance), "PARCStopwatch is not valid."); } PARCStopwatch * parcStopwatch_Create(void) { PARCStopwatch *result = parcObject_CreateInstance(PARCStopwatch); if (result != NULL) { result->start = 0; } return result; } PARCStopwatch * parcStopwatch_Copy(const PARCStopwatch *original) { PARCStopwatch *result = parcStopwatch_Create(); result->start = original->start; return result; } void parcStopwatch_Display(const PARCStopwatch *instance, int indentation) { parcDisplayIndented_PrintLine(indentation, "PARCStopwatch@%p { .start=%" PRIu64 " }", instance, instance->start); } bool parcStopwatch_Equals(const PARCStopwatch *x, const PARCStopwatch *y) { bool result = false; if (x == y) { result = true; } else if (x == NULL || y == NULL) { result = false; } else { if (memcmp(&x->start, &y->start, sizeof(x->start)) == 0) { result = true; } } return result; } PARCHashCode parcStopwatch_HashCode(const PARCStopwatch *timer) { PARCHashCode result = parcHashCode_Hash((uint8_t *) timer, sizeof(PARCStopwatch *)); return result; } bool parcStopwatch_IsValid(const PARCStopwatch *instance) { bool result = false; if (instance != NULL) { result = true; } return result; } PARCJSON * parcStopwatch_ToJSON(const PARCStopwatch *instance) { PARCJSON *result = parcJSON_Create(); if (result != NULL) { PARCJSON *start = parcJSON_Create(); parcJSON_AddInteger(start, "nanoseconds", instance->start); parcJSON_AddObject(result, "start", start); parcJSON_Release(&start); } return result; } char * parcStopwatch_ToString(const PARCStopwatch *instance) { char *result = parcMemory_Format("PARCStopwatch@%p={ .start=%" PRIu64 " }", instance, instance->start); return result; } #if __linux__ void parcStopwatch_StartImpl(PARCStopwatch *timer, ...) { struct timespec theTime; clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME_COARSE, &theTime); timer->start = (uint64_t) (theTime.tv_sec * 1000000000) + theTime.tv_nsec; va_list ap; va_start(ap, timer); PARCStopwatch *t; while ((t = va_arg(ap, PARCStopwatch *)) != NULL) { t->start = timer->start; } } static inline uint64_t _parcStopwatch_Stop(PARCStopwatch *timer) { struct timespec theTime; clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME_COARSE, &theTime); uint64_t result = (uint64_t) (theTime.tv_sec * 1000000000) + theTime.tv_nsec; return result; } #elif __APPLE__ static mach_timebase_info_data_t _parcStopWatch_TimeBaseInfo; void parcStopwatch_StartImpl(PARCStopwatch *timer, ...) { if (_parcStopWatch_TimeBaseInfo.denom == 0) { mach_timebase_info(&_parcStopWatch_TimeBaseInfo); } timer->start = mach_absolute_time() * _parcStopWatch_TimeBaseInfo.numer / _parcStopWatch_TimeBaseInfo.denom; va_list ap; va_start(ap, timer); PARCStopwatch *t; while ((t = va_arg(ap, PARCStopwatch *)) != NULL) { t->start = timer->start; } } static inline uint64_t _parcStopwatch_Stop(PARCStopwatch *timer) { uint64_t result = mach_absolute_time() * _parcStopWatch_TimeBaseInfo.numer / _parcStopWatch_TimeBaseInfo.denom; return result; } #else void parcStopwatch_StartImpl(PARCStopwatch *timer, ...) { struct timeval theTime; gettimeofday(&theTime, NULL); timer->start = (uint64_t) (theTime.tv_sec * 1000000000) + theTime.tv_usec * 1000; va_list ap; va_start(ap, timer); PARCStopwatch *t; while ((t = va_arg(ap, PARCStopwatch *)) != NULL) { t->start = timer->start; } } static inline uint64_t _parcStopwatch_Stop(PARCStopwatch *timer) { struct timeval theTime; gettimeofday(&theTime, NULL); uint64_t result = theTime.tv_sec * 1000000000 + theTime.tv_usec * 1000; return result; } #endif static inline uint64_t _parcStopWatch_ElapsedTimeNanos(PARCStopwatch *timer) { return (_parcStopwatch_Stop(timer) - timer->start); } uint64_t parcStopwatch_ElapsedTimeNanos(PARCStopwatch *timer) { return _parcStopWatch_ElapsedTimeNanos(timer); } uint64_t parcStopwatch_ElapsedTimeMicros(PARCStopwatch *timer) { return _parcStopWatch_ElapsedTimeNanos(timer) / 1000; } uint64_t parcStopwatch_ElapsedTimeMillis(PARCStopwatch *timer) { return _parcStopWatch_ElapsedTimeNanos(timer) / 1000000; }