cluster_name = "{{ vault_cluster_name }}" max_lease_ttl = "{{ vault_max_lease_ttl }}" default_lease_ttl = "{{ vault_default_lease_ttl }}" disable_clustering = "{{ vault_cluster_disable | bool | lower }}" cluster_addr = "{{ vault_cluster_addr }}" api_addr = "{{ vault_api_addr }}" {% for l in vault_tcp_listeners %} listener "tcp" { address = "{{ l.vault_address }}:{{ l.vault_port }}" cluster_address = "{{ l.vault_cluster_address }}" {% if (l.vault_proxy_protocol_behavior is defined and l.vault_proxy_protocol_behavior) -%} proxy_protocol_behavior = "{{ l.vault_proxy_protocol_behavior }}" {% if (l.vault_proxy_protocol_authorized_addrs is defined) -%} proxy_protocol_authorized_addrs = "{{ l.vault_proxy_protocol_authorized_addrs }}" {% endif -%} {% endif -%} {% if not (l.vault_tls_disable | bool) -%} tls_cert_file = "{{ l.vault_tls_config_path }}/{{ l.vault_tls_cert_file }}" tls_key_file = "{{ l.vault_tls_config_path }}/{{ l.vault_tls_key_file }}" tls_client_ca_file="{{ l.vault_tls_config_path }}/{{ l.vault_tls_ca_file }}" tls_min_version = "{{ l.vault_tls_min_version }}" {% if vault_tls_cipher_suites is defined and vault_tls_cipher_suites -%} tls_cipher_suites = "{{ l.vault_tls_cipher_suites}}" {% endif -%} tls_prefer_server_cipher_suites = "{{ l.vault_tls_prefer_server_cipher_suites }}" {% if (l.vault_tls_require_and_verify_client_cert | bool) -%} tls_require_and_verify_client_cert = "{{ l.vault_tls_require_and_verify_client_cert | bool | lower}}" {% endif -%} {% if (l.vault_tls_disable_client_certs | bool) -%} tls_disable_client_certs = "{{ l.vault_tls_disable_client_certs | bool | lower}}" {% endif -%} {% endif -%} tls_disable = "{{ l.vault_tls_disable | bool | lower }}" } {% endfor %} {% if (vault_listener_localhost_enable | bool) -%} listener "tcp" { address = "{{ vault_port }}" cluster_address = "" tls_disable = "true" } {% endif -%} {# Select which storage backend you want generated and placed in the vault configuration file. #} {%- if vault_backend == 'consul' -%} {% include vault_backend_consul with context %} {% elif vault_backend == 'etcd' -%} {% include vault_backend_etcd with context %} {% elif vault_backend == 'file' -%} {% include vault_backend_file with context %} {% elif vault_backend == 's3' -%} {% include vault_backend_s3 with context %} {% elif vault_backend == 'dynamodb' -%} {% include vault_backend_dynamodb with context %} {% elif vault_backend == 'mysql' -%} {% include vault_backend_mysql with context %} {% elif vault_backend == 'gcs' -%} {% include vault_backend_gcs with context %} {% elif vault_backend == 'raft' -%} {% include vault_backend_raft with context %} {% endif %} {% if vault_service_registration_consul_enable -%} {% include vault_service_registration_consul_template with context %} {% endif %} {% if vault_ui %} ui = {{ vault_ui | bool | lower }} {% endif %} {% if vault_telemetry_enabled | bool -%} telemetry { {% if vault_statsite_address is defined -%} statsite_address = "{{vault_statsite_address}}" {% endif -%} {% if vault_statsd_address is defined -%} statsd_address = "{{vault_statsd_address}}" {% endif -%} {% if vault_prometheus_retention_time is defined -%} prometheus_retention_time = "{{ vault_prometheus_retention_time }}" {% endif -%} {% if vault_telemetry_disable_hostname is defined -%} disable_hostname = {{vault_telemetry_disable_hostname | bool | lower }} {% endif %} } {% endif %}