--- bookToc: true title: "FD.io DC Testbed Specifications" weight: 2 --- # FD.io DC Testbed Specifications ## Purpose This note includes specification of the physical testbed infrastructure hosted by LFN FD.io CSIT project. ## Server Management ### Addressing Each server has a LOM (Lights-Out-Management e.g. SM IPMI) and a Management port, which are connected to two different VLANs. #### LOM (IPMI) VLAN - Subnet: - Gateway: - Broadcast: - DNS1: - DNS2: #### Management VLAN - Subnet: - Gateway: - Broadcast: - DNS1: - DNS2: To access these hosts, VPN connection is required. ## Testbeds Overview ### Summary List ``` #. Type Purpose SUT TG #TB #SUT #TG #skx #ps1 #rng #tx2 #tsh #alt #clx #zn2 #icx #snr #spr #icxd #grc #spr 1. 1-Node-Skylake nomad skx na 2 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2. 1-Node-Cascadelake nomad clx na 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3. 1-Node-AmpereAltra nomad alt na 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4. 1-Node-SapphireRapids nomad spr na 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 6. 2-Node-Icelake perf icx icx 3 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 7. 2-Node-Octeon perf icx icx 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 8. 2-Node-Zen2 perf zn2 zn2 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 9. 3-Node-Altra perf alt icx 1 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 10. 3-Node-Icelake perf icx icx 2 4 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 11. 3-Node-SnowRidge perf snr icx 1 2 .5 0 0 0 0 0 0 .5 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 12. 2-Node-SapphireRapids perf spr spr 4 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 13. 3-Node-IcelakeD perf icxd icx 2 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 4 0 0 14. 2-Node-Grace perf grc icx 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 15. 2-Node-EmeraldRapids perf emr emr 2 2 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 ``` ### 2-Node-Zen2 EPYC AMD (2n-zn2) Each 2-Node-Zen2 testbed includes one SUT (Server-Type-D1) and one TG (Server-Type-D2) connected in a 2-node circular topology ([Server Types](#server-types)). Used for FD.io performance tests. ### 2-Node-Icelake Xeon Intel (2n-icx) Each 2-Node-Icelake testbed includes one SUT (Server-Type-F1) and one TG (Server-Type-F2) connected in a 2-node circular topology ([Server Types](#server-types)). Used for FD.io performance tests. ### 2-Node-Icelake Xeon Intel (2n-oct) Each 2-Node-Icelake testbed includes one SUT (Server-Type-XX) and one TG (Server-Type-XX) connected in a 2-node circular topology ([Server Types](#server-types)). Used for FD.io performance tests. ### 2-Node-Grace Server Nvidia (2n-grc) Each 2-Node-Grace testbed includes one SUT (Server-Type-J1) and one TG (Server-Type-F6) connected in a 2-node circular topology ([Server Types](#server-types)). Used for FD.io performance tests. ### 3-Node-Altra Arm Ampere (3n-alt) Each 3-Node-Altra testbed includes two SUTs (Server-Type-E23) and one TG (Server-Type-E32) connected in a 3-node circular topology ([Server Types](#server-types)). Used for FD.io performance tests. ### 3-Node-Icelake Xeon Intel (3n-icx) Each 3-Node-Icelake testbed includes two SUTs (Server-Type-F3) and one TG (Server-Type-F3) connected in a 3-node circular topology ([Server Types](#server-types)). Used for FD.io performance tests. ### 3-Node-IcelakeD Xeon Intel (3n-icxd) Each 3-Node-IcelakeD testbed includes two SUTs (Server-Type-I1) and one numa of TG (Server-Type-F5) connected in a 3-node circular topology ([Server Types](#server-types)). Used for FD.io performance tests. ### 3-Node-SnowRidge Atom Intel (3n-snr) Each 3-Node-SnowRidge testbed includes two SUTs (Server-Type-G1) and one TG (Server-Type-F5) connected in a 3-node circular topology ([Server Types](#server-types)). Used for FD.io performance tests. ### 2-Node-SapphireRapids Xeon Intel (2n-spr) Each 2-Node-SapphireRapids testbed includes one SUT (Server-Type-H5) and one TG (Server-Type-H6) connected in a 2-node or 3-node circular topology ([Server Types](#server-types)). Used for FD.io performance tests. ### 2-Node-EmeraldRapids Xeon Intel (2n-emr) Each 2-Node-EmeraldRapids testbed includes one SUT (Server-Type-A1) and one TG (Server-Type-A2) connected in a 2-node or 3-node circular topology ([Server Types](#server-types)). Used for FD.io performance tests. ## Testbed Naming Convention Following naming convention is used within this page to specify physical connectivity and wiring across defined CSIT testbeds: - **testbedname**: testbedN. - **hostname**: - traffic-generator: tN-tgW. - system-under-testX: tN-sutX. - **portnames**: - tN-tgW-cY/pZ. - tN-sutX-cY/pZ. - **where**: - N - testbed number. - tgW - server acts as traffic-generator with W index. - sutX - server acts as system-under-test with X index. - Y - PCIe slot number denoting a NIC card number within the host. - Z - port number on the NIC card. ## Server Types FD.io CSIT lab contains following server types: 1. **Server-Type-B1**: Purpose - Skylake Xeon hosts for FD.io builds and data processing (BUILDER). - Quantity: 2 - Physical connectivity: - IPMI and host management ports. - Main HW configuration: - Chassis: SuperMicro SYS-7049GP-TRT. - Motherboard: SuperMicro X11DPG-QT. - Processors: 2* Intel Platinum 8180 2.5 GHz. - RAM Memory: 16* 16GB DDR4-2666MHz. - Disks: 2* 1.6TB 6G SATA SSD. - NICs configuration: - Numa0: (x16, x16, x16 PCIe3.0 lanes) - PCIe Slot2 18:00.xx: empty. - PCIe Slot4 3b:00.xx: empty. - PCIe Slot9 5e:00.xx: empty. - Numa1: (x16, x16, x16 PCIe3.0 lanes) - PCIe Slot6 86:00.xx: empty. - PCIe Slot8 af:00.xx: empty. - PCIe Slot10 d8:00.xx: empty. 1. **Server-Type-B2**: Purpose - Skylake Xeon hosts for FD.io builds and data processing (HST). - Quantity: 2 - Physical connectivity: - IPMI and host management ports. - Main HW configuration: - Chassis: SuperMicro SYS-7049GP-TRT. - Motherboard: SuperMicro X11DPG-QT. - Processors: 2* Intel Platinum 8180 2.5 GHz. - RAM Memory: 16* 16GB DDR4-2666MHz. - Disks: 2* 1.6TB 6G SATA SSD. - NICs configuration: - Numa0: (x16, x16, x16 PCIe3.0 lanes) - PCIe Slot2 18:00.xx: e810-2p100GE Intel. - PCIe Slot4 3b:00.xx: e810-2p100GE Intel. - PCIe Slot9 5e:00.xx: empty. - Numa1: (x16, x16, x16 PCIe3.0 lanes) - PCIe Slot6 86:00.xx: empty. - PCIe Slot8 af:00.xx: empty. - PCIe Slot10 d8:00.xx: empty. 2. **Server-Type-C2**: Purpose - Cascadelake Xeon Shared TG for FD.io performance testing. - Quantity: 1. - Physical connectivity: - IPMI and host management ports. - NIC ports connected into 3-node testbed topologies. - Main HW configuration: - Chassis: SuperMicro SYS-7049GP-TRT. - Motherboard: SuperMicro X11DPG-QT. - Processors: 2* Intel Platinum 8280 2.7 GHz. - RAM Memory: 12* 16GB DDR4-2933. - Disks: 2* 1.92TB SATA SSD. - NICs configuration: - Numa0: (x16, x16, x16 PCIe4.0 lanes) - PCIe Slot2 18:00.xx: xxv710-DA2-2p25GE Intel. - PCIe Slot4 31:00.xx: empty. - PCIe Slot9 5e:00.xx: e810-2CQDA2-2p100GE Intel. - Numa1: (x16, x16, x16 PCIe4.0 lanes) - PCIe Slot6 86:00.xx: e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE Intel. - PCIe Slot8 af:00.xx: empty. - PCIe Slot10 d8:00.xx: empty. 