Tunnel Encapsulations

Tunnel encapsulations testing is grouped based on the type of outer
header: IPv4 or IPv6.

IPv4 Tunnels

VPP is tested in the following IPv4 tunnel baseline configurations:

- *ip4vxlan-l2bdbase*: VXLAN over IPv4 tunnels with L2 bridge-domain MAC
- *ip4vxlan-l2xcbase*: VXLAN over IPv4 tunnels with L2 cross-connect.
- *ip4lispip4-ip4base*: LISP over IPv4 tunnels with IPv4 routing.
- *ip4lispip6-ip6base*: LISP over IPv4 tunnels with IPv6 routing.

In all cases listed above low number of MAC, IPv4, IPv6 flows (253 or 254 per
direction) is switched or routed by VPP.

In addition selected IPv4 tunnels are tested at scale:

- *dot1q--ip4vxlanscale-l2bd*: VXLAN over IPv4 tunnels with L2 bridge-
  domain MAC switching, with scaled up dot1q VLANs (10, 100, 1k),
  mapped to scaled up L2 bridge-domains (10, 100, 1k), that are in turn
  mapped to (10, 100, 1k) VXLAN tunnels. 64.5k flows are transmitted per

IPv6 Tunnels

VPP is tested in the following IPv6 tunnel baseline configurations:

- *ip6lispip4-ip4base*: LISP over IPv4 tunnels with IPv4 routing.
- *ip6lispip6-ip6base*: LISP over IPv4 tunnels with IPv6 routing.

In all cases listed above low number of IPv4, IPv6 flows (253 or 254 per
direction) is routed by VPP.