path: root/tests/suites/honeycomb/8 - vxlan_gpe.robot
diff options
authorTibor Frank <tifrank@cisco.com>2016-06-06 11:01:03 +0200
committerTibor Frank <tifrank@cisco.com>2016-06-08 08:11:29 +0000
commite8c787b699661f00e8358cc711bb20b8993dc87a (patch)
tree244d86b3844fdf8a559be5fc4969065b7a3bc22c /tests/suites/honeycomb/8 - vxlan_gpe.robot
parent3744273d8f1540fe45312b5c3a4e2e6f8b21a81f (diff)
Add Tests for Honeycomb VxLAN GPE support
JIRA: CSIT-131 - add tests for Honeycomb VxLAN GPE support - add keywords needed for tests Change-Id: I460ecd30835bb95140958b20946b1d41ac6d9abc Signed-off-by: Tibor Frank <tifrank@cisco.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/suites/honeycomb/8 - vxlan_gpe.robot')
-rw-r--r--tests/suites/honeycomb/8 - vxlan_gpe.robot175
1 files changed, 175 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/suites/honeycomb/8 - vxlan_gpe.robot b/tests/suites/honeycomb/8 - vxlan_gpe.robot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..43d6b4bc04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/suites/honeycomb/8 - vxlan_gpe.robot
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2016 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+*** Variables ***
+# Node and interfaces to run tests on.
+| ${node}= | ${nodes['DUT1']}
+| ${interface}= | ${node['interfaces']['port1']['name']}
+# Parameters to be set on existing interface
+| ${vxlan_gpe_existing_if}= | ${interface}
+| &{vxlan_gpe_base_wrong_interface_settings}=
+| ... | name=${vxlan_gpe_existing_if}
+| ... | type=iana-if-type:ethernetCsmacd
+| ... | description=for testing purposes
+| ... | enabled=true
+| ... | link-up-down-trap-enable=enabled
+| &{vxlan_gpe_wrong_interface_settings}=
+| ... | local=
+| ... | remote=
+| ... | vni=${9}
+| ... | next-protocol=wrong_ipv4
+| ... | encap-vrf-id=${0}
+| ... | decap-vrf-id=${0}
+*** Settings ***
+| Resource | resources/libraries/robot/default.robot
+| Resource | resources/libraries/robot/honeycomb/interfaces.robot
+| Resource | resources/libraries/robot/honeycomb/vxlan_gpe.robot
+# Import additional VxLAN GPE settings from resource file
+| Variables | tests/suites/honeycomb/resources/vxlan_gpe.py
+| Documentation | *Honeycomb VxLAN-GPE management test suite.*
+| Force Tags | honeycomb_sanity
+*** Test Cases ***
+| Honeycomb creates VxLAN GPE tunnel
+| | [Documentation] | Check if Honeycomb API can configure VxLAN GPE tunnel.
+| | ...
+| | Given interface configuration from Honeycomb should be empty
+| | ... | ${node} | ${vxlan_gpe_if1}
+| | And interface configuration from VAT should be empty
+| | ... | ${node} | ${vxlan_gpe_if1}
+| | When Honeycomb creates VxLAN GPE interface
+| | ... | ${node} | ${vxlan_gpe_if1}
+| | ... | ${vxlan_gpe_base_settings} | ${vxlan_gpe_settings}
+| | Then run keyword and continue on failure
+| | ... | VxLAN GPE configuration from Honeycomb should be
+| | ... | ${node} | ${vxlan_gpe_if1}
+| | ... | ${vxlan_gpe_base_settings} | ${vxlan_gpe_settings}
+| | And run keyword and continue on failure
+| | ... | VxLAN GPE configuration from VAT should be
+| | ... | ${node} | ${vxlan_gpe_if1} | ${vxlan_gpe_settings}
+| | And run keyword and continue on failure
+| | ... | Interface indices should be the same from Honeycomb and VAT
+| | ... | ${node} | ${vxlan_gpe_if1}
+| Honeycomb removes VxLAN GPE tunnel
+| | [Documentation] | Check if Honeycomb API can remove VxLAN GPE tunnel.
+| | ...
+# Disabled beacuse of bug in Honeycomb.
+# TODO: Enable when fixed.
+#| | Given VxLAN GPE configuration from Honeycomb should be
+#| | ... | ${node} | ${vxlan_gpe_if1}
+#| | ... | ${vxlan_gpe_base_settings} | ${vxlan_gpe_settings}
+#| | And VxLAN GPE configuration from VAT should be
+#| | ... | ${node} | ${vxlan_gpe_if1} | ${vxlan_gpe_settings}
+| | When Honeycomb removes VxLAN GPE interface
+| | ... | ${node} | ${vxlan_gpe_if1}
+| | Then VxLAN GPE configuration from VAT should be empty
+| | ... | ${node}
+| | And VxLAN GPE configuration from Honeycomb should be
+| | ... | ${node} | ${vxlan_gpe_if1}
+| | ... | ${vxlan_gpe_disabled_base_settings} | ${vxlan_gpe_settings}
+| Honeycomb sets wrong interface type while creating VxLAN GPE tunnel
+| | [Documentation] | Check if Honeycomb refuses to create a VxLAN GPE tunnel\
+| | ... | with a wrong interface type set.
+| | ...