3. **Server-Type-C3**: Purpose - Cascadelake Xeon Backend hosts for FD.io builds and data processing. - Quantity: 4. - Physical connectivity: - IPMI and host management ports. - no NIC ports, standalone setup. - Main HW configuration: - Chassis: SuperMicro 1029P-WTRT. - Motherboard: SuperMicro X11DDW-NT. - Processors: 2* Intel Platinum 8280 2.7 GHz. - RAM Memory: 12* 16GB DDR4-2933. - Disks: 4* 1.92TB SATA SSD. - NICs configuration: - Numa0: (x16, x16, x16 PCIe3.0 lanes) - PCIe Slot2 18:00.xx: empty. - PCIe Slot4 3b:00.xx: empty. - PCIe Slot9 5e:00.xx: empty. - Numa1: (x16, x16, x16 PCIe3.0 lanes) - PCIe Slot6 86:00.xx: empty. - PCIe Slot8 af:00.xx: empty. - PCIe Slot10 d8:00.xx: empty. 4. **Server-Type-D1**: Purpose - Zen2 EPYC SUT for FD.io performance testing. - Quantity: 1. - Physical connectivity: - IPMI and host management ports. - NIC ports connected into 2-node testbed topologies. - Main HW configuration: - Chassis: SuperMicro AS-1114S-WTRT - Processors: 1* AMD EPYC 7532 2.4 GHz. - RAM Memory: 8* 32GB DDR4-2933. - Disks: 1* 1TB SATA SSD. - NICs configuration: - Numa0: (x16, x16, x16 PCIe3.0 lanes) - PCIe Slot1 01:00.xx: x710-4p10GE Intel. - PCIe Slot2 41:00.xx: xxv710-da2-2p25GE Intel. - PCIe Slot3 81:00.xx: mcx556a-edat ConnectX5-2p100GE Mellanox. 5. **Server-Type-D2**: Purpose - Zen2 EPYC TG for FD.io performance testing. - Quantity: 1. - Physical connectivity: - IPMI and host management ports. - NIC ports connected into 2-node testbed topologies. - Main HW configuration: - Chassis: SuperMicro AS-1114S-WTRT - Processors: 1* AMD EPYC 7532 2.4 GHz. - RAM Memory: 8* 32GB DDR4-2933. - Disks: 1* 1TB SATA SSD. - NICs configuration: - Numa0: (x16, x16, x16 PCIe3.0 lanes) - PCIe Slot1 01:00.xx: mcx556a-edat ConnectX5-2p100GE Mellanox. - PCIe Slot2 41:00.xx: x710-4p10GE Intel. - PCIe Slot3 81:00.xx: xxv710-da2 2p25GE Intel. 6. **Server-Type-E23**: Purpose - Altra Arm Ampere SUT for FD.io performance testing. - Quantity: 2. - Physical connectivity: - IPMI and host management ports. - NIC ports connected into 3-node topologies. - Main HW configuration: - Chassis: WIWYNN Mt.Jade Server System B81.030Z1.0007 2U - Motherboard: Mt.Jade Motherboard - Processors: 2* Ampere(R) Altra(R) Q80-30 Processor (Neoverse N1) - Processor Signature: Implementor 0x41, Variant 0x3, Architecture 15, Part 0xd0c, Revision 1 - RAM Memory: 16* 8GB DDR4-3200MT/s - Disks: 2* 960GB SSD Samsung M.2 NVMe PM983 - NICs configuration: - Numa0: (x16, x16 PCIe4.0 lanes) - PCIe Slot1 0004:04:00.x: xl710-QDA2-2p40GE Intel. - PCIe Slot8 0001:00:00.x: ConnectX6-2p100GE Mellanox. - Numa1: - no cards. 7. **Server-Type-E24**: Purpose - Altra Arm Ampere for FD.io build. - Quantity: 2. - Physical connectivity: - IPMI and host management ports. - Main HW configuration: - Chassis: Gigabyte R152-P30-00 1U - Motherboard: MP32-AR1-00 - Processors: 1* Ampere(R) Altra(R) Q80-30 Processor (Neoverse N1) - Processor Signature: Implementor 0x0a, Variant 0x1, Architecture 6, Part 0x000, Revision 1 - RAM Memory: 12* 16GB DDR4-3200MT/s - Disks: 1* 960GB SSD Samsung M.2 NVMe PM983 8. **Server-Type-E25**: Purpose - Altra Arm Ampere for FD.io build. - Quantity: 2. - Physical connectivity: - IPMI and host management ports. - NIC ports connected into 1-node topologies. - Main HW configuration: - Chassis: Gigabyte E252-P30-00 2U - Motherboard: MP32-AR1-00 - Processors: 1* Ampere(R) Altra(R) M128-30 Processor (Neoverse N1) - Processor Signature: Implementor 0x41 (Arm), Variant 0x3, Architecture 0xf, Part 0xd0c (neoverse-n1), Revision 0x1 - RAM Memory: 32* 32GB DDR4-3200MT/s - Disks: 2* 960GB SSD Samsung M.2 NVMe PM9A3 - NICs configuration: - Numa0: - PCIe Slot0 0000:01:00.xx: XL710-QDA2-2p40GE Intel. - PCIe Slot1 0001:01:00.xx: ConnectX6-2p100GE Mellanox. - PCIe Slot2 0002:03:00.xx: ConnectX5-2p10/25GE Mellanox. - Numa1: - PCIe Slot3 0003:02:00.xx: XL710-QDA2-2p40GE Intel. - PCIe Slot5 0005:02:00.xx: ConnectX5-2p10/25GE Mellanox. 9. **Server-Type-E32**: Purpose - Icelake Xeon Shared TG for FD.io performance testing. - Quantity: 1. - Physical connectivity: - IPMI and host management ports. - NIC ports connected into 2-node and/or 3-node testbed topologies. - Main HW configuration: - Chassis: SuperMicro SYS-740GP-TNRT. - Motherboard: Super X12DPG-QT6. - Processors: 2* Intel Platinum 8358 2.6 GHz. - RAM Memory: 16* 16GB DDR4-3200. - Disks: 2* 960GB SATA SSD. - NICs configuration: - Numa0: (x16, x16, x16 PCIe4.0 lanes) - PCIe Slot2 4b:00.xx: xxv710-DA2-2p25GE Intel. - PCIe Slot4 31:00.xx: xl710-QDA2-2p40GE Intel. - PCIe Slot9 ff:00.xx: empty. - Numa1: (x16, x16, x16 PCIe4.0 lanes) - PCIe Slot6 ca:00.xx: empty. - PCIe Slot8 b1:00.xx: e810-2CQDA2-2p100GE Intel. - PCIe Slot10 ff:00.xx: empty. 10. **Server-Type-F1**: Purpose - Icelake Xeon SUT for FD.io performance testing. - Quantity: 4. - Physical connectivity: - IPMI and host management ports. - NIC ports connected into 2-node topology. - Main HW configuration: - Chassis: SuperMicro SYS-740GP-TNRT. - Motherboard: Super X12DPG-QT6. - Processors: 2* Intel Platinum 8358 2.6 GHz. - RAM Memory: 16* 16GB DDR4-3200. - Disks: 2* 960GB SATA SSD. - NICs configuration: - Numa0: (x16, x16, x16 PCIe4.0 lanes) - PCIe Slot2 18:00.xx: xxv710-DA2-2p25GE Intel. - PCIe Slot4 3b:00.xx: e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE Intel. - PCIe Slot9 5e:00.xx: e810-2CQDA2-2p100GE Intel. - Numa1: (x16, x16, x16 PCIe4.0 lanes) - PCIe Slot6 86:00.xx: empty. - PCIe Slot8 af:00.xx: ConnectX7-2p200GE Mellanox. - PCIe Slot10 d8:00.xx: empty. 11. **Server-Type-F2**: Purpose - Icelake Xeon TG for FD.io performance testing. - Quantity: 4. - Physical connectivity: - IPMI and host management ports. - NIC ports connected into 2-node testbed topologies. - Main HW configuration: - Chassis: SuperMicro SYS-740GP-TNRT. - Motherboard: Super X12DPG-QT6. - Processors: 2* Intel Platinum 8358 2.6 GHz. - RAM Memory: 16* 16GB DDR4-3200. - Disks: 2* 960GB SATA SSD. - NICs configuration: - Numa0: (x16, x16, x16 PCIe4.0 lanes) - PCIe Slot2 18:00.xx: xxv710-DA2-2p25GE Intel. - PCIe Slot4 3b:00.xx: e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE Intel. - PCIe Slot9 5e:00.xx: e810-2CQDA2-2p100GE Intel. - Numa1: (x16, x16, x16 PCIe4.0 lanes) - PCIe Slot6 86:00.xx: e810-2CQDA2-2p100GE Intel. - PCIe Slot8 af:00.xx: ConnectX7-2p200GE Mellanox. - PCIe Slot10 d8:00.xx: empty. 12. **Server-Type-F3**: Purpose - Icelake Xeon TG or SUT for FD.io performance testing. - Quantity: 6. - Physical connectivity: - IPMI and host management ports. - NIC ports connected into 3-node testbed topologies. - Main HW configuration: - Chassis: SuperMicro SYS-740GP-TNRT. - Motherboard: Super X12DPG-QT6. - Processors: 2* Intel Platinum 8358 2.6 GHz. - RAM Memory: 16* 16GB DDR4-3200. - Disks: 2* 960GB SATA SSD. - NICs configuration: - Numa0: (x16, x16, x16 PCIe4.0 lanes) - PCIe Slot2 18:00.xx: xxv710-DA2-2p25GE Intel. - PCIe Slot4 3b:00.xx: e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE Intel. - PCIe Slot9 5e:00.xx: e810-2CQDA2-2p100GE Intel. - Numa1: (x16, x16, x16 PCIe4.0 lanes) - PCIe Slot6 86:00.xx: ConnectX6-2p100GE Mellanox. - PCIe Slot8 af:00.xx: empty. - PCIe Slot10 d8:00.xx: empty. 