From bf4685dcf156517f66fe68a825c768bd82a1a12b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Vratko Polak Date: Thu, 14 Feb 2019 16:47:45 +0100 Subject: CSIT-1135: Add bash code style guide document - The document is currently an orphan. Change-Id: I37377e2f7b5e928351336bd18ef037da4d3513fa Signed-off-by: Vratko Polak --- docs/bash_code_style.rst | 587 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ docs/test_code_guidelines.rst | 2 +- 2 files changed, 588 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) create mode 100644 docs/bash_code_style.rst (limited to 'docs') diff --git a/docs/bash_code_style.rst b/docs/bash_code_style.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9db968f7d8 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/bash_code_style.rst @@ -0,0 +1,587 @@ +.. + Copyright (c) 2019 Cisco and/or its affiliates. + Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); + you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. + You may obtain a copy of the License at: +.. + +.. + Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software + distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, + WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. + See the License for the specific language governing permissions and + limitations under the License. + + +The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", +"SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "NOT RECOMMENDED", +"MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as +described in `BCP 14 `_ +`[RFC2119] `_ +`[RFC8174] `_ +when, and only when, they appear in all capitals, as shown here. + +This document SHALL describe guidelines for writing reliable, maintainable, +reusable and readable code for CSIT. + +Motivation +^^^^^^^^^^ + +TODO: List reasons why we need code style document for Bash. + +Proposed style +^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ + +File types +~~~~~~~~~~ + +Bash files SHOULD NOT be monolithic. Generally, this document +considers two types of bash files: + ++ Entry script: Assumed to be called by user, + or a script "external" in some way. + + + Sources bash libraries and calls functions defined there. + ++ Library file: To be sourced by entry scipts, possibly also by other libraries. + + + Sources other libraries for functions it needs. + + + Or relies on a related file already having sourced that. + + + Documentation SHALL imply which case it is. + + + Defines multiple functions other scripts can call. + +Safety +~~~~~~ + ++ Variable expansions MUST be quoted, to prevent word splitting. + + + This includes special "variables" such as "${1}". + + + RECOMMENDED even if the value is safe, as in "$?" and "$#". + + + It is RECOMMENDED to quote strings in general, + so text editors can syntax-highlight them. + + + Even if the string is a numeric value. + + + Commands and known options can get their own highlight, no need to quote. + + + Example: You do not need to quote every word of + "pip install --upgrade virtualenv". + + + Code SHALL NOT quote glob characters you need to expand (obviously). + + + OPTIONALLY do not quote adjacent characters (such as dot or fore-slash), + so that syntax highlighting makes them stand out compared to surrounding + ordinary strings. + + + Example: cp "logs"/*."log" "."/ + + + TODO: Consider giving examples both for good and bad usage. + + + Command substitution on right hand side of assignment should be safe + without quotes. + + + But still, quotes are RECOMMENDED, unless line length is a concern. + + + Note that command substitution limits the scope for quotes, + so it is NOT REQUIRED to escape the quotes in deeper levels. + + + TODO: Do we prefer backtics, or "dollar round-bracket"? + + + Backticks are more readable, especially when there are + round brackets in the surrounding text. + + + Backticks do not allow nested command substitution. + + + But we might want to avoid nested command substitution anyway? + + + Code SHOULD NOT be structured in a way where + word splitting is intended. + + + Example: Variable holding string of multiple command lines arguments. + + + Solution: Array variable should be used in this case. + + + Expansion MUST use quotes then: "${name[@]}". + + + Word splitting MAY be used when creating arrays from command substitution. + ++ Code MUST always check the exit code of commands. + + + Traditionally, error code checking is done either by "set -e" + or by appending "|| die" after each command. + The first is unreliable, due to many rules affecting "set -e" behavior + (see ), but "|| die" + relies on humans identifying each command, which is also unreliable. + When was the last time you checked error code of "echo" command, + for example? + + + As there is no reliable method of error detection, and there are two + largely independent unreliable methods, the best what we can do + is to apply both. So, code SHOULD explicitly + check each command (with "|| die" and similar) AND have "set -e" applied. + + + Code MUST explicitly check each command, unless the command is well known, + and considered safe (such as the aforementioned "echo"). + + + The well known commands MUST still be checked implicitly via "set -e". + + + See below for specific "set -e" recommendations. + ++ Code SHOULD use "readlink -e" (or "-f" if target does not exist yet) + to normalize any