+| | Given interface configuration from Honeycomb should be empty
+| | ... | ${node} | ${vxlan_gpe_if2}
+| | And interface configuration from VAT should be empty
+| | ... | ${node} | ${vxlan_gpe_if2}
+| | When Honeycomb fails to create VxLAN GPE interface
+| | ... | ${node} | ${vxlan_gpe_if2}
+| | ... | ${vxlan_gpe_wrong_type_base_settings} | ${vxlan_gpe_settings}
+| | Then interface configuration from Honeycomb should be empty
+| | ... | ${node} | ${vxlan_gpe_if2}
+| | And interface configuration from VAT should be empty
+| | ... | ${node} | ${vxlan_gpe_if2}
+| Honeycomb sets wrong protocol while creating VxLAN GPE tunnel
+| | [Documentation] | Check if Honeycomb refuses to create a VxLAN GPE tunnel\
+| | ... | with a wrong next-protocol set.
+| | ...
+| | Given interface configuration from Honeycomb should be empty
+| | ... | ${node} | ${vxlan_gpe_if3}
+| | And interface configuration from VAT should be empty
+| | ... | ${node} | ${vxlan_gpe_if3}
+| | When Honeycomb fails to create VxLAN GPE interface
+| | ... | ${node} | ${vxlan_gpe_if3}
+| | ... | ${vxlan_gpe_wrong_protocol_base_settings}
+| | ... | ${vxlan_gpe_wrong_protocol_settings}
+| | Then interface configuration from Honeycomb should be empty
+| | ... | ${node} | ${vxlan_gpe_if3}
+| | And interface configuration from VAT should be empty
+| | ... | ${node} | ${vxlan_gpe_if3}
+| Honeycomb sets VxLAN GPE tunnel on existing interface with wrong type
+| | [Documentation] | Check if Honeycomb refuses to create a VxLAN GPE tunnel\
+| | ... | on existing interface with wrong type.
+| | ...
+| | Given VxLAN GPE configuration from VAT should be empty
+| | ... | ${node}
+| | When Honeycomb fails to create VxLAN GPE interface
+| | ... | ${node} | ${vxlan_gpe_existing_if}
+| | ... | ${vxlan_gpe_base_wrong_interface_settings}
+| | ... | ${vxlan_gpe_wrong_interface_settings}
+| | Then VxLAN GPE configuration from VAT should be empty
+| | ... | ${node}
+| Honeycomb creates VxLAN GPE tunnel with ipv6
+| | [Documentation] | Check if Honeycomb API can configure VxLAN GPE tunnel\
+| | ... | with IPv6 addresses.
+| | ...
+| | Given VxLAN GPE configuration from VAT should be empty
+| | ... | ${node}
+# Disabled beacuse of bug in Honeycomb
+# TODO: Enable when fixed.
+#| | And VxLAN GPE configuration from Honeycomb should be
+#| | ... | ${node} | ${vxlan_gpe_if5}
+#| | ... | ${vxlan_gpe_disabled_base_settings} | ${vxlan_gpe_settings}
+| | When Honeycomb creates VxLAN GPE interface
+| | ... | ${node} | ${vxlan_gpe_if5}
+| | ... | ${vxlan_gpe_base_ipv6_settings} | ${vxlan_gpe_ipv6_settings}
+| | Then run keyword and continue on failure
+| | ... | VxLAN GPE configuration from Honeycomb should be
+| | ... | ${node} | ${vxlan_gpe_if5}
+| | ... | ${vxlan_gpe_base_ipv6_settings} | ${vxlan_gpe_ipv6_settings}
+| | And run keyword and continue on failure
+| | ... | VxLAN GPE configuration from VAT should be
+| | ... | ${node} | ${vxlan_gpe_if5} | ${vxlan_gpe_ipv6_settings}
+| | And run keyword and continue on failure
+| | ... | Interface indices should be the same from Honeycomb and VAT
+| | ... | ${node} | ${vxlan_gpe_if5}
+| Honeycomb creates the second VxLAN GPE tunnel with ipv6
+| | [Documentation] | Check if Honeycomb API can configure another one VxLAN\
+| | ... | GPE tunnel with IPv6 addresses.
+| | ...
+| | Given interface configuration from Honeycomb should be empty
+| | ... | ${node} | ${vxlan_gpe_if6}
+| | And interface configuration from VAT should be empty
+| | ... | ${node} | ${vxlan_gpe_if6}
+| | When Honeycomb creates VxLAN GPE interface
+| | ... | ${node} | ${vxlan_gpe_if6}
+| | ... | ${vxlan_gpe_base_ipv6_settings2} | ${vxlan_gpe_ipv6_settings2}
+| | Then run keyword and continue on failure
+| | ... | VxLAN GPE configuration from Honeycomb should be
+| | ... | ${node} | ${vxlan_gpe_if6}
+| | ... | ${vxlan_gpe_base_ipv6_settings2} | ${vxlan_gpe_ipv6_settings2}
+| | And run keyword and continue on failure
+| | ... | VxLAN GPE configuration from VAT should be
+| | ... | ${node} | ${vxlan_gpe_if6} | ${vxlan_gpe_ipv6_settings2}
+| | And run keyword and continue on failure
+| | ... | Interface indices should be the same from Honeycomb and VAT
+| | ... | ${node} | ${vxlan_gpe_if6}