# Copyright (c) 2025 Cisco and/or its affiliates. # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at: # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Constants used in CDash. "Constant" means a value that keeps its value since initialization. The value does not need to be hard coded here, but can be read from environment variables. """ import os import logging from dash import html def get_str_from_env(env_var_name: str, default_value: str) -> str: """Attempt to read string from environment variable, return that or default. The environment variable must start with perfix "CSIT_". If environment variable exists, but is empty (and default is not), empty string is returned. :param env_var_name: Base name of environment variable to attempt to read. :param default_value: Value to return if the env var does not exist. :type env_var_names: str :type default_value: str :returns: The value read, or default value. :rtype: str """ prefix = "CSIT_" env_str = os.environ.get(prefix + env_var_name, None) if env_str is not None: return env_str return default_value def get_int_from_env(env_var_name: str, default_value: int) -> int: """Attempt to read int from environment variable, return that or default. The environment variable must start with perfix "CSIT_". String value is read, default is returned also if conversion fails. :param env_var_name: Base name of environment variable to attempt to read. :param default_value: Value to return if read or conversion fails. :type env_var_names: str :type default_value: int :returns: The value read, or default value. :rtype: int """ try: return int(get_str_from_env(env_var_name, str())) except ValueError: return default_value def get_bool_from_env(env_var_name: str, default_value: bool) -> bool: """Attempt to read bool from environment variable, return that or default. The environment variable must start with perfix "CSIT_". :param env_var_name: Base name of environment variable to attempt to read. :param default_value: Value to return if read or conversion fails. :type env_var_names: str :type default_value: bool :returns: The value read, or default value. :rtype: bool """ env_str = get_str_from_env(env_var_name, str()).lower() if env_str in ("true", "yes", "y", "1"): return True elif env_str in ("false", "no", "n", "0"): return False else: return default_value class Constants: """Constants used in CDash. """ ############################################################################ # General, application wide constants. # AWS specific settings. AWS_ENDPOINT_URL = get_str_from_env("AWS_ENDPOINT_URL", "") # Select applications to start. START_TRENDING = get_bool_from_env("START_TRENDING", True) START_REPORT = get_bool_from_env("START_REPORT", True) START_COMPARISONS = get_bool_from_env("START_COMPARISONS", True) START_COVERAGE = get_bool_from_env("START_COVERAGE", True) START_STATISTICS = get_bool_from_env("START_STATISTICS", True) START_FAILURES = get_bool_from_env("START_FAILURES", True) START_SEARCH = get_bool_from_env("START_SEARCH", True) START_DOC = get_bool_from_env("START_DOC", True) # Logging settings. LOG_LEVEL = logging.INFO LOG_FORMAT = "%(asctime)s: %(levelname)s: %(message)s" LOG_DATE_FORMAT = "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S" # The application title. TITLE = get_str_from_env("TITLE", "FD.io CSIT") BRAND = get_str_from_env("BRAND", "CSIT-Dash") # The application description. DESCRIPTION = "Performance Dashboard" # External stylesheets. EXTERNAL_STYLESHEETS = ["/static/dist/css/bootstrap.css", ] # CICD type. CICD_TYPE = get_str_from_env("CICD_TYPE", "jenkins") # URL to CICD. URL_CICD = get_str_from_env("URL_CICD", "https://jenkins.fd.io/job/") # URL to logs. URL_LOGS = get_str_from_env( "URL_LOGS", "https://logs.fd.io/vex-yul-rot-jenkins-1/" ) # URL to the documentation. URL_DOC = get_str_from_env("URL_DOC", "https://csit.fd.io/cdocs/") URL_DOC_TRENDING = URL_DOC + "methodology/trending/analysis/" URL_DOC_REL_NOTES = URL_DOC + "release_notes/current/" # Path and name of the file specifying the HTML layout of the dash # application. MAIN_HTML_LAYOUT_FILE = "base_layout.jinja2" # Path and name of the file specifying the HTML layout of the dash # application. HTML_LAYOUT_FILE = "cdash/templates/dash_layout.jinja2" # Application root. APPLICATIN_ROOT = "/" # Data to be downloaded from the parquets specification file. DATA_SPEC_FILE = "cdash/data/data.yaml" # Path to schemas to use when reading data from the parquet. PATH_TO_SCHEMAS = "cdash/data/_metadata/" # The file with tooltips. TOOLTIP_FILE = "cdash/utils/tooltips.yaml" # Max pool size for boto3 MAX_POOL_SIZE = get_int_from_env("MAX_POOL_SIZE", 30) # Maximal value of TIME_PERIOD for data read from the parquets in days. # Do not change without a good reason. MAX_TIME_PERIOD = 250 # It defines the time period for data read from the parquets in days from # now back to the past. # TIME_PERIOD = None - means all data (max MAX_TIME_PERIOD days) is read. # TIME_PERIOD = MAX_TIME_PERIOD - is the default value TIME_PERIOD = get_int_from_env("TIME_PERIOD", MAX_TIME_PERIOD) # [days] ############################################################################ # General, application wide, layout affecting constants. # Add a time delay (in ms) to the spinner being shown SPINNER_DELAY = 500 # If True, clear all inputs in control panel when button "ADD SELECTED" is # pressed. CLEAR_ALL_INPUTS = False # The element is disabled. STYLE_DISABLED = {"visibility": "hidden"} # The element is enabled and visible. STYLE_ENABLED = {"visibility": "visible"} # The element is not displayed. STYLE_DONT_DISPLAY = {"display": "none"} # The element is displaed. STYLE_DISPLAY = {"display": "flex"} # Checklist "All" is disabled. CL_ALL_DISABLED = [ { "label": "All", "value": "all", "disabled": True } ] # Checklist "All" is enabled, visible and unchecked. CL_ALL_ENABLED = [ { "label": "All", "value": "all", "disabled": False } ] # Placeholder for any element in the layout. PLACEHOLDER = html.Nobr("") # List of drivers used in CSIT. DRIVERS = ("avf", "af-xdp", "rdma", "dpdk", "mlx5") # Labels for input elements (dropdowns, ...). LABELS = { "dpdk": "DPDK", "container_memif": "LXC/DRC Container Memif", "crypto": "IPSec IPv4 Routing", "gso": "GSO", "ip4": "IPv4 Routing", "ip4_tunnels": "IPv4 Tunnels", "ip6": "IPv6 Routing", "ip6_tunnels": "IPv6 Tunnels", "l2": "L2 Ethernet Switching", "lb": "Load Balancer", "srv6": "SRv6 Routing", "vm_vhost": "VMs vhost-user", "nfv_density.dcr_memif.chain_ipsec": "CNF Service Chains Routing IPSec", "nfv_density.vm_vhost.chain_dot1qip4vxlan":"VNF Service Chains Tunnels", "nfv_density.vm_vhost.chain": "VNF Service Chains Routing", "nfv_density.dcr_memif.pipeline": "CNF Service Pipelines Routing", "nfv_density.dcr_memif.chain": "CNF Service Chains Routing", "hoststack": "Hoststack", "flow": "Flow", "l2bd": "L2 Bridge Domain", "crypto.ethip4": "IPSec IPv4 Routing", "crypto.ethip6": "IPSec IPv6 Routing", "interfaces": "Interfaces", "ip4_tunnels.lisp": "IPv4 Tunnels LISP", "ip6_tunnels.lisp": "IPv6 Tunnels LISP", "l2patch": "L2 Patch", "l2xc": "L2 Cross Connect", "vm_vhost.ethip4": "VMs vhost-user IPv4 Routing", "vm_vhost.ethip6": "VMs vhost-user IPv6 Routing" } # URL style. URL_STYLE = { "background-color": "#d2ebf5", "border-color": "#bce1f1", "color": "#135d7c" } ############################################################################ # General, normalization constants. NORM_FREQUENCY = 2.0 # [GHz] FREQUENCY = { # [GHz] "1n-aws": 3.400, "2n-aws": 3.400, "2n-c6in": 3.500, "2n-clx": 2.300, "2n-grc": 3.300, "2n-icx": 2.600, "2n-spr": 2.800, "2n-emr": 2.300, "2n-tx2": 2.500, "2n-zn2": 2.900, "3n-alt": 3.000, "3n-icx": 2.600, "3n-icxd": 2.000, "3n-snr": 2.200, "3n-tsh": 2.200, "3n-emr": 2.300, "3na-spr": 2.800, "3nb-spr": 2.800 } ############################################################################ # General, plots and tables constants. PLOT_COLORS = ( "#1A1110", "#DA2647", "#214FC6", "#01786F", "#BD8260", "#FFD12A", "#A6E7FF", "#738276", "#C95A49", "#FC5A8D", "#CEC8EF", "#391285", "#6F2DA8", "#FF878D", "#45A27D", "#FFD0B9", "#FD5240", "#DB91EF", "#44D7A8", "#4F86F7", "#84DE02", "#FFCFF1", "#614051" ) # Trending, anomalies. ANOMALY_COLOR = { "regression": 0.0, "normal": 0.5, "progression": 1.0 } COLORSCALE_TPUT = [ [0.00, "red"], [0.33, "red"], [0.33, "white"], [0.66, "white"], [0.66, "green"], [1.00, "green"] ] TICK_TEXT_TPUT = ["Regression", "Normal", "Progression"] COLORSCALE_LAT = [ [0.00, "green"], [0.33, "green"], [0.33, "white"], [0.66, "white"], [0.66, "red"], [1.00, "red"] ] TICK_TEXT_LAT = ["Progression", "Normal", "Regression"] # Access to the results. VALUE = { "mrr": "result_receive_rate_rate_avg", "ndr": "result_ndr_lower_rate_value", "pdr": "result_pdr_lower_rate_value", "mrr-bandwidth": "result_receive_rate_bandwidth_avg", "ndr-bandwidth": "result_ndr_lower_bandwidth_value", "pdr-bandwidth": "result_pdr_lower_bandwidth_value", "latency": "result_latency_forward_pdr_50_avg", "hoststack-cps": "result_rate_value", "hoststack-rps": "result_rate_value", "hoststack-cps-bandwidth": "result_bandwidth_value", "hoststack-rps-bandwidth": "result_bandwidth_value", "hoststack-bps": "result_bandwidth_value", "hoststack-latency": "result_latency_value", "soak": "result_critical_rate_lower_rate_value", "soak-bandwidth": "result_critical_rate_lower_bandwidth_value" } VALUE_ITER = { "mrr": "result_receive_rate_rate_avg", "ndr": "result_ndr_lower_rate_value", "pdr": "result_pdr_lower_rate_value", "mrr-bandwidth": "result_receive_rate_bandwidth_avg", "ndr-bandwidth": "result_ndr_lower_bandwidth_value", "pdr-bandwidth": "result_pdr_lower_bandwidth_value", "latency": "result_latency_forward_pdr_50_avg", "hoststack-cps": "result_rate_value", "hoststack-rps": "result_rate_value", "hoststack-cps-bandwidth": "result_bandwidth_value", "hoststack-rps-bandwidth": "result_bandwidth_value", "hoststack-bps": "result_bandwidth_value", "hoststack-latency": "result_latency_value", "soak": "result_critical_rate_lower_rate_value", "soak-bandwidth": "result_critical_rate_lower_bandwidth_value" } UNIT = { "mrr": "result_receive_rate_rate_unit", "ndr": "result_ndr_lower_rate_unit", "pdr": "result_pdr_lower_rate_unit", "mrr-bandwidth": "result_receive_rate_bandwidth_unit", "ndr-bandwidth": "result_ndr_lower_bandwidth_unit", "pdr-bandwidth": "result_pdr_lower_bandwidth_unit", "latency": "result_latency_forward_pdr_50_unit", "hoststack-cps": "result_rate_unit", "hoststack-rps": "result_rate_unit", "hoststack-cps-bandwidth": "result_bandwidth_unit", "hoststack-rps-bandwidth": "result_bandwidth_unit", "hoststack-bps": "result_bandwidth_unit", "hoststack-latency": "result_latency_unit", "soak": "result_critical_rate_lower_rate_unit", "soak-bandwidth": "result_critical_rate_lower_bandwidth_unit" } TESTS_WITH_BANDWIDTH = ( "ndr", "pdr", "mrr", "hoststack-cps", "hoststack-rps", "soak" ) TESTS_WITH_LATENCY = ( "pdr", "hoststack-cps", "hoststack-rps" ) # Latencies. LAT_HDRH = ( # Do not change the order "result_latency_forward_pdr_0_hdrh", "result_latency_reverse_pdr_0_hdrh", "result_latency_forward_pdr_10_hdrh", "result_latency_reverse_pdr_10_hdrh", "result_latency_forward_pdr_50_hdrh", "result_latency_reverse_pdr_50_hdrh", "result_latency_forward_pdr_90_hdrh", "result_latency_reverse_pdr_90_hdrh", ) # This value depends on latency stream rate (9001 pps) and duration (5s). # Keep it slightly higher to ensure rounding errors to not remove tick mark. PERCENTILE_MAX = 99.999501 GRAPH_LAT_HDRH_DESC = { "result_latency_forward_pdr_0_hdrh": "No-load.", "result_latency_reverse_pdr_0_hdrh": "No-load.", "result_latency_forward_pdr_10_hdrh": "Low-load, 10% PDR.", "result_latency_reverse_pdr_10_hdrh": "Low-load, 10% PDR.", "result_latency_forward_pdr_50_hdrh": "Mid-load, 50% PDR.", "result_latency_reverse_pdr_50_hdrh": "Mid-load, 50% PDR.", "result_latency_forward_pdr_90_hdrh": "High-load, 90% PDR.", "result_latency_reverse_pdr_90_hdrh": "High-load, 90% PDR." } # Operators used to filter data in comparison tables. OPERATORS = ( ("contains ", ), ("lt ", "<"), ("gt ", ">"), ("eq ", "="), ("ge ", ">="), ("le ", "<="), ("ne ", "!