bookHidden: true
title: "Running CSIT locally in Vagrant"

# Running CSIT locally in Vagrant

## Install prerequisites

Run all commands from command line.

1. Download and install virtualbox from
   [official page](https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads).
   To verify the installation, run VBoxManage

   - on windows

         "C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\VBoxManage.exe" --version

   - on nix

         VBoxManage --version
         Tested version: 6.1.16r140961

2. Download and install latest vagrant from
   [official page](https://www.vagrantup.com/downloads.html).
   To verify the installtion, run

       vagrant -v
       Tested version: Vagrant 2.2.15

3. Install vagrant plugins::

       vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest
       vagrant plugin install vagrant-cachier

   If you are behind a proxy, install proxyconf plugin and update proxy
   settings in Vagrantfile::

       vagrant plugin install vagrant-proxyconf

## Set up and run Vagrant virtualbox

Before running following commands change working directory to Vagrant specific directory
(from within root CSIT directory)

    cd csit.infra.vagrant

This allows Vagrant to automatically find Vagrantfile and corresponding Vagrant environment.

Start the provisioning

    vagrant up --provider virtualbox

Your new VPP Device virtualbox machine will be created and configured.
Master branch of csit project will be cloned inside virtual machine into
/home/vagrant/csit folder.

Once the process is finished, you can login to the box using

    vagrant ssh

In case you need to completely rebuild the box and start from scratch,
run these commands

    vagrant destroy -f
    vagrant up --provider virtualbox

## Run tests

From within the box run the tests using

    cd /home/vagrant/csit/resources/libraries/bash/entry
    ./bootstrap_vpp_device.sh csit-vpp-device-master-ubuntu2004-1n-vbox

To run only selected tests based on TAGS, export environment variables before
running the test suite

    export GERRIT_EVENT_TYPE="comment-added"
    export GERRIT_EVENT_COMMENT_TEXT="devicetest memif"

    # now it will run tests, selected based on tags
    ./bootstrap_vpp_device.sh csit-vpp-device-master-ubuntu2004-1n-vbox