#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (c) 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at: # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # import sys, logging, asyncio, socket, functools import time # LXD workaround from pylxd.exceptions import NotFound as LxdNotFound, LXDAPIException from netmodel.model.filter import Filter from netmodel.model.query import Query, ACTION_SELECT, ACTION_INSERT from netmodel.model.query import ACTION_UPDATE, ACTION_SUBSCRIBE from netmodel.model.sql_parser import SQLParser from netmodel.network.packet import Packet from netmodel.network.router import Router from netmodel.util.toposort import toposort, toposort_flatten from netmodel.util.meta import inheritors from netmodel.util.singleton import Singleton from netmodel.util.misc import is_iterable from vicn.core.attribute import NEVER_SET from vicn.core.exception import VICNException, ResourceNotFound from vicn.core.resource_factory import ResourceFactory from vicn.core.resource import Resource, FactoryResource, EmptyResource from vicn.core.sa_collections import InstrumentedList from vicn.core.state import InstanceState, ResourceState from vicn.core.state import AttributeState, Operations, PendingValue from vicn.core.task import TaskManager, wait_task, task, async_task from vicn.core.task import EmptyTask, BashTask log = logging.getLogger(__name__) # NOTE: Do not fully reinitialize a resource after a step fails since it will # call initialize several times, and might created spurious resources. ENABLE_LXD_WORKAROUND = True # Monitoring queries Q_SUB_VPP = 'SUBSCRIBE SUM(*) FROM interface WHERE device_name INCLUDED [{}]' Q_SUB_IF = 'SUBSCRIBE * FROM interface WHERE device_name == "{}"' Q_SUB_STATS = 'SUBSCRIBE * FROM stats' Q_SUB_EMULATOR_IF = 'SUBSCRIBE * FROM interface WHERE id == "{}"' Q_SUB_EMULATOR = 'SUBSCRIBE * FROM interface WHERE device_name == "{}"' # Log messages S_WAIT_DEP = ' .. Waiting for dependency {}' S_WAIT_DEP_OK = ' .. Done waiting for dependency {}' S_WAIT = ' .. Waiting for {}' S_WAIT_OK = ' .. Done waiting for {}' S_WAIT_PRED = ' - Waiting for initialization of predecessors...' S_WAIT_SRS = ' - Waiting for subresources...' S_REG_SR = ' . Registering subresource to manager {}...' S_WAIT_SR = ' . Waiting for subresource: {}' S_WAIT_SR_OK = ' . Subresource is ready: {}' S_AFTER = ' . AFTER TYPE={}' S_INIT_DONE = 'INIT done. Resource exists. Process attribute dict {}' S_GET_DONE = 'GET done. Resource does not exist (exception was: {})' S_KEYS_OK = 'Keys initialized, resource can now be created.' S_CREATE_OK = 'CREATE success. Process attribute dict {}' #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Helpers #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ async def wait_resource(resource): await resource._state.clean.wait() async def wait_resource_init(resource): await resource._state.init.wait() async def wait_resources(resources): await asyncio.gather(*[wait_resource(r) for r in resources]) wait_resource_task = async_task(wait_resource) wait_resources_task = async_task(wait_resources) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class ResourceManager(metaclass=Singleton): """ A ResourceManager is in charge of managing resources, their lifecycle, and interfaces to them. """ def __init__(self, base, settings): # Base directory for scenario self._base = base # Resources sorted via dependency (instances) self._resources = dict() self._deps = None # Store resource requirements used for automatic instanciation # instance -> attribute -> requirements self._instance_requirements = dict() self._dirty = set() self._auto_commit = False # class -> Requirements self._class_requirements = dict() self._map_uuid_name = dict() self._map_name_uuid = dict() self._map_str_uuid = dict() # The task manager is used to schedule tasks used for resource # synchronization self._task_mgr = TaskManager() # Store experiment settings self._settings = settings # Cache available resource types _available = ResourceFactory().get_available_resources() self._available = { k.lower(): v for k, v in _available.items() } # API / user interface self._router = Router(vicn_callback = self._on_vicn_command) self._router.add_interface('unixserver') self._router.add_interface('local', router = self._router) self._router.add_interface('vicn', manager = self) ws_port = self.get('websocket_port') self._ws = self._router.add_interface('websocketserver', port = ws_port) # Monitoring self._monitored = set() self._pending_monitoring = set() # For debug self._committed = set() self._num = 0 self._num_clean = 0 def terminate(self): self._router.terminate() #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Settings #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def set_settings(self, settings): if settings is None: return self._settings.update(settings) def get(self, setting): return self._settings[setting] def set(self, setting, value): self._settings[setting] = value #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Monitoring # # XXX This code should be deprecated / moved into a separate module. # Planned for a future release. