CSIT TAGs Descriptions

All CSIT test cases are labelled with Robot Framework tags used to allow for
easy test case type identification, test case grouping and selection for
execution. Following sections list currently used CSIT TAGs and their

Topology TAGs


    3 nodes connected in a circular topology with two links interconnecting
    the devices.


    3 nodes connected in a circular topology with at least one link
    interconnecting devices.

Objective TAGs

.. topic:: SKIP_PATCH

    Test case(s) marked to not run in case of vpp-csit-verify (i.e. VPP patch)
    and csit-vpp-verify jobs (i.e. CSIT patch).

.. topic:: SKIP_VPP_PATCH

    Test case(s) marked to not run in case of vpp-csit-verify (i.e. VPP patch).

Environment TAGs

.. topic:: HW_ENV

    DUTs and TGs are running on bare metal.

.. topic:: VM_ENV

    DUTs and TGs are running in virtual environment.

.. topic:: VPP_VM_ENV

    DUTs with VPP and capable of running Virtual Machine.

NIC model tags

.. topic:: NIC_Intel-X520-DA2

    Intel X520-DA2 NIC.

.. topic:: NIC_Intel-XL710

    Intel XL710 NIC.

.. topic:: NIC_Intel-X710

    Intel X710 NIC.

.. topic:: NIC_Cisco-VIC-1227

    VIC-1227 by Cisco.

.. topic:: NIC_Cisco-VIC-1385

    VIC-1385 by Cisco.

Scaling TAGs

.. topic:: FIB_20K

    2x10,000 entries in single fib table

.. topic:: FIB_200K

    2x100,000 entries in single fib table

.. topic:: FIB_2M

    2x1,000,000 entries in single fib table

.. topic:: TNL_1000

    IPSec in tunnel mode - 1000 tunnels.

.. topic:: SRC_USER_10

    Traffic flow with 10 unique IPs (users) in one direction.

.. topic:: SRC_USER_100

    Traffic flow with 100 unique IPs (users) in one direction.

.. topic:: SRC_USER_1000

    Traffic flow with 1000 unique IPs (users) in one direction.

.. topic:: SRC_USER_2000

    Traffic flow with 2000 unique IPs (users) in one direction.

.. topic:: SRC_USER_4000

    Traffic flow with 4000 unique IPs (users) in one direction.

.. topic:: 100_FLOWS

    Traffic stream with 100 unique flows (10 IPs/users x 10 UDP ports) in one

.. topic:: 10k_FLOWS

    Traffic stream with 10 000 unique flows (10 IPs/users x 1000 UDP ports) in
    one direction.

.. topic:: 100k_FLOWS

    Traffic stream with 100 000 unique flows (100 IPs/users x 1000 UDP ports) in
    one direction.

Tags marking functional vs. performance of tests

.. topic:: FUNCTEST

    All functional test cases.

.. topic:: PERFTEST

    All performance test cases.

Performance testing tags

.. topic:: PDRDISC

    Partial Drop Rate evaluation of single run result, with non-zero packet
    loss tolerance (LT) expressed in percentage of packets transmitted.

.. topic:: NDRDISC

    Non Drop Rate evaluation of results. Loss acceptance of dropped packets is
    set to zero lost packets.

.. topic:: NDRPDR

    Single test finding both No Drop Rate and Partial Drop Rate simultaneously.
    The search is done by optimized algorithm which performs
    multiple trial runs at different durations and transmit rates.

.. topic:: NDRCHK

    Performance tests where TG verifies DUTs' throughput at ref-NDR (reference
    Non Drop Rate) with zero packet loss tolerance.

.. topic:: PDRCHK

    Performance tests where TG verifies DUTs' throughput at ref-PDR (reference
    Partial Drop Rate) with 0.5% loss tolerance.

.. topic:: MRR

    Performance tests where TG sends the traffic at maximum rate (line rate)
    and reports total sent/received packets over performance trial duration.

.. topic:: NDRPDRDISC

    Find performance of DUT based on :rfc:`2544` with linear / binary / combined
    search. (Previous LONG tests.)

Ethernet frame size tags for performance tests

.. topic:: 64B

    64B frames used for test.

.. topic:: 78B

    78B frames used for test.

.. topic:: IMIX

    IMIX frame sequence (28x 64B, 16x 570B, 4x 1518B) used for test.

.. topic:: 1460B

    1460B frames used for test.

