# Copyright (c) 2023 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at:
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Function used by Dash applications.
import pandas as pd
import plotly.graph_objects as go
import dash_bootstrap_components as dbc
import hdrh.histogram
import hdrh.codec
from math import sqrt
from numpy import isnan
from dash import dcc
from datetime import datetime
from ..jumpavg import classify
from ..utils.constants import Constants as C
from ..utils.url_processing import url_encode
def classify_anomalies(data):
"""Process the data and return anomalies and trending values.
Gather data into groups with average as trend value.
Decorate values within groups to be normal,
the first value of changed average as a regression, or a progression.
:param data: Full data set with unavailable samples replaced by nan.
:type data: OrderedDict
:returns: Classification and trend values
:rtype: 3-tuple, list of strings, list of floats and list of floats
# NaN means something went wrong.
# Use 0.0 to cause that being reported as a severe regression.
bare_data = [0.0 if isnan(sample) else sample for sample in data.values()]
# TODO: Make BitCountingGroupList a subclass of list again?
group_list = classify(bare_data).group_list
group_list.reverse() # Just to use .pop() for FIFO.
classification = list()
avgs = list()
stdevs = list()
active_group = None
values_left = 0
avg = 0.0
stdv = 0.0
for sample in data.values():
if isnan(sample):
if values_left < 1 or active_group is None:
values_left = 0
while values_left < 1: # Ignore empty groups (should not happen).
active_group = group_list.pop()
values_left = len(active_group.run_list)
avg = active_group.stats.avg
stdv = active_group.stats.stdev
values_left -= 1
values_left -= 1
return classification, avgs, stdevs
def get_color(idx: int) -> str:
"""Returns a color from the list defined in Constants.PLOT_COLORS defined by
its index.
:param idx: Index of the color.
:type idx: int
:returns: Color defined by hex code.
:trype: str
return C.PLOT_COLORS[idx % len(C.PLOT_COLORS)]
def show_tooltip(tooltips:dict, id: str, title: str,
clipboard_id: str=None) -> list:
"""Generate list of elements to display a text (e.g. a title) with a
tooltip and optionaly with Copy&Paste icon and the clipboard
functionality enabled.
:param tooltips: Dictionary with tooltips.
:param id: Tooltip ID.
:param title: A text for which the tooltip will be displayed.
:param clipboard_id: If defined, a Copy&Paste icon is displayed and the
clipboard functionality is enabled.
:type tooltips: dict
:type id: str
:type title: str
:type clipboard_id: str
:returns: List of elements to display a text with a tooltip and
optionaly with Copy&Paste icon.
:rtype: list
return [
dcc.Clipboard(target_id=clipboard_id, title="Copy URL") \
if clipboard_id else str(),
f"{title} ",
class_name="border ms-1",
children=tooltips.get(id, str()),
def label(key: str) -> str:
"""Returns a label for input elements (dropdowns, ...).
If the label is not defined, the function returns the provided key.
:param key: The key to the label defined in Constants.LABELS.
:type key: str
:returns: Label.
:rtype: str
return C.LABELS.get(key, key)
def sync_checklists(options: list, sel: list, all: list, id: str) -> tuple:
"""Synchronize a checklist with defined "options" with its "All" checklist.
:param options: List of options for the cheklist.
:param sel: List of selected options.
:param all: List of selected option from "All" checklist.
:param id: ID of a checklist to be used for synchronization.
:returns: Tuple of lists with otions for both checklists.
:rtype: tuple of lists
opts = {v["value"] for v in options}
if id =="all":
sel = list(opts) if all else list()
all = ["all", ] if set(sel) == opts else list()
return sel, all
def list_tests(selection: dict) -> list:
"""Transform list of tests to a list of dictionaries usable by checkboxes.
:param selection: List of tests to be displayed in "Selected tests" window.
:type selection: list
:returns: List of dictionaries with "label", "value" pairs for a checkbox.
:rtype: list
if selection:
return [{"label": v["id"], "value": v["id"]} for v in selection]
return list()
def get_date(s_date: str) -> datetime:
"""Transform string reprezentation of date to datetime.datetime data type.
:param s_date: String reprezentation of date.
:type s_date: str
:returns: Date as datetime.datetime.
