#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (c) 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at: # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # import asyncio import logging from netmodel.model.key import Key from netmodel.model.type import String, Bool from vicn.core.attribute import Attribute, Multiplicity from vicn.core.exception import ResourceNotFound from vicn.core.requirement import Requirement from vicn.core.resource import Resource from vicn.core.task import BashTask, EmptyTask, async_task from vicn.core.task import inline_task, run_task, inherit_parent from vicn.resource.node import Node log = logging.getLogger(__name__) CMD_APT_GET_KILL = 'kill -9 $(pidof apt-get) || true' CMD_DPKG_CONFIGURE_A = 'dpkg --configure -a' CMD_APT_GET_UPDATE = ''' # Force IPv4 echo 'Acquire::ForceIPv4 "true";' > /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/99force-ipv4 # Update package repository on node {node} apt-get update ''' # We need to double { } we want to preserve CMD_PKG_TEST='dpkg -s {self.package_name} | grep "Status:.* install "' CMD_PKG_INSTALL=''' # Installing package {package_name} apt-get -y --allow-unauthenticated install {package_name} ''' CMD_PKG_UNINSTALL=''' # Uninstalling package {self.package_name} apt-get remove {self.package_name} ''' CMD_SETUP_REPO = ''' # Initialize package repository {repository.repo_name} on node {self.node.name} echo "{deb_source}" > {path} ''' class PackageManager(Resource): """ Resource: PackageManager APT package management wrapper. Todo: - We assume a package manager is always installed on every machine. - Currently, we limit ourselves to debian/ubuntu, and voluntarily don't subclass this as we have (so far) no code for selecting the right subclass, eg choising dynamically between DebRepositoryManager and RpmRepositoryManager. - We currently don't use package version numbers, which means a package can be installed but not be up to date. """ node = Attribute(Node, reverse_name = 'package_manager', reverse_auto = True, mandatory = True, multiplicity = Multiplicity.OneToOne) trusted = Attribute(Bool, description="Force repository trust", default=False) __key__ = Key(node) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Constructor and Accessors #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._up_to_date = False self.apt_lock = asyncio.Lock() #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Resource lifecycle #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __after__(self): return ('Repository',) @inherit_parent @inline_task def __get__(self): raise ResourceNotFound #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Methods #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __method_setup_repositories__(self): repos = EmptyTask() for repository in self._state.manager.by_type_str('Repository'): deb_source = self._get_deb_source(repository) path = self._get_path(repository) # XXX There is no need to setup a repo if there is no package to install repo = BashTask(self.node, CMD_SETUP_REPO, {'deb_source': deb_source, 'path': path}) repos = repos | repo return repos def __method_update__(self): kill = BashTask(self.node, CMD_APT_GET_KILL, {'node': self.node.name}, lock = self.apt_lock) # Setup during a reattempt if hasattr(self, '_dpkg_configure_a'): dpkg_configure_a = BashTask(self.node, CMD_DPKG_CONFIGURE_A, lock = self.apt_lock) else: dpkg_configure_a = EmptyTask() if not self.node.package_manager._up_to_date: update = BashTask(self.node, CMD_APT_GET_UPDATE, {'node': self.node.name}, lock = self.apt_lock, post = self._mark_updated) else: update = EmptyTask() return (self.__method_setup_repositories__() > (kill > dpkg_configure_a)) > update def __method_install__(self, package_name): install = BashTask(self.node, CMD_PKG_INSTALL, {'package_name': package_name}, lock = self.apt_lock) return self.__method_update__() > install #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Internal methods #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _mark_updated(self): self._up_to_date = True def _get_path(self, repository): return '/etc/apt/sources.list.d/{}.list'.format(repository.repo_name) def _get_deb_source(self, repository): protocol = 'https' if repository.ssl else 'http' path = repository.node.hostname + '/' if repository.directory: path += repository.directory + '/' trusted = '[trusted=yes] ' if self.trusted else '' if repository.sections: sections = ' {}'.format(' '.join(repository.sections)) else: sections = '' if '$DISTRIBUTION' in path: path = path.replace('$DISTRIBUTION', self.node.dist) return 'deb {}{}://{} ./{}'.format(trusted, protocol, path, sections) else: return 'deb {}{}://{} {}{}'.format(trusted, protocol, path, self.node.dist, sections) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class Package(Resource): """ Resource: Package deb package support """ package_name = Attribute(String, mandatory = True) node = Attribute(Node, mandatory = True, requirements=[ Requirement('package_manager') ]) __key__ = Key(node) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Resource lifecycle #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- @inherit_parent def __get__(self): return BashTask(self.node, CMD_PKG_TEST, {'self': self}) @inherit_parent def __create__(self): return self.node.package_manager.__method_install__(self.package_name) @inherit_parent @async_task async def __delete__(self): with await self.node.package_manager._lock: task = BashTask(self.node, CMD_PKG_UNINSTALL, {'self': self}) ret = await run_task(task, self._state.manager) return ret #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class Packages(Resource): """ Resource: Packages Todo: - The number of concurrent subresources is not dynamically linked to the nodes. We may need to link subresources to the attribute in general, but since package_names are static for a resource, this is not a problem here. """ names = Attribute(String, multiplicity = Multiplicity.OneToMany) node = Attribute(Node, mandatory = True, requirements=[ Requirement('package_manager') ]) __key__ = Key(node) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Resource lifecycle #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- @inherit_parent def __subresources__(self): """ Note: Although packages are (rightfully) specified concurrent, apt tasks will be exlusive thanks to the use of a lock in the package manager. """ if self.names: packages = [Package(node=self.node, package_name=name, owner=self) for name in self.names] return Resource.__concurrent__(*packages) else: return None