# Copyright (c) 2023 Cisco and/or its affiliates. # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at: # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Implementation of graphs for iterative data. """ import plotly.graph_objects as go import pandas as pd from copy import deepcopy from ..utils.constants import Constants as C from ..utils.utils import get_color, get_hdrh_latencies def select_iterative_data(data: pd.DataFrame, itm:dict) -> pd.DataFrame: """Select the data for graphs and tables from the provided data frame. :param data: Data frame with data for graphs and tables. :param itm: Item (in this case job name) which data will be selected from the input data frame. :type data: pandas.DataFrame :type itm: str :returns: A data frame with selected data. :rtype: pandas.DataFrame """ phy = itm["phy"].split("-") if len(phy) == 4: topo, arch, nic, drv = phy if drv == "dpdk": drv = "" else: drv += "-" drv = drv.replace("_", "-") else: return None if itm["testtype"] in ("ndr", "pdr"): test_type = "ndrpdr" elif itm["testtype"] == "mrr": test_type = "mrr" elif itm["area"] == "hoststack": test_type = "hoststack" df = data.loc[( (data["release"] == itm["rls"]) & (data["test_type"] == test_type) & (data["passed"] == True) )] core = str() if itm["dut"] == "trex" else f"{itm['core']}" ttype = "ndrpdr" if itm["testtype"] in ("ndr", "pdr") else itm["testtype"] regex_test = \ f"^.*[.|-]{nic}.*{itm['framesize']}-{core}-{drv}{itm['test']}-{ttype}$" df = df[ (df.job.str.endswith(f"{topo}-{arch}")) & (df.dut_version.str.contains(itm["dutver"].replace(".r", "-r").\ replace("rls", "release"))) & (df.test_id.str.contains(regex_test, regex=True)) ] return df def graph_iterative(data: pd.DataFrame, sel:dict, layout: dict, normalize: bool) -> tuple: """Generate the statistical box graph with iterative data (MRR, NDR and PDR, for PDR also Latencies). :param data: Data frame with iterative data. :param sel: Selected tests. :param layout: Layout of plot.ly graph. :param normalize: If True, the data is normalized to CPU frequency Constants.NORM_FREQUENCY. :param data: pandas.DataFrame :param sel: dict :param layout: dict :param normalize: bool :returns: Tuple of graphs - throughput and latency. :rtype: tuple(plotly.graph_objects.Figure, plotly.graph_objects.Figure) """ def get_y_values(data, y_data_max, param, norm_factor, release=str()): if param == "result_receive_rate_rate_values": if release == "rls2402": y_vals_raw = data["result_receive_rate_rate_avg"].to_list() else: y_vals_raw = data[param].to_list()[0] else: y_vals_raw = data[param].to_list() y_data = [(y * norm_factor) for y in y_vals_raw] try: y_data_max = max(max(y_data), y_data_max) except TypeError: y_data_max = 0 return y_data, y_data_max fig_tput = None fig_band = None fig_lat = None tput_traces = list() y_tput_max = 0 y_units = set() lat_traces = list() y_lat_max = 0 x_lat = list() band_traces = list() y_band_max = 0 y_band_units = set() x_band = list() for idx, itm in enumerate(sel): itm_data = select_iterative_data(data, itm) if itm_data.empty: continue phy = itm["phy"].split("-") topo_arch = f"{phy[0]}-{phy[1]}" if len(phy) == 4 else str() norm_factor = (C.NORM_FREQUENCY / C.FREQUENCY[topo_arch]) \ if normalize else 1.0 if itm["area"] == "hoststack": ttype = f"hoststack-{itm['testtype']}" else: ttype = itm["testtype"] y_units.update(itm_data[C.UNIT[ttype]].unique().tolist()) y_data, y_tput_max = get_y_values( itm_data, y_tput_max, C.VALUE_ITER[ttype], norm_factor, itm["rls"] ) nr_of_samples = len(y_data) customdata = list() metadata = { "csit release": itm["rls"], "dut": itm["dut"], "dut version": itm["dutver"], "infra": itm["phy"], "test": ( f"{itm['area']}-{itm['framesize']}-{itm['core']}-" f"{itm['test']}-{itm['testtype']}" ) } if itm["testtype"] == "mrr": # and itm["rls"] in ("rls2306", "rls2310"): trial_run = "trial" metadata["csit-ref"] = ( f"{itm_data['job'].to_list()[0]}/", f"{itm_data['build'].to_list()[0]}" ) customdata = [{"metadata": metadata}, ] * nr_of_samples else: trial_run = "run" for _, row in itm_data.iterrows(): metadata["csit-ref"] = f"{row['job']}/{row['build']}" customdata.append({"metadata": deepcopy(metadata)}) tput_kwargs = dict( y=y_data, name=( f"{idx + 1}. " f"({nr_of_samples:02d} " f"{trial_run}{'s' if nr_of_samples > 1 else ''}) " f"{itm['id']}" ), hoverinfo=u"y+name", boxpoints="all", jitter=0.3, marker=dict(color=get_color(idx)), customdata=customdata ) tput_traces.append(go.Box(**tput_kwargs)) if ttype in ("ndr", "pdr"): y_band, y_band_max = get_y_values( itm_data, y_band_max, C.VALUE_ITER[f"{ttype}-bandwidth"], norm_factor ) if not all(pd.isna(y_band)): y_band_units.update( itm_data[C.UNIT[f"{ttype}-bandwidth"]].unique().\ dropna().tolist() ) band_kwargs = dict( y=y_band, name=( f"{idx + 1}. " f"({nr_of_samples:02d} " f"run{'s' if nr_of_samples > 1 else ''}) " f"{itm['id']}" ), hoverinfo=u"y+name", boxpoints="all", jitter=0.3, marker=dict(color=get_color(idx)), customdata=customdata ) x_band.append(idx + 1) band_traces.append(go.Box(**band_kwargs)) if ttype == "pdr": y_lat, y_lat_max = get_y_values( itm_data, y_lat_max, C.VALUE_ITER["latency"], 1 / norm_factor ) if not all(pd.isna(y_lat)): customdata = list() for _, row in itm_data.iterrows(): hdrh = get_hdrh_latencies( row, f"{metadata['infra']}-{metadata['test']}" ) metadata["csit-ref"] = f"{row['job']}/{row['build']}" customdata.append({ "metadata": deepcopy(metadata), "hdrh": hdrh }) nr_of_samples = len(y_lat) lat_kwargs = dict( y=y_lat, name=( f"{idx + 1}. " f"({nr_of_samples:02d} " f"run{u's' if nr_of_samples > 1 else u''}) " f"{itm['id']}" ), hoverinfo="all", boxpoints="all", jitter=0.3, marker=dict(color=get_color(idx)), customdata=customdata ) x_lat.append(idx + 1) lat_traces.append(go.Box(**lat_kwargs)) if tput_traces: pl_tput = deepcopy(layout["plot-throughput"]) pl_tput["xaxis"]["tickvals"] = [i for i in range(len(sel))] pl_tput["xaxis"]["ticktext"] = [str(i + 1) for i in range(len(sel))] pl_tput["yaxis"]["title"] = f"Throughput [{'|'.join(sorted(y_units))}]" if y_tput_max: pl_tput["yaxis"]["range"] = [0, int(y_tput_max) + 2e6] fig_tput = go.Figure(data=tput_traces, layout=pl_tput) if band_traces: pl_band = deepcopy(layout["plot-bandwidth"]) pl_band["xaxis"]["tickvals"] = [i for i in range(len(x_band))] pl_band["xaxis"]["ticktext"] = x_band pl_band["yaxis"]["title"] = \ f"Bandwidth [{'|'.join(sorted(y_band_units))}]" if y_band_max: pl_band["yaxis"]["range"] = [0, int(y_band_max) + 2e9] fig_band = go.Figure(data=band_traces, layout=pl_band) if lat_traces: pl_lat = deepcopy(layout["plot-latency"]) pl_lat["xaxis"]["tickvals"] = [i for i in range(len(x_lat))] pl_lat["xaxis"]["ticktext"] = x_lat if y_lat_max: pl_lat["yaxis"]["range"] = [0, int(y_lat_max) + 5] fig_lat = go.Figure(data=lat_traces, layout=pl_lat) return fig_tput, fig_band, fig_lat