:rtype: datetime.datetime
return datetime(int(s_date[0:4]), int(s_date[5:7]), int(s_date[8:10]))
def gen_new_url(url_components: dict, params: dict) -> str:
"""Generate a new URL with encoded parameters.
:param url_components: Dictionary with URL elements. It should contain
"scheme", "netloc" and "path".
:param url_components: URL parameters to be encoded to the URL.
:type parsed_url: dict
:type params: dict
:returns Encoded URL with parameters.
:rtype: str
if url_components:
return url_encode(
"scheme": url_components.get("scheme", ""),
"netloc": url_components.get("netloc", ""),
"path": url_components.get("path", ""),
"params": params
return str()
def get_duts(df: pd.DataFrame) -> list:
"""Get the list of DUTs from the pre-processed information about jobs.
:param df: DataFrame with information about jobs.
:type df: pandas.DataFrame
:returns: Alphabeticaly sorted list of DUTs.
:rtype: list
return sorted(list(df["dut"].unique()))
def get_ttypes(df: pd.DataFrame, dut: str) -> list:
"""Get the list of test types from the pre-processed information about
:param df: DataFrame with information about jobs.
:param dut: The DUT for which the list of test types will be populated.
:type df: pandas.DataFrame
:type dut: str
:returns: Alphabeticaly sorted list of test types.
:rtype: list
return sorted(list(df.loc[(df["dut"] == dut)]["ttype"].unique()))
def get_cadences(df: pd.DataFrame, dut: str, ttype: str) -> list:
"""Get the list of cadences from the pre-processed information about
:param df: DataFrame with information about jobs.
:param dut: The DUT for which the list of cadences will be populated.
:param ttype: The test type for which the list of cadences will be
:type df: pandas.DataFrame
:type dut: str
:type ttype: str
:returns: Alphabeticaly sorted list of cadences.
:rtype: list
return sorted(list(df.loc[(
(df["dut"] == dut) &
(df["ttype"] == ttype)
def get_test_beds(df: pd.DataFrame, dut: str, ttype: str, cadence: str) -> list:
"""Get the list of test beds from the pre-processed information about
:param df: DataFrame with information about jobs.
:param dut: The DUT for which the list of test beds will be populated.
:param ttype: The test type for which the list of test beds will be
:param cadence: The cadence for which the list of test beds will be
:type df: pandas.DataFrame
:type dut: str
:type ttype: str
:type cadence: str
:returns: Alphabeticaly sorted list of test beds.
:rtype: list
return sorted(list(df.loc[(
(df["dut"] == dut) &
(df["ttype"] == ttype) &
(df["cadence"] == cadence)
def get_job(df: pd.DataFrame, dut, ttype, cadence, testbed):
"""Get the name of a job defined by dut, ttype, cadence, test bed.
Input information comes from the control panel.
:param df: DataFrame with information about jobs.
:param dut: The DUT for which the job name will be created.
:param ttype: The test type for which the job name will be created.
:param cadence: The cadence for which the job name will be created.
:param testbed: The test bed for which the job name will be created.
:type df: pandas.DataFrame
:type dut: str
:type ttype: str
:type cadence: str
:type testbed: str
:returns: Job name.
:rtype: str
return df.loc[(
(df["dut"] == dut) &
(df["ttype"] == ttype) &
(df["cadence"] == cadence) &
(df["tbed"] == testbed)
def generate_options(opts: list, sort: bool=True) -> list:
"""Return list of options for radio items in control panel. The items in
the list are dictionaries with keys "label" and "value".
:params opts: List of options (str) to be used for the generated list.
:type opts: list
:returns: List of options (dict).
:rtype: list
if sort:
opts = sorted(opts)
return [{"label": i, "value": i} for i in opts]
def set_job_params(df: pd.DataFrame, job: str) -> dict:
"""Create a dictionary with all options and values for (and from) the
given job.
:param df: DataFrame with information about jobs.
:params job: The name of job for and from which the dictionary will be
:type df: pandas.DataFrame
:type job: str
:returns: Dictionary with all options and values for (and from) the
given job.