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _on_vicn_command(self, command): if command == 'setup': self.setup() elif command == 'teardown': self.teardown() elif command == 'monitor': self.monitor() elif command == 'terminate': loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() loop.stop() else: # open_terminal, ... raise NotImplementedError def _broadcast(self, query): if not self._ws: return self._ws.execute(query) def _broadcast_packet(self, packet): self._broadcast(packet.to_query()) def _on_ns_record(self, packet): query = packet.to_query() if not query.object_name == 'interface': return q = Query(ACTION_UPDATE, 'channel', filter = query.filter, params = query.params) q.reply = True self._ws.execute(q) return None def _on_netmon_record(self, packet): query = packet.to_query() # Find channel related to query # NOTE: we update the channel twice, once for each interface... if query.object_name == 'interface': device_names = [value for key, op, value in query.filter.to_list() if key == 'device_name'] if not device_names: log.error('No device name in packet=', packet) return device_name = device_names[0] node_name = query.params['node'] node = ResourceManager().by_name(node_name) if node is None: return None for interface in node.interfaces: if interface.device_name == device_name: if interface.channel: f = Filter.from_list([['id', '==', interface.channel._state.uuid._uuid]]) q = Query(ACTION_UPDATE, 'channel', filter = f, params = query.params) q.reply = True self._ws.execute(q) return None return None return None return None def _on_netmon_channel_record(self, packet): query = packet.to_query() if query.object_name == 'interface': device_names = [value for key, op, value in query.filter.to_list() if key == 'device_name'] if not device_names: log.error('No device name in packet=', packet) return device_name = device_names[0] f = Filter.from_list([['id', '==', device_name]]) q = Query(ACTION_UPDATE, 'channel', filter = f, params = query.params) q.reply = True self._ws.execute(q) return None return None def _on_vpp_record(self, packet, pylink_id): query = packet.to_query() if query.object_name == 'interface': device_names = [value for key, op, value in query.filter.to_list() if key == 'device_name'] if not device_names: log.error('No device name in packet=', packet) return # We might want to check if the query has SUM(*) f = Filter.from_list([['id', '==', pylink_id]]) q = Query(ACTION_UPDATE, 'channel', filter = f, params = query.params) q.reply = True self._ws.execute(q) return None print('discard packet in on_netmon_channel_record', query) return None #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Resource management #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def create_from_dict(self, **resource): resource_type = resource.pop('type', None) assert resource_type return self.create(resource_type.lower(), **resource) def create(self, resource_type, **attributes): cls = self._available.get(resource_type) if not cls: raise Exception("Ignored resource with unknown type %s: %r" % (resource_type, attributes)) resource = cls(**attributes) name = attributes.get('name', None) if name: self._map_uuid_name[resource._state.uuid] = name self._map_name_uuid[name] = resource._state.uuid return resource def get_resource_type_names(self): return ResourceFactory().get_available_resources().keys() def add_resource(self, instance, name = None): instance._state = InstanceState(self, instance, name = name) self._resources[instance._state.uuid] = instance self._map_str_uuid[instance._state.uuid._uuid] = instance._state.uuid self._deps = None def commit_resource(self, resource): """ Committing a resource creates an asyncio function implementing a state management automaton. """ self._num += 1 asyncio.ensure_future(self._process_resource(resource)) def commit(self): """ Commit all resource whose owner is not set, and mark unmanaged resources as clean. This function is used at initialization. """ # Start FSM for all managed resources for resource in self.get_resources(): if resource.owner is not None: continue if resource.managed == False: asyncio.ensure_future(self._set_resource_state(resource, ResourceState.CLEAN)) continue self.commit_resource(resource) def setup(self, commit=False): """ This function is in charge of setting up all resources needed by the experiment. Since it might be a long process, it should be asynchronous at some point. So far, we let resources take care of this by themselves. """ self._auto_commit = commit if commit: self.commit() def get_resource_with_capabilities(self, cls, capabilities): if '__type__' in cls.__dict__ and cls.__type__ == FactoryResource: candidates = inheritors(cls) if not candidates: log.error('Abstract resource with no candidates: %s', cls.__name__) return None for delegate in candidates: if capabilities and (not '__capabilities__' in vars(delegate) or not capabilities.issubset(delegate.__capabilities__)): continue log.info("Abstract resource %s, delegated %s among %r" % \ (cls.__name__, delegate.__name__, candidates)) return delegate return None else: if capabilities and (not '__capabilities__' in vars(delegate) or not capabilities.issubset(delegate.__capabilities__)): log.error('Capabilities conflict for resource : %s', cls.__name__) raise VICNException return cls def find(self, resource_tuple): cls, attr_dict = resource_tuple for instance in self.by_type(cls): cur_attr_dict = instance._get_attribute_dict() common_keys = [k for k in cur_attr_dict.keys() if k in attr_dict.keys()] if all(attr_dict[k] == cur_attr_dict[k] for k in common_keys): return instance return None def __iter__(self): for resource in self._resources.values(): yield resource def resources(self): return list(self.