#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (c) 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at: # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # import logging import shlex # Suppress logging from pylxd dependency on ws4py # (this needs to be included before pylxd) from ws4py import configure_logger configure_logger(level=logging.ERROR) import pylxd from netmodel.model.type import String, Integer, Bool, Self from vicn.core.attribute import Attribute, Reference, Multiplicity from vicn.core.commands import ReturnValue from vicn.core.exception import ResourceNotFound from vicn.core.requirement import Requirement from vicn.core.resource_mgr import wait_resource_task from vicn.core.task import task, inline_task, BashTask, EmptyTask from vicn.resource.linux.net_device import NetDevice from vicn.resource.node import Node from vicn.resource.vpp.scripts import APPARMOR_VPP_PROFILE from vicn.resource.lxd.lxd_profile import LXD_PROFILE_DEFAULT_IFNAME log = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Default remote server (pull mode only) DEFAULT_SOURCE_URL = 'https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/releases/' # Default protocol used to download images (lxd or simplestreams) DEFAULT_SOURCE_PROTOCOL = 'simplestreams' # Commands used to interact with LXD (in addition to pylxd bindings) CMD_GET_PID='lxc info {container.name} | grep Pid | cut -d " " -f 2' CMD_UNSET_IP6_FWD = 'sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding=0' CMD_SET_IP6_FWD = 'sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding=1' CMD_GET_IP6_FWD = 'sysctl -n net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding' CMD_NETWORK_DHCP='dhclient {container.management_interface.device_name}' # Type: ContainerName ContainerName = String(max_size = 64, ascii = True, forbidden = ('/', ',', ':')) class LxcContainer(Node): """ Resource: LxcContainer Todo: - Remove VPP dependency - The bridge is not strictly needed, but we currently have no automated way to determine whether we need it or not - The management interface should be added by VICN, not part of the resource, and its name should be determined automatically. """ architecture = Attribute(String, description = 'Architecture', default = 'x86_64') container_name = Attribute(ContainerName, description = 'Name of the container', default = Reference(Self, 'name')) ephemeral = Attribute(Bool, description = 'Ephemeral container flag', default = False) node = Attribute(Node, description = 'Node on which the container is running', mandatory = True, requirements = [ # We need the hypervisor setup to be able to check for the # container; more generally, all dependencies Requirement('lxd_hypervisor'), # not null # The bridge is not strictly needed, but we currently have # no automated way to determine whether we need it or not Requirement('bridge'), # A DNS server is required to provide internet connectivity to # the containers # Requirement('dns_server'), ]) profiles = Attribute(String, multiplicity = Multiplicity.OneToMany, default = ['vicn']) image = Attribute(String, description = 'image', default = None) is_image = Attribute(Bool, defaut = False) pid = Attribute(Integer, description = 'PID of the container') ip6_forwarding = Attribute(Bool, default=True) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Constructor / Accessors #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._container = None #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Resource lifecycle #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- @inline_task def __initialize__(self): """ We need to intanciate VPPHost before container creation. """ self.node_with_kernel = Reference(self, 'node') # We automatically add the management/monitoring interface self._management_interface = NetDevice(node = self, owner = self, monitored = False, device_name = LXD_PROFILE_DEFAULT_IFNAME) self._state.manager.commit_resource(self._management_interface) for iface in self.interfaces: if iface.get_type() == "dpdkdevice": self.node.vpp_host.dpdk_devices.append(iface.pci_address) @task def __get__(self): client = self.node.lxd_hypervisor.client try: self._container = client.containers.get(self.name) except pylxd.exceptions.NotFound: raise ResourceNotFound def __create__(self): """ Make sure vpp_host is instanciated before starting the container. """ wait_vpp_host = EmptyTask() if 'vpp' in self.profiles: wait_vpp_host = wait_resource_task(self.node.vpp_host) create = self._create_container() start = self.