path: root/resources/tools/presentation
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'resources/tools/presentation')
7 files changed, 305 insertions, 691 deletions
diff --git a/resources/tools/presentation/generator_CPTA.py b/resources/tools/presentation/generator_CPTA.py
index 883e39f0bd..73d55affa2 100644
--- a/resources/tools/presentation/generator_CPTA.py
+++ b/resources/tools/presentation/generator_CPTA.py
@@ -14,6 +14,8 @@
"""Generation of Continuous Performance Trending and Analysis.
+import multiprocessing
+import os
import logging
import csv
import prettytable
@@ -24,9 +26,9 @@ import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from collections import OrderedDict
-from datetime import datetime, timedelta
+from datetime import datetime
-from utils import split_outliers, archive_input_data, execute_command
+from utils import split_outliers, archive_input_data, execute_command, Worker
# Command to build the html format of the report
@@ -85,66 +87,6 @@ def generate_cpta(spec, data):
return ret_code
-def _select_data(in_data, period, fill_missing=False, use_first=False):
- """Select the data from the full data set. The selection is done by picking
- the samples depending on the period: period = 1: All, period = 2: every
- second sample, period = 3: every third sample ...
- :param in_data: Full set of data.
- :param period: Sampling period.
- :param fill_missing: If the chosen sample is missing in the full set, its
- nearest neighbour is used.
- :param use_first: Use the first sample even though it is not chosen.
- :type in_data: OrderedDict
- :type period: int
- :type fill_missing: bool
- :type use_first: bool
- :returns: Reduced data.
- :rtype: OrderedDict
- """
- first_idx = min(in_data.keys())
- last_idx = max(in_data.keys())
- idx = last_idx
- data_dict = dict()
- if use_first:
- data_dict[first_idx] = in_data[first_idx]
- while idx >= first_idx:
- data = in_data.get(idx, None)
- if data is None:
- if fill_missing:
- threshold = int(round(idx - period / 2)) + 1 - period % 2
- idx_low = first_idx if threshold < first_idx else threshold
- threshold = int(round(idx + period / 2))
- idx_high = last_idx if threshold > last_idx else threshold
- flag_l = True
- flag_h = True
- idx_lst = list()
- inc = 1
- while flag_l or flag_h:
- if idx + inc > idx_high:
- flag_h = False
- else:
- idx_lst.append(idx + inc)
- if idx - inc < idx_low:
- flag_l = False
- else:
- idx_lst.append(idx - inc)
- inc += 1
- for i in idx_lst:
- if i in in_data.keys():
- data_dict[i] = in_data[i]
- break
- else:
- data_dict[idx] = data
- idx -= period
- return OrderedDict(sorted(data_dict.items(), key=lambda t: t[0]))
def _evaluate_results(trimmed_data, window=10):
"""Evaluates if the sample value is regress, normal or progress compared to
previous data within the window.
@@ -200,8 +142,7 @@ def _evaluate_results(trimmed_data, window=10):
return results
-def _generate_trending_traces(in_data, build_info, period, moving_win_size=10,
- fill_missing=True, use_first=False,
+def _generate_trending_traces(in_data, build_info, moving_win_size=10,
show_trend_line=True, name="", color=""):
"""Generate the trending traces:
- samples,
@@ -210,20 +151,13 @@ def _generate_trending_traces(in_data, build_info, period, moving_win_size=10,
:param in_data: Full data set.
:param build_info: Information about the builds.
- :param period: Sampling period.
:param moving_win_size: Window size.
- :param fill_missing: If the chosen sample is missing in the full set, its
- nearest neighbour is used.
- :param use_first: Use the first sample even though it is not chosen.
:param show_trend_line: Show moving median (trending plot).
:param name: Name of the plot
:param color: Name of the color for the plot.
:type in_data: OrderedDict
:type build_info: dict
- :type period: int
:type moving_win_size: int
- :type fill_missing: bool
- :type use_first: bool
:type show_trend_line: bool
:type name: str
:type color: str
@@ -231,11 +165,6 @@ def _generate_trending_traces(in_data, build_info, period, moving_win_size=10,
:rtype: tuple(traces, result)
- if period > 1:
- in_data = _select_data(in_data, period,
- fill_missing=fill_missing,
- use_first=use_first)
data_x = list(in_data.keys())
data_y = list(in_data.values())
@@ -353,26 +282,6 @@ def _generate_trending_traces(in_data, build_info, period, moving_win_size=10,
return traces, results[-1]
-def _generate_chart(traces, layout, file_name):
- """Generates the whole chart using pre-generated traces.
- :param traces: Traces for the chart.
- :param layout: Layout of the chart.
- :param file_name: File name for the generated chart.
- :type traces: list
- :type layout: dict
- :type file_name: str
- """
- # Create plot
- logging.info(" Writing the file '{0}' ...".format(file_name))
- plpl = plgo.Figure(data=traces, layout=layout)
- try:
- ploff.plot(plpl, show_link=False, auto_open=False, filename=file_name)
- except plerr.PlotlyEmptyDataError:
- logging.warning(" No data for the plot. Skipped.")
def _generate_all_charts(spec, input_data):
"""Generate all charts specified in the specification file.
@@ -382,6 +291,95 @@ def _generate_all_charts(spec, input_data):
:type input_data: InputData
+ def _generate_chart(_, data_q, graph):
+ """Generates the chart.
+ """
+ logs = list()
+ logging.info(" Generating the chart '{0}' ...".
+ format(graph.get("title", "")))
+ logs.append(("INFO", " Generating the chart '{0}' ...".
+ format(graph.get("title", ""))))
+ job_name = spec.cpta["data"].keys()[0]
+ csv_tbl = list()
+ res = list()
+ # Transform the data
+ logs.append(("INFO", " Creating the data set for the {0} '{1}'.".
+ format(graph.get("type", ""), graph.get("title", ""))))
+ data = input_data.filter_data(graph, continue_on_error=True)
+ if data is None:
+ logging.error("No data.")
+ return
+ chart_data = dict()
+ for job in data:
+ for index, bld in job.items():
+ for test_name, test in bld.items():
+ if chart_data.get(test_name, None) is None:
+ chart_data[test_name] = OrderedDict()
+ try:
+ chart_data[test_name][int(index)] = \
+ test["result"]["throughput"]
+ except (KeyError, TypeError):
+ pass
+ # Add items to the csv table:
+ for tst_name, tst_data in chart_data.items():
+ tst_lst = list()
+ for bld in builds_lst:
+ itm = tst_data.get(int(bld), '')
+ tst_lst.append(str(itm))
+ csv_tbl.append("{0},".format(tst_name) + ",".join(tst_lst) + '\n')
+ # Generate traces:
+ traces = list()
+ win_size = 14
+ index = 0
+ for test_name, test_data in chart_data.items():
+ if not test_data:
+ logs.append(("WARNING", "No data for the test '{0}'".
+ format(test_name)))
+ continue
+ test_name = test_name.split('.')[-1]
+ trace, rslt = _generate_trending_traces(
+ test_data,
+ build_info=build_info,
+ moving_win_size=win_size,
+ name='-'.join(test_name.split('-')[3:-1]),
+ color=COLORS[index])
+ traces.extend(trace)
+ res.append(rslt)
+ index += 1
+ if traces:
+ # Generate the chart:
+ graph["layout"]["xaxis"]["title"] = \
+ graph["layout"]["xaxis"]["title"].format(job=job_name)
+ name_file = "{0}-{1}{2}".format(spec.cpta["output-file"],
+ graph["output-file-name"],
+ spec.cpta["output-file-type"])
+ logs.append(("INFO", " Writing the file '{0}' ...".
+ format(name_file)))
+ plpl = plgo.Figure(data=traces, layout=graph["layout"])
+ try:
+ ploff.plot(plpl, show_link=False, auto_open=False,
+ filename=name_file)
+ except plerr.PlotlyEmptyDataError:
+ logs.append(("WARNING", "No data for the plot. Skipped."))
+ logging.info(" Done.")
+ data_out = {
+ "csv_table": csv_tbl,
+ "results": res,
+ "logs": logs
+ }
+ data_q.put(data_out)
job_name = spec.cpta["data"].keys()[0]
builds_lst = list()
@@ -401,6 +399,28 @@ def _generate_all_charts(spec, input_data):
except KeyError:
build_info[build] = ("", "")
+ work_queue = multiprocessing.JoinableQueue()
+ manager = multiprocessing.Manager()
+ data_queue = manager.Queue()
+ cpus = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
+ workers = list()
+ for cpu in range(cpus):
+ worker = Worker(work_queue,
+ data_queue,
+ _generate_chart)
+ worker.daemon = True
+ worker.start()
+ workers.append(worker)
+ os.system("taskset -p -c {0} {1} > /dev/null 2>&1".