.. topic:: 1480B

    1480B frames used for test.

.. topic:: 1514B

    1514B frames used for test.

.. topic:: 1518B

    1518B frames used for test.

.. topic:: 9000B

    9000B frames used for test.

Test type tags

.. topic:: BASE

    Baseline test cases, no encapsulation, no feature(s) configured in tests.

.. topic:: IP4BASE

    IPv4 baseline test cases, no encapsulation, no feature(s) configured in

.. topic:: IP6BASE

    IPv6 baseline test cases, no encapsulation, no feature(s) configured in

.. topic:: L2XCBASE

    L2XC baseline test cases, no encapsulation, no feature(s) configured in

.. topic:: L2BDBASE

    L2BD baseline test cases, no encapsulation, no feature(s) configured in

.. topic:: SCALE

    Scale test cases.

.. topic:: ENCAP

    Test cases where encapsulation is used. Use also encapsulation tag(s).

.. topic:: FEATURE

    At least one feature is configured in test cases. Use also feature tag(s).

.. topic:: TLDK

    Functional test cases for TLDK.

.. topic:: TCP

    Tests which use TCP.

.. topic:: TCP_CPS

    Performance tests which measure connections per second using http requests.

.. topic:: TCP_RPS

    Performance tests which measure requests per second using http requests.

.. topic:: HTTP

    Tests which use HTTP.

Forwarding mode tags

.. topic:: L2BDMACSTAT

    VPP L2 bridge-domain, L2 MAC static.

.. topic:: L2BDMACLRN

    VPP L2 bridge-domain, L2 MAC learning.

.. topic:: L2XCFWD

    VPP L2 point-to-point cross-connect.

.. topic:: IP4FWD

    VPP IPv4 routed forwarding.

.. topic:: IP6FWD

    VPP IPv6 routed forwarding.

Underlay tags

.. topic:: IP4UNRLAY

    IPv4 underlay.

.. topic:: IP6UNRLAY

    IPv6 underlay.

.. topic:: MPLSUNRLAY

    MPLS underlay.

Overlay tags

.. topic:: L2OVRLAY

    L2 overlay.

.. topic:: IP4OVRLAY

    IPv4 overlay (IPv4 payload).

.. topic:: IP6OVRLAY

    IPv6 overlay (IPv6 payload).

Tagging tags

.. topic:: DOT1Q

    All test cases with dot1q.

.. topic:: DOT1AD

    All test cases with dot1ad.

Encapsulation tags

.. topic:: ETH

    All test cases with base Ethernet (no encapsulation).

.. topic:: LISP

    All test cases with LISP.

.. topic:: LISPGPE

    All test cases with LISP-GPE.

.. topic:: VXLAN

    All test cases with Vxlan.

.. topic:: VXLANGPE

    All test cases with VXLAN-GPE.

.. topic:: GRE

    All test cases with GRE.

.. topic:: IPSEC

    All test cases with IPSEC.

.. topic:: SRv6

    All test cases with Segment routing over IPv6 dataplane.

Interface tags

.. topic:: PHY

    All test cases which use physical interface(s).

.. topic:: VHOST

    All test cases which uses VHOST.

.. topic:: VHOST_256

    All test cases which uses VHOST with qemu queue size set to 256.

.. topic:: VHOST_1024

    All test cases which uses VHOST with qemu queue size set to 1024.

.. topic:: CFS_OPT

    All test cases which uses VM with optimised scheduler policy.

.. topic:: TUNTAP

    All test cases which uses TUN and TAP.

.. topic:: AFPKT

    All test cases which uses AFPKT.

.. topic:: NETMAP

    All test cases which uses Netmap.

.. topic:: MEMIF

    All test cases which uses Memif.

.. topic:: SINGLE_MEMIF

    All test cases which uses only single Memif connection per DUT. One DUT
    instance is running in container having one physical interface exposed to

.. topic:: LBOND

    All test cases which uses link bonding (BondEthernet interface).

.. topic:: LBOND_DPDK

    All test cases which uses DPDK link bonding.

.. topic:: LBOND_VPP

    All test cases which uses VPP link bonding.

.. topic:: LBOND_MODE_XOR

    All test cases which uses link bonding with mode XOR.

.. topic:: LBOND_MODE_LACP

    All test cases which uses link bonding with mode LACP.

.. topic:: LBOND_LB_L34

    All test cases which uses link bonding with load-balance mode l34.

