title: "VPP Device"
weight: 4

# CSIT 23.10 - VPP Device

   - **CSIT test environment** version has been updated to ver. 13, see
     [Environment Versioning]({{< ref "../../../infrastructure/fdio_csit_testbed_versioning" >}}).

# Known Issues

List of known issues in CSIT 23.10 for VPP functional tests in VPP Device:

**#** | **JiraID**                                       | **Issue Description**
 1    |                                                  |

## New

List of new issues in CSIT 23.10 for VPP functional tests in VPP Device:

**#** | **JiraID**                                       | **Issue Description**
 1    | [CSIT-1931](https://jira.fd.io/browse/CSIT-1931) | Vhost test not running in device jobs
 2    | [CSIT-1932](https://jira.fd.io/browse/CSIT-1932) | 1n-spr: Occasional packet loss in L2 tests