+ format(cpu, worker.pid))
+ for chart in spec.cpta["plots"]:
+ work_queue.put((chart, ))
+ work_queue.join()
+ results = list()
# Create the header:
csv_table = list()
header = "Build Number:," + ",".join(builds_lst) + '\n'
@@ -412,74 +432,30 @@ def _generate_all_charts(spec, input_data):
header = "VPP Version:," + ",".join(vpp_versions) + '\n'
- results = list()
- for chart in spec.cpta["plots"]:
- logging.info(" Generating the chart '{0}' ...".
- format(chart.get("title", "")))
- # Transform the data
- data = input_data.filter_data(chart, continue_on_error=True)
- if data is None:
- logging.error("No data.")
- return
- chart_data = dict()
- for job in data:
- for idx, build in job.items():
- for test_name, test in build.items():
- if chart_data.get(test_name, None) is None:
- chart_data[test_name] = OrderedDict()
- try:
- chart_data[test_name][int(idx)] = \
- test["result"]["throughput"]
- except (KeyError, TypeError):
- pass
- # Add items to the csv table:
- for tst_name, tst_data in chart_data.items():
- tst_lst = list()
- for build in builds_lst:
- item = tst_data.get(int(build), '')
- tst_lst.append(str(item))
- csv_table.append("{0},".format(tst_name) + ",".join(tst_lst) + '\n')
- for period in chart["periods"]:
- # Generate traces:
- traces = list()
- win_size = 14
- idx = 0
- for test_name, test_data in chart_data.items():
- if not test_data:
- logging.warning("No data for the test '{0}'".
- format(test_name))
- continue
- test_name = test_name.split('.')[-1]
- trace, result = _generate_trending_traces(
- test_data,
- build_info=build_info,
- period=period,
- moving_win_size=win_size,
- fill_missing=True,
- use_first=False,
- name='-'.join(test_name.split('-')[3:-1]),
- color=COLORS[idx])
- traces.extend(trace)
- results.append(result)
- idx += 1
- if traces:
- # Generate the chart:
- chart["layout"]["xaxis"]["title"] = \
- chart["layout"]["xaxis"]["title"].format(job=job_name)
- _generate_chart(traces,
- chart["layout"],
- file_name="{0}-{1}-{2}{3}".format(
- spec.cpta["output-file"],
- chart["output-file-name"],
- period,
- spec.cpta["output-file-type"]))
- logging.info(" Done.")
+ while not data_queue.empty():
+ result = data_queue.get()
+ results.extend(result["results"])
+ csv_table.extend(result["csv_table"])
+ for item in result["logs"]:
+ if item[0] == "INFO":
+ logging.info(item[1])
+ elif item[0] == "ERROR":
+ logging.error(item[1])
+ elif item[0] == "DEBUG":
+ logging.debug(item[1])
+ elif item[0] == "CRITICAL":
+ logging.critical(item[1])
+ elif item[0] == "WARNING":
+ logging.warning(item[1])
+ del data_queue
+ # Terminate all workers
+ for worker in workers:
+ worker.terminate()
+ worker.join()
# Write the tables:
file_name = spec.cpta["output-file"] + "-trending"
diff --git a/resources/tools/presentation/generator_files.py b/resources/tools/presentation/generator_files.py
index 1cd1b6dfbb..e717815cd0 100644
--- a/resources/tools/presentation/generator_files.py
+++ b/resources/tools/presentation/generator_files.py
@@ -141,9 +141,13 @@ def file_merged_test_results(file_spec, input_data):
logging.info(" Writing file '{0}'".format(file_name))
+ logging.info(" Creating the data set for the {0} '{1}'.".
+ format(file_spec.get("type", ""), file_spec.get("title", "")))
tests = input_data.filter_data(file_spec)
tests = input_data.merge_data(tests)
+ logging.info(" Creating the data set for the {0} '{1}'.".
+ format(file_spec.get("type", ""), file_spec.get("title", "")))
suites = input_data.filter_data(file_spec, data_set="suites")
suites = input_data.merge_data(suites)
diff --git a/resources/tools/presentation/generator_plots.py b/resources/tools/presentation/generator_plots.py
index b7fd420aa2..6faf4c3935 100644
--- a/resources/tools/presentation/generator_plots.py
+++ b/resources/tools/presentation/generator_plots.py
@@ -59,6 +59,8 @@ def plot_performance_box(plot, input_data):
format(plot.get("title", "")))
# Transform the data
+ logging.info(" Creating the data set for the {0} '{1}'.".
+ format(plot.get("type", ""), plot.get("title", "")))
data = input_data.filter_data(plot)
if data is None:
logging.error("No data.")
@@ -129,6 +131,8 @@ def plot_latency_box(plot, input_data):
format(plot.get("title", "")))
# Transform the data
+ logging.info(" Creating the data set for the {0} '{1}'.".
+ format(plot.get("type", ""), plot.get("title", "")))
data = input_data.filter_data(plot)
if data is None:
logging.error("No data.")
@@ -236,6 +240,8 @@ def plot_throughput_speedup_analysis(plot, input_data):
format(plot.get("title", "")))
# Transform the data
+ logging.info(" Creating the data set for the {0} '{1}'.".
+ format(plot.get("type", ""), plot.get("title", "")))
data = input_data.filter_data(plot)
if data is None:
logging.error("No data.")
@@ -335,6 +341,8 @@ def plot_http_server_performance_box(plot, input_data):
format(plot.get("title", "")))
# Transform the data
+ logging.info(" Creating the data set for the {0} '{1}'.".
+ format(plot.get("type", ""), plot.get("title", "")))
data = input_data.filter_data(plot)
if data is None:
logging.error("No data.")
diff --git a/resources/tools/presentation/generator_tables.py b/resources/tools/presentation/generator_tables.py
index b2e60be478..5246952e20 100644
--- a/resources/tools/presentation/generator_tables.py
+++ b/resources/tools/presentation/generator_tables.py
@@ -62,6 +62,8 @@ def table_details(table, input_data):
format(table.get("title", "")))
# Transform the data
+ logging.info(" Creating the data set for the {0} '{1}'.".
+ format(table.get("type", ""), table.get("title", "")))
data = input_data.filter_data(table)
# Prepare the header of the tables
@@ -128,10 +130,14 @@ def table_merged_details(table, input_data):
format(table.get("title", "")))
# Transform the data
+ logging.info(" Creating the data set for the {0} '{1}'.".
+ format(table.get("type", ""), table.get("title", "")))
data = input_data.filter_data(table)
data = input_data.merge_data(data)
+ logging.info(" Creating the data set for the {0} '{1}'.".
+ format(table.get("type", ""), table.get("title", "")))
suites = input_data.filter_data(table, data_set="suites")
suites = input_data.merge_data(suites)
@@ -225,6 +231,8 @@ def table_performance_improvements(table, input_data):
return None
# Transform the data
+ logging.info(" Creating the data set for the {0} '{1}'.".
+ format(table.get("type", ""), table.get("title", "")))
data = input_data.filter_data(table)
# Prepare the header of the tables
@@ -356,6 +364,8 @@ def table_performance_comparison(table, input_data):
format(table.get("title", "")))
# Transform the data
+ logging.info(" Creating the data set for the {0} '{1}'.".
+ format(table.get("type", ""), table.get("title", "")))
data = input_data.filter_data(table, continue_on_error=True)
# Prepare the header of the tables
@@ -594,6 +604,8 @@ def table_performance_comparison_mrr(table, input_data):
format(table.get("title", "")))
# Transform the data
+ logging.info(" Creating the data set for the {0} '{1}'.".
+ format(table.get("type", ""), table.get("title", "")))
data = input_data.filter_data(table, continue_on_error=True)
# Prepare the header of the tables
@@ -726,6 +738,8 @@ def table_performance_trending_dashboard(table, input_data):
format(table.get("title", "")))
# Transform the data
+ logging.info(" Creating the data set for the {0} '{1}'.".
