baseURL = ''
languageCode = 'en-us'
title = 'CSIT-DOCS'

publishDir = '../csit.infra.dash/app/cdocs'

# (Optional) Set this to true if you use capital letters in file names
disablePathToLower = true

# (Optional) Set this to true to enable 'Last Modified by' date and git author
#  information on 'doc' type pages.
enableGitInfo = false

# (Optional) Theme is intended for documentation use, therefore it doesn't render taxonomy.
# You can remove related files with config below
disableKinds = ['taxonomy', 'taxonomyTerm']

path = ''

# Needed for mermaid/katex shortcodes
  unsafe = true

  startLevel = 1

  # (Optional, default light) Sets color theme: light, dark or auto.
  # Theme 'auto' switches between dark and light modes based on browser/os preferences
  BookTheme = 'auto'

  # (Optional, default true) Controls table of contents visibility on right side of pages.
  # Start and end levels can be controlled with markup.tableOfContents setting.
  # You can also specify this parameter per page in front matter.
  BookToC = true

  # (Optional, default docs) Specify section of content to render as menu
  # You can also set value to "*" to render all sections to menu
  BookSection = '*'

  # (Optional, default January 2, 2006) Configure the date format used on the pages
  # - In git information
  # - In blog posts
  BookDateFormat = 'Jan 2, 2006'

  # (Optional, default true) Enables search function with flexsearch,
  # Index is built on fly, therefore it might slowdown your website.
  # Configuration for indexing can be adjusted in i18n folder per language.
  BookSearch = true

  # (Optional, default true) Enables comments template on pages
  # By default partials/docs/comments.html includes Disqus template
  # See
  # Can be overwritten by same param in page frontmatter
  BookComments = false