title: "FD.io CSIT"
type: "docs"

# Report Structure

FD.io CSIT Dashboard Documentation contains system performance and functional
testing data.

Documentation is structured as follows:

1. INTRODUCTION: General introduction to CSIT Performance Dashboard.
   - **Dashboard History**: Version changes.
   - **Test Scenarios Overview**: A brief overview of test scenarios
     covered in this report.
   - **Design**: Framework modular design hierarchy.
   - **Test Naming**: Test naming convention.
   - **Test Tags Descriptions**: Robot Framework Tags used for test suite and
     test case grouping and selection.
   - **Overview**: Tested logical topologies, test coverage and naming
3. RELEASE NOTES: Performance tests executed in physical FD.io
   - **VPP Performance**: Changes, added tests, environment or methodology
     changes, known issues.
   - **DPDK Performance**: Changes, added tests, environment or methodology
     changes, known issues.
   - **TRex Performance**: Changes, added tests, environment or methodology
     changes, known issues.
   - **VPP Device**: Changes, added tests, environment or methodology
     changes, known issues.
   - **FD.io DC Vexxhost Inventory**: Physical testbeds location.
   - **FD.io CSIT Testbed Specifications**: Specification of the physical
     testbed infrastructure.
   - **FD.io CSIT Testbed Configuration**: Configuration of the physical
     testbed infrastructure.
   - **Test Environment**: Performance test environment configuration.