#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (c) 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at: # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # import math from vicn.core.address_mgr import AddressManager from vicn.core.resource_mgr import wait_resources, wait_resource_task from vicn.core.task import run_task, EmptyTask from vicn.resource.ns3.emulated_channel import EmulatedChannel from vicn.resource.linux.net_device import NetDevice from vicn.core.attribute import Attribute from netmodel.model.type import Integer DEFAULT_FADING_ENABLED = True DEFAULT_TW_BUFFER = 800000 DEFAULT_NETMASK = 24 class EmulatedLteChannel(EmulatedChannel): """ Resource: EmulatedLteChannel This resource uses ns3 based emulation to emulate a lte subnet with one pgw, one enode B, and multiple UEs. NOTE: This model needs to be extended with LTE specific features like "network resource" in the future. Currently it works in same way as wifi emulator with no lte specific features. Attributes: ap (Reference[node]): Reference to the AP/pgw node stations (Reference[node]): Reference to the list of UE. control_port (int): Port used to communicate with the management interface of the simulation. """ __package_names__ = ['lte-emulator'] __app_name__ = 'lte_emulator' nb_base_stations = Attribute(Integer, description='Number of nodes emulated by the AP', default=8) def __create__(self): task = EmptyTask() for group in self.groups: ip4_assigns = group.iter_by_type_str("ipv4assignment") for ip4_assign in ip4_assigns: task = task | wait_resource_task(ip4_assign) return task > super().__create__() #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Attribute handlers #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- async def _add_station(self, station): from vicn.resource.lxd.lxc_container import LxcContainer from vicn.resource.linux.veth_pair_lxc import VethPairLxc from vicn.resource.linux.tap_device import TapChannel interfaces = list() # ... and each station if not station.managed: sta_if = None else: if isinstance(station, LxcContainer): host = NetDevice(node = station.node, device_name='vhh-' + station.name + '-' + self.name, managed = False) sta_if = VethPairLxc(node = station, name = 'vh-' + station.name + '-' + self.name, device_name = 'vh-' + station.name + '-' + self.name, host = host, owner = self) bridged_sta = sta_if.host else: raise NotImplementedError if sta_if: self._sta_ifs[station] = sta_if self._sta_bridged[station] = bridged_sta interfaces.append(sta_if) self._state.manager.commit_resource(sta_if) sta_tap = TapChannel(node = self.node, owner = self, device_name = 'tap-' + station.name + '-' + self.name, up = True, promiscuous = True, station_name = station.name, channel_name = self.name) self._sta_taps[station] = sta_tap interfaces.append(sta_tap) self._state.manager.commit_resource(sta_tap) # Wait for interfaces to be setup await wait_resources(interfaces) # Add interfaces to bridge # One vlan per station is needed to avoid broadcast loops vlan = AddressManager().get('vlan', sta_tap) if sta_if: sta_if.set('channel', self) task = self.node.bridge._remove_interface(bridged_sta) await run_task(task, self._state.manager) task = self.node.bridge._add_interface(bridged_sta, vlan = vlan) await run_task(task, self._state.manager) task = self.node.bridge._remove_interface(sta_tap) await run_task(task, self._state.manager) task = self.node.bridge._add_interface(sta_tap, vlan = vlan) await run_task(task, self._state.manager) def _get_cmdline_params(self): sta_list = list() # list of identifiers sta_macs = list() # list of macs sta_taps = list() sta_ips = list() bs_ip_addr = self._ap_if.ip4_address bs_ip = str(bs_ip_addr) + '/' + str(bs_ip_addr.prefix_len) for station in self.stations: if not station.managed: interface = [i for i in station.interfaces if i.channel == self] assert len(interface) == 1 interface = interface[0] sta_list.append(interface.name) sta_macs.append(interface.mac_address) sta_ips.append(str(interface.ip4_address)+'/'+str(prefix_len)) else: identifier = self._sta_ifs[station]._state.uuid._uuid sta_list.append(identifier) mac = self._sta_ifs[station].mac_address sta_macs.append(mac) ip = self._sta_ifs[station].ip4_address sta_ips.append(str(ip)+'/'+str(ip.prefix_len)) tap = self._sta_taps[station].device_name sta_taps.append(tap) params = { # Name of the tap between NS3 and the base station 'bs-tap' : self._ap_tap.device_name, # Number of stations 'n-sta' : len(self._sta_taps), # List of the stations of the simulation 'sta-list' : ','.join(sta_list), # List of the taps between NS3 and the mobile stations 'sta-taps' : ','.join(sta_taps), # List of the macs of the mobile stations 'sta-macs' : ','.join(sta_macs), # X position of the Base Station 'bs-x' : 0, #self.ap.x, # Y position of the Base Station 'bs-y' : 0, #self.ap.y, # Experiment ID 'experiment-id' : 'vicn', # Index of the base station 'bs-name' : self._ap_tap.device_name, # Base station IP address 'bs-mac' : self._ap_if.mac_address, # Control port for dynamically managing the stations movement 'control-port' : self.control_port, # Coma-separated list of stations' IP/netmask len 'sta-ips' : ','.join(sta_ips), # Base station IP/netmask len 'bs-ip' : bs_ip, 'txBuffer' : '800000', 'isFading' : 'true' if DEFAULT_FADING_ENABLED else 'false', } return ' '.join(['--{}={}'.format(k, v) for k, v in params.items()])