+ format(table.get("type", ""), table.get("title", "")))
data = input_data.filter_data(table, continue_on_error=True)
# Prepare the header of the tables
diff --git a/resources/tools/presentation/input_data_parser.py b/resources/tools/presentation/input_data_parser.py
index 9428b2cdc9..beec34c106 100644
--- a/resources/tools/presentation/input_data_parser.py
+++ b/resources/tools/presentation/input_data_parser.py
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ from string import replace
from os import remove
from input_data_files import download_and_unzip_data_file
+from utils import Worker
class ExecutionChecker(ResultVisitor):
@@ -863,12 +864,10 @@ class InputData(object):
logging.info("Downloading and parsing input files ...")
work_queue = multiprocessing.JoinableQueue()
manager = multiprocessing.Manager()
data_queue = manager.Queue()
cpus = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
workers = list()
for cpu in range(cpus):
worker = Worker(work_queue,
@@ -1008,9 +1007,6 @@ class InputData(object):
:rtype pandas.Series
- logging.info(" Creating the data set for the {0} '{1}'.".
- format(element.get("type", ""), element.get("title", "")))
if element["filter"] in ("all", "template"):
cond = "True"
@@ -1095,44 +1091,3 @@ class InputData(object):
merged_data[ID] = item_data
return merged_data
-class Worker(multiprocessing.Process):
- """Worker class used to download and process input files in separate
- parallel processes.
- """
- def __init__(self, work_queue, data_queue, func):
- """Initialization.
- :param work_queue: Queue with items to process.
- :param data_queue: Shared memory between processes. Queue which keeps
- the result data. This data is then read by the main process and used
- in further processing.
- :param func: Function which is executed by the worker.
- :type work_queue: multiprocessing.JoinableQueue
- :type data_queue: multiprocessing.Manager().Queue()
- :type func: Callable object
- """
- super(Worker, self).__init__()
- self._work_queue = work_queue
- self._data_queue = data_queue
- self._func = func
- def run(self):
- """Method representing the process's activity.
- """
- while True:
- try:
- self.process(self._work_queue.get())
- finally:
- self._work_queue.task_done()
- def process(self, item_to_process):
- """Method executed by the runner.
- :param item_to_process: Data to be processed by the function.
- :type item_to_process: tuple
- """
- self._func(self.pid, self._data_queue, *item_to_process)
diff --git a/resources/tools/presentation/specification_CPTA.yaml b/resources/tools/presentation/specification_CPTA.yaml
index 535096b660..5200a446a6 100644
--- a/resources/tools/presentation/specification_CPTA.yaml
+++ b/resources/tools/presentation/specification_CPTA.yaml
@@ -308,1214 +308,830 @@
# L2 - x520
- - title: "VPP 1T1C L2 64B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ - title: "VPP 1T1C L2 64B Packet Throughput - Trending"
output-file-name: "l2-1t1c-x520"
data: "plot-performance-trending"
filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and 'MRR' and '64B' and ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and '1T1C' and ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and not 'VHOST' and not 'MEMIF'"
- "result"
- periods:
- - 1
- # - 14
- # - 60
layout: "plot-cpta"
- - title: "VPP 2T2C L2 64B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ - title: "VPP 2T2C L2 64B Packet Throughput - Trending"
output-file-name: "l2-2t2c-x520"
data: "plot-performance-trending"
filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and 'MRR' and '64B' and ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and '2T2C' and ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and not 'VHOST' and not 'MEMIF'"
- "result"
- periods:
- - 1
- # - 14
- # - 60
layout: "plot-cpta"
- - title: "VPP 4T4C L2 64B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ - title: "VPP 4T4C L2 64B Packet Throughput - Trending"
output-file-name: "l2-4t4c-x520"
data: "plot-performance-trending"
filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and 'MRR' and '64B' and ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and '4T4C' and ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and not 'VHOST' and not 'MEMIF'"
- "result"
- periods:
- - 1
- # - 14
- # - 60
layout: "plot-cpta"
- - title: "VPP 1T1C L2 64B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ - title: "VPP 1T1C L2 64B Packet Throughput - Trending"
output-file-name: "l2-feature-1t1c-x520"
data: "plot-performance-trending"
filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and 'MRR' and '64B' and 'FEATURE' and '1T1C' and ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and not 'VHOST' and not 'MEMIF'"
- "result"
- periods:
- - 1
- # - 14
- # - 60
layout: "plot-cpta"
- - title: "VPP 2T2C L2 64B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ - title: "VPP 2T2C L2 64B Packet Throughput - Trending"
output-file-name: "l2-feature-2t2c-x520"
data: "plot-performance-trending"
filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and 'MRR' and '64B' and 'FEATURE' and '2T2C' and ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and not 'VHOST' and not 'MEMIF'"
- "result"
- periods:
- - 1
- # - 14
- # - 60
layout: "plot-cpta"
- - title: "VPP 4T4C L2 64B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ - title: "VPP 4T4C L2 64B Packet Throughput - Trending"
output-file-name: "l2-feature-4t4c-x520"
data: "plot-performance-trending"
filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and 'MRR' and '64B' and 'FEATURE' and '4T4C' and ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and not 'VHOST' and not 'MEMIF'"
- "result"
- periods:
- - 1
- # - 14
- # - 60
layout: "plot-cpta"
# L2 - xl710
- - title: "VPP 1T1C L2 64B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ - title: "VPP 1T1C L2 64B Packet Throughput - Trending"
output-file-name: "l2-1t1c-xl710"
data: "plot-performance-trending"
filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and 'MRR' and '64B' and ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and '1T1C' and ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and not 'VHOST' and not 'MEMIF'"
- "result"
- periods:
- - 1
- # - 14
- # - 60
layout: "plot-cpta"
- - title: "VPP 2T2C L2 64B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ - title: "VPP 2T2C L2 64B Packet Throughput - Trending"
output-file-name: "l2-2t2c-xl710"
data: "plot-performance-trending"
filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and 'MRR' and '64B' and ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and '2T2C' and ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and not 'VHOST' and not 'MEMIF'"
- "result"
- periods:
- - 1
- # - 14
- # - 60
layout: "plot-cpta"
- - title: "VPP 4T4C L2 64B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ - title: "VPP 4T4C L2 64B Packet Throughput - Trending"
output-file-name: "l2-4t4c-xl710"
data: "plot-performance-trending"
filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and 'MRR' and '64B' and ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and '4T4C' and ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and not 'VHOST' and not 'MEMIF'"
- "result"
- periods:
- - 1
- # - 14
- # - 60
layout: "plot-cpta"
# L2 - x710
- - title: "VPP 1T1C L2 64B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ - title: "VPP 1T1C L2 64B Packet Throughput - Trending"
output-file-name: "l2-1t1c-x710"
data: "plot-performance-trending"
filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and 'MRR' and '64B' and ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and '1T1C' and ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and not 'VHOST' and not 'MEMIF'"
- "result"
- periods:
- - 1
- # - 14
- # - 60
layout: "plot-cpta"
- - title: "VPP 2T2C L2 64B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ - title: "VPP 2T2C L2 64B Packet Throughput - Trending"
output-file-name: "l2-2t2c-x710"
data: "plot-performance-trending"
filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and 'MRR' and '64B' and ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and '2T2C' and ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and not 'VHOST' and not 'MEMIF'"
- "result"
- periods:
- - 1
- # - 14
- # - 60
layout: "plot-cpta"
- - title: "VPP 4T4C L2 64B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ - title: "VPP 4T4C L2 64B Packet Throughput - Trending"
