Running CSIT locally in Vagrant ------------------------------- Install prerequisites ===================== Run all commands from command line. 1. Download and install virtualbox from `official page <>`_. To verify the installation, run VBoxManage: - on windows:: "C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\VBoxManage.exe" --version - on nix:: VBoxManage --version Tested version: 6.1.16r140961 2. Download and install latest vagrant `from official page <>`_. To verify the installtion, run:: vagrant -v Tested version: Vagrant 2.2.15 3. Install vagrant plugins:: vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest vagrant plugin install vagrant-cachier If you are behind a proxy, install proxyconf plugin and update proxy settings in Vagrantfile:: vagrant plugin install vagrant-proxyconf Set up and run Vagrant virtualbox ====================================== Before running following commands change working directory to Vagrant specific directory (from within root CSIT directory) :: cd csit.infra.vagrant This allows Vagrant to automatically find Vagrantfile and corresponding Vagrant environment. Start the provisioning:: vagrant up --provider virtualbox Your new VPP Device virtualbox machine will be created and configured. Master branch of csit project will be cloned inside virtual machine into /home/vagrant/csit folder. Once the process is finished, you can login to the box using:: vagrant ssh In case you need to completely rebuild the box and start from scratch, run these commands:: vagrant destroy -f vagrant up --provider virtualbox Run tests ============================== From within the box run the tests using:: cd /home/vagrant/csit/resources/libraries/bash/entry ./ csit-vpp-device-master-ubuntu2004-1n-vbox To run only selected tests based on TAGS, export environment variables before running the test suite:: export GERRIT_EVENT_TYPE="comment-added" export GERRIT_EVENT_COMMENT_TEXT="devicetest memif" # now it will run tests, selected based on tags ./ csit-vpp-device-master-ubuntu2004-1n-vbox