.. _container_orchestration_in_csit: Container Orchestration in CSIT =============================== Overview -------- Linux Containers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Linux Containers is an OS-level virtualization method for running multiple isolated Linux systems (containers) on a compute host using a single Linux kernel. Containers rely on Linux kernel cgroups functionality for controlling usage of shared system resources (i.e. CPU, memory, block I/O, network) and for namespace isolation. The latter enables complete isolation of applications' view of operating environment, including process trees, networking, user IDs and mounted file systems. :abbr:`LXC (Linux Containers)` combine kernel's cgroups and support for isolated namespaces to provide an isolated environment for applications. Docker does use LXC as one of its execution drivers, enabling image management and providing deployment services. More information in [lxc]_, [lxcnamespace]_ and [stgraber]_. Linux containers can be of two kinds: privileged containers and unprivileged containers. Unprivileged Containers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Running unprivileged containers is the safest way to run containers in a production environment. From LXC 1.0 one can start a full system container entirely as a user, allowing to map a range of UIDs on the host into a namespace inside of which a user with UID 0 can exist again. In other words an unprivileged container does mask the userid from the host, making it impossible to gain a root access on the host even if a user gets root in a container. With unprivileged containers, non-root users can create containers and will appear in the container as the root, but will appear as userid <non-zero> on the host. Unprivileged containers are also better suited to supporting multi-tenancy operating environments. More information in [lxcsecurity]_ and [stgraber]_. Privileged Containers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Privileged containers do not mask UIDs, and container UID 0 is mapped to the host UID 0. Security and isolation is controlled by a good configuration of cgroup access, extensive AppArmor profile preventing the known attacks as well as container capabilities and SELinux. Here a list of applicable security control mechanisms: - Capabilities - keep (whitelist) or drop (blacklist) Linux capabilities, [capabilities]_. - Control groups - cgroups, resource bean counting, resource quotas, access restrictions, [cgroup1]_, [cgroup2]_. - AppArmor - apparmor profiles aim to prevent any of the known ways of escaping a container or cause harm to the host, [apparmor]_. - SELinux - Security Enhanced Linux is a Linux kernel security module that provides similar function to AppArmor, supporting access control security policies including United States Department of Defense-style mandatory access controls. Mandatory access controls allow an administrator of a system to define how applications and users can access different resources such as files, devices, networks and inter- process communication, [selinux]_. - Seccomp - secure computing mode, enables filtering of system calls, [seccomp]_. More information in [lxcsecurity]_ and [lxcsecfeatures]_. **Linux Containers in CSIT** CSIT is using Privileged Containers as the ``sysfs`` is mounted with RW access. Sysfs is required to be mounted as RW due to VPP accessing :command:`/sys/bus/pci/drivers/uio_pci_generic/unbind`. This is not the case of unprivileged containers where ``sysfs`` is mounted as read-only. Orchestrating Container Lifecycle Events ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Following Linux container lifecycle events need to be addressed by an orchestration system: 1. Acquire - acquiring/downloading existing container images via :command:`docker pull` or :command:`lxc-create -t download`. 2. Build - building a container image from scratch or another container image via :command:`docker build <dockerfile/composefile>` or customizing LXC templates in `GitHub <https://github.com/lxc/lxc/tree/master/templates>`_. 3. (Re-)Create - creating a running instance of a container application from anew, or re-creating one that failed. A.k.a. (re-)deploy via :command:`docker run` or :command:`lxc-start` 4. Execute - execute system operations within the container by attaching to running container. THis is done by :command:`lxc-attach` or :command:`docker exec` 5. Distribute - distributing pre-built container images to the compute nodes. Currently not implemented in CSIT. Container Orchestration Systems Used in CSIT -------------------------------------------- Current CSIT testing framework integrates following Linux container orchestration mechanisms: - LXC/Docker for complete VPP container lifecycle control. LXC ~~~ LXC is the well-known and heavily tested low-level Linux container runtime [lxcsource]_, that provides a userspace interface for the Linux kernel containment features. With a powerful API and simple tools, LXC enables Linux users to easily create and manage system or application containers. LXC uses following kernel features to contain processes: - Kernel namespaces: ipc, uts, mount, pid, network and user. - AppArmor and SELinux security profiles. - Seccomp policies. - Chroot. - Cgroups. CSIT uses LXC runtime and LXC usertools to test VPP data plane performance in a range of virtual networking