path value to absolute path without symlinks. + It helps with debugging and identifies malformed paths. + ++ Code SHOULD use such normalized paths for sourcing. + ++ When exiting on a known error, code MUST print a longer, helpful message, + in order for the user to fix their situation if possible. + ++ When error happens at an unexpected place, it is RECOMMENDED for the message + to be short and generic, instead of speculative. + +Bash options +~~~~~~~~~~~~ + ++ Code MUST apply "-x" to make debugging easier. + + + Code MAY temporarily supress such output in order to avoid spam + (e.g. in long busy loops), but it is still NOT RECOMMENDED to do so. + ++ Code MUST apply "-e" for early error detection. + + + But code still SHOULD use "|| die" for most commands, + as "-e" has numerous rules and exceptions. + + + Code MAY apply "+e" temporarily for commands which (possibly nonzero) + exit code it interested in. + + + Code MUST to store "$?" and call "set -e" immediatelly afterwards. + + + Code MAY append "|| true" for benign commands, + when it is clear non-zero exit codes make no difference. + ++ Code MUST apply "-u" as unset variable is generally a typo, thus an error. + + + Code MAY temporarily apply "+u" if a command needs that to pass. + + + Virtualenv activation is the only known example so far. + ++ Code MUST apply "-o pipefail" to make sure "-e" picks errors + inside piped construct. + + + Code MAY use "|| true" inside a pipe construct, in the (inprobable) case + when non-zero exit code still results in a meaningful pipe output. + ++ All together: "set -exuo pipefail". + + + Code MUST put that line near start of every file, so we are sure + the options are applied no matter what. + + + "Near start" means "before any nontrivial code". + + + Basically only copyright and long high-level comments are + RECOMMENDED to appear before. + + + Also code MUST put the line near start of function bodies + and subshell invocations. + +Functions +~~~~~~~~~ + +There are (at least) two possibilities how a code from an external file +can be executed. Either the file contains a code block to execute +on each "source" invocation, or the file just defines functions +which have to be called separately. + +This document considers the "function way" to be better, +here are some pros and cons: + ++ Cons: + + + The function way takes more space. Files have more lines, + and the code in function body is one indent deeper. + + + It is not easy to create functions for low-level argument manipulation, + as "shift" command in the function code does not affect the caller context. + + + Call sites frequently refer to code two times, + when sourcing the definition and when executing the function. + + + It is not clear when a library can rely on its relative + to have performed the sourcing already. + + + Ideally, each library should detect if it has been sourced already + and return early, which takes even more space. + ++ Pros: + + + Some code blocks are more useful when used as function, + to make call site shorter. + + + Examples: Trap functions, "die" function. + + + The "import" part and "function" part usually have different side effects, + making the documentation more focused (even if longer overall). + + + There is zero risk of argument-less invocation picking arguments + from parent context. + + + This safety feature is the main reason for chosing the "function way". + + + This allows code blocks to support optional arguments. + +TODO: Translate the "function way" into list of rules. + +Variables +~~~~~~~~~ + +This document describes two kinds of variables: called "local" and "global". + +TODO: Find better adjectives for the two kinds defined here, +if the usual bash meaning makes reader forget other specifics. +For example, variable with lowercase name and not marked by "local" builtin, +is cosidered "global" from bash point of view, but "local" from this document +point of view. + ++ Local variables: + + + Variable name MUST contain only lower case letters, digits and underscores. + + + Code MUST NOT export local variables. + + + Code MUST NOT rely on local variables set in different contexts. + + + Documentation is NOT REQUIRED. + + + Variable name SHOULD be descriptive enough. + + + Local variable MUST be initialized before first use. + + + Code SHOULD have a comment if a reader might have missed + the initialization. + + + TODO: Agree on level of defensiveness (against local values + being influenced by other functions) needed. + Possible alternatives / additions to the "always initialize" rule: + + + Unset local variables when leaving the function. + + + Explicitly typeset by "local" builtin command. + + + Require strict naming convention, e.g. function_name__variable_name. + ++ Global variables: + + + Variable name MUST contain only upper case letters, digits and underscores. + + + They SHOULD NOT be exported, unless external commands need them + (e.g. PYTHONPATH). + + + TODO: Propose a strict naming convention, or a central document + of all used global variables, to prevent contributors + from causing variable name conflicts. + + + Code MUST document if a function (or its inner call) + reads a global variable. + + + Code MUST document if a function (or its inner call) + sets or rewrites a global variable. + + + If a function "wants to return a value", it SHOULD be implemented + as the function setting (or rewriting) a global variable, + and the call sites reading that variable. + + + If a function "wants to accept an argument", it IS RECOMMENDED + to be implemented as the call sites setting or rewriting global variables, + and the function reading that variables. + But see below for direct arguments. + ++ Code MUST use curly brackets when referencing variables, + e.g. "${my_variable}". + + + It makes related constructs (such as ${name:-default}) less surprising. + + + It looks more similar to Robot Framework variables (which is good). + +Arguments +~~~~~~~~~ + +Bash scripts and functions MAY accept arguments, named "${1}", "${2}" and so on. +As a whole available via "$@". +You MAY use "shift" command to consume an argument. + +Contexts +```````` + +Functions never have access to parent arguments, but they can read and write +variables set or read by parent contexts. + +Arguments or variables +`````````````````````` + ++ Both arguments and global variables MAY act as an input. + ++ In general, if the caller is likely to supply the value already placed + in a global variable of known name, it is RECOMMENDED + to use that global variable. + ++ Construct "${NAME:-value}" can be used equally well for arguments, + so default values are possible for both input methods. + ++ Arguments are positional, so there are restrictions on which input + is optional. + ++ Functions SHOULD either look at arguments (possibly also + reading global variables to use as defaults), or look at variables only. + ++ Code MUST NOT rely on "${0}", it SHOULD use "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" instead + (and apply "readlink -e") to get the current block location. + ++ For entry scripts, it is RECOMMENDED to use standard parsing capabilities. + + + For most Linux distros, "getopt" is RECOMMENDED. + +Function size +~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + ++ In general, code SHOULD follow reasoning similar to how pylint + limits code complexity. + ++ It is RECOMMENDED to have functions somewhat simpler than Python functions, + as Bash is generally more verbose and less readable. + ++ If code contains comments in order to partition a block + into sub-blocks, the sub-blocks SHOULD be moved into separate functions. + + + Unless the sub-blocks are essentially one-liners, + not readable just because external commands do not have + obvious enough parameters. Use common sense. + +Documentation +~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + ++ The library path and filename is visible from source sites. It SHOULD be + descriptive enough, so reader do not need to look inside to determine + how and why is the sourced file used. + + + If code would use several functions with similar names, + it is RECOMMENDED to create a (well-named) sub-library for them. + + + Code MAY create deep library trees if needed, it SHOULD store + common path prefixes into global variables to make sourcing easier. + + + Contributors, look at other files in the subdirectory. You SHOULD + improve their filenames when adding-removing other filenames. + + + Library files SHOULD NOT have executable flag set. + + + Library files SHOULD have an extension .sh (or perhaps .bash). + + + It is RECOMMENDED for entry scripts to also have executable flag unset + and have .sh extension. + ++ Each entry script MUST start with a shebang. + + + "#!/bin/usr/env bash" is RECOMMENDED. + + + Code SHOULD put an empty line after shebang. + + + Library files SHOULD NOT contain a shebang, as "source" is the primary + method to include them. + ++ Following that, there SHOULD be a block of comment lines with copyright. + + + It is a boilerplate, but human eyes are good at ignoring it. + + + Overhead for git is also negligible. + ++ Following that, there MUST be "set -exuo pipefail". + + + It acts as an anchor for humans to start paying attention. + +Then it depends on script type. + +Library documentation +````````````````````` + ++ Following "set -exuo pipefail" SHALL come the "import part" documentation. + ++ Then SHALL be the import code + ("source" commands and a bare minimum they need). + ++ Then SHALL be the function definitions, and inside: + + + "set -exuo pipefail" again. + + + Following that SHALL be the function documentation explaining API contract. + Similar to Robot [Documentation] or Python function-level docstring. + + + See below. + + + Following that SHALL be varius TODOs, FIXMEs and code itself. + + + "Code itself" SHALL include comment lines + explaining any non-obvious logic. + + + TODO: Document (in an appropriate place) how TODOs differ from FIXMEs. + + + There SHALL be two empty lines before next function definition. + +More details on function documentation: + +Generally, code SHOULD use comments to explain anything +not obvious from the funtion name. + ++ Function documentation SHOULD start with short description of function + operation or motivation, but only if not obvious from function name. + ++ Documentation SHOULD continue with listing any non-obvious side effect: + + + Documentation MUST list all read global variables. + + + Documentation SHOULD include descriptions of semantics + of global variable values. + It is RECOMMENDED to mention which function is supposed to set them. + + + The "include descriptions" part SHOULD apply to other items as