__iter__()) def _sort_resources(self): deps = {} for instance in self.resources(): deps[instance._state.uuid] = \ instance.get_dependencies(allow_unresolved = True) self._deps = toposort_flatten(deps) def _sorted_resources(self): """ Iterates on resources based on their dependencies """ if not self._deps: self._sort_resources() for dep in self._deps: try: yield self._resources[dep] except KeyError: log.error('Dependency not found : {}'.format(dep)) raise InvalidResource def sorted_resources(self): return list(self._sorted_resources()) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Queries #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def by_uuid(self, uuid): return self._resources.get(uuid) def by_uuid_str(self, uuid_str): uuid = self._map_str_uuid.get(uuid_str) return self._resources.get(uuid) def by_name(self, name): uuid = self._map_name_uuid.get(name) return self.by_uuid(uuid) def get_resources(self): return self._resources.values() def get_aggregates(self, resource_name, resource_cls): """ Get aggregated object. """ if not resource_name in self._aggregates: return None all_aggregates = self._aggregates[resource_name] if not resource_cls in all_aggregates: return None aggregates = all_aggregates[resource_cls] assert all(isinstance(x, resource_cls) for x in aggregates) return aggregates def get_aggregate(self, resource_name, resource_cls): aggregates = self.get_aggregates(resource_name, resource_cls) if not aggregates: return None assert len(aggregates) == 1 return next(aggregates) def by_type(self, type): return [r for r in self if isinstance(r, type)] def by_type_str(self, typestr): cls = self._available.get(typestr.lower()) if not cls: return list() return self.by_type(cls) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Requirements #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def add_instance_requirement(self, instance, requirement): uuid = instance._state.uuid if not uuid in self._instance_requirements: self._instance_requirements[uuid] = list() self._instance_requirements[uuid].append(requirement) def get_instance_requirements(self, instance): uuid = instance._state.uuid return self._instance_requirements.get(uuid, dict()) def add_class_requirement(self, cls, requirement): if not cls in self._class_requirements: self._class_requirements[cls] = list() self._class_requirements[cls].append(requirement) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Events #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def on(self, resource_name, event, action): resource = self._resources.get(resource_name, None) if not resource: return resource.on(event, action) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Task management #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def schedule(self, task, resource = None): if task is None or isinstance(task, EmptyTask): return self._task_mgr.schedule(task, resource) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Asynchronous resource API # # The manager is the only one to submit tasks to the scheduler since it can # store and share the results, manage concurrent access, etc. # As many functions are not thread safe, we make sure that they are all # executed in the manager's thread (=main thread). #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- async def resource_exits(self, resource): await self._resource_get() await self.wait_resource_exists(resource) return resource._state.exists async def wait_attr_init(self, resource, attribute_name): await resource._state.attr_init[attribute_name].wait() async def wait_attr_clean(self, resource, attribute_name): await resource._state.attr_clean[attribute_name].wait() async def attribute_get(self, resource, attribute, value): await self.wait_attr_init(resource, attribute) return resource.get(attribute) async def attribute_set(self, resource, attribute_name, value, blocking=True): with await resource._state.write_lock: # Add the current operation to the pending list # NOTE: collections are unordered and can be updated concurrently #self._attribute_set_pending_value(resource, attribute_name) resource._state.dirty[attribute_name].trigger(Operations.SET, value) attr_state = resource._state.attr_state[attribute_name] if attr_state == AttributeState.CLEAN: resource._state.attr_state[attribute_name] = \ AttributeState.DIRTY elif attr_state in [ # Nothing to do since we know the attribute value will be # processed later. # If the attribute was not processed by default, we would have # to change the state of the attribute so that it gets # processed. AttributeState.UNINITIALIZED, AttributeState.INITIALIZED, AttributeState.PENDING_INIT, AttributeState.DIRTY]: pass else: # We cannot have the lock for instance if the attribute is # being updated. raise RuntimeError resource_state = resource._state.state if resource_state == ResourceState.CLEAN: resource._state.state = ResourceState.DIRTY resource._state.change_event.set() elif resource_state in [ ResourceState.UNINITIALIZED, ResourceState.INITIALIZED, ResourceState.PENDING_KEYS, ResourceState.KEYS_OK, ResourceState.PENDING_DEPS, ResourceState.DEPS_OK, ResourceState.PENDING_CREATE, ResourceState.CREATED, ResourceState.DIRTY, ]: pass # Nothing to do, the attribute will get processed else: # ResourceState.PENDING_UPDATE # other raise RuntimeError("Resource cannot be in state".format( resource_state)) if blocking: await self.wait_attr_clean(resource, attribute_name) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Resource dependency management #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- async def _resource_wait_attributes(self, resource): """Check dependencies and requirements Inspect all attributes for referenced resources, and their eventual requirements. """ self.log(resource, ' - Waiting for attribute dependencies...') for attr in resource.iter_attributes(): if issubclass(attr.type, Resource): deps = resource.get(attr.name) if deps is None: # Not really a dependency, we expect mandatory to prevent # us to continue if we should not continue if not attr.is_collection: deps = [deps] for dep in deps: # XXX This could be done in parallel if not dep.managed: continue dep_pfx = '{}:{}'.format(dep.get_type(), dep.get_uuid()) self.log(resource, S_WAIT_DEP. format(dep_pfx)) await wait_resource(dep) self.log(resource, S_WAIT_DEP_OK. format(dep_pfx)) if not attr.requirements: continue for req in attr.requirements: dep_attr_name = req.requirement_type dep_attr = dep.get_attribute(dep_attr_name) assert issubclass(dep_attr.type, Resource) dep_attr_value = dep.get(dep_attr_name) if not dep_attr_value: dep_attr_value = dep.auto_instanciate(dep_attr) setattr(dep, dep_attr_name, dep_attr_value) dep_attr_value_pfx = '{}:{}'.format( dep_attr_value.get_type(), dep_attr_value.get_uuid()) self.log(resource, S_WAIT_DEP.format(dep_attr_value_pfx)) await wait_resource(dep_attr_value) self.log(resource, S_WAIT_DEP_OK .format(dep_attr_value_pfx)) async def _resource_wait_predecessors(self, resource): after = resource.__after__() if after: self.log(resource, ' - Waiting for predecessors...') for resource_type in after: self.log(resource, ' . AFTER TYPE={}'.format(resource_type)) befores = resource._state.manager.by_type_str(resource_type) for before in befores: if not before.managed: continue before_pfx = '{}:{}'.format(before.get_type(), before.get_uuid()) self.log(resource, S_WAIT.format(before_pfx)) await wait_resource(before) self.log(resource, S_WAIT_OK.format(before_pfx)) after_init = resource.__after_init__() if after_init: self.log(resource, S_WAIT_PRED) for resource_type in after_init: self.log(resource, S_AFTER.format(resource_type)) befores = resource._state.manager.by_type_str(resource_type) for before in befores: if not before.managed: continue before_pfx = '{}:{}'.format(before.get_type(), before.get_uuid()) self.log(resource, S_WAIT.format(before_pfx)) await wait_resource_init(before) self.log(resource, S_WAIT_OK.format(before_pfx)) async def _resource_wait_subresources(self, resource): self.log(resource, S_WAIT_SRS) # We should accumulate subresources through the hierarchy sr = EmptyResource() for base in reversed(resource.__class__.mro()): if '__subresources__' not in vars(base): continue sr = sr > base.__subresources__(resource) if sr is not None and not isinstance(sr, EmptyResource): resource.set_subresources(sr) pfx_sr = '{}:{}'.format(sr.get_type(), sr.get_uuid()) self.log(resource, S_REG_SR .format(pfx_sr)) await sr.async_commit_to_manager(self) self.log(resource, S_WAIT_SR.format(pfx_sr)) await wait_resource(sr) self.log(resource, S_WAIT_SR_OK.format(pfx_sr)) async def _resource_wait_dependencies(self, resource): self.log(resource, 'Waiting for dependencies...') await self._resource_wait_attributes(resource) await self._resource_wait_predecessors(resource) await self._resource_wait_subresources(resource) def _task_resource_action(self, resource, action): """Perform action: __get__, __create__, __delete__ on the full class hierarchy. """ task = EmptyTask() for base in reversed(resource.__class__.mro()): # To avoid adding several times the same task if action not in vars(base): continue func = getattr(base, action, None) if func is None: continue t = func(resource) task = task > t return task #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Resource model #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _task_attribute_op(self, resource, attribute, op): return getattr(resource, '_{}_{}'.format(op, attribute.name))() #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Attribute FSM #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _attribute_is_dirty(self, resource, attribute): """ Precondition: Attribute has been retrieved """ pending_value = resource._state.dirty[attribute.name] return pending_value.value != NEVER_SET async def __set_attribute_state(self, resource, attribute_name, state): """Sets the resource state (no-lock version) It is important to centralize state change since some states are associated with Events(). """ if state in [ AttributeState.INITIALIZED, AttributeState.CLEAN, AttributeState.DIRTY ]: resource._state.attr_init[attribute_name].set() elif state == AttributeState.RESET: resource._state.attr_init[attribute_name].clear() else: raise RuntimeError("Inconsistent resource state {}".format(state)) if state in [AttributeState.CLEAN]: resource._state.attr_clean[attribute_name].set() elif state in [ AttributeState.INITIALIZED, AttributeState.DIRTY, AttributeState.RESET ]: resource._state.attr_clean[attribute_name].clear() else: raise RuntimeError resource._state.attr_state[attribute_name] = AttributeState.UNINITIALIZED \ if state == AttributeState.RESET else state async def _set_attribute_state(self, resource, attribute_name, state): """Sets the attribute state (lock version) """ with await resource._state.attr_lock[attribute_name]: await self.