output-file-name: "l2-4t4c-x710"
data: "plot-performance-trending"
filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and 'MRR' and '64B' and ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and '4T4C' and ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and not 'VHOST' and not 'MEMIF'"
- "result"
- periods:
- - 1
- # - 14
- # - 60
layout: "plot-cpta"
- - title: "VPP 1T1C L2 64B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ - title: "VPP 1T1C L2 64B Packet Throughput - Trending"
output-file-name: "l2-feature-1t1c-x710"
data: "plot-performance-trending"
filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and 'MRR' and '64B' and 'FEATURE' and '1T1C' and ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and not 'VHOST' and not 'MEMIF'"
- "result"
- periods:
- - 1
- # - 14
- # - 60
layout: "plot-cpta"
- - title: "VPP 2T2C L2 64B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ - title: "VPP 2T2C L2 64B Packet Throughput - Trending"
output-file-name: "l2-feature-2t2c-x710"
data: "plot-performance-trending"
filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and 'MRR' and '64B' and 'FEATURE' and '2T2C' and ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and not 'VHOST' and not 'MEMIF'"
- "result"
- periods:
- - 1
- # - 14
- # - 60
layout: "plot-cpta"
- - title: "VPP 4T4C L2 64B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ - title: "VPP 4T4C L2 64B Packet Throughput - Trending"
output-file-name: "l2-feature-4t4c-x710"
data: "plot-performance-trending"
filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and 'MRR' and '64B' and 'FEATURE' and '4T4C' and ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and not 'VHOST' and not 'MEMIF'"
- "result"
- periods:
- - 1
- # - 14
- # - 60
layout: "plot-cpta"
# IPv4 - x520
- - title: "VPP 1T1C IPv4 64B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ - title: "VPP 1T1C IPv4 64B Packet Throughput - Trending"
output-file-name: "ip4-1t1c-x520"
data: "plot-performance-trending"
filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and 'MRR' and '64B' and ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and '1T1C' and 'IP4FWD' and not 'FEATURE' and not 'IPSEC' and not 'VHOST'"
- "result"
- periods:
- - 1
- # - 14
- # - 60
layout: "plot-cpta"
- - title: "VPP 2T2C IPv4 64B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ - title: "VPP 2T2C IPv4 64B Packet Throughput - Trending"
output-file-name: "ip4-2t2c-x520"
data: "plot-performance-trending"
filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and 'MRR' and '64B' and ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and '2T2C' and 'IP4FWD' and not 'FEATURE' and not 'IPSEC' and not 'VHOST'"
- "result"
- periods:
- - 1
- # - 14
- # - 60
layout: "plot-cpta"
- - title: "VPP 4T4C IPv4 64B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ - title: "VPP 4T4C IPv4 64B Packet Throughput - Trending"
output-file-name: "ip4-4t4c-x520"
data: "plot-performance-trending"
filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and 'MRR' and '64B' and ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and '4T4C' and 'IP4FWD' and not 'FEATURE' and not 'IPSEC' and not 'VHOST'"
- "result"
- periods:
- - 1
- # - 14
- # - 60
layout: "plot-cpta"
- - title: "VPP 1T1C IPv4 64B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ - title: "VPP 1T1C IPv4 64B Packet Throughput - Trending"
output-file-name: "ip4-feature-1t1c-x520"
data: "plot-performance-trending"
filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and 'MRR' and '64B' and 'FEATURE' and '1T1C' and 'IP4FWD' and not 'IPSEC' and not 'VHOST'"
- "result"
- periods:
- - 1
- # - 14
- # - 60
layout: "plot-cpta"
- - title: "VPP 2T2C IPv4 64B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ - title: "VPP 2T2C IPv4 64B Packet Throughput - Trending"
output-file-name: "ip4-feature-2t2c-x520"
data: "plot-performance-trending"
filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and 'MRR' and '64B' and 'FEATURE' and '2T2C' and 'IP4FWD' and not 'IPSEC' and not 'VHOST'"
- "result"
- periods:
- - 1
- # - 14
- # - 60
layout: "plot-cpta"
- - title: "VPP 4T4C IPv4 64B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ - title: "VPP 4T4C IPv4 64B Packet Throughput - Trending"
output-file-name: "ip4-feature-4t4c-x520"
data: "plot-performance-trending"
filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and 'MRR' and '64B' and 'FEATURE' and '4T4C' and 'IP4FWD' and not 'IPSEC' and not 'VHOST'"
- "result"
- periods:
- - 1
- # - 14
- # - 60
layout: "plot-cpta"
# IPv4 - xl710
- - title: "VPP 1T1C IPv4 64B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ - title: "VPP 1T1C IPv4 64B Packet Throughput - Trending"
output-file-name: "ip4-1t1c-xl710"
data: "plot-performance-trending"
filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and 'MRR' and '64B' and ('BASE' or 'SCALE' or 'FEATURE') and '1T1C' and 'IP4FWD' and not 'IPSEC' and not 'VHOST'"
- "result"
- periods:
- - 1
- # - 14
- # - 60
layout: "plot-cpta"
- - title: "VPP 2T2C IPv4 64B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ - title: "VPP 2T2C IPv4 64B Packet Throughput - Trending"
output-file-name: "ip4-2t2c-xl710"
data: "plot-performance-trending"
filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and 'MRR' and '64B' and ('BASE' or 'SCALE' or 'FEATURE') and '2T2C' and 'IP4FWD' and not 'IPSEC' and not 'VHOST'"
- "result"
- periods:
- - 1
- # - 14
- # - 60
layout: "plot-cpta"
- - title: "VPP 4T4C IPv4 64B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ - title: "VPP 4T4C IPv4 64B Packet Throughput - Trending"
output-file-name: "ip4-4t4c-xl710"
data: "plot-performance-trending"
filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and 'MRR' and '64B' and ('BASE' or 'SCALE' or 'FEATURE') and '4T4C' and 'IP4FWD' and not 'IPSEC' and not 'VHOST'"
- "result"
- periods:
- - 1
- # - 14
- # - 60
layout: "plot-cpta"
# IPv4 - x710
- - title: "VPP 1T1C IPv4 64B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ - title: "VPP 1T1C IPv4 64B Packet Throughput - Trending"
output-file-name: "ip4-1t1c-x710"
data: "plot-performance-trending"
filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and 'MRR' and '64B' and ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and '1T1C' and 'IP4FWD' and not 'FEATURE' and not 'IPSEC' and not 'VHOST'"
- "result"
- periods:
- - 1
- # - 14
- # - 60
layout: "plot-cpta"
- - title: "VPP 2T2C IPv4 64B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ - title: "VPP 2T2C IPv4 64B Packet Throughput - Trending"
output-file-name: "ip4-2t2c-x710"
data: "plot-performance-trending"
filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and 'MRR' and '64B' and ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and '2T2C' and 'IP4FWD' and not 'FEATURE' and not 'IPSEC' and not 'VHOST'"
- "result"
- periods:
- - 1
- # - 14
- # - 60
layout: "plot-cpta"
- - title: "VPP 4T4C IPv4 64B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ - title: "VPP 4T4C IPv4 64B Packet Throughput - Trending"
output-file-name: "ip4-4t4c-x710"
data: "plot-performance-trending"
filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and 'MRR' and '64B' and ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and '4T4C' and 'IP4FWD' and not 'FEATURE' and not 'IPSEC' and not 'VHOST'"
- "result"
- periods:
- - 1
- # - 14
- # - 60
layout: "plot-cpta"
- - title: "VPP 1T1C IPv4 64B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ - title: "VPP 1T1C IPv4 64B Packet Throughput - Trending"
output-file-name: "ip4-feature-1t1c-x710"
data: "plot-performance-trending"
filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and 'MRR' and '64B' and 'FEATURE' and '1T1C' and 'IP4FWD' and not 'IPSEC' and not 'VHOST'"
- "result"
- periods:
- - 1
- # - 14
- # - 60
layout: "plot-cpta"
- - title: "VPP 2T2C IPv4 64B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ - title: "VPP 2T2C IPv4 64B Packet Throughput - Trending"
output-file-name: "ip4-feature-2t2c-x710"
data: "plot-performance-trending"
filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and 'MRR' and '64B' and 'FEATURE' and '2T2C' and 'IP4FWD' and not 'IPSEC' and not 'VHOST'"
- "result"
- periods:
- - 1
- # - 14
- # - 60
layout: "plot-cpta"
- - title: "VPP 4T4C IPv4 64B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ - title: "VPP 4T4C IPv4 64B Packet Throughput - Trending"