13. **Server-Type-F4**: Purpose - Icelake Xeon TG for FD.io performance testing. - Quantity: 3. - Physical connectivity: - IPMI and host management ports. - NIC ports connected into 3-node testbed topologies. - Main HW configuration: - Chassis: SuperMicro SYS-740GP-TNRT. - Motherboard: Super X12DPG-QT6. - Processors: 2* Intel Platinum 8358 2.6 GHz. - RAM Memory: 16* 16GB DDR4-3200. - Disks: 2* 960GB SATA SSD. - NICs configuration: - Numa0: (x16, x16, x16 PCIe4.0 lanes) - PCIe Slot2 18:00.xx: xxv710-DA2-2p25GE Intel. - PCIe Slot4 3b:00.xx: e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE Intel. - PCIe Slot9 5e:00.xx: e810-2CQDA2-2p100GE Intel. - Numa1: (x16, x16, x16 PCIe4.0 lanes) - PCIe Slot6 86:00.xx: ConnectX6-2p100GE Mellanox. - PCIe Slot8 af:00.xx: empty. - PCIe Slot10 d8:00.xx: empty. 14. **Server-Type-F5**: Purpose - Icelake Xeon Shared TG for FD.io performance testing. - Quantity: 2. - Physical connectivity: - IPMI and host management ports. - NIC ports connected into 2-node and/or 3-node testbed topologies. - Main HW configuration: - Chassis: SuperMicro SYS-740GP-TNRT. - Motherboard: Super X12DPG-QT6. - Processors: 2* Intel Platinum 8358 2.6 GHz. - RAM Memory: 16* 16GB DDR4-3200. - Disks: 2* 960GB SATA SSD. - NICs configuration: - Numa0: (x16, x16, x16 PCIe4.0 lanes) - PCIe Slot2 4b:00.xx: xxv710-DA2-2p25GE Intel. - PCIe Slot4 31:00.xx: empty. - PCIe Slot9 ff:00.xx: empty. - Numa1: (x16, x16, x16 PCIe4.0 lanes) - PCIe Slot6 ca:00.xx: e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE Intel. - PCIe Slot8 b1:00.xx: e810-2CQDA2-2p100GE Intel. - PCIe Slot10 ff:00.xx: empty. 15. **Server-Type-F6**: Purpose - Icelake Xeon TG for FD.io performance testing. - Quantity: 1. - Physical connectivity: - IPMI and host management ports. - NIC ports connected into 2-node and/or 3-node testbed topologies. - Main HW configuration: - Chassis: SuperMicro SYS-740GP-TNRT. - Motherboard: Super X12DPG-QT6. - Processors: 2* Intel Platinum 8358 2.6 GHz. - RAM Memory: 16* 16GB DDR4-3200. - Disks: 2* 960GB SATA SSD. - NICs configuration: - Numa0: (x16, x16, x16 PCIe4.0 lanes) - PCIe Slot2 17:00.xx: MCX713106AS-VEAT ConnectX7-2p200GE Nvidia. - PCIe Slot4 31:00.xx: empty. - PCIe Slot9 ff:00.xx: empty. - Numa1: (x16, x16, x16 PCIe4.0 lanes) - PCIe Slot6 ca:00.xx: empty. - PCIe Slot8 b1:00.xx: empty. - PCIe Slot10 ff:00.xx: empty. 16. **Server-Type-G1**: Purpose - SnowRidge Atom SUT for FD.io performance testing. - Quantity: 2 - Physical connectivity: - IPMI and host management ports. - NIC ports connected into 3-node testbed topology. - Main HW configuration: - Chassis: Intel JACOBSVILLE SDP. - Motherboard: Intel JACOBSVILLE E63448-400. - Processors: 1* Intel Atom P5362B 2.2 GHz. - RAM Memory: 2* 16GB DDR4-2933. - Disks: ?* ? SATA SSD. - NICs configuration: - Numa0: (x16, PCIe3.0 lane) - PCIe BuiltIn ec:00.xx: e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE Intel. 17. **Server-Type-H1**: Purpose - SapphireRapids Xeon SUT for FD.io full system performance testing. - Quantity: 1. - Physical connectivity: - IPMI and host management ports. - NIC ports connected into 3-numa-node testbed topologies. - Main HW configuration: - Chassis: SuperMicro SYS-741GE-TNRT. - Motherboard: Super X13DEG-QT-P. - Processors: 2* Intel Platinum 8462Y+ 32 core 2.8 GHz 300W TDP. - RAM Memory: 16* 32GB DDR5-4800. - Disks: 2* 960GB SATA SSD. - NICs configuration: - Numa0: (x16, x16, x16 PCIe5.0 lanes) - PCIe Slot2 18:00.xx: ConnectX7-2p200GE Nvidia. - PCIe Slot4 3b:00.xx: ConnectX7-2p200GE Nvidia. - PCIe Slot10 5e:00.xx: ConnectX7-2p200GE Nvidia. - Numa1: (x16, x16, x16 PCIe5.0 lanes) - PCIe Slot7 86:00.xx: ConnectX7-2p200GE Nvidia. - PCIe Slot9 af:00.xx: ConnectX7-2p200GE Nvidia. - PCIe Slot11 d8:00.xx: ConnectX7-2p200GE Nvidia. 18. **Server-Type-H2**: Purpose - SapphireRapids Xeon TG for FD.io full system performance testing. - Quantity: 1. - Physical connectivity: - IPMI and host management ports. - NIC ports connected into 3-numa-node testbed topologies. - Main HW configuration: - Chassis: SuperMicro SYS-741GE-TNRT. - Motherboard: Super X13DEG-QT-P. - Processors: 2* Intel Platinum 8462Y+ 32 core 2.8 GHz 300W TDP. - RAM Memory: 16* 32GB DDR5-4800. - Disks: 2* 960GB SATA SSD. - NICs configuration: - Numa0: (x16, x16, x16 PCIe5.0 lanes) - PCIe Slot2 18:00.xx: ConnectX7-2p200GE Nvidia. - PCIe Slot4 3b:00.xx: ConnectX7-2p200GE Nvidia. - PCIe Slot10 5e:00.xx: ConnectX7-2p200GE Nvidia. - Numa1: (x16, x16, x16 PCIe5.0 lanes) - PCIe Slot7 86:00.xx: ConnectX7-2p200GE Nvidia. - PCIe Slot9 af:00.xx: ConnectX7-2p200GE Nvidia. - PCIe Slot11 d8:00.xx: empty. 19. **Server-Type-H3**: Purpose - SapphireRapids Xeon SUT for FD.io performance testing. - Quantity: 1. - Physical connectivity: - IPMI and host management ports. - NIC ports connected into 3-numa-node testbed topologies. - Main HW configuration: - Chassis: SuperMicro SYS-741GE-TNRT. - Motherboard: Super X13DEG-QT-P. - Processors: 2* Intel Platinum 8462Y+ 32 core 2.8 GHz 300W TDP. - RAM Memory: 16* 32GB DDR5-4800. - Disks: 2* 960GB SATA SSD. - NICs configuration: - Numa0: (x16, x16, x16 PCIe5.0 lanes) - PCIe Slot2 18:00.xx: e810-2CQDA2-2p100GE Intel. - PCIe Slot4 3b:00.xx: e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE Intel. - PCIe Slot10 5e:00.xx: empty. - Numa1: (x16, x16, x16 PCIe5.0 lanes) - PCIe Slot7 86:00.xx: e810-2CQDA2-2p100GE Intel. - PCIe Slot9 af:00.xx: e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE Intel. - PCIe Slot11 d8:00.xx: empty. 20. **Server-Type-H4**: Purpose - SapphireRapids Xeon TG for FD.io performance testing. - Quantity: 1. - Physical connectivity: - IPMI and host management ports. - NIC ports connected into 3-numa-node testbed topologies. - Main HW configuration: - Chassis: SuperMicro SYS-741GE-TNRT. - Motherboard: Super X13DEG-QT-P. - Processors: 2* Intel Platinum 8462Y+ 32 core 2.8 GHz 300W TDP. - RAM Memory: 16* 32GB DDR5-4800. - Disks: 2* 960GB SATA SSD. - NICs configuration: - Numa0: (x16, x16, x16 PCIe5.0 lanes) - PCIe Slot2 18:00.xx: e810-2CQDA2-2p100GE Intel. - PCIe Slot4 3b:00.xx: e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE Intel. - PCIe Slot10 5e:00.xx: empty. - Numa1: (x16, x16, x16 PCIe5.0 lanes) - PCIe Slot7 86:00.xx: empty. - PCIe Slot9 af:00.xx: empty. - PCIe Slot11 d8:00.xx: empty. 21. **Server-Type-H5**: Purpose - SapphireRapids Xeon SUT for FD.io performance testing. - Quantity: 2. - Physical connectivity: - IPMI and host management ports. - NIC ports connected into 2-node testbed topologies. - Main HW configuration: - Chassis: SuperMicro SYS-741GE-TNRT. - Motherboard: Super X13DEG-QT-P. - Processors: 2* Intel Platinum 8462Y+ 32 core 2.8 GHz 300W TDP. - RAM Memory: 16* 32GB DDR5-4800. - Disks: 2* 960GB SATA SSD. - NICs configuration: - Numa0: (x16, x16, x16 PCIe5.0 lanes) - PCIe Slot2 3d:00.xx: MCX713106AS-VEAT ConnectX7-2p200GE Nvidia. - PCIe Slot4 2c:00.xx: e810-2CQDA2-2p100GE Intel. - PCIe Slot10 17:00.xx: e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE Intel. - Numa1: (x16, x16, x16 PCIe5.0 lanes) - PCIe Slot7 86:00.xx: empty. - PCIe Slot9 af:00.xx: empty. - PCIe Slot11 d8:00.xx: empty. 22. **Server-Type-H6**: Purpose - SapphireRapids Xeon TG for FD.io performance testing. - Quantity: 2. - Physical connectivity: - IPMI and host management ports. - NIC ports connected into 2-node testbed topologies plus loopbacks in Numa1 for TG self-test. - Main HW configuration: - Chassis: SuperMicro SYS-741GE-TNRT. - Motherboard: Super X13DEG-QT-P. - Processors: 2* Intel Platinum 8462Y+ 32 core 2.8 GHz 300W TDP. - RAM Memory: 16* 32GB DDR5-4800. - Disks: 2* 960GB SATA SSD. - NICs configuration: - Numa0: (x16, x16, x16 PCIe5.0 lanes) - PCIe Slot2 18:00.xx: MCX713106AS-VEAT ConnectX7-2p200GE Nvidia. - PCIe Slot4 3b:00.xx: e810-2CQDA2-2p100GE Intel. - PCIe Slot10 5e:00.xx: e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE Intel. - Numa1: (x16, x16, x16 PCIe5.0 lanes) - PCIe Slot7 86:00.xx: MCX713106AS-VEAT ConnectX7-2p200GE Nvidia. - PCIe Slot9 af:00.xx: e810-2CQDA2-2p100GE Intel. - PCIe Slot11 d8:00.xx: empty. 