__set_attribute_state(resource, attribute_name, state) def _trigger_attr_state_change(self, resource, attribute, fut): try: ret = fut.result() resource._state.attr_change_success[attribute.name] = True resource._state.attr_change_value[attribute.name] = ret except Exception as e: resource._state.attr_change_success[attribute.name] = False resource._state.attr_change_value[attribute.name] = e resource._state.attr_change_event[attribute.name].set() async def attribute_process(self, resource, attribute): """ Temporary FSM executing in parallel for attribute management. Those FSM are under the responsability of the main resource FSM. Precondition: Attribute state is initialized """ self.attr_log(resource, attribute, 'Starting attribute FSM for {}'.format(attribute.name)) new_state = None while new_state != AttributeState.CLEAN: #with await resource._state.attr_lock[attribute.name]: state = resource._state.attr_state[attribute.name] self.attr_log(resource, attribute, 'Current state is {}'.format(state)) # AttributeState.ERROR if resource._state.attr_change_success[attribute.name] == False: e = resource._state.attr_change_value[attribute.name] if ENABLE_LXD_WORKAROUND and \ (isinstance(e, LxdNotFound) or isinstance(e, LXDAPIException)): new_state = AttributeState.RESET log.warning('LXD Fix (not found). Reset attribute') resource._state.attr_change_success[attribute.name] = True else: log.error('Attribute error {} for resource {}'.format( resource.get_uuid(), attribute.name)) import traceback; traceback.print_tb(e.__traceback__) log.error('Failed with exception: {}'.format(e)) import os; os._exit(1) # Signal update errors to the parent resource resource._state.attr_change_event[attribute.name].set() if state == AttributeState.UNINITIALIZED: pending_state = AttributeState.PENDING_INIT elif state in AttributeState.INITIALIZED: pending_state = AttributeState.PENDING_UPDATE elif state == AttributeState.DIRTY: pending_state = AttributeState.PENDING_UPDATE elif state in [ AttributeState.PENDING_INIT, AttributeState.PENDING_UPDATE ]: # Nothing to do pending_state = None elif state == AttributeState.CLEAN: return else: raise RuntimeError if pending_state is None: self.attr_log(resource, attribute, 'Nothing to do. Waiting for event...') await resource._state.attr_change_event[attribute.name].wait() resource._state.attr_change_event[attribute.name].clear() self.attr_log(resource, attribute, 'Wake up from event') continue if pending_state == AttributeState.PENDING_INIT: task = self._task_attribute_op(resource, attribute, 'get') elif pending_state == AttributeState.PENDING_UPDATE: pending_value = resource._state.dirty[attribute.name] if pending_value.value == NEVER_SET: assert len(pending_value.operations) == 0 task = EmptyTask() else: try: task = self._task_attribute_op(resource, attribute, Operations.SET) except Exception as e: log.warning('No attribute setter attribute {}'.format( attribute)) task = EmptyTask() else: raise RuntimeError if task is not None and not isinstance(task, EmptyTask): state_change = functools.partial( \ self._trigger_attr_state_change, resource, attribute) task.add_done_callback(state_change) self.attr_log(resource, attribute, 'Trigger {} -> {}. Waiting task completion'.format( state, pending_state)) self.schedule(task) await resource._state.attr_change_event[attribute.name].wait() resource._state.attr_change_event[attribute.name].clear() self.attr_log(resource, attribute, 'Completed {} -> {}. Success = {}'.format( state, pending_state, resource._state.attr_change_success[attribute.name])) else: # If this value is not reset, attributes get updated many times resource._state.attr_change_value[attribute.name] = NEVER_SET if pending_state == AttributeState.PENDING_INIT: if resource._state.attr_change_success[attribute.name] == True: attrs = resource._state.attr_change_value[attribute.name] self.attr_log(resource, attribute, 'INIT success. Value = {}'.format(attrs)) found = self._process_attr_dict(resource, attribute, attrs) if not found: log.error('Attribute missing return attrs: {}'.format( attrs)) found = self._process_attr_dict(resource, attribute, attrs) new_state = AttributeState.INITIALIZED else: attrs = resource._state.attr_change_value[attribute.name] if ENABLE_LXD_WORKAROUND and \ (isinstance(attrs, LxdNotFound) or isinstance(attrs, LXDAPIException)): new_state = AttributeState.RESET log.warning('LXD Fix (not found). Reset attribute') resource._state.attr_change_success[attribute.name] = True else: self.attr_log(resource, attribute, 'INIT gave no value. Value = {}'.format(attrs)) new_state = AttributeState.INITIALIZED elif pending_state == AttributeState.PENDING_UPDATE: if resource._state.attr_change_success[attribute.name] == True: attrs = resource._state.attr_change_value[attribute.name] self.attr_log(resource, attribute, 'UPDATE success. Value = {}. Attribute is CLEAN'.format(attrs)) if attrs != NEVER_SET: # None could be interpreted as the return value. Also, # we need not to overwrite the value from get self._process_attr_dict(resource, attribute, attrs) # We might do this for all returned attributes cur_value = vars(resource)[attribute.name] if attribute.is_collection: tmp = InstrumentedList(pending_value.value) tmp._attribute = cur_value._attribute tmp._instance = cur_value._instance else: tmp = pending_value.value vars(resource)[attribute.name] = tmp pending_value.clear() new_state = AttributeState.CLEAN else: if ENABLE_LXD_WORKAROUND and \ (isinstance(attrs, LxdNotFound) or isinstance(attrs, LXDAPIException)): new_state = AttributeState.RESET log.warning('LXD Fix (not found). Reset