output-file-name: "ip4-feature-4t4c-x710"
data: "plot-performance-trending"
filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and 'MRR' and '64B' and 'FEATURE' and '4T4C' and 'IP4FWD' and not 'IPSEC' and not 'VHOST'"
- "result"
- periods:
- - 1
- # - 14
- # - 60
layout: "plot-cpta"
# IPv4 Tunnels - x520
- - title: "VPP 1T1C IPv4 Tunnels 64B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ - title: "VPP 1T1C IPv4 Tunnels 64B Packet Throughput - Trending"
output-file-name: "ip4-tunnels-1t1c-x520"
data: "plot-performance-trending"
filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and '64B' and 'ENCAP' and 'MRR' and '1T1C' and ('VXLAN' or 'VXLANGPE' or 'LISP' or 'LISPGPE' or 'GRE') and not 'VHOST' and not 'IPSECHW'"
- "result"
- periods:
- - 1
- # - 14
- # - 60
layout: "plot-cpta"
- - title: "VPP 2T2C IPv4 Tunnels 64B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ - title: "VPP 2T2C IPv4 Tunnels 64B Packet Throughput - Trending"
output-file-name: "ip4-tunnels-2t2c-x520"
data: "plot-performance-trending"
filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and '64B' and 'ENCAP' and 'MRR' and '2T2C' and ('VXLAN' or 'VXLANGPE' or 'LISP' or 'LISPGPE' or 'GRE') and not 'VHOST' and not 'IPSECHW'"
- "result"
- periods:
- - 1
- # - 14
- # - 60
layout: "plot-cpta"
- - title: "VPP 4T4C IPv4 Tunnels 64B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ - title: "VPP 4T4C IPv4 Tunnels 64B Packet Throughput - Trending"
output-file-name: "ip4-tunnels-4t4c-x520"
data: "plot-performance-trending"
filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and '64B' and 'ENCAP' and 'MRR' and '4T4C' and ('VXLAN' or 'VXLANGPE' or 'LISP' or 'LISPGPE' or 'GRE') and not 'VHOST' and not 'IPSECHW'"
- "result"
- periods:
- - 1
- # - 14
- # - 60
layout: "plot-cpta"
# IPv4 Tunnels - x710
- - title: "VPP 1T1C IPv4 Tunnels 64B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ - title: "VPP 1T1C IPv4 Tunnels 64B Packet Throughput - Trending"
output-file-name: "ip4-tunnels-1t1c-x710"
data: "plot-performance-trending"
filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and '64B' and 'ENCAP' and 'MRR' and '1T1C' and ('VXLAN' or 'VXLANGPE' or 'LISP' or 'LISPGPE' or 'GRE') and not 'VHOST' and not 'IPSECHW'"
- "result"
- periods:
- - 1
- # - 14
- # - 60
layout: "plot-cpta"
- - title: "VPP 2T2C IPv4 Tunnels 64B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ - title: "VPP 2T2C IPv4 Tunnels 64B Packet Throughput - Trending"
output-file-name: "ip4-tunnels-2t2c-x710"
data: "plot-performance-trending"
filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and '64B' and 'ENCAP' and 'MRR' and '2T2C' and ('VXLAN' or 'VXLANGPE' or 'LISP' or 'LISPGPE' or 'GRE') and not 'VHOST' and not 'IPSECHW'"
- "result"
- periods:
- - 1
- # - 14
- # - 60
layout: "plot-cpta"
- - title: "VPP 4T4C IPv4 Tunnels 64B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ - title: "VPP 4T4C IPv4 Tunnels 64B Packet Throughput - Trending"
output-file-name: "ip4-tunnels-4t4c-x710"
data: "plot-performance-trending"
filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and '64B' and 'ENCAP' and 'MRR' and '4T4C' and ('VXLAN' or 'VXLANGPE' or 'LISP' or 'LISPGPE' or 'GRE') and not 'VHOST' and not 'IPSECHW'"
- "result"
- periods:
- - 1
- # - 14
- # - 60
layout: "plot-cpta"
# IPv6 - x520
- - title: "VPP 1T1C IPv6 78B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ - title: "VPP 1T1C IPv6 78B Packet Throughput - Trending"
output-file-name: "ip6-1t1c-x520"
data: "plot-performance-trending"
filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and 'MRR' and '78B' and ('BASE' or 'SCALE' or 'FEATURE') and '1T1C' and 'IP6FWD' and not 'IPSEC' and not 'VHOST'"
- "result"
- periods:
- - 1
- # - 14
- # - 60
layout: "plot-cpta"
- - title: "VPP 2T2C IPv6 78B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ - title: "VPP 2T2C IPv6 78B Packet Throughput - Trending"
output-file-name: "ip6-2t2c-x520"
data: "plot-performance-trending"
filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and 'MRR' and '78B' and ('BASE' or 'SCALE' or 'FEATURE') and '2T2C' and 'IP6FWD' and not 'IPSEC' and not 'VHOST'"
- "result"
- periods:
- - 1
- # - 14
- # - 60
layout: "plot-cpta"
- - title: "VPP 4T4C IPv6 78B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ - title: "VPP 4T4C IPv6 78B Packet Throughput - Trending"
output-file-name: "ip6-4t4c-x520"
data: "plot-performance-trending"
filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and 'MRR' and '78B' and ('BASE' or 'SCALE' or 'FEATURE') and '4T4C' and 'IP6FWD' and not 'IPSEC' and not 'VHOST'"
- "result"
- periods:
- - 1
- # - 14
- # - 60
layout: "plot-cpta"
# IPv6 - xl710
- - title: "VPP 1T1C IPv6 78B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ - title: "VPP 1T1C IPv6 78B Packet Throughput - Trending"
output-file-name: "ip6-1t1c-xl710"
data: "plot-performance-trending"
filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and 'MRR' and '78B' and ('BASE' or 'SCALE' or 'FEATURE') and '1T1C' and 'IP6FWD' and not 'IPSEC' and not 'VHOST'"
- "result"
- periods:
- - 1
- # - 14
- # - 60
layout: "plot-cpta"
- - title: "VPP 2T2C IPv6 78B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ - title: "VPP 2T2C IPv6 78B Packet Throughput - Trending"
output-file-name: "ip6-2t2c-xl710"
data: "plot-performance-trending"
filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and 'MRR' and '78B' and ('BASE' or 'SCALE' or 'FEATURE') and '2T2C' and 'IP6FWD' and not 'IPSEC' and not 'VHOST'"
- "result"
- periods:
- - 1
- # - 14
- # - 60
layout: "plot-cpta"
- - title: "VPP 4T4C IPv6 78B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ - title: "VPP 4T4C IPv6 78B Packet Throughput - Trending"
output-file-name: "ip6-4t4c-xl710"
data: "plot-performance-trending"
filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and 'MRR' and '78B' and ('BASE' or 'SCALE' or 'FEATURE') and '4T4C' and 'IP6FWD' and not 'IPSEC' and not 'VHOST'"
- "result"
- periods:
- - 1
- # - 14
- # - 60
layout: "plot-cpta"
# IPv6 - x710
- - title: "VPP 1T1C IPv6 78B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ - title: "VPP 1T1C IPv6 78B Packet Throughput - Trending"
output-file-name: "ip6-1t1c-x710"
data: "plot-performance-trending"
filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and 'MRR' and '78B' and ('BASE' or 'SCALE' or 'FEATURE') and '1T1C' and 'IP6FWD' and not 'IPSEC' and not 'VHOST'"
- "result"
- periods:
- - 1
- # - 14
- # - 60
layout: "plot-cpta"
- - title: "VPP 2T2C IPv6 78B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ - title: "VPP 2T2C IPv6 78B Packet Throughput - Trending"
output-file-name: "ip6-2t2c-x710"
data: "plot-performance-trending"
filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and 'MRR' and '78B' and ('BASE' or 'SCALE' or 'FEATURE') and '2T2C' and 'IP6FWD' and not 'IPSEC' and not 'VHOST'"
- "result"
- periods:
- - 1
- # - 14
- # - 60
layout: "plot-cpta"
- - title: "VPP 4T4C IPv6 78B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ - title: "VPP 4T4C IPv6 78B Packet Throughput - Trending"
output-file-name: "ip6-4t4c-x710"
data: "plot-performance-trending"
filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and 'MRR' and '78B' and ('BASE' or 'SCALE' or 'FEATURE') and '4T4C' and 'IP6FWD' and not 'IPSEC' and not 'VHOST'"
- "result"
- periods:
- - 1
- # - 14
- # - 60
layout: "plot-cpta"
# Container memif - x520, 64B
- - title: "VPP 1T1C L2 Container memif 64B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ - title: "VPP 1T1C L2 Container memif 64B Packet Throughput - Trending"
output-file-name: "container-memif-l2-1t1c-x520"
data: "plot-performance-trending"
filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and 'MRR' and '64B' and 'BASE' and '1T1C' and 'MEMIF' and ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and not 'VHOST'"
- "result"
- periods:
- - 1
- # - 14
- # - 60
layout: "plot-cpta"
- - title: "VPP 2T2C L2 Container memif 64B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ - title: "VPP 2T2C L2 Container memif 64B Packet Throughput - Trending"
output-file-name: "container-memif-l2-2t2c-x520"
data: "plot-performance-trending"
filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and 'MRR' and '64B' and 'BASE' and '2T2C' and 'MEMIF' and ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and not 'VHOST'"
- "result"
- periods:
- - 1
- # - 14
- # - 60
layout: "plot-cpta"
