--- title: "TRex Performance" weight: 3 --- # CSIT 23.06 - TRex Performance 1. TEST FRAMEWORK - **CSIT test environment** version has been updated to ver. 12, see [Environment Versioning]({{< ref "../../../infrastructure/fdio_csit_testbed_versioning" >}}). 2. TREX TESTS - No longer testing scale2m, testing scale20k instead (for AWS reasons). 3. TREX VERSION - Currently using v3.03 of TRex. # Known Issues ## New List of new issues in CSIT 23.06 for TRex performance tests: **#** | **JiraID** | **Issue Description** ------|--------------------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | | ## Previous List of known issues in CSIT 23.06 for TRex performance tests **#** | **JiraID** | **Issue Description** ------|--------------------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | | ## Fixed List of known issues in CSIT 23.02 for TRex performance tests **#** | **JiraID** | **Issue Description** ------|--------------------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | [CSIT-1876](https://jira.fd.io/browse/CSIT-1876) | 1n-aws: TRex NDR PDR ALL IP4 scale and L2 scale tests failing with 50% packet loss. Fixed for most scales. Only ip4scale2m still fails, but we removed that from jobspecs.