Feature tags

.. topic:: IACLDST

    iACL destination.

.. topic:: COPWHLIST

    COP whitelist.

.. topic:: NAT44

    NAT44 configured and tested.

.. topic:: NAT64

    NAT44 configured and tested.

.. topic:: ACL

    ACL plugin configured and tested.

.. topic:: IACL

    ACL plugin configured and tested on input path.

.. topic:: OACL

    ACL plugin configured and tested on output path.

.. topic:: ACL_STATELESS

    ACL plugin configured and tested in stateless mode (permit action).

.. topic:: ACL_STATEFUL

    ACL plugin configured and tested in stateful mode (permit+reflect action).

.. topic:: ACL1

    ACL plugin configured and tested with 1 not-hitting ACE.

.. topic:: ACL10

    ACL plugin configured and tested with 10 not-hitting ACEs.

.. topic:: ACL50

    ACL plugin configured and tested with 50 not-hitting ACEs.

.. topic:: SRv6_PROXY

    SRv6 endpoint to SR-unaware appliance via proxy.

.. topic:: SRv6_PROXY_STAT

    SRv6 endpoint to SR-unaware appliance via static proxy.

.. topic:: SRv6_PROXY_DYN

    SRv6 endpoint to SR-unaware appliance via dynamic proxy.

.. topic:: SRv6_PROXY_MASQ

    SRv6 endpoint to SR-unaware appliance via masquerading proxy.

Encryption tags

.. topic:: IPSECSW

    Crypto in software.

.. topic:: IPSECHW

    Crypto in hardware.

.. topic:: IPSECTRAN

    IPSec in transport mode.

.. topic:: IPSECTUN

    IPSec in tunnel mode.

Client-workload tags

.. topic:: VM

    All test cases which use at least one virtual machine.

.. topic:: LXC

    All test cases which use Linux container and LXC utils.

.. topic:: DOCKER

    All test cases which use Docker as container manager.

.. topic:: APP

    All test cases with specific APP use.

Container orchestration tags

.. topic:: K8S

    All test cases which use Kubernetes for orchestration.


    All test cases which use ligato/sfc_controller for driving configuration
    of vpp inside container.

.. topic:: VPP_AGENT

    All test cases which use Golang implementation of a control/management plane
    for VPP

.. topic:: 1VSWITCH

    VPP running in Docker container acting as VSWITCH.

.. topic:: 1VNF

    1 VPP running in Docker container acting as VNF work load.

.. topic:: 2VNF

    2 VPP running in 2 Docker containers acting as VNF work load.

.. topic:: 4VNF

    4 VPP running in 4 Docker containers acting as VNF work load.

Multi-threading tags

.. topic:: STHREAD

    All test cases using single poll mode thread.

.. topic:: MTHREAD

    All test cases using more then one poll mode driver thread.

.. topic:: 1NUMA

    All test cases with packet processing on single socket.

.. topic:: 2NUMA

    All test cases with packet processing on two sockets.

.. topic:: SMT

    All test cases with symmetric Multi-Threading (HyperThreading) enabled.

.. topic:: NOSMT

    All test cases with symmetric Multi-Threading (HyperThreading) disabled.

.. topic:: 1T1C

    1 worker thread pinned to 1 dedicated physical core. 1 receive queue per
    interface. Main thread pinned to core 0.

.. topic:: 2T2C

    2 worker threads pinned to 2 dedicated physical cores. 1 receive queue per
    interface. Main thread pinned to core 0.

.. topic:: 4T4C

    4 worker threads pinned to 4 dedicated physical cores. 2 receive queues per
    interface. Main thread pinned to core 0.

.. topic:: 6T6C

    6 worker threads pinned to 6 dedicated physical cores. 3 receive queues per
    interface. Main thread pinned to core 0.

.. topic:: 8T8C

    8 worker threads pinned to 8 dedicated physical cores. 4 receive queues per
    interface. Main thread pinned to core 0.

Honeycomb tags

.. topic:: HC_FUNC

    Honeycomb functional test cases.

.. topic:: HC_NSH

    Honeycomb NSH test cases.

.. topic:: HC_PERSIST

    Honeycomb persistence test cases.

.. topic:: HC_REST_ONLY

    (Exclusion tag) Honeycomb test cases that cannot be run in Netconf mode
    using ODL client for Restfconf -> Netconf translation.