- - title: "VPP 4T4C L2 Container memif 64B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ - title: "VPP 4T4C L2 Container memif 64B Packet Throughput - Trending"
output-file-name: "container-memif-l2-4t4c-x520"
data: "plot-performance-trending"
filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and 'MRR' and '64B' and 'BASE' and '4T4C' and 'MEMIF' and ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and not 'VHOST'"
- "result"
- periods:
- - 1
- # - 14
- # - 60
layout: "plot-cpta"
# Container memif - x520, IMIX
- - title: "VPP 1T1C L2 Container memif IMIX Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ - title: "VPP 1T1C L2 Container memif IMIX Packet Throughput - Trending"
output-file-name: "container-memif-imix-l2-1t1c-x520"
data: "plot-performance-trending"
filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and 'MRR' and 'IMIX' and 'BASE' and '1T1C' and 'MEMIF' and ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and not 'VHOST'"
- "result"
- periods:
- - 1
- # - 14
- # - 60
layout: "plot-cpta"
- - title: "VPP 2T2C L2 Container memif IMIX Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ - title: "VPP 2T2C L2 Container memif IMIX Packet Throughput - Trending"
output-file-name: "container-memif-imix-l2-2t2c-x520"
data: "plot-performance-trending"
filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and 'MRR' and 'IMIX' and 'BASE' and '2T2C' and 'MEMIF' and ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and not 'VHOST'"
- "result"
- periods:
- - 1
- # - 14
- # - 60
layout: "plot-cpta"
- - title: "VPP 4T4C L2 Container memif IMIX Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ - title: "VPP 4T4C L2 Container memif IMIX Packet Throughput - Trending"
output-file-name: "container-memif-imix-l2-4t4c-x520"
data: "plot-performance-trending"
filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and 'MRR' and 'IMIX' and 'BASE' and '4T4C' and 'MEMIF' and ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and not 'VHOST'"
- "result"
- periods:
- - 1
- # - 14
- # - 60
layout: "plot-cpta"
# Container memif - xl710, 64B
- - title: "VPP 1T1C L2 Container memif 64B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ - title: "VPP 1T1C L2 Container memif 64B Packet Throughput - Trending"
output-file-name: "container-memif-l2-1t1c-xl710"
data: "plot-performance-trending"
filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and 'MRR' and '64B' and 'BASE' and '1T1C' and 'MEMIF' and ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and not 'VHOST'"
- "result"
- periods:
- - 1
- # - 14
- # - 60
layout: "plot-cpta"
- - title: "VPP 2T2C L2 Container memif 64B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ - title: "VPP 2T2C L2 Container memif 64B Packet Throughput - Trending"
output-file-name: "container-memif-l2-2t2c-xl710"
data: "plot-performance-trending"
filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and 'MRR' and '64B' and 'BASE' and '2T2C' and 'MEMIF' and ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and not 'VHOST'"
- "result"
- periods:
- - 1
- # - 14
- # - 60
layout: "plot-cpta"
- - title: "VPP 4T4C L2 Container memif 64B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ - title: "VPP 4T4C L2 Container memif 64B Packet Throughput - Trending"
output-file-name: "container-memif-l2-4t4c-xl710"
data: "plot-performance-trending"
filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and 'MRR' and '64B' and 'BASE' and '4T4C' and 'MEMIF' and ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and not 'VHOST'"
- "result"
- periods:
- - 1
- # - 14
- # - 60
layout: "plot-cpta"
# Container memif - xl710, IMIX
- - title: "VPP 1T1C L2 Container memif IMIX Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ - title: "VPP 1T1C L2 Container memif IMIX Packet Throughput - Trending"
output-file-name: "container-memif-imix-l2-1t1c-xl710"
data: "plot-performance-trending"
filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and 'MRR' and 'IMIX' and 'BASE' and '1T1C' and 'MEMIF' and ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and not 'VHOST'"
- "result"
- periods:
- - 1
- # - 14
- # - 60
layout: "plot-cpta"
- - title: "VPP 2T2C L2 Container memif IMIX Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ - title: "VPP 2T2C L2 Container memif IMIX Packet Throughput - Trending"
output-file-name: "container-memif-imix-l2-2t2c-xl710"
data: "plot-performance-trending"
filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and 'MRR' and 'IMIX' and 'BASE' and '2T2C' and 'MEMIF' and ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and not 'VHOST'"
- "result"
- periods:
- - 1
- # - 14
- # - 60
layout: "plot-cpta"
- - title: "VPP 4T4C L2 Container memif IMIX Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ - title: "VPP 4T4C L2 Container memif IMIX Packet Throughput - Trending"
output-file-name: "container-memif-imix-l2-4t4c-xl710"
data: "plot-performance-trending"
filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and 'MRR' and 'IMIX' and 'BASE' and '4T4C' and 'MEMIF' and ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and not 'VHOST'"
- "result"
- periods:
- - 1
- # - 14
- # - 60
layout: "plot-cpta"
# Container memif - x710, 64B
- - title: "VPP 1T1C L2 Container memif 64B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ - title: "VPP 1T1C L2 Container memif 64B Packet Throughput - Trending"
output-file-name: "container-memif-l2-1t1c-x710"
data: "plot-performance-trending"
filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and 'MRR' and '64B' and 'BASE' and '1T1C' and 'MEMIF' and ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and not 'VHOST'"
- "result"
- periods:
- - 1
- # - 14
- # - 60
layout: "plot-cpta"
- - title: "VPP 2T2C L2 Container memif 64B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ - title: "VPP 2T2C L2 Container memif 64B Packet Throughput - Trending"
output-file-name: "container-memif-l2-2t2c-x710"
data: "plot-performance-trending"
filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and 'MRR' and '64B' and 'BASE' and '2T2C' and 'MEMIF' and ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and not 'VHOST'"
- "result"
- periods:
- - 1
- # - 14
- # - 60
layout: "plot-cpta"
- - title: "VPP 4T4C L2 Container memif 64B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ - title: "VPP 4T4C L2 Container memif 64B Packet Throughput - Trending"
output-file-name: "container-memif-l2-4t4c-x710"
data: "plot-performance-trending"
filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and 'MRR' and '64B' and 'BASE' and '4T4C' and 'MEMIF' and ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and not 'VHOST'"
- "result"
- periods:
- - 1
- # - 14
- # - 60
layout: "plot-cpta"
# Container memif - x520, IMIX
- - title: "VPP 1T1C L2 Container memif IMIX Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ - title: "VPP 1T1C L2 Container memif IMIX Packet Throughput - Trending"
output-file-name: "container-memif-imix-l2-1t1c-x710"
data: "plot-performance-trending"
filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and 'MRR' and 'IMIX' and 'BASE' and '1T1C' and 'MEMIF' and ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and not 'VHOST'"
- "result"
- periods:
- - 1
- # - 14
- # - 60
layout: "plot-cpta"
- - title: "VPP 2T2C L2 Container memif IMIX Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ - title: "VPP 2T2C L2 Container memif IMIX Packet Throughput - Trending"
output-file-name: "container-memif-imix-l2-2t2c-x710"
data: "plot-performance-trending"
filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and 'MRR' and 'IMIX' and 'BASE' and '2T2C' and 'MEMIF' and ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and not 'VHOST'"
- "result"
- periods:
- - 1
- # - 14
- # - 60
layout: "plot-cpta"
- - title: "VPP 4T4C L2 Container memif IMIX Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ - title: "VPP 4T4C L2 Container memif IMIX Packet Throughput - Trending"
output-file-name: "container-memif-imix-l2-4t4c-x710"
data: "plot-performance-trending"
filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and 'MRR' and 'IMIX' and 'BASE' and '4T4C' and 'MEMIF' and ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and not 'VHOST'"
- "result"
- periods:
- - 1
- # - 14
- # - 60
layout: "plot-cpta"
# VM vhost - x520, ethip4, 64B
- - title: "VPP 1T1C VM vhost ethip4 64B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ - title: "VPP 1T1C VM vhost ethip4 64B Packet Throughput - Trending"
