# Variables for elastic beanstalk VPC variable "vpc_cidr_block" { description = "The CIDR block for the association." type = string default = "" } variable "vpc_enable_dns_hostnames" { description = "Whether or not the VPC has DNS hostname support." type = bool default = true } variable "vpc_enable_dns_support" { description = "Whether or not the VPC has DNS support." type = bool default = true } variable "vpc_instance_tenancy" { description = "The allowed tenancy of instances launched into the selected VPC." type = string default = "default" } # Variables for elastic beanstalk Subnet variable "subnet_availability_zone" { description = "AWS availability zone" type = string default = "us-east-1a" } # Variables for elastic beanstalk Application variable "application_description" { description = "Short description of the application." type = string default = "Beanstalk Application" } variable "application_name" { description = "The name of the application, must be unique within account." type = string default = "Beanstalk" } variable "appversion_lifecycle_service_role_arn" { description = "The service role ARN to use for application version cleanup. If left empty, the `appversion_lifecycle` block will not be created." type = string default = "" } variable "appversion_lifecycle_max_count" { description = "The max number of application versions to keep" type = number default = 2 } variable "appversion_lifecycle_delete_source_from_s3" { description = "Whether to delete application versions from S3 source" type = bool default = false } # Variables for elastic beanstalk Environment variable "environment_description" { description = "Short description of the environment." type = string default = "Beanstalk Environment" } variable "environment_name" { description = "A unique name for this Environment. This name is used in the application URL." type = string default = "Beanstalk-env" } variable "environment_solution_stack_name" { description = "A solution stack to base your environment off of." type = string default = "64bit Amazon Linux 2 v3.3.11 running Python 3.8" } variable "environment_tier" { description = "The environment tier specified." type = string default = "WebServer" } variable "environment_wait_for_ready_timeout" { description = "The maximum duration to wait for the Elastic Beanstalk Environment to be in a ready state before timing out" type = string default = "20m" } variable "environment_version_label" { description = "The name of the Elastic Beanstalk Application Version to use in deployment." type = string default = "" } # aws:ec2:instances variable "instances_instance_types" { description = "Instances type" type = string default = "t3.medium" } # aws:ec2:vpc variable "associate_public_ip_address" { description = "Whether to associate public IP addresses to the instances." type = bool default = true } variable "elb_scheme" { description = "