__method_start__() #XXX Should be an option on the netdevice dhcp_interface = BashTask(self, CMD_NETWORK_DHCP, {'container':self}) return (wait_vpp_host > (create > start)) > dhcp_interface @task def _create_container(self): container = self._get_container_description() log.debug('Container description: {}'.format(container)) client = self.node.lxd_hypervisor.client self._container = client.containers.create(container, wait=True) def _get_container_description(self): # Base configuration container = { 'name' : self.container_name, 'architecture' : self.architecture, 'ephemeral' : self.ephemeral, 'profiles' : self.profiles, 'config' : {}, 'devices' : {}, } # DEVICES # FIXME Container profile support is provided by setting changes into # configuration (currently only vpp profile is supported) for profile in self.profiles: if profile == 'vpp': # Set the new apparmor profile. This will be created in VPP # application # Mount hugetlbfs in the container. container['config']['raw.lxc'] = APPARMOR_VPP_PROFILE container['config']['security.privileged'] = 'true' for device in self.node.vpp_host.uio_devices: container['devices'][device] = { 'path' : '/dev/{}'.format(device), 'type' : 'unix-char' } # SOURCE image_names = [alias['name'] for alias in self.node.lxd_hypervisor.aliases] image_exists = self.image is not None and self.image in image_names if image_exists: container['source'] = { 'type' : 'image', 'mode' : 'local', 'alias' : self.image, } else: container['source'] = { 'type' : 'image', 'mode' : 'pull', 'server' : DEFAULT_SOURCE_URL, 'protocol' : DEFAULT_SOURCE_PROTOCOL, 'alias' : self.dist, } log.info('Creating container: {}'.format(container)) return container @task def __delete__(self): log.info("Delete container {}".format(self.container_name)) self.node.lxd_hypervisor.client.containers.remove(self.name) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Attributes #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _get_pid(self): """ Attribute: pid (getter) """ return BashTask(self.node, CMD_GET_PID, {'container': self}, parse = lambda rv: {'pid': rv.stdout.strip()}) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Methods #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- @task def __method_start__(self): """ Method: Start the container """ self._container.start(wait = True) @task def __method_stop__(self): """ Method: Stop the container """ self._container.stop(wait = True) @task def __method_to_image__(self): """ Returns: Image metadata as returned by LXD REST API. """ publish_description = { "public": True, "properties": { "os": "Ubuntu", "architecture": "x86_64", "description": "Image generated from container {}".format( self.container_name), }, "source": { "type": "container", # One of "container" or "snapshot" "name": 'image-{}'.format(self.container_name), } } return self.node.lxd_hypervisor.publish_image(publish_description) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Node API #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def execute(self, command, output = False, as_root = False): """ Executes a command on the node Params: output (bool) : Flag determining whether the method should return the output value. as_root (bool) : Flag telling whether the command should be executed as root. Returns: ReturnValue containing exit code, and eventually stdout and stderr. Raises Exception in case of error The node exposes an interface allowing command execution through LXD. We don't currently use an eventually available SSH connection. """ if not self._container: log.error("Executing command on uninitialized container", self, command) import os; os._exit(1) ret = self._container.execute(shlex.split(command)) # NOTE: pylxd documents the return value as a tuple, while it is in # fact a ContainerExecuteResult object if not hasattr(ret, "exit_code"): log.error("LXD return value does not have an exit code. " "Try installing pylxd>=2.2.2 with pip3") import sys; sys.exit(1) args = (ret.exit_code,) if output: args += (ret.stdout, ret.stderr) return ReturnValue(*args) def _get_ip6_forwarding(self): def parse(rv): ret = {"ip6_forwarding" : False} if rv.stdout == "1": ret["ip6_forwarding"] = True return ret return BashTask(self, CMD_GET_IP6_FWD, parse=parse) def _set_ip6_forwarding(self): cmd = CMD_SET_IP6_FWD if self.ip6_forwarding else CMD_UNSET_IP6_FWD return BashTask(self, cmd)