attribute') resource._state.attr_change_success[attribute.name] = True else: log.error('Attribute error {} for resource {}'.format( resource.get_uuid(), attribute.name)) e = resource._state.attr_change_value[attribute.name] new_state = AttributeState.ERROR else: raise RuntimeError # Setting attribute state await self._set_attribute_state(resource, attribute.name, new_state) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Resource FSM #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def parse_query(self, line): dic = SQLParser().parse(line) if not dic: raise RuntimeError("Can't parse input command: %s" % command) return Query.from_dict(dic) def _monitor_netmon(self, resource): ip = resource.node.host_interface.ip_address if not ip: log.error('IP of monitored Node is None') import os; os._exit(1) ws = self._router.add_interface('websocketclient', address=ip, hook=self._on_netmon_record) node = resource.node for interface in node.interfaces: if not interface.monitored: continue if interface.get_type() == 'dpdkdevice' and hasattr(node,'vpp'): # Check if vICN has already subscribed for one interface in # the channel if hasattr(interface.channel,'already_subscribed'): continue channel_id = interface.channel._state.uuid._uuid update_vpp = functools.partial(self._on_vpp_record, pylink_id = channel_id) ws_vpp = self._router.add_interface('websocketclient', address=ip, hook=update_vpp) aggregate_interfaces = list() for _interface in node.interfaces: if not _interface.get_type() == 'dpdkdevice' and \ _interface.monitored: aggregate_interfaces.append('"' + _interface.device_name + '"') q_str = Q_SUB_VPP.format(','.join(aggregate_interfaces)) q = self.parse_query(q_str) packet = Packet.from_query(q) self._router._flow_table.add(packet, None, ws_vpp) ws_vpp.send(packet) # Prevent vICN to subscribe to other interfaces of the same # channel interface.channel.already_subscribed = True else: q_str = Q_SUB_IF.format(interface.device_name) q = self.parse_query(q_str) packet = Packet.from_query(q) self._router._flow_table.add(packet, None, ws) ws.send(packet) def _monitor_emulator(self, resource): ns = resource ip = ns.node.bridge.ip_address # host_interface.ip_address ws_ns = self._router.add_interface('websocketclient', address = ip, port = ns.control_port, hook = self._on_ns_record) ws = self._router.add_interface('websocketclient', address = ip, hook = self._on_netmon_channel_record) for station in ns.stations: if not station.managed: interface = [i for i in station.interfaces if i.channel == ns] assert len(interface) == 1 interface = interface[0] identifier = interface.name else: iface = ns._sta_ifs[station] identifier = iface._state.uuid._uuid # Monitor the wireless channel for position and link rate q_str = Q_SUB_EMULATOR_IF.format(identifier) q = self.parse_query(q_str) packet = Packet.from_query(q) self._router._flow_table.add(packet, None, ws_ns) ws_ns.send(packet) # We also need to subscribe on the node for the tap interfaces # for individual bandwidth monitoring tap = ns._sta_taps[station] q_str = Q_SUB_EMULATOR.format(tap.device_name) q = self.parse_query(q_str) packet = Packet.from_query(q) self._router._flow_table.add(packet, None, ws) ws.send(packet) def _monitor(self, resource): if resource.get_type() == 'centralip': for uuid in self._pending_monitoring: pending = self.by_uuid(uuid) self._monitor(pending) self._pending_monitoring.clear() return central_ip = self.by_type_str('centralip') if not central_ip: raise NotImplementedError('Missing CentralIP in experiment') central_ip = central_ip[0] uuid = resource.get_uuid() if central_ip._state.state != ResourceState.CLEAN: self._pending_monitoring.add(uuid) return if uuid in self._monitored: return self._monitored.add(uuid) if resource.get_type() == 'netmon': if resource.node.get_type() != 'lxccontainer': return self._monitor_netmon(resource) elif resource.has_type('emulatedchannel'): self._monitor_emulator(resource) async def __set_resource_state(self, resource, state): """Sets the resource state (no-lock version) It is important to centralize state change since some states are associated with Events(). """ prev_state = resource._state.state resource._state.state = state if state == ResourceState.CLEAN: # Monitoring hook self._monitor(resource) resource._state.clean.set() if prev_state != ResourceState.CLEAN: self._num_clean += 1 log.info("Resource {} is marked as CLEAN ({}/{})".format( resource.get_uuid(), self._num_clean, self._num)) else: resource._state.clean.clear() if prev_state == ResourceState.CLEAN: self._num_clean -= 1 if state == ResourceState.INITIALIZED: resource._state.init.set() async def _set_resource_state(self, resource, state): """Sets the resource state (lock version) """ with await resource._state.lock: await self.