23. **Server-Type-H7**: Purpose - SapphireRapids SUT for FD.io build. - Quantity: 2. - Physical connectivity: - IPMI and host management ports. - NIC ports connected into 1-node topologies. - Main HW configuration: - Chassis: SuperMicro SYS-741GE-TNRT. - Motherboard: Super X13DEG-QT-P. - Processors: 2* Intel Platinum 8462Y+ 32 core 2.8 GHz 300W TDP. - RAM Memory: 16* 32GB DDR5-4800. - Disks: 2* 960GB SATA SSD. - NICs configuration: - Numa0: (x16, x16, x16 PCIe5.0 lanes) - PCIe Slot2 18:00.xx: e810-2CQDA2-2p100GE Intel. - PCIe Slot4 3b:00.xx: e810-2CQDA2-2p100GE Intel. - PCIe Slot10 5e:00.xx: empty. - Numa1: (x16, x16, x16 PCIe5.0 lanes) - PCIe Slot7 86:00.xx: empty. - PCIe Slot9 af:00.xx: empty. - PCIe Slot11 d8:00.xx: empty. 24. **Server-Type-I1**: Purpose - IcelakeD Xeon SUT for FD.io performance testing. - Quantity: 4 - Physical connectivity: - IPMI and host management ports. - NIC ports connected into 3-node testbed topology. - Main HW configuration: - Chassis: SuperMicro SYS-110D-20C-FRDN8TP. - Motherboard: Super X12SDV-20C-SPT8F. - Processors: 1* Intel Xeon D-2796NT. - RAM Memory: 4* 32GB DDR4-3200 MEM-DR432MD-ER32. - Disks: 1* 960GB SATA SSD HDS-25T0. - NICs configuration: - Numa0: (x16, PCIe4.0 lane) - PCIe BuiltIn ??:00.xx: e810-XXVDA2-2p25GE Intel. 25. **Server-Type-J1**: Purpose - Grace Server SUT for FD.io performance testing. - Quantity: 1. - Physical connectivity: - IPMI and host management ports. - NIC ports connected into 2-node and/or 3-node testbed topologies. - Main HW configuration: - Chassis: NDA. - Motherboard: NDA. - Processors: 1* Arm Neoverse V2. - RAM Memory: NDA. - Disks: NDA. - NICs configuration: - Numa0: (x16, x16, x16, x16 PCIe5.0 lanes) - PCIe Slot1 0000:01:00.0: MCX713106AS-VEAT ConnectX7-2p200GE Nvidia. 26. **Server-Type-A1**: Purpose - EmeraldRapids Xeon TG for FD.io performance testing. - Quantity: 4. - Physical connectivity: - IPMI and host management ports. - NIC ports connected into 2-node/3-node testbed topologies. - Main HW configuration: - Chassis: SuperMicro SYS-741GE-TNRT. - Motherboard: Super X13DEG-QT. - Processors: 2* Intel Platinum 8580 60 core 2 GHz. - RAM Memory: 16* 32GB DDR5-4800. - Disks: 2* 960GB SATA SSD. - NICs configuration: - Numa0: (x16, x16, x16 PCIe5.0 lanes) - PCIe Slot2 38:00.xx: e810-CQDA2-2p100GE Intel. - PCIe Slot4 27:00.xx: e810-CQDA2-2p100GE Intel. - PCIe Slot10 5e:00.xx: empty. - Numa1: (x16, x16, x16 PCIe5.0 lanes) - PCIe Slot7 86:00.xx: empty. - PCIe Slot9 af:00.xx: empty. - PCIe Slot11 d8:00.xx: empty. 27. **Server-Type-A2**: Purpose - EmeraldRapids SUT for FD.io performance testing. - Quantity: 2. - Physical connectivity: - IPMI and host management ports. - NIC ports connected into 2-node/3-node testbed topologies. - Main HW configuration: - Chassis: SuperMicro SYS-741GE-TNRT. - Motherboard: Super X13DEG-QT. - Processors: 2* Intel Platinum 8568Y+ 48 core 2 GHz. - RAM Memory: 16* 32GB DDR5-4800. - Disks: 2* 960GB SATA SSD. - NICs configuration: - Numa0: (x16, x16, x16 PCIe5.0 lanes) - PCIe Slot2 38:00.xx: e810-CQDA2-2p100GE Intel. - PCIe Slot4 27:00.xx: e810-CQDA2-2p100GE Intel. - PCIe Slot10 5e:00.xx: empty. - Numa1: (x16, x16, x16 PCIe5.0 lanes) - PCIe Slot7 86:00.xx: empty. - PCIe Slot9 a8:00.xx: e810-CQDA2-2p100GE Intel. - PCIe Slot11 d8:00.xx: empty. ## Testbeds Configuration ### 2-Node-Zen2 (2n-zn2) {{< figure src="/cdocs/testbed-2n-zn2.svg" >}} ``` - SUT [Server-Type-D1]: - testbedname: testbed210. - hostname: s60-t210-sut1. - IPMI IP: - Host IP: - portnames: - s60-t210-sut1-c1/p1 - 10GE-port1 x710-4p10GE. - s60-t210-sut1-c1/p2 - 10GE-port2 x710-4p10GE. - s60-t210-sut1-c1/p3 - 10GE-port3 x710-4p10GE. - s60-t210-sut1-c1/p4 - 10GE-port4 x710-4p10GE. - s60-t210-sut1-c2/p1 - 25GE-port1 xxv710-DA2-2p25GE. - s60-t210-sut1-c2/p2 - 25GE-port2 xxv710-DA2-2p25GE. - s60-t210-sut1-c3/p1 - 100GE-port1 ConnectX5-2p100GE. - s60-t210-sut1-c3/p2 - 100GE-port2 ConnectX5-2p100GE. - TG [Server-Type-D2]: - testbedname: testbed210. - hostname: s61-t210-tg1. - IPMI IP: - Host IP: - portnames: - s61-t210-tg1-c1/p1 - 100GE-port1 ConnectX5-2p100GE. - s61-t210-tg1-c1/p2 - 100GE-port2 ConnectX5-2p100GE. - s61-t210-tg1-c2/p1 - 10GE-port1 x710-4p10GE. - s61-t210-tg1-c2/p2 - 10GE-port2 x710-4p10GE. - s61-t210-tg1-c2/p3 - 10GE-port3 x710-4p10GE. - s61-t210-tg1-c2/p4 - 10GE-port4 x710-4p10GE. - s61-t210-tg1-c3/p1 - 25GE-port1 xxv710-DA2-2p25GE. - s61-t210-tg1-c3/p2 - 25GE-port2 xxv710-DA2-2p25GE. ``` ### 2-Node-Icelake (2n-icx) {{< figure src="/cdocs/testbed-2n-icx.svg" >}} ``` - SUT [Server-Type-F1]: - testbedname: testbed212. - hostname: s71-t212-sut1. - IPMI IP: - Host IP: - portnames: - s71-t212-sut1-c2/p1 - 25GE-port1 xxv710-DA2-2p25GE. - s71-t212-sut1-c2/p2 - 25GE-port2 xxv710-DA2-2p25GE. - s71-t212-sut1-c4/p1 - 25GE-port1 e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE. - s71-t212-sut1-c4/p2 - 25GE-port2 e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE. - s71-t212-sut1-c4/p3 - 25GE-port3 e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE. - s71-t212-sut1-c4/p4 - 25GE-port4 e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE. - s71-t212-sut1-c9/p1 - 100GE-port1 e810-2CQDA2-2p100GE. - s71-t212-sut1-c9/p2 - 100GE-port2 e810-2CQDA2-2p100GE. - s71-t212-sut1-c8/p1 - 200GE-port1 ConnectX7-2p200GE. - s71-t212-sut1-c8/p2 - 200GE-port2 ConnectX7-2p200GE. - TG [Server-Type-F2]: - testbedname: testbed212. - hostname: s72-t212-tg1. - IPMI IP: - Host IP: - portnames: - s72-t212-tg1-c2/p1 - 25GE-port1 xxv710-DA2-2p25GE. - s72-t212-tg1-c2/p2 - 25GE-port2 xxv710-DA2-2p25GE. - s72-t212-tg1-c4/p1 - 25GE-port1 e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE. - s72-t212-tg1-c4/p2 - 25GE-port2 e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE. - s72-t212-tg1-c4/p3 - 25GE-port3 e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE. - s72-t212-tg1-c4/p4 - 25GE-port4 e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE. - s72-t212-tg1-c9/p1 - 100GE-port1 e810-2CQDA2-2p100GE. - s72-t212-tg1-c9/p2 - 100GE-port2 e810-2CQDA2-2p100GE. - s72-t212-tg1-c6/p1 - 100GE-port1 e810-2CQDA2-2p100GE. - s72-t212-tg1-c6/p2 - 100GE-port2 e810-2CQDA2-2p100GE. - s72-t212-tg1-c8/p1 - 200GE-port1 ConnectX7-2p200GE. - s72-t212-tg1-c8/p2 - 200GE-port2 ConnectX7-2p200GE. - SUT [Server-Type-F1]: - testbedname: testbed213. - hostname: s83-t213-sut1. - IPMI IP: - Host IP: - portnames: - s83-t213-sut1-c2/p1 - 25GE-port1 xxv710-DA2-2p25GE. - s83-t213-sut1-c2/p2 - 25GE-port2 xxv710-DA2-2p25GE. - s83-t213-sut1-c4/p1 - 25GE-port1 e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE. - s83-t213-sut1-c4/p2 - 25GE-port2 e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE. - s83-t213-sut1-c4/p3 - 25GE-port3 e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE. - s83-t213-sut1-c4/p4 - 25GE-port4 e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE. - s83-t213-sut1-c9/p1 - 100GE-port1 e810-2CQDA2-2p100GE. - s83-t213-sut1-c9/p2 - 100GE-port2 e810-2CQDA2-2p100GE. - s83-t213-sut1-c8/p1 - 200GE-port1 ConnectX7-2p200GE. - s83-t213-sut1-c8/p2 - 200GE-port2 ConnectX7-2p200GE. - TG [Server-Type-F2]: - testbedname: testbed213. - hostname: s84-t213-tg1. - IPMI IP: - Host IP: - portnames: - s84-t213-tg1-c2/p1 - 25GE-port1 xxv710-DA2-2p25GE. - s84-t213-tg1-c2/p2 - 25GE-port2 xxv710-DA2-2p25GE. - s84-t213-tg1-c4/p1 - 25GE-port1 e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE. - s84-t213-tg1-c4/p2 - 25GE-port2 e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE. - s84-t213-tg1-c4/p3 - 25GE-port3 e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE. - s84-t213-tg1-c4/p4 - 25GE-port4 e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE. - s84-t213-tg1-c9/p1 - 100GE-port1 e810-2CQDA2-2p100GE. - s84-t213-tg1-c9/p2 - 100GE-port2 e810-2CQDA2-2p100GE. - s84-t213-tg1-c6/p1 - 100GE-port1 e810-2CQDA2-2p100GE. - s84-t213-tg1-c6/p2 - 100GE-port2 e810-2CQDA2-2p100GE. - s84-t213-tg1-c8/p1 - 200GE-port1 ConnectX7-2p200GE. - s84-t213-tg1-c8/p2 - 200GE-port2 ConnectX7-2p200GE. - SUT [Server-Type-F1]: - testbedname: testbed214. - hostname: s85-t214-sut1. - IPMI IP: - Host IP: - portnames: - s85-t214-sut1-c2/p1 - 25GE-port1 xxv710-DA2-2p25GE. - s85-t214-sut1-c2/p2 - 25GE-port2 xxv710-DA2-2p25GE. - s85-t214-sut1-c4/p1 - 25GE-port1 e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE. - s85-t214-sut1-c4/p2 - 25GE-port2 e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE. - s85-t214-sut1-c4/p3 - 25GE-port3 e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE. - s85-t214-sut1-c4/p4 - 25GE-port4 e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE. - s85-t214-sut1-c9/p1 - 100GE-port1 e810-2CQDA2-2p100GE. - s85-t214-sut1-c9/p2 - 100GE-port2 e810-2CQDA2-2p100GE. - s85-t214-sut1-c8/p1 - 200GE-port1 ConnectX7-2p200GE. - s85-t214-sut1-c8/p2 - 200GE-port2 ConnectX7-2p200GE. - TG [Server-Type-F2]: - testbedname: testbed214. - hostname: s86-t214-tg1. - IPMI IP: - Host IP: - portnames: - s86-t214-tg1-c2/p1 - 25GE-port1 xxv710-DA2-2p25GE. - s86-t214-tg1-c2/p2 - 25GE-port2 xxv710-DA2-2p25GE. - s86-t214-tg1-c4/p1 - 25GE-port1 e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE. - s86-t214-tg1-c4/p2 - 25GE-port2 e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE. - s86-t214-tg1-c4/p3 - 25GE-port3 e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE. - s86-t214-tg1-c4/p4 - 25GE-port4 e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE. - s86-t214-tg1-c9/p1 - 100GE-port1 e810-2CQDA2-2p100GE. - s86-t214-tg1-c9/p2 - 100GE-port2 e810-2CQDA2-2p100GE. - s86-t214-tg1-c6/p1 - 100GE-port1 e810-2CQDA2-2p100GE. - s86-t214-tg1-c6/p2 - 100GE-port2 e810-2CQDA2-2p100GE. - s86-t214-tg1-c8/p1 - 200GE-port1 ConnectX7-2p200GE. - s86-t214-tg1-c8/p2 - 200GE-port2 ConnectX7-2p200GE. ``` ### 2-Node-Icelake (2n-oct) {{< figure src="/cdocs/testbed-2n-oct.svg" >}} ``` - SUT [Server-Type-F1]: - testbedname: testbed215. - hostname: s87-t215-sut1. - IPMI IP: - Host IP: - portnames: - s87-t215-sut1-c2/p1 - 100GE-port1 cavium-a063-2p100GE. - s87-t215-sut1-c6/p2 - 100GE-port1 cavium-a063-2p100GE. - TG [Server-Type-F2]: - testbedname: testbed215. - hostname: s88-t215-tg1. - IPMI IP: - Host IP: - portnames: - s88-t215-tg1-c2/p1 - 25GE-port1 xxv710-DA2-2p25GE. - s88-t215-tg1-c2/p2 - 25GE-port2 xxv710-DA2-2p25GE. - s88-t215-tg1-c4/p1 - 25GE-port1 e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE. - s88-t215-tg1-c4/p2 - 25GE-port2 e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE. - s88-t215-tg1-c4/p3 - 25GE-port3 e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE. - s88-t215-tg1-c4/p4 - 25GE-port4 e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE. - s88-t215-tg1-c9/p1 - 100GE-port1 e810-2CQDA2-2p100GE. - s88-t215-tg1-c9/p2 - 100GE-port2 e810-2CQDA2-2p100GE. - s88-t215-tg1-c6/p1 - 100GE-port1 e810-2CQDA2-2p100GE. - s88-t215-tg1-c6/p2 - 100GE-port2 e810-2CQDA2-2p100GE. - s88-t215-tg1-c8/p1 - 200GE-port1 ConnectX7-2p200GE. - s88-t215-tg1-c8/p2 - 200GE-port2 ConnectX7-2p200GE. ``` ### 3-Node-Altra (3n-alt) {{< figure src="/cdocs/testbed-3n-alt.svg" >}} ``` - SUT [Server-Type-E23]: - testbedname: testbed34. - hostname: s62-t34-sut1. - IPMI IP: - Host IP: - portnames: - s62-t34-sut1-c1/p1 - 40GE-port1 xl710-QDA2-2p40GE. - s62-t34-sut1-c1/p2 - 40GE-port2 xl710-QDA2-2p40GE. - s62-t34-sut1-c8/p1 - 100GE-port1 ConnectX6-2p100GE. - s62-t34-sut1-c8/p2 - 100GE-port2 ConnectX6-2p100GE. - SUT [Server-Type-E23]: - testbedname: testbed34. - hostname: s63-t34-sut2. - IPMI IP: - Host IP: - portnames: - s63-t34-sut2-c1/p1 - 40GE-port1 xl710-QDA2-2p40GE. - s63-t34-sut2-c1/p2 - 40GE-port2 xl710-QDA2-2p40GE. - s63-t34-sut2-c8/p1 - 100GE-port1 ConnectX6-2p100GE. - s63-t34-sut2-c8/p2 - 100GE-port2 ConnectX6-2p100GE. - TG [Server-Type-E32]: - testbedname: testbed34. - hostname: s64-t34-tg1. - IPMI IP: - Host IP: - portnames: - s64-t34-tg1-c2/p1 - 25GE-port1 xxv710-DA2-2p25GE. - s64-t34-tg1-c2/p2 - 25GE-port2 xxv710-DA2-2p25GE. - s64-t34-tg1-c4/p1 - 40GE-port1 xl710-QDA2-2p40GE. - s64-t34-tg1-c4/p2 - 40GE-port2 xl710-QDA2-2p40GE. - s64-t34-tg1-c8/p1 - 100GE-port1 e810-2CQDA2-2p100GE. - s64-t34-tg1-c8/p2 - 100GE-port2 e810-2CQDA2-2p100GE. ``` ### 3-Node-Icelake (3n-icx) {{< figure src="/cdocs/testbed-3n-icx.svg" >}} ``` - SUT1 [Server-Type-F3]: - testbedname: testbed37. - hostname: s65-t37-sut1. - IPMI IP: - Host IP: - portnames: - s65-t37-sut1-c2/p1 - 25GE-port1 xxv710-DA2-2p25GE. - s65-t37-sut1-c2/p2 - 25GE-port2 xxv710-DA2-2p25GE. - s65-t37-sut1-c4/p1 - 25GE-port1 e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE. - s65-t37-sut1-c4/p2 - 25GE-port2 e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE. - s65-t37-sut1-c4/p3 - 25GE-port3 e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE. - s65-t37-sut1-c4/p4 - 25GE-port4 e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE. - s65-t37-sut1-c9/p1 - 100GE-port1 e810-2CQDA2-2p100GE. - s65-t37-sut1-c9/p2 - 100GE-port2 e810-2CQDA2-2p100GE. - s65-t37-sut1-c10/p1 - 100GE-port1 ConnectX6-2p100GE. - s65-t37-sut1-c10/p2 - 100GE-port2 ConnectX6-2p100GE. - SUT2 [Server-Type-F3]: - testbedname: testbed37. - hostname: s66-t37-sut2. - IPMI IP: - Host IP: - portnames: - s66-t37-sut2-c2/p1 - 25GE-port1 xxv710-DA2-2p25GE. - s66-t37-sut2-c2/p2 - 25GE-port2 xxv710-DA2-2p25GE. - s66-t37-sut2-c4/p1 - 25GE-port1 e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE. - s66-t37-sut2-c4/p2 - 25GE-port2 e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE. - s66-t37-sut2-c4/p3 - 25GE-port3 e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE. - s66-t37-sut2-c4/p4 - 25GE-port4 e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE. - s66-t37-sut2-c9/p1 - 100GE-port1 e810-2CQDA2-2p100GE. - s66-t37-sut2-c9/p2 - 100GE-port2 e810-2CQDA2-2p100GE. - s65-t37-sut1-c10/p1 - 100GE-port1 ConnectX6-2p100GE. - s65-t37-sut1-c10/p2 - 100GE-port2 ConnectX6-2p100GE. - TG [Server-Type-F3]: - testbedname: testbed37. - hostname: s67-t37-tg1. - IPMI IP: - Host IP: - portnames: - s67-t37-tg1-c2/p1 - 25GE-port1 xxv710-DA2-2p25GE. - s67-t37-tg1-c2/p2 - 25GE-port2 xxv710-DA2-2p25GE. - s67-t37-tg1-c4/p1 - 25GE-port1 e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE. - s67-t37-tg1-c4/p2 - 25GE-port2 e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE. - s67-t37-tg1-c4/p3 - 25GE-port3 e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE. - s67-t37-tg1-c4/p4 - 25GE-port4 e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE. - s67-t37-tg1-c9/p1 - 100GE-port1 e810-2CQDA2-2p100GE. - s67-t37-tg1-c9/p2 - 100GE-port2 e810-2CQDA2-2p100GE. - s67-t37-tg1-c10/p1 - 100GE-port1 ConnectX6-2p100GE. - s67-t37-tg1-c10/p2 - 100GE-port2 ConnectX6-2p100GE. - SUT1 [Server-Type-F3]: - testbedname: testbed38. - hostname: s78-t38-sut1. - IPMI IP: - Host IP: - portnames: - s78-t38-sut1-c2/p1 - 25GE-port1 xxv710-DA2-2p25GE. - s78-t38-sut1-c2/p2 - 25GE-port2 xxv710-DA2-2p25GE. - s78-t38-sut1-c4/p1 - 25GE-port1 e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE. - s78-t38-sut1-c4/p2 - 25GE-port2 e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE. - s78-t38-sut1-c4/p3 - 25GE-port3 e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE. - s78-t38-sut1-c4/p4 - 25GE-port4 e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE. - s78-t38-sut1-c9/p1 - 100GE-port1 e810-2CQDA2-2p100GE. - s78-t38-sut1-c9/p2 - 100GE-port2 e810-2CQDA2-2p100GE. - s78-t38-sut1-c10/p1 - 100GE-port1 ConnectX6-2p100GE. - s78-t38-sut1-c10/p2 - 100GE-port2 ConnectX6-2p100GE. - SUT2 [Server-Type-F3]: - testbedname: testbed38. - hostname: s79-t38-sut2. - IPMI IP: - Host IP: - portnames: - s79-t38-sut2-c2/p1 - 25GE-port1 xxv710-DA2-2p25GE. - s79-t38-sut2-c2/p2 - 25GE-port2 xxv710-DA2-2p25GE. - s79-t38-sut2-c4/p1 - 25GE-port1 e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE. - s79-t38-sut2-c4/p2 - 25GE-port2 e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE. - s79-t38-sut2-c4/p3 - 25GE-port3 e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE. - s79-t38-sut2-c4/p4 - 25GE-port4 e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE. - s79-t38-sut2-c9/p1 - 100GE-port1 e810-2CQDA2-2p100GE. - s79-t38-sut2-c9/p2 - 100GE-port2 e810-2CQDA2-2p100GE. - s79-t38-sut2-c10/p1 - 100GE-port1 ConnectX6-2p100GE. - s79-t38-sut2-c10/p2 - 100GE-port2 ConnectX6-2p100GE. - TG [Server-Type-F3]: - testbedname: testbed38. - hostname: s80-t38-tg1. - IPMI IP: - Host IP: - portnames: - s80-t38-tg1-c2/p1 - 25GE-port1 xxv710-DA2-2p25GE. - s80-t38-tg1-c2/p2 - 25GE-port2 xxv710-DA2-2p25GE. - s80-t38-tg1-c4/p1 - 25GE-port1 e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE. - s80-t38-tg1-c4/p2 - 25GE-port2 e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE. - s80-t38-tg1-c4/p3 - 25GE-port3 e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE. - s80-t38-tg1-c4/p4 - 25GE-port4 e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE. - s80-t38-tg1-c9/p1 - 100GE-port1 e810-2CQDA2-2p100GE. - s80-t38-tg1-c9/p2 - 100GE-port2 e810-2CQDA2-2p100GE. - s80-t38-tg1-c10/p1 - 100GE-port1 ConnectX6-2p100GE. - s80-t38-tg1-c10/p2 - 100GE-port2 ConnectX6-2p100GE. ``` ### 3-Node-SnowRidge (3n-snr) {{< figure src="/cdocs/testbed-3n-snr.svg" >}} ``` - ServerG1 [Server-Type-G1]: - testbedname: testbed39. - hostname: s93-t39-sut1. - IPMI IP: - Host IP: - portnames: - s93-t39-sut1-c1/p1 - 25GE-port1 e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE. - s93-t39-sut1-c1/p2 - 25GE-port2 e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE. - s93-t39-sut1-c1/p2 - 25GE-port3 e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE. - s93-t39-sut1-c1/p2 - 25GE-port4 e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE. - ServerG1 [Server-Type-G1]: - testbedname: testbed39. - hostname: s94-t39-sut2. - IPMI IP: - Host IP: - portnames: - s94-t39-sut2-c1/p1 - 25GE-port1 e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE. - s94-t39-sut2-c1/p2 - 25GE-port2 e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE. - s94-t39-sut2-c1/p3 - 25GE-port3 e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE. - s94-t39-sut2-c1/p4 - 25GE-port4 e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE. - ServerC2 [Server-Type-C2]: - testbedname: testbed39. - hostname: s89-t39t310-tg1. - IPMI IP: - Host IP: - portnames: - s89-t39t310-tg1-c6/p1 - 25GE-port1 e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE. - s89-t39t310-tg1-c6/p2 - 25GE-port2 e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE. - s89-t39t310-tg1-c6/p3 - 25GE-port3 e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE. - s89-t39t310-tg1-c6/p4 - 25GE-port4 e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE. ``` ### 2-Node-SapphireRapids (2n-spr) {{< figure src="/cdocs/testbed-2n-spr.svg" >}} ``` - SUT [Server-Type-H1]: - testbedname: testbed21. - hostname: s52-t21-sut1. - IPMI IP: - Host IP: - portnames: - s52-t21-sut1-c10/p1 - 200GE-port1 ConnectX7-2p200GE. - s52-t21-sut1-c10/p2 - 200GE-port2 ConnectX7-2p200GE. - s52-t21-sut1-c4/p1 - 200GE-port1 ConnectX7-2p200GE. - s52-t21-sut1-c4/p2 - 200GE-port2 ConnectX7-2p200GE. - s52-t21-sut1-c2/p1 - 200GE-port1 ConnectX7-2p200GE. - s52-t21-sut1-c2/p2 - 200GE-port2 ConnectX7-2p200GE. - s52-t21-sut1-c9/p1 - 200GE-port1 ConnectX7-2p200GE. - s52-t21-sut1-c9/p2 - 200GE-port2 ConnectX7-2p200GE. - s52-t21-sut1-c7/p1 - 200GE-port1 ConnectX7-2p200GE. - s52-t21-sut1-c7/p2 - 200GE-port2 ConnectX7-2p200GE. - TG [Server-Type-H2]: - testbedname: testbed21. - hostname: s53-t21-tg1. - IPMI IP: - Host IP: - portnames: - s53-t21-tg1-c10/p1 - 200GE-port1 ConnectX7-2p200GE. - s53-t21-tg1-c10/p2 - 200GE-port2 ConnectX7-2p200GE. - s53-t21-tg1-c4/p1 - 200GE-port1 ConnectX7-2p200GE. - s53-t21-tg1-c4/p2 - 200GE-port2 ConnectX7-2p200GE. - s53-t21-tg1-c2/p1 - 200GE-port1 ConnectX7-2p200GE. - s53-t21-tg1-c2/p2 - 200GE-port2 ConnectX7-2p200GE. - s53-t21-tg1-c9/p1 - 200GE-port1 ConnectX7-2p200GE. - s53-t21-tg1-c9/p2 - 200GE-port2 ConnectX7-2p200GE. - s53-t21-tg1-c7/p1 - 200GE-port1 ConnectX7-2p200GE. - s53-t21-tg1-c7/p2 - 200GE-port2 ConnectX7-2p200GE. - SUT [Server-Type-H3]: - testbedname: testbed22. - hostname: s54-t22-sut1. - IPMI IP: - Host IP: - portnames: - s54-t22-sut1-c2/p1 - 100GE-port1 e810-2CQDA2-2p100GE. - s54-t22-sut1-c2/p2 - 100GE-port2 e810-2CQDA2-2p100GE. - s54-t22-sut1-c4/p1 - 25GE-port1 e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE. - s54-t22-sut1-c4/p2 - 25GE-port2 e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE. - s54-t22-sut1-c4/p3 - 25GE-port3 e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE. - s54-t22-sut1-c4/p4 - 25GE-port4 e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE. - s54-t22-sut1-c7/p1 - 100GE-port1 e810-2CQDA2-2p100GE. - s54-t22-sut1-c7/p2 - 100GE-port2 e810-2CQDA2-2p100GE. - s54-t22-sut1-c9/p1 - 25GE-port1 e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE. - s54-t22-sut1-c9/p2 - 25GE-port2 e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE. - s54-t22-sut1-c9/p3 - 25GE-port3 e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE. - s54-t22-sut1-c9/p4 - 25GE-port4 e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE. - TG [Server-Type-H4]: - testbedname: testbed22. - hostname: s55-t22-tg1. - IPMI IP: - Host IP: - portnames: - s55-t22-tg1-c2/p1 - 100GE-port1 e810-2CQDA2-2p100GE. - s55-t22-tg1-c2/p2 - 100GE-port2 e810-2CQDA2-2p100GE. - s55-t22-tg1-c4/p1 - 25GE-port1 e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE. - s55-t22-tg1-c4/p2 - 25GE-port2 e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE. - s55-t22-tg1-c4/p3 - 25GE-port3 e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE. - s55-t22-tg1-c4/p4 - 25GE-port4 e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE. - SUT [Server-Type-H5]: - testbedname: testbed23. - hostname: s56-t23-sut1. - IPMI IP: - Host IP: - portnames: - s56-t23-sut1-c2/p1 - 200GE-port1 ConnectX7-2p200GE. - s56-t23-sut1-c2/p2 - 200GE-port2 ConnectX7-2p200GE. - s56-t23-sut1-c4/p1 - 100GE-port1 e810-2CQDA2-2p100GE. - s56-t23-sut1-c4/p2 - 100GE-port2 e810-2CQDA2-2p100GE. - s56-t23-sut1-c10/p1 - 25GE-port1 e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE. - s56-t23-sut1-c10/p2 - 25GE-port2 e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE. - s56-t23-sut1-c10/p3 - 25GE-port3 e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE. - s56-t23-sut1-c10/p4 - 25GE-port4 e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE. - TG [Server-Type-H6]: - testbedname: testbed23. - hostname: s57-t23-tg1. - IPMI IP: - Host IP: - portnames: - s57-t23-tg1-c2/p1 - 200GE-port1 ConnectX7-2p200GE. - s57-t23-tg1-c2/p2 - 200GE-port2 ConnectX7-2p200GE. - s57-t23-tg1-c4/p1 - 100GE-port1 e810-2CQDA2-2p100GE. - s57-t23-tg1-c4/p2 - 100GE-port2 e810-2CQDA2-2p100GE. - s57-t23-tg1-c10/p1 - 25GE-port1 e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE. - s57-t23-tg1-c10/p2 - 25GE-port2 e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE. - s57-t23-tg1-c10/p3 - 25GE-port3 e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE. - s57-t23-tg1-c10/p4 - 25GE-port4 e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE. - s57-t23-tg1-c7/p1 - 200GE-port1 ConnectX7-2p200GE. - s57-t23-tg1-c7/p2 - 200GE-port2 ConnectX7-2p200GE. - s57-t23-tg1-c9/p1 - 100GE-port1 e810-2CQDA2-2p100GE. - s57-t23-tg1-c9/p2 - 100GE-port2 e810-2CQDA2-2p100GE. - SUT [Server-Type-H5]: - testbedname: testbed24. - hostname: s58-t24-sut1. - IPMI IP: - Host IP: - portnames: - s58-t24-sut1-c2/p1 - 200GE-port1 ConnectX7-2p200GE. - s58-t24-sut1-c2/p2 - 200GE-port2 ConnectX7-2p200GE. - s58-t24-sut1-c4/p1 - 100GE-port1 e810-2CQDA2-2p100GE. - s58-t24-sut1-c4/p2 - 100GE-port2 e810-2CQDA2-2p100GE. - s58-t24-sut1-c10/p1 - 25GE-port1 e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE. - s58-t24-sut1-c10/p2 - 25GE-port2 e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE. - s58-t24-sut1-c10/p3 - 25GE-port3 e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE. - s58-t24-sut1-c10/p4 - 25GE-port4 e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE. - TG [Server-Type-H6]: - testbedname: testbed24. - hostname: s59-t24-tg1. - IPMI IP: - Host IP: - portnames: - s59-t24-tg1-c2/p1 - 200GE-port1 ConnectX7-2p200GE. - s59-t24-tg1-c2/p2 - 200GE-port2 ConnectX7-2p200GE. - s59-t24-tg1-c4/p1 - 100GE-port1 e810-2CQDA2-2p100GE. - s59-t24-tg1-c4/p2 - 100GE-port2 e810-2CQDA2-2p100GE. - s59-t24-tg1-c10/p1 - 25GE-port1 e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE. - s59-t24-tg1-c10/p2 - 25GE-port2 e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE. - s59-t24-tg1-c10/p3 - 25GE-port3 e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE. - s59-t24-tg1-c10/p4 - 25GE-port4 e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE. - s59-t24-tg1-c7/p1 - 200GE-port1 ConnectX7-2p200GE. - s59-t24-tg1-c7/p2 - 200GE-port2 ConnectX7-2p200GE. - s59-t24-tg1-c9/p1 - 100GE-port1 e810-2CQDA2-2p100GE. - s59-t24-tg1-c9/p2 - 100GE-port2 e810-2CQDA2-2p100GE. ``` ### 3-Node-IcelakeD (3n-icxd) {{< figure src="/cdocs/testbed-3n-icxd.svg" >}} ``` - ServerI1 [Server-Type-I1]: - testbedname: testbed31. - hostname: s32-t31-sut1. - IPMI IP: - Host IP: - portnames: - s32-t31-sut1-c1/p1 - 25GE-port1 e822cq-2p25GE. - s32-t31-sut1-c1/p2 - 25GE-port2 e822cq-2p25GE. - ServerI1 [Server-Type-I1]: - testbedname: testbed31. - hostname: s33-t31-sut2. - IPMI IP: - Host IP: - portnames: - s33-t31-sut2-c1/p1 - 25GE-port1 e822cq-2p25GE. - s33-t31-sut2-c1/p2 - 25GE-port2 e822cq-2p25GE. - ServerF3 [Server-Type-F5]: - testbedname: testbed31. - hostname: s90-t31t32-tg1. - IPMI IP: - Host IP: - portnames: - s90-t31t32-tg1-c4/p1 - 25GE-port1 e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE. - s90-t31t32-tg1-c4/p2 - 25GE-port2 e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE. - s90-t31t32-tg1-c4/p3 - 25GE-port3 e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE. - s90-t31t32-tg1-c4/p4 - 25GE-port4 e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE. - ServerI1 [Server-Type-I1]: - testbedname: testbed32. - hostname: s34-t32-sut1. - IPMI IP: - Host IP: - portnames: - s34-t32-sut1-c1/p1 - 25GE-port1 e822cq-2p25GE. - s34-t32-sut1-c1/p2 - 25GE-port2 e822cq-2p25GE. - ServerI1 [Server-Type-I1]: - testbedname: testbed32. - hostname: s35-t32-sut2. - IPMI IP: - Host IP: - portnames: - s35-t32-sut2-c1/p1 - 25GE-port1 e822cq-2p25GE. - s35-t32-sut2-c1/p2 - 25GE-port2 e822cq-2p25GE. - ServerF3 [Server-Type-F5]: - testbedname: testbed32. - hostname: s90-t31t32-tg1. - IPMI IP: - Host IP: - portnames: - s90-t31t32-tg1-c6/p1 - 25GE-port1 e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE. - s90-t31t32-tg1-c6/p2 - 25GE-port2 e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE. - s90-t31t32-tg1-c6/p3 - 25GE-port3 e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE. - s90-t31t32-tg1-c6/p4 - 25GE-port4 e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE. ``` ### 2-Node-Grace (2n-grc) ``` - SUT [Server-Type-J1]: - testbedname: testbed27. - hostname: s36-t27-sut1. - IPMI IP: - Host IP: - portnames: - s36-t27-sut1-c1/p1 - 200GE-port1 ConnectX7-2p200GE. - s36-t27-sut1-c1/p2 - 200GE-port2 ConnectX7-2p200GE. - s36-t27-sut1-c3/p1 - 10GE-port1 x550T-2p10GE. - s36-t27-sut1-c3/p2 - 10GE-port1 x550T-2p10GE. - TG [Server-Type-F6]: - testbedname: testbed27. - hostname: s37-t27-tg1. - IPMI IP: - Host IP: - portnames: - s37-t27-tg1-c2/p1 - 200GE-port1 ConnectX7-2p200GE. - s37-t27-tg1-c2/p2 - 200GE port2 ConnectX7-2p200GE. ``` ## Testbed Wiring ### 2-Node-Zen2 (2n-zn2) ``` - testbed210: - ring1 10GE-ports x710-4p10GE on SUT: - s61-t210-tg1-c2/p1 to s60-t210-sut1-c1/p1. - s60-t210-sut1-c1/p2 to s61-t210-tg1-c2/p2. - ring2 10GE-ports x710-4p10GE on SUT: - s61-t210-tg1-c2/p3 to s60-t210-sut1-c1/p3. - s60-t210-sut1-c1/p4 to s61-t210-tg1-c2/p4. - ring3 25GE-ports xxv710-DA2-2p25GE on SUT - s61-t210-tg1-c3/p1 to s60-t210-sut1-c2/p1. - s60-t210-sut1-c2/p2 to s61-t210-tg1-c3/p2. - ring4 100GE-ports ConnectX5-2p100GE on SUT: - s61-t210-tg1-c1/p1 to s60-t210-sut1-c3/p1. - s60-t210-sut1-c3/p2 to s61-t210-tg1-c1/p2. ``` ### 2-Node-Icelake (2n-icx) ``` - testbed212: - ring1 25GE-ports xxv710-DA2-2p25GE: - s72-t212-tg1-c2/p1 to s71-t212-sut1-c2/p1. - s71-t212-sut1-c2/p2 to s72-t212-tg1-c2/p2. - ring2 25GE-ports e810-XXVDA4-2p25GE: - s72-t212-tg1-c4/p1 to s71-t212-sut1-c4/p1. - s71-t212-sut1-c4/p2 to s72-t212-tg1-c4/p2. - s72-t212-tg1-c4/p3 to s71-t212-sut1-c4/p3. - s71-t212-sut1-c4/p4 to s72-t212-tg1-c4/p4. - ring3 100GE-ports e810-2CQDA2-2p100GE: - s72-t212-tg1-c9/p1 to s71-t212-sut1-c9/p1. - s71-t212-sut1-c9/p2 to s72-t212-tg1-c9/p2. - ring4 100GE-ports e810-2CQDA2-2p100GE: - s72-t212-tg1-c6/p1 to s72-t212-tg1-c6/p2. - s72-t212-tg1-c6/p2 to s72-t212-tg1-c6/p1. - ring5 200GE-ports ConnectX7-2p200GE: - s72-t212-tg1-c8/p1 to s71-t212-sut1-c8/p1. - s71-t212-sut1-c8/p2 to s72-t212-tg1-c8/p2. - testbed213: - ring1 25GE-ports xxv710-DA2-2p25GE: - s84-t213-tg1-c2/p1 to s83-t213-sut1-c2/p1. - s83-t213-sut1-c2/p2 to s84-t213-tg1-c2/p2. - ring2 25GE-ports e810-XXVDA4-2p25GE: - s84-t213-tg1-c4/p1 to s83-t213-sut1-c4/p1. - s83-t213-sut1-c4/p2 to s84-t213-tg1-c4/p2. - s84-t213-tg1-c4/p3 to s83-t213-sut1-c4/p3. - s83-t213-sut1-c4/p4 to s84-t213-tg1-c4/p4. - ring3 100GE-ports e810-2CQDA2-2p100GE: - s84-t213-tg1-c9/p1 to s83-t213-sut1-c9/p1. - s83-t213-sut1-c9/p2 