output-file-name: "vm-vhost-ethip4-1t1c-x520"
data: "plot-performance-trending"
filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and '64B' and 'MRR' and '1T1C' and 'VHOST' and not ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD')"
- "result"
- periods:
- - 1
- # - 14
- # - 60
layout: "plot-cpta"
- - title: "VPP 2T2C VM vhost ethip4 64B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ - title: "VPP 2T2C VM vhost ethip4 64B Packet Throughput - Trending"
output-file-name: "vm-vhost-ethip4-2t2c-x520"
data: "plot-performance-trending"
filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and '64B' and 'MRR' and '2T2C' and 'VHOST' and not ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD')"
- "result"
- periods:
- - 1
- # - 14
- # - 60
layout: "plot-cpta"
- - title: "VPP 4T4C VM vhost ethip4 64B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ - title: "VPP 4T4C VM vhost ethip4 64B Packet Throughput - Trending"
output-file-name: "vm-vhost-ethip4-4t4c-x520"
data: "plot-performance-trending"
filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and '64B' and 'MRR' and '4T4C' and 'VHOST' and not ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD')"
- "result"
- periods:
- - 1
- # - 14
- # - 60
layout: "plot-cpta"
# VM vhost - x520, ethip4, IMIX
- - title: "VPP 1T1C VM vhost ethip4 IMIX Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ - title: "VPP 1T1C VM vhost ethip4 IMIX Packet Throughput - Trending"
output-file-name: "vm-vhost-imix-ethip4-1t1c-x520"
data: "plot-performance-trending"
filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and 'IMIX' and 'MRR' and '1T1C' and 'VHOST' and not ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD')"
- "result"
- periods:
- - 1
- # - 14
- # - 60
layout: "plot-cpta"
- - title: "VPP 2T2C VM vhost ethip4 IMIX Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ - title: "VPP 2T2C VM vhost ethip4 IMIX Packet Throughput - Trending"
output-file-name: "vm-vhost-imix-ethip4-2t2c-x520"
data: "plot-performance-trending"
filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and 'IMIX' and 'MRR' and '2T2C' and 'VHOST' and not ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD')"
- "result"
- periods:
- - 1
- # - 14
- # - 60
layout: "plot-cpta"
- - title: "VPP 4T4C VM vhost ethip4 IMIX Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ - title: "VPP 4T4C VM vhost ethip4 IMIX Packet Throughput - Trending"
output-file-name: "vm-vhost-imix-ethip4-4t4c-x520"
data: "plot-performance-trending"
filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and 'IMIX' and 'MRR' and '4T4C' and 'VHOST' and not ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD')"
- "result"
- periods:
- - 1
- # - 14
- # - 60
layout: "plot-cpta"
# VM vhost - x520, eth, 64B
- - title: "VPP 1T1C VM vhost eth 64B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ - title: "VPP 1T1C VM vhost eth 64B Packet Throughput - Trending"
output-file-name: "vm-vhost-eth-1t1c-x520"
data: "plot-performance-trending"
filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and '64B' and 'MRR' and '1T1C' and 'VHOST' and not 'VXLAN' and not 'IP4FWD'"
- "result"
- periods:
- - 1
- # - 14
- # - 60
layout: "plot-cpta"
- - title: "VPP 2T2C VM vhost eth 64B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ - title: "VPP 2T2C VM vhost eth 64B Packet Throughput - Trending"
output-file-name: "vm-vhost-eth-2t2c-x520"
data: "plot-performance-trending"
filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and '64B' and 'MRR' and '2T2C' and 'VHOST' and not 'VXLAN' and not 'IP4FWD'"
- "result"
- periods:
- - 1
- # - 14
- # - 60
layout: "plot-cpta"
- - title: "VPP 4T4C VM vhost eth 64B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ - title: "VPP 4T4C VM vhost eth 64B Packet Throughput - Trending"
output-file-name: "vm-vhost-eth-4t4c-x520"
data: "plot-performance-trending"
filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and '64B' and 'MRR' and '4T4C' and 'VHOST' and not 'VXLAN' and not 'IP4FWD'"
- "result"
- periods:
- - 1
- # - 14
- # - 60
layout: "plot-cpta"
# VM vhost - x520, eth, IMIX
- - title: "VPP 1T1C VM vhost eth IMIX Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ - title: "VPP 1T1C VM vhost eth IMIX Packet Throughput - Trending"
output-file-name: "vm-vhost-imix-eth-1t1c-x520"
data: "plot-performance-trending"
filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and 'IMIX' and 'MRR' and '1T1C' and 'VHOST' and not 'VXLAN' and not 'IP4FWD'"
- "result"
- periods:
- - 1
- # - 14
- # - 60
layout: "plot-cpta"
- - title: "VPP 2T2C VM vhost eth IMIX Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ - title: "VPP 2T2C VM vhost eth IMIX Packet Throughput - Trending"
output-file-name: "vm-vhost-imix-eth-2t2c-x520"
data: "plot-performance-trending"
filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and 'IMIX' and 'MRR' and '2T2C' and 'VHOST' and not 'VXLAN' and not 'IP4FWD'"
- "result"
- periods:
- - 1
- # - 14
- # - 60
layout: "plot-cpta"
- - title: "VPP 4T4C VM vhost eth IMIX Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ - title: "VPP 4T4C VM vhost eth IMIX Packet Throughput - Trending"
output-file-name: "vm-vhost-imix-eth-4t4c-x520"
data: "plot-performance-trending"
filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and 'IMIX' and 'MRR' and '4T4C' and 'VHOST' and not 'VXLAN' and not 'IP4FWD'"
- "result"
- periods:
- - 1
- # - 14
- # - 60
layout: "plot-cpta"
# VM vhost - xl710, eth, 64B
- - title: "VPP 1T1C VM vhost eth 64B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ - title: "VPP 1T1C VM vhost eth 64B Packet Throughput - Trending"
output-file-name: "vm-vhost-eth-1t1c-xl710"
data: "plot-performance-trending"
filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and '64B' and 'MRR' and '1T1C' and 'VHOST' and not 'VXLAN' and not 'IP4FWD'"
- "result"
- periods:
- - 1
- # - 14
- # - 60
layout: "plot-cpta"
- - title: "VPP 2T2C VM vhost eth 64B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ - title: "VPP 2T2C VM vhost eth 64B Packet Throughput - Trending"
output-file-name: "vm-vhost-eth-2t2c-xl710"
data: "plot-performance-trending"
filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and '64B' and 'MRR' and '2T2C' and 'VHOST' and not 'VXLAN' and not 'IP4FWD'"
- "result"
- periods:
- - 1
- # - 14
- # - 60
layout: "plot-cpta"
- - title: "VPP 4T4C VM vhost eth 64B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ - title: "VPP 4T4C VM vhost eth 64B Packet Throughput - Trending"
output-file-name: "vm-vhost-eth-4t4c-xl710"
data: "plot-performance-trending"
filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and '64B' and 'MRR' and '4T4C' and 'VHOST' and not 'VXLAN' and not 'IP4FWD'"
- "result"
- periods:
- - 1
- # - 14
- # - 60
layout: "plot-cpta"
# VM vhost - xl710, eth, IMIX
- - title: "VPP 1T1C VM vhost eth IMIX Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ - title: "VPP 1T1C VM vhost eth IMIX Packet Throughput - Trending"
output-file-name: "vm-vhost-imix-eth-1t1c-xl710"
data: "plot-performance-trending"
filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and 'IMIX' and 'MRR' and '1T1C' and 'VHOST' and not 'VXLAN' and not 'IP4FWD'"
- "result"
- periods:
- - 1
- # - 14
- # - 60
layout: "plot-cpta"
- - title: "VPP 2T2C VM vhost eth IMIX Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ - title: "VPP 2T2C VM vhost eth IMIX Packet Throughput - Trending"
output-file-name: "vm-vhost-imix-eth-2t2c-xl710"
data: "plot-performance-trending"
filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and 'IMIX' and 'MRR' and '2T2C' and 'VHOST' and not 'VXLAN' and not 'IP4FWD'"
- "result"
- periods:
- - 1
- # - 14
- # - 60
layout: "plot-cpta"
- - title: "VPP 4T4C VM vhost eth IMIX Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ - title: "VPP 4T4C VM vhost eth IMIX Packet Throughput - Trending"
output-file-name: "vm-vhost-imix-eth-4t4c-xl710"
data: "plot-performance-trending"
filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and 'IMIX' and 'MRR' and '4T4C' and 'VHOST' and not 'VXLAN' and not 'IP4FWD'"
- "result"
- periods:
- - 1
- # - 14
- # - 60
layout: "plot-cpta"
# VM vhost - x710, ethip4, 64B
- - title: "VPP 1T1C VM vhost ethip4 64B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ - title: "VPP 1T1C VM vhost ethip4 64B Packet Throughput - Trending"