well. + + + Documentation MUST list all global variables set, unset, reset, + or otherwise updated. + + + It is RECOMMENDED to list all hardcoded values used in code. + + + Not critical, but can hint at future improvements. + + + Documentation MUST list all files or directories read + (so caller can make sure their content is ready). + + + Documentation MUST list all files or directories updated + (created, deleted, emptied, otherwise edited). + + + Documentation SHOULD list all functions called (so reader can look them up). + + + Documentation SHOULD mention where are the functions defined, + if not in the current file. + + + Documentation SHOULD list all external commands executed. + + + Because their behavior can change "out of bounds", meaning + the contributor changing the implementation of the extrenal command + can be unaware of this particular function interested in its side effects. + + + Documentation SHOULD explain exit code (coming from + the last executed command). + + + Usually, most functions SHOULD be "pass or die", + but some callers MAY be interested in nonzero exit codes + without using global variables to store them. + + + Remember, "exit 1" ends not only the function, but all scripts + in the source chain, so code MUST NOT use it for other purposes. + + + Code SHOULD call "die" function instead. This way the caller can + redefine that function, if there is a good reason for not exiting + on function failure. + + + TODO: Programs installed, services started, URLs downloaded from, ... + + + TODO: Add more items when you spot them. + + + TODO: Is the current order recommended? + +Entry script documentation +`````````````````````````` + ++ After "set -exuo pipefail", high-level description SHALL come. + + + Then TODOs and FIXMEs SHALL be placed (if any). + + + Entry scripts are rarely reused, so detailed side effects + are OPTIONAL to document. + + + But code SHOULD document the primary side effects. + ++ Then SHALL come few commented lines to import the library with "die" function. + ++ Then block of "source" commands for sourcing other libraries needed SHALL be. + + + In alphabetical order, any "special" library SHOULD be + in the previous block (for "die"). + ++ Then block os commands processing arguments SHOULD be (if needed). + ++ Then SHALL come block of function calls (with parameters as needed). + +Other general recommendations +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + ++ Code SHOULD NOT not repeat itself, even in documentation: + + + For hardcoded values, a general description SHOULD be written + (instead of copying the value), so when someone edits the value + in the code, the description still applies. + + + If affected directory name is taken from a global variable, + documentation MAY distribute the directory description + over the two items. + + + If most of side effects come from an inner call, + documentation MAY point the reader to the documentation + of the called function (instead of listing all the side effects). + + + TODO: Composite functions can have large effects. Should we require + intermediate functions to actively hide them whenever possible? + ++ But documentation SHOULD repeat it if the information crosses functions. + + + Item description MUST NOT be skipped just because the reader + should have read parent/child documentation already. + + + Frequently it is RECOMMENDED to copy&paste item descriptions + between functions. + + + But sometimes it is RECOMMENDED to vary the descriptions. For example: + + + A global variable setter MAY document how does it figure out the value + (without caring about what it will be used for by other functions). + + + A global variable reader MAY document how does it use the value + (without caring about how has it been figured out by the setter). + ++ When possible, Bash code SHOULD be made to look like Python + (or Robot Framework). Those are three primary languages CSIT code relies on, + so it is nicer for the readers to see similar expressions when possible. + Examples: + + + Code MUST use indentation, 1 level is 4 spaces. + + + Code SHOULD use "if" instead of "&&" constructs. + + + For comparisons, code SHOULD use operators such as "!=" (needs "[["). + ++ Code MUST NOT use more than 80 characters per line. + + + If long external command invocations are needed, + code SHOULD use array variables to shorten them. + + + If long strings (or arrays) are needed, code SHOULD use "+=" operator + to grow the value over multiple lines. + + + If "|| die" does not fit with the command, code SHOULD use curly braces: + + + Current line has "|| {", + + + Next line has the die commands (indented one level deeper), + + + Final line closes with "}" at original intent level. + + + TODO: Recommend what to do with other constructs. + + + For example multiple piped commands. + + + No, "eval" is too unsafe to use. diff --git a/docs/test_code_guidelines.rst b/docs/test_code_guidelines.rst index 51a99f077a..b455c924c4 100644 --- a/docs/test_code_guidelines.rst +++ b/docs/test_code_guidelines.rst @@ -319,4 +319,4 @@ and unrelated ones such as PAL) if there are any (in addition to library ones). Bash scripts and libraries ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -TODO: Link here when document for this is ready. +TODO: Link or copy the bash_code_style.rst document here. -- cgit 1.2.3-korg