topologies. **Known Issues** - Current CSIT restriction: only single instance of lxc runtime due to the cgroup policies used in CSIT. There is plan to add the capability into code to create cgroups per container instance to address this issue. This sort of functionality is better supported in LXC 2.1 but can be done is current version as well. - CSIT code is currently using cgroup to control the range of CPU cores the LXC container runs on. VPP thread pinning is defined vpp startup.conf. Docker ~~~~~~ Docker builds on top of Linux kernel containment features, and offers a high-level tool for wrapping the processes, maintaining and executing them in containers [docker]_. Currently it using *runc* a CLI tool for spawning and running containers according to the `OCI specification <https://www.opencontainers.org/>`_ A Docker container image is a lightweight, stand-alone, executable package of a piece of software that includes everything needed to run it: code, runtime, system tools, system libraries, settings. CSIT uses Docker to manage the maintenance and execution of containerized applications used in CSIT performance tests. - Data plane thread pinning to CPU cores - Docker CLI and/or Docker configuration file controls the range of CPU cores the Docker image must run on. VPP thread pinning defined vpp startup.conf. Implementation -------------- CSIT container orchestration is implemented in CSIT Level-1 keyword Python libraries following the Builder design pattern. Builder design pattern separates the construction of a complex object from its representation, so that the same construction process can create different representations e.g. LXC, Docker, other. CSIT Robot Framework keywords are then responsible for higher level lifecycle control of of the named container groups. One can have multiple named groups, with 1..N containers in a group performing different role/functionality e.g. NFs, Switch, Kafka bus, ETCD datastore, etc. ContainerManager class acts as a Director and uses ContainerEngine class that encapsulate container control. Current CSIT implementation is illustrated using UML Class diagram: 1. Acquire 2. Build 3. (Re-)Create 4. Execute :: +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | RF Keywords (high level lifecycle control) | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Construct VNF containers on all DUTs | | Acquire all '${group}' containers | | Create all '${group}' containers | | Install all '${group}' containers | | Configure all '${group}' containers | | Stop all '${group}' containers | | Destroy all '${group}' containers | +-----------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | 1 | | 1..N +-----------------v-----------------+ +--------------------------+ | ContainerManager | | ContainerEngine | +-----------------------------------+ +--------------------------+ | __init()__ | | __init(node)__ | | construct_container() | | acquire(force) | | construct_containers() | | create() | | acquire_all_containers() | | stop() | | create_all_containers() | 1 1 | destroy() | | execute_on_container() <>-------| info() | | execute_on_all_containers() | | execute(command) | | install_vpp_in_all_containers() | | system_info() | | configure_vpp_in_all_containers() | | install_supervisor() | | stop_all_containers() | | install_vpp() | | destroy_all_containers() | | restart_vpp() | +-----------------------------------+ | create_vpp_exec_config() | | create_vpp_startup_config| | is_container_running() | | is_container_present() | | _configure_cgroup() | +-------------^------------+ | | | +----------+---------+ | | +------+-------+ +------+-------+ | LXC | | Docker | +--------------+ +--------------+ | (inherinted) | | (inherinted) | +------+-------+ +------+-------+ | | +---------+---------+ | | constructs | +---------v---------+ | Container | +-------------------+ | __getattr__(a) | | __setattr__(a, v) | +-------------------+ Sequentional diagram that illustrates the creation of a single container. :: Legend: e = engine [Docker|LXC] .. = kwargs (variable number of keyword argument) +-------+ +------------------+ +-----------------+ | RF KW | | ContainerManager | | ContainerEngine | +---+---+ +--------+---------+ +--------+--------+ | | | | 1: new ContainerManager(e) | | +-+---------------------------->+-+ | |-| |-| 2: new ContainerEngine | |-| |-+----------------------->+-+ |-| |-| |-| |-| +-+ +-+ |-| | | |-| 3: construct_container(..) | | |-+---------------------------->+-+ | |-| |-| 4: init() | |-| |-+----------------------->+-+ |-| |-| |-| 5: new +-------------+ |-| |-| |-+-------->| Container A | |-| |-| |-| +-------------+ |-| |-|<-----------------------+-| |-| +-+ +-+ |-| | | |-| 6: acquire_all_containers() | | |-+---------------------------->+-+ | |-| |-| 7: acquire() | |-| |-+----------------------->+-+ |-| |-| |-| |-| |-| |-+--+ |-| |-| |-| | 8: is_container_present() |-| |-| True/False |-|<-+ |-| |-| |-| |-| |-| |-| +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | |-| ALT [isRunning & force] |-| |-|--+ | | |-| |-| |-| | 8a: destroy() | | |-| |-| |-<--+ | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |-| |-| |-| |-| +-+ +-+ |-| | | |-| 9: create_all_containers() | | |-+---------------------------->+-+ | |-| |-| 10: create() | |-| |-+----------------------->+-+ |-| |-| |-+--+ |-| |-| |-| | 11: wait('RUNNING') |-| |-| |-<--+ |-| +-+ +-+ |-| | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | |-| ALT | | | | |-| (install_vpp, configure_vpp) | | | | |-| | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |-| | | |-| 12: destroy_all_containers() | | |-+---------------------------->+-+ | |-| |-| 13: destroy() | |-| |-+----------------------->+-+ |-| |-| |-| |-| +-+ +-+ |-| | | +++ | | | | | + + + Container Data Structure ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Container is represented in Python L1 library as a separate Class with instance variables and no methods except overriden ``__getattr__`` and ``__setattr__``. Instance variables are assigned to container dynamically during the ``construct_container(**kwargs)`` call and are passed down from the RF keyword. Usage example: .. code-block:: robotframework | Construct VNF containers on all DUTs | | [Arguments] | ${technology} | ${image} | ${cpu_count}=${1} | ${count}=${1} | | ... | | ${group}= | Set Variable | VNF | | ${skip_cpus}= | Evaluate | ${vpp_cpus}+${system_cpus} | | Import Library | resources.libraries.python.ContainerUtils.ContainerManager | | ... | engine=${container_engine} | WITH NAME | ${group} | | ${duts}= | Get Matches | ${nodes} | DUT* | | :FOR | ${dut} | IN | @{duts} | | | ${env}= | Create List | DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive | | | ${mnt}= | Create List | /tmp:/mnt/host | /dev:/dev | | | ${cpu_node}= | Get interfaces numa node | ${nodes['${dut}']} | | | ... | ${dut1_if1} | ${dut1_if2} | | | Run Keyword | ${group}.Construct containers | | | ... | name=${dut}_${group} | node=${nodes['${dut}']} | mnt=${mnt} | | | ... | image=${container_image} | cpu_count=${container_cpus} | | | ... | cpu_skip=${skip_cpus} | cpuset_mems=${cpu_node} | | | ... | cpu_shared=${False} | env=${env} | count=${container_count} | | | ... | install_dkms=${container_install_dkms} | | Append To List | ${container_groups} | ${group} Mandatory parameters to create standalone container are: ``node``, ``name``, ``image`` [imagevar]_, ``cpu_count``, ``cpu_skip``, ``cpuset_mems``, ``cpu_shared``. There is no parameters check functionality. Passing required arguments is in coder responsibility. All the above parameters are required to calculate the correct cpu placement. See documentation for the full reference. Kubernetes ~~~~~~~~~~ For the future use, Kubernetes [k8sdoc]_ is implemented as separate library ``KubernetesUtils.py``, with a class with the same name. This utility provides an API for L2 Robot Keywords to control ``kubectl`` installed on each of DUTs. One time initialization script, ``resources/libraries/bash/k8s_setup.sh`` does reset/init kubectl, and initializes the ``csit`` namespace. CSIT namespace is required to not to interfere with existing setups and it further simplifies apply/get/delete Pod/ConfigMap operations on SUTs. Kubernetes utility is based on YAML templates to avoid crafting the huge YAML configuration files, what would lower the readability of code and requires complicated algorithms. Two types of YAML templates are defined: - Static - do not change between deployments, that is infrastructure containers like Kafka, Calico, ETCD. - Dynamic - per test suite/case topology YAML files. Making own python wrapper library of ``kubectl`` instead of using the official Python package allows to control and deploy environment over the SSH library without the need of using isolated driver running on each of DUTs. Tested Topologies ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Listed CSIT container networking test topologies are defined with DUT containerized VPP switch forwarding packets between NF containers. Each NF container runs their own instance of VPP in L2XC configuration. Following container networking topologies are tested in |csit-release|: - LXC topologies: - eth-l2xcbase-eth-2memif-1lxc. - eth-l2bdbasemaclrn-eth-2memif-1lxc. - Docker topologies: - eth-l2xcbase-eth-2memif-1docker. - eth-l2xcbase-eth-1memif-1docker References ~~~~~~~~~~ .. [lxc] `Linux Containers <https://linuxcontainers.org/>`_ .. [lxcnamespace] `Resource management: Linux kernel Namespaces and cgroups <https://www.cs.ucsb.edu/~rich/class/cs293b-cloud/papers/lxc-namespace.pdf>`_. .. [stgraber] `LXC 1.0: Blog post series <https://stgraber.org/2013/12/20/lxc-1-0-blog-post-series/>`_. .. [lxcsecurity] `Linux Containers Security <https://linuxcontainers.org/lxc/security/>`_. .. [capabilities] `Linux manual - capabilities - overview of Linux capabilities <http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/capabilities.7.html>`_. .. [cgroup1] `Linux kernel documentation: cgroups <https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/cgroup-v1/cgroups.txt>`_. .. [cgroup2] `Linux kernel documentation: Control Group v2 <https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/cgroup-v2.txt>`_. .. [selinux] `SELinux Project Wiki <http://selinuxproject.org/page/Main_Page>`_. .. [lxcsecfeatures] `LXC 1.0: Security features <https://stgraber.org/2014/01/01/lxc-1-0-security-features/>`_. .. [lxcsource] `Linux Containers source <https://github.com/lxc/lxc>`_. .. [apparmor] `Ubuntu AppArmor <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AppArmor>`_. .. [seccomp] `SECure COMPuting with filters <https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/prctl/seccomp_filter.txt>`_. .. [docker] `Docker <https://www.docker.com/what-docker>`_. .. [k8sdoc] `Kubernetes documentation <https://kubernetes.io/docs/home/>`_.