to s84-t213-tg1-c9/p2. - ring4 100GE-ports e810-2CQDA2-2p100GE: - s84-t213-tg1-c6/p1 to s84-t213-tg1-c6/p2. - s84-t213-tg1-c6/p2 to s84-t213-tg1-c6/p1. - ring5 200GE-ports ConnectX7-2p200GE: - s84-t213-tg1-c8/p1 to s83-t213-sut1-c8/p1. - s83-t213-sut1-c8/p2 to s84-t213-tg1-c8/p2. - testbed214: - ring1 25GE-ports xxv710-DA2-2p25GE: - s86-t214-tg1-c2/p1 to s85-t214-sut1-c2/p1. - s85-t214-sut1-c2/p2 to s86-t214-tg1-c2/p2. - ring2 25GE-ports e810-XXVDA4-2p25GE: - s86-t214-tg1-c4/p1 to s85-t214-sut1-c4/p1. - s85-t214-sut1-c4/p2 to s86-t214-tg1-c4/p2. - s86-t214-tg1-c4/p3 to s85-t214-sut1-c4/p3. - s85-t214-sut1-c4/p4 to s86-t214-tg1-c4/p4. - ring3 100GE-ports e810-2CQDA2-2p100GE: - s86-t214-tg1-c9/p1 to s85-t214-sut1-c9/p1. - s85-t214-sut1-c9/p2 to s86-t214-tg1-c9/p2. - ring4 100GE-ports e810-2CQDA2-2p100GE: - s86-t214-tg1-c6/p1 to s86-t214-tg1-c6/p2. - s86-t214-tg1-c6/p2 to s86-t214-tg1-c6/p1. - ring5 200GE-ports ConnectX7-2p200GE: - s86-t214-tg1-c8/p1 to s85-t214-sut1-c8/p1. - s85-t214-sut1-c8/p2 to s86-t214-tg1-c8/p2. ``` ### 2-Node-Icelake (2n-oct) ``` - testbed215: - ring1 100GE-ports e810-2CQDA2-2p100GE: - s88-t215-tg1-c9/p1 to s87-t215-sut1-c2/p1. - s87-t215-sut1-c2/p1 to s87-t215-sut1-c6/p1. - s88-t215-tg1-c9/p2 to s87-t215-sut1-c6/p1. ``` ### 3-Node-Altra (3n-alt) ``` - testbed34: - ring1 40GE-ports xl710-QDA2-2p40GE on SUTs: - s64-t34-tg1-c4/p1 - s62-t34-sut1-c1/p2. - s62-t34-sut1-c1/p1 - s63-t34-sut2-c1/p2. - s63-t34-sut2-c1/p1 - s64-t34-tg1-c4/p2. - ring2 100GE-ports ConnectX6-2p100GE Mellanox on SUTs: - s64-t34-tg1-c8/p1 - s62-t34-sut2-c8/p1. - s62-t34-sut1-c8/p1 - s63-t34-sut2-c8/p2. - s63-t34-sut1-c8/p2 - s64-t34-tg1-c8/p2. ``` ### 3-Node-Icelake (3n-icx) ``` - testbed37: - ring1 25GE-ports xxv710-DA2-2p25GE: - s67-t37-tg1-c2/p1 to s65-t37-sut1-c2/p1. - s65-t37-sut1-c2/p2 to s66-t37-sut2-c2/p2. - s66-t37-sut2-c2/p1 to s67-t37-tg1-c2/p2. - ring2 25GE-ports e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE: - s67-t37-tg1-c4/p1 to s65-t37-sut1-c4/p1. - s65-t37-sut1-c4/p2 to s66-t37-sut2-c4/p2. - s66-t37-sut2-c4/p1 to s67-t37-tg1-c4/p2. - s67-t37-tg1-c4/p3 to s65-t37-sut1-c4/p3. - s65-t37-sut1-c4/p4 to s66-t37-sut2-c4/p4. - s66-t37-sut2-c4/p3 to s67-t37-tg1-c4/p4. - ring3 100GE-ports e810-2CQDA2-2p100GE: - s67-t37-tg1-c9/p1 to s65-t37-sut1-c9/p1. - s65-t37-sut1-c9/p2 to s66-t37-sut2-c9/p2. - s66-t37-sut2-c9/p1 to s67-t37-tg1-c9/p2. - ring4 200GE-ports ConnectX6-2p200GE: - s67-t37-tg1-c10/p1 - s65-t37-sut1-c10/p2. - s65-t37-sut1-c10/p1 - s66-t37-sut2-c10/p2. - s66-t37-sut2-c10/p1 - s67-t37-tg1-c10/p2. - testbed38: - ring1 25GE-ports xxv710-DA2-2p25GE: - s80-t38-tg1-c2/p1 to s78-t38-sut1-c2/p1. - s78-t38-sut1-c2/p2 to s79-t38-sut2-c2/p2. - s79-t38-sut2-c2/p1 to s80-t38-tg1-c2/p2. - ring2 25GE-ports e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE: - s80-t38-tg1-c4/p1 to s78-t38-sut1-c4/p1. - s78-t38-sut1-c4/p2 to s79-t38-sut2-c4/p2. - s79-t38-sut2-c4/p1 to s80-t38-tg1-c4/p2. - s80-t38-tg1-c4/p3 to s78-t38-sut1-c4/p3. - s78-t38-sut1-c4/p4 to s79-t38-sut2-c4/p4. - s79-t38-sut2-c4/p3 to s80-t38-tg1-c4/p4. - ring3 100GE-ports e810-2CQDA2-2p100GE: - s80-t38-tg1-c9/p1 to s78-t38-sut1-c9/p1. - s78-t38-sut1-c9/p2 to s79-t38-sut2-c9/p2. - s79-t38-sut2-c9/p1 to s80-t38-tg1-c9/p2. - ring4 200GE-ports ConnectX6-2p200GE: - s80-t38-tg1-c10/p1 to s78-t38-sut1-c10/p1. - s78-t38-sut1-c10/p2 to s79-t38-sut2-c10/p2. - s79-t38-sut2-c10/p1 to s80-t38-tg1-c10/p2. ``` ### 3-Node-SnowRidge (3n-snr) ``` - testbed39: - ring1 25GE-ports e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE: - s89-t39t310-tg1-c6/p1 to s93-t39-sut1-c1/p1. - s93-t39-sut1-c1/p2 to s94-t39-sut2-c1/p2. - s94-t39-sut2-c1/p1 to s89-t39t310-tg1-c6/p2. - s89-t39t310-tg1-c6/p3 to s93-t39-sut1-c1/p3. - s93-t39-sut1-c1/p4 to s94-t39-sut2-c1/p4. - s94-t39-sut2-c1/p3 to s89-t39t310-tg1-c6/p4. ``` ### 2-Node-SapphireRapids (2n-spr) ``` - testbed21: - ring1 200GE-ports ConnectX7-2p200GE: - s53-t21-tg1-c2/p1 to s52-t21-sut1-c2/p1 - s53-t21-tg1-c7/p1 to s52-t21-sut1-c7/p1 - s52-t21-sut1-c4/p2 to s52-t21-sut1-c9/p2 - ring2 200GE-ports ConnectX7-2p200GE: - s53-t21-tg1-c2/p2 to s52-t21-sut1-c2/p2 - s53-t21-tg1-c7/p2 to s52-t21-sut1-c7/p2 - s52-t21-sut1-c10/p1 to s52-t21-sut1-c11/p1 - ring3 200GE-ports ConnectX7-2p200GE: - s53-t21-tg1-c4/p1 to s52-t21-sut1-c4/p1 - s53-t21-tg1-c9/p1 to s52-t21-sut1-c9/p1 - s52-t21-sut1-c10/p2 to s52-t21-sut1-c11/p2 - testbed22: - ring1 100GE-ports e810-2CQDA2-2p100GE: - s55-t22-tg1-c4/p1 to s54-t22-sut1-c9/p2 - s55-t22-tg1-c4/p2 to s54-t22-sut1-c4/p2 - s54-t22-sut1-c9/p1 to s54-t22-sut1-c4/p1 - ring2 25GE-ports e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE: - s55-t22-tg1-c2/p1 to s54-t22-sut1-c2/p1 - s55-t22-tg1-c2/p2 to s54-t22-sut1-c7/p1 - s54-t22-sut1-c2/p2 to s54-t22-sut1-c7/p2 - testbed23: - ring1 200GE-ports ConnectX7-2p200GE: - s56-t23-sut1-c2/p1 to s57-t23-tg1-c2/p1. - s57-t23-tg1-c2/p2 to s56-t23-sut1-c2/p2. - ring2 100GE-ports e810-2CQDA2-2p100GE: - s56-t23-sut1-c4/p1 to s57-t23-tg1-c4/p1. - s57-t23-tg1-c4/p2 to s56-t23-sut1-c4/p2. - ring3 25GE-ports e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE: - s56-t23-sut1-c10/p1 to s57-t23-tg1-c10/p1. - s56-t23-sut1-c10/p2 to s57-t23-tg1-c10/p2. - s56-t23-sut1-c10/p3 to s57-t23-tg1-c10/p3. - s56-t23-sut1-c10/p4 to s57-t23-tg1-c10/p4. - ring4 200GE-ports ConnectX7-2p200GE: - s57-t23-tg1-c7/p1 to s57-t23-tg1-c7/p2. - ring5 100GE-ports e810-2CQDA2-2p100GE: - s57-t23-tg1-c9/p1 to s57-t23-tg1-c9/p2. - testbed24: - ring1 200GE-ports ConnectX7-2p200GE: - s58-t24-sut1-c2/p1 to s59-t24-tg1-c2/p1. - s59-t24-tg1-c2/p2 to s58-t24-sut1-c2/p2. - ring2 100GE-ports e810-2CQDA2-2p100GE: - s58-t24-sut1-c4/p1 to s59-t24-tg1-c4/p1. - s59-t24-tg1-c4/p2 to s58-t24-sut1-c4/p2. - ring3 25GE-ports e810-XXVDA4-4p25GE: - s58-t24-sut1-c10/p1 to s59-t24-tg1-c10/p1. - s58-t24-sut1-c10/p2 to s59-t24-tg1-c10/p2. - s58-t24-sut1-c10/p3 to s59-t24-tg1-c10/p3. - s58-t24-sut1-c10/p4 to s59-t24-tg1-c10/p4. - ring4 200GE-ports ConnectX7-2p200GE: - s59-t24-tg1-c7/p1 to s59-t24-tg1-c7/p2. - ring5 100GE-ports e810-2CQDA2-2p100GE: - s59-t24-tg1-c9/p1 to s59-t24-tg1-c9/p2. ``` ### 3-Node-IcelakeD (3n-icxd) ``` - testbed31: - ring1 25GE-ports e822cq-2p25GE: - s90-t31t32-tg1-c4/p1 to s32-t31-sut1-c1/p1. - s32-t31-sut1-c1/p2 to s33-t31-sut2-c1/p2. - s33-t31-sut2-c1/p1 to s90-t31t32-tg1-c4/p2. - testbed32: - ring1 25GE-ports e822cq-2p25GE: - s90-t31t32-tg1-c6/p1 to s34-t32-sut1-c1/p1. - s34-t32-sut1-c1/p2 to s35-t32-sut2-c1/p2. - s35-t32-sut2-c1/p1 to s90-t31t32-tg1-c6/p2. ``` ### 2-Node-GraceServer (2n-grc) ``` - testbed27: - ring1 200GE-ports ConnectX7-2p200GE: - s37-t27-tg1-c9/p1 to s36-t27-sut1-c1/p1. - s36-t27-sut1-c1/p2 to s37-t27-tg1-c9/p2. ``` ### 2-Node-EmeraldRapids (2n-emr) ``` - testbed28: - ring1 100GE-ports e810-CQDA2-2p100GE: - s41-t28-tg1-c4/p1 to s40-t28-sut1-c9/p2 - s41-t28-tg1-c4/p2 to s40-t28-sut1-c4/p2 - s40-t28-sut1-c9/p1 to s40-t28-sut1-c4/p1 - ring2 100GE-ports e810-CQDA2-2p100GE: - s40-t28-sut1-c2/p1 to s41-t28-tg1-c2/p1. - s41-t28-tg1-c2/p2 to s40-t28-sut1-c2/p2. - testbed29: - ring1 100GE-ports e810-CQDA2-2p100GE: - s43-t29-tg1-c4/p1 to s42-t29-sut1-c9/p2 - s43-t29-tg1-c4/p2 to s42-t29-sut1-c4/p2 - s42-t29-sut1-c9/p1 to s43-t29-tg1-c4/p1 - ring2 100GE-ports e810-CQDA2-2p100GE: - s42-t29-sut1-c2/p1 to s43-t29-tg1-c2/p1. - s43-t29-tg1-c2/p2 to s42-t29-sut1-c2/p2. ```