="), ("datestartswith ", ) ) ############################################################################ # News. # The title. NEWS_TITLE = "Failures and Anomalies" # The pathname prefix for the application. NEWS_ROUTES_PATHNAME_PREFIX = "/news/" # Time period for regressions and progressions. NEWS_TIME_PERIOD = TIME_PERIOD # [days] # Time periods for summary tables. NEWS_LAST = 1 # [days] NEWS_SHORT = 7 # [days] NEWS_LONG = NEWS_TIME_PERIOD # [days] ############################################################################ # Report. # The title. REPORT_TITLE = "Per Release Performance" # The pathname prefix for the application. REPORT_ROUTES_PATHNAME_PREFIX = "/report/" # Layout of plot.ly graphs. REPORT_GRAPH_LAYOUT_FILE = "cdash/report/layout.yaml" # Default name of downloaded file with selected data. REPORT_DOWNLOAD_FILE_NAME = "iterative_data.csv" ############################################################################ # Comparisons. # The title. COMP_TITLE = "Per Release Performance Comparisons" # The pathname prefix for the application. COMP_ROUTES_PATHNAME_PREFIX = "/comparisons/" # Default name of downloaded file with selected data. COMP_DOWNLOAD_FILE_NAME = "comparison_data.csv" # This parameter specifies the method to use for estimating the percentile. # Possible values: # - inverted_cdf # - averaged_inverted_cdf # - closest_observation # - interpolated_inverted_cdf # - hazen # - weibull # - linear (default) # - median_unbiased # - normal_unbiased COMP_PERCENTILE_METHOD = "linear" # Extreme or mild outlier? OUTLIER_EXTREME = 3 OUTLIER_MILD = 1.5 COMP_OUTLIER_TYPE = OUTLIER_EXTREME ############################################################################ # Statistics. # The title. STATS_TITLE = "Test Job Statistics" # The pathname prefix for the application. STATS_ROUTES_PATHNAME_PREFIX = "/stats/" # Layout of plot.ly graphs. STATS_GRAPH_LAYOUT_FILE = "cdash/stats/layout.yaml" # Default name of downloaded file with selected data. STATS_DOWNLOAD_FILE_NAME = "stats.csv" # The width of the bar in the graph in miliseconds. STATS_BAR_WIDTH_DAILY = 1000 * 3600 * 15 STATS_BAR_WIDTH_WEEKLY = 1000 * 3600 * 24 ############################################################################ # Trending. # The title. TREND_TITLE = "Performance Trending" # The pathname prefix for the application. TREND_ROUTES_PATHNAME_PREFIX = "/trending/" # Layout of plot.ly graphs. TREND_GRAPH_LAYOUT_FILE = "cdash/trending/layout.yaml" # Default name of downloaded file with selected data. TREND_DOWNLOAD_FILE_NAME = "trending_data.csv" TELEMETRY_DOWNLOAD_FILE_NAME = "telemetry_data.csv" ############################################################################ # Coverage data. # The title. COVERAGE_TITLE = "Per Release Coverage Data" # The pathname prefix for the application. COVERAGE_ROUTES_PATHNAME_PREFIX = "/coverage/" # Default name of downloaded file with selected data. COVERAGE_DOWNLOAD_FILE_NAME = "coverage_data.csv" ############################################################################ # Search tests. # The title. SEARCH_TITLE = "Search Tests" # The pathname prefix for the application. SEARCH_ROUTES_PATHNAME_PREFIX = "/search/" # Layout of plot.ly graphs. SEARCH_GRAPH_LAYOUT_FILE = "cdash/search/layout.yaml" # Default name of downloaded file with selected data. SEARCH_DOWNLOAD_FILE_NAME = "search_data.csv" ############################################################################ # Documentation. # The title. DOC_TITLE = "Documentation" ############################################################################