__set_resource_state(resource, state) def _trigger_state_change(self, resource, fut): try: ret = fut.result() resource._state.change_success = True resource._state.change_value = ret except Exception as e: resource._state.change_success = False resource._state.change_value = e resource._state.change_event.set() def _process_attr_dict(self, resource, attribute, attrs): if not isinstance(attrs, dict): if attribute is None: return False attrs = {attribute.name: attrs} resource.set_many(attrs, current=True) return True async def _task_resource_update(self, resource): # Monitor all FSM one by one and inform about errors. futs = list() attrs = list() for attr in resource.iter_attributes(): if resource.is_local_attribute(attr.name): continue if attr.key: # Those attributes are already done continue attrs.append(attr) fut = self.attribute_process(resource, attr) futs.append(fut) if not futs: self.log(resource, 'No attribute to update') return None await asyncio.gather(*futs) # Inform the resource about the outcome of the update process # Error if at least one attribute failed. resource._state.change_success = all( resource._state.attr_change_success[attr.name] for attr in attrs) self.log(resource, 'All attributes FSM terminated with success={}'.format( resource._state.change_success)) if resource._state.change_success: ret = [ resource._state.attr_change_value[attr.name] for attr in attrs] return ret else: raise NotImplementedError('At least one attribute failed') async def _task_resource_keys(self, resource): # Monitor all FSM one by one and inform about errors. futs = list() attrs = list() for attr in resource.get_keys(): if resource.is_local_attribute(attr.name): continue attrs.append(attr) fut = self.attribute_process(resource, attr) futs.append(fut) if not futs: self.log(resource, 'No key attribute to update') return None await asyncio.gather(*futs) # Inform the resource about the outcome of the update process # Error if at least one attribute failed. resource._state.change_success = all( resource._state.attr_change_success[attr.name] for attr in attrs) self.log(resource, 'KEY attributes FSM terminated with success={}'.format( resource._state.change_success)) if resource._state.change_success: ret = resource._state.attr_change_value return ret else: raise NotImplementedError('At least one attribute failed') #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Logging #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def log(self, resource, msg=None): resource._state.log.append(msg) # Display on screen #pfx = '[{}] {}: '.format(resource.get_type(), resource.get_uuid()) #print(pfx, msg) def attr_log(self, resource, attribute, msg): resource._state.attr_log[attribute.name].append(msg) # Display on screen #pfx = '[{}] {} / {}: '.format(resource.get_type(), resource.get_uuid(), # attribute.name) #print(pfx, msg) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- async def _process_resource(self, resource): """ We need to schedule the first set of subresources, knowing others will be orchestrated by the operators - subresources need to enter the system in order -> we just add them to the manager in time - but they need to be managed by the system - in particular, the owner waits for the system to complete subresoruces: this is the implementation of __get__ __create__ __delete__ in the base resource """ pfx = '[{}] {}: '.format(resource.get_type(), resource.get_uuid()) self.log(resource, 'Starting FSM...') # When a resource is managed, it will get automatically monitored by # adding the netmon resource on it. from vicn.resource.node import Node if resource.get_type() == 'lxccontainer': self.log(resource, 'Associating monitoring to lxc container resource...') instance = self.create('netmon', node=resource) self.commit_resource(instance) # FIXME elif resource.get_type() == 'physical' and resource.managed and \ len(self.by_type_str('emulatedchannel')) > 0: self.log(resource, 'Associating monitoring to physical node resource...') instance = self.create('netmon', node=resource) self.commit_resource(instance) state = None while True: with await resource._state.lock: # FSM implementation state = resource._state.state self.log(resource, 'Current state is {}'.format(state)) if state == ResourceState.UNINITIALIZED: pending_state = ResourceState.PENDING_DEPS elif state == ResourceState.DEPS_OK: pending_state = ResourceState.PENDING_INIT elif state == ResourceState.INITIALIZED: pending_state = ResourceState.PENDING_GET elif state == ResourceState.GET_DONE: if resource.get_keys(): pending_state = ResourceState.PENDING_KEYS else: pending_state = ResourceState.PENDING_CREATE elif state == ResourceState.KEYS_OK: pending_state = ResourceState.PENDING_CREATE elif state in [ResourceState.CREATED, ResourceState.DIRTY]: pending_state = ResourceState.PENDING_UPDATE elif state == ResourceState.DELETED: raise NotImplementedError # Nothing to do unless explicitely requested pending_state = None elif state in [ ResourceState.PENDING_DEPS, ResourceState.PENDING_INIT, ResourceState.PENDING_CREATE, ResourceState.PENDING_DELETE, ResourceState.CLEAN ]: # Nothing to do pending_state = None else: raise RuntimeError # Implement state changes # # If a task is already pending, we simply wait for it to complete if pending_state is None: # Wait for an external change self.log(resource, 'Nothing to do. Waiting for event...') await resource._state.change_event.wait() self.log(resource, 'Wake up from event') resource._state.change_event.clear() continue if pending_state == ResourceState.PENDING_DEPS: # XXX Maybe for any action, we need to wait for dependencies to # be up to date task = async_task(functools.partial(self._resource_wait_dependencies, resource))() elif pending_state == ResourceState.PENDING_INIT: task = self._task_resource_action(resource, '__initialize__') elif pending_state == ResourceState.PENDING_GET: task = self._task_resource_action(resource, '__get__') if isinstance(task, BashTask): task.set_default_parse_for_get() elif pending_state == ResourceState.PENDING_KEYS: task = async_task(functools.partial(self._task_resource_keys, resource))() elif pending_state == ResourceState.PENDING_CREATE: task = self._task_resource_action(resource, '__create__') elif pending_state == ResourceState.PENDING_UPDATE: # Instead of tasks, we wait for many smaller autoamtons to # terminate await resource._state.write_lock.acquire() task = async_task(functools.partial(self._task_resource_update, resource))() elif pending_state == ResourceState.PENDING_DELETE: task = self._task_resource_action(resource, '__delete__') else: raise RuntimeError if task is not None and not isinstance(task, EmptyTask): resource._state.change_success = None # undetermined state state_change = functools.partial(self._trigger_state_change, resource) task.add_done_callback(state_change) self.schedule(task, resource) self.log(resource, 'Trigger {} -> {}. Waiting task completion'.format( state, pending_state)) await resource._state.change_event.wait() resource._state.change_event.clear() self.log(resource, 'Completed {} -> {}. Success = {}'.format( state, pending_state, resource._state.change_success)) # If no task, can assume there is an instant switch to the next step... # Update state based on task results if pending_state == ResourceState.PENDING_DEPS: # XXX NO CHANGE SUCCESS TEST ?? new_state = ResourceState.DEPS_OK elif pending_state == ResourceState.PENDING_INIT: if resource._state.change_success == True: attrs = resource._state.change_value self.log(resource, 'INIT done.') new_state = ResourceState.INITIALIZED else: e = resource._state.change_value log.error('Cannot setup resource {} : {}'.format( resource.get_uuid(), e)) elif pending_state == ResourceState.PENDING_GET: if resource._state.change_success == True: attrs = resource._state.change_value self.log(resource, S_INIT_DONE.format(attrs)) self._process_attr_dict(resource, None, attrs) new_state = ResourceState.CREATED else: e = resource._state.change_value if ENABLE_LXD_WORKAROUND and \ resource.get_type() != 'lxccontainer' and \ isinstance(e, LxdNotFound): # "not found" is the normal exception when the container # does not exists. anyways the bug should only occur # with container.execute(), not container.get() log.warning('LXD Fix (not found). Reset resource') new_state = ResourceState.INITIALIZED elif ENABLE_LXD_WORKAROUND and isinstance(e, LXDAPIException): # "not found" is the normal exception when the container # does not exists. anyways the bug should only occur # with container.execute(), not container.get() log.warning('LXD Fix (API error). Reset resource') new_state = ResourceState.INITIALIZED elif isinstance(e, ResourceNotFound): # The resource does not exist self.log(resource, S_GET_DONE.format( resource._state.change_value)) new_state = ResourceState.GET_DONE resource._state.change_value = None else: e = resource._state.change_value log.error('Cannot get resource state {} : {}'.format( resource.get_uuid(), e)) new_state = ResourceState.ERROR resource._state.change_success = True elif pending_state == ResourceState.PENDING_KEYS: if resource._state.change_success == True: new_state = ResourceState.KEYS_OK self.log(resource, S_KEYS_OK) else: e = resource._state.change_value self.log(resource, 'KEYS failed: {}'.format(e)) if ENABLE_LXD_WORKAROUND and isinstance(e, LxdNotFound): log.warning('LXD Fix (not found). Reset resource') new_state = ResourceState.CREATED resource._state.change_success = True else: e = resource._state.change_value log.error('Cannot create resource {} : {}'.format( resource.get_uuid(), e)) elif pending_state == ResourceState.PENDING_CREATE: if resource._state.change_success == True: attrs = resource._state.change_value self.log(resource, S_CREATE_OK.format(attrs)) self._process_attr_dict(resource, None, attrs) new_state = ResourceState.CREATED else: e = resource._state.change_value if ENABLE_LXD_WORKAROUND and isinstance(e, LxdNotFound): log.warning('LXD Fix (not found). Reset resource') new_state = ResourceState.INITIALIZED resource._state.change_success = True elif ENABLE_LXD_WORKAROUND and \ isinstance(e, LXDAPIException): log.warning('LXD Fix (API error). Reset resource') new_state = ResourceState.INITIALIZED resource._state.change_success = True elif 'File exists' in str(e): new_state = ResourceState.CREATED resource._state.change_success = True elif 'dpkg --configure -a' in str(e): resource._dpkg_configure_a = True new_state = ResourceState.INITIALIZED resource._state.change_success = True else: self.log(resource, 'CREATE failed: {}'.format(e)) e = resource._state.change_value import traceback; traceback.print_tb(e.__traceback__) log.error('Failed with exception {}'.format(e)) import os; os._exit(1) elif pending_state == ResourceState.PENDING_UPDATE: if resource._state.change_success == True: self.log(resource, 'Update finished, resource is CLEAN.') new_state = ResourceState.CLEAN resource._state.write_lock.release() else: e = resource._state.change_value self.log(resource, 'UPDATE failed: {}'.format(e)) if ENABLE_LXD_WORKAROUND and isinstance(e, LxdNotFound): log.warning('LXD Fix (not found). Reset resource') new_state = ResourceState.CREATED resource._state.change_success = True resource._state.write_lock.release() else: e = resource._state.change_value resource._state.write_lock.release() import traceback; traceback.print_tb(e.__traceback__) log.error('Failed with exception {}'.format(e)) import os; os._exit(1) elif pending_state == ResourceState.PENDING_DELETE: raise NotImplementedError new_state = None else: raise RuntimeError await self._set_resource_state(resource, new_state)