:rtype: dict
l_job = job.split("-")
return {
"job": job,
"dut": l_job[1],
"ttype": l_job[3],
"cadence": l_job[4],
"tbed": "-".join(l_job[-2:]),
"duts": generate_options(get_duts(df)),
"ttypes": generate_options(get_ttypes(df, l_job[1])),
"cadences": generate_options(get_cadences(df, l_job[1], l_job[3])),
"tbeds": generate_options(
get_test_beds(df, l_job[1], l_job[3], l_job[4]))
def get_list_group_items(
items: list,
type: str,
colorize: bool=True,
add_index: bool=False
) -> list:
"""Generate list of ListGroupItems with checkboxes with selected items.
:param items: List of items to be displayed in the ListGroup.
:param type: The type part of an element ID.
:param colorize: If True, the color of labels is set, otherwise the default
color is used.
:param add_index: Add index to the list items.
:type items: list
:type type: str
:type colorize: bool
:type add_index: bool
:returns: List of ListGroupItems with checkboxes with selected items.
:rtype: list
children = list()
for i, l in enumerate(items):
idx = f"{i + 1}. " if add_index else str()
label = f"{idx}{l['id']}" if isinstance(l, dict) else f"{idx}{l}"
id={"type": type, "index": i},
label_class_name="m-0 p-0",
"font-size": ".875em",
"color": get_color(i) if colorize else "#55595c"
return children
def relative_change_stdev(mean1, mean2, std1, std2):
"""Compute relative standard deviation of change of two values.
The "1" values are the base for comparison.
Results are returned as percentage (and percentual points for stdev).
Linearized theory is used, so results are wrong for relatively large stdev.
:param mean1: Mean of the first number.
:param mean2: Mean of the second number.
:param std1: Standard deviation estimate of the first number.
:param std2: Standard deviation estimate of the second number.
:type mean1: float
:type mean2: float
:type std1: float
:type std2: float
:returns: Relative change and its stdev.
:rtype: float
mean1, mean2 = float(mean1), float(mean2)
quotient = mean2 / mean1
first = std1 / mean1
second = std2 / mean2
std = quotient * sqrt(first * first + second * second)
return (quotient - 1) * 100, std * 100
def get_hdrh_latencies(row: pd.Series, name: str) -> dict:
"""Get the HDRH latencies from the test data.
:param row: A row fron the data frame with test data.
:param name: The test name to be displayed as the graph title.
:type row: pandas.Series
:type name: str
:returns: Dictionary with HDRH latencies.
:rtype: dict
latencies = {"name": name}
for key in C.LAT_HDRH:
latencies[key] = row[key]
except KeyError:
return None
return latencies
def graph_hdrh_latency(data: dict, layout: dict) -> go.Figure:
"""Generate HDR Latency histogram graphs.
:param data: HDRH data.
:param layout: Layout of plot.ly graph.
:type data: dict
:type layout: dict
:returns: HDR latency Histogram.
:rtype: plotly.graph_objects.Figure
fig = None
traces = list()
for idx, (lat_name, lat_hdrh) in enumerate(data.items()):
decoded = hdrh.histogram.HdrHistogram.decode(lat_hdrh)
except (hdrh.codec.HdrLengthException, TypeError):
previous_x = 0.0
prev_perc = 0.0
xaxis = list()
yaxis = list()
hovertext = list()
for item in decoded.get_recorded_iterator():
# The real value is "percentile".
# For 100%, we cut that down to "x_perc" to avoid
# infinity.
percentile = item.percentile_level_iterated_to
x_perc = min(percentile, C.PERCENTILE_MAX)
f"Direction: {('W-E', 'E-W')[idx % 2]}
f"Percentile: {prev_perc:.5f}-{percentile:.5f}%
f"Latency: {item.value_iterated_to}uSec"
next_x = 100.0 / (100.0 - x_perc)
f"Direction: {('W-E', 'E-W')[idx % 2]}
f"Percentile: {prev_perc:.5f}-{percentile:.5f}%
f"Latency: {item.value_iterated_to}uSec"
previous_x = next_x
prev_perc = percentile
showlegend=bool(idx % 2),
width=1 if idx % 2 else 2
if traces:
fig = go.Figure()
layout_hdrh = layout.get("plot-hdrh-latency", None)
if lat_hdrh:
return fig