output-file-name: "vm-vhost-ethip4-1t1c-x710"
data: "plot-performance-trending"
filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and '64B' and 'MRR' and '1T1C' and 'VHOST' and not ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD')"
- "result"
- periods:
- - 1
- # - 14
- # - 60
layout: "plot-cpta"
- - title: "VPP 2T2C VM vhost ethip4 64B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ - title: "VPP 2T2C VM vhost ethip4 64B Packet Throughput - Trending"
output-file-name: "vm-vhost-ethip4-2t2c-x710"
data: "plot-performance-trending"
filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and '64B' and 'MRR' and '2T2C' and 'VHOST' and not ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD')"
- "result"
- periods:
- - 1
- # - 14
- # - 60
layout: "plot-cpta"
- - title: "VPP 4T4C VM vhost ethip4 64B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ - title: "VPP 4T4C VM vhost ethip4 64B Packet Throughput - Trending"
output-file-name: "vm-vhost-ethip4-4t4c-x710"
data: "plot-performance-trending"
filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and '64B' and 'MRR' and '4T4C' and 'VHOST' and not ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD')"
- "result"
- periods:
- - 1
- # - 14
- # - 60
layout: "plot-cpta"
# VM vhost - x710, ethip4, IMIX
- - title: "VPP 1T1C VM vhost ethip4 IMIX Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ - title: "VPP 1T1C VM vhost ethip4 IMIX Packet Throughput - Trending"
output-file-name: "vm-vhost-imix-ethip4-1t1c-x710"
data: "plot-performance-trending"
filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and 'IMIX' and 'MRR' and '1T1C' and 'VHOST' and not ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD')"
- "result"
- periods:
- - 1
- # - 14
- # - 60
layout: "plot-cpta"
- - title: "VPP 2T2C VM vhost ethip4 IMIX Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ - title: "VPP 2T2C VM vhost ethip4 IMIX Packet Throughput - Trending"
output-file-name: "vm-vhost-imix-ethip4-2t2c-x710"
data: "plot-performance-trending"
filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and 'IMIX' and 'MRR' and '2T2C' and 'VHOST' and not ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD')"
- "result"
- periods:
- - 1
- # - 14
- # - 60
layout: "plot-cpta"
- - title: "VPP 4T4C VM vhost ethip4 IMIX Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ - title: "VPP 4T4C VM vhost ethip4 IMIX Packet Throughput - Trending"
output-file-name: "vm-vhost-imix-ethip4-4t4c-x710"
data: "plot-performance-trending"
filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and 'IMIX' and 'MRR' and '4T4C' and 'VHOST' and not ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD')"
- "result"
- periods:
- - 1
- # - 14
- # - 60
layout: "plot-cpta"
# VM vhost - x710, eth, 64B
- - title: "VPP 1T1C VM vhost eth 64B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ - title: "VPP 1T1C VM vhost eth 64B Packet Throughput - Trending"
output-file-name: "vm-vhost-eth-1t1c-x710"
data: "plot-performance-trending"
filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and '64B' and 'MRR' and '1T1C' and 'VHOST' and not 'VXLAN' and not 'IP4FWD'"
- "result"
- periods:
- - 1
- # - 14
- # - 60
layout: "plot-cpta"
- - title: "VPP 2T2C VM vhost eth 64B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ - title: "VPP 2T2C VM vhost eth 64B Packet Throughput - Trending"
output-file-name: "vm-vhost-eth-2t2c-x710"
data: "plot-performance-trending"
filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and '64B' and 'MRR' and '2T2C' and 'VHOST' and not 'VXLAN' and not 'IP4FWD'"
- "result"
- periods:
- - 1
- # - 14
- # - 60
layout: "plot-cpta"
- - title: "VPP 4T4C VM vhost eth 64B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ - title: "VPP 4T4C VM vhost eth 64B Packet Throughput - Trending"
output-file-name: "vm-vhost-eth-4t4c-x710"
data: "plot-performance-trending"
filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and '64B' and 'MRR' and '4T4C' and 'VHOST' and not 'VXLAN' and not 'IP4FWD'"
- "result"
- periods:
- - 1
- # - 14
- # - 60
layout: "plot-cpta"
# VM vhost - x710, eth, IMIX
- - title: "VPP 1T1C VM vhost eth IMIX Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ - title: "VPP 1T1C VM vhost eth IMIX Packet Throughput - Trending"
output-file-name: "vm-vhost-imix-eth-1t1c-x710"
data: "plot-performance-trending"
filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and 'IMIX' and 'MRR' and '1T1C' and 'VHOST' and not 'VXLAN' and not 'IP4FWD'"
- "result"
- periods:
- - 1
- # - 14
- # - 60
layout: "plot-cpta"
- - title: "VPP 2T2C VM vhost eth IMIX Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ - title: "VPP 2T2C VM vhost eth IMIX Packet Throughput - Trending"
output-file-name: "vm-vhost-imix-eth-2t2c-x710"
data: "plot-performance-trending"
filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and 'IMIX' and 'MRR' and '2T2C' and 'VHOST' and not 'VXLAN' and not 'IP4FWD'"
- "result"
- periods:
- - 1
- # - 14
- # - 60
layout: "plot-cpta"
- - title: "VPP 4T4C VM vhost eth IMIX Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ - title: "VPP 4T4C VM vhost eth IMIX Packet Throughput - Trending"
output-file-name: "vm-vhost-imix-eth-4t4c-x710"
data: "plot-performance-trending"
filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and 'IMIX' and 'MRR' and '4T4C' and 'VHOST' and not 'VXLAN' and not 'IP4FWD'"
- "result"
- periods:
- - 1
- # - 14
- # - 60
layout: "plot-cpta"
# IPSec
- - title: "VPP 1T1C IPSec 64B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ - title: "VPP 1T1C IPSec 64B Packet Throughput - Trending"
output-file-name: "ipsec-1t1c-xl710"
data: "plot-performance-trending"
filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and '64B' and 'IP4FWD' and 'MRR' and '1T1C' and 'IPSECHW' and ('IPSECTRAN' or 'IPSECTUN') and not 'VHOST'"
- "result"
- periods:
- - 1
- # - 14
- # - 60
layout: "plot-cpta"
- - title: "VPP 2T2C IPSec 64B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ - title: "VPP 2T2C IPSec 64B Packet Throughput - Trending"
output-file-name: "ipsec-2t2c-xl710"
data: "plot-performance-trending"
filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and '64B' and 'IP4FWD' and 'MRR' and '2T2C' and 'IPSECHW' and ('IPSECTRAN' or 'IPSECTUN') and not 'VHOST'"
- "result"
- periods:
- - 1
- # - 14
- # - 60
layout: "plot-cpta"
- - title: "VPP 4T4C IPSec 64B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ - title: "VPP 4T4C IPSec 64B Packet Throughput - Trending"
output-file-name: "ipsec-4t4c-xl710"
data: "plot-performance-trending"
filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and '64B' and 'IP4FWD' and 'MRR' and '4T4C' and 'IPSECHW' and ('IPSECTRAN' or 'IPSECTUN') and not 'VHOST'"
- "result"
- periods:
- - 1
- # - 14
- # - 60
layout: "plot-cpta"
diff --git a/resources/tools/presentation/utils.py b/resources/tools/presentation/utils.py
index ab86bafdd7..f32019dc2e 100644
--- a/resources/tools/presentation/utils.py
+++ b/resources/tools/presentation/utils.py
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
"""General purpose utilities.
+import multiprocessing
import subprocess
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
@@ -271,3 +272,43 @@ def archive_input_data(spec):
logging.info(" Done.")
+class Worker(multiprocessing.Process):
+ """Worker class used to process tasks in separate parallel processes.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, work_queue, data_queue, func):
+ """Initialization.
+ :param work_queue: Queue with items to process.
+ :param data_queue: Shared memory between processes. Queue which keeps
+ the result data. This data is then read by the main process and used
+ in further processing.
+ :param func: Function which is executed by the worker.
+ :type work_queue: multiprocessing.JoinableQueue
+ :type data_queue: multiprocessing.Manager().Queue()
+ :type func: Callable object
+ """
+ super(Worker, self).__init__()
+ self._work_queue = work_queue
+ self._data_queue = data_queue
+ self._func = func
+ def run(self):
+ """Method representing the process's activity.
+ """
+ while True:
+ try:
+ self.process(self._work_queue.get())
+ finally:
+ self._work_queue.task_done()
+ def process(self, item_to_process):
+ """Method executed by the runner.
+ :param item_to_process: Data to be processed by the function.
+ :type item_to_process: tuple
+ """
+ self._func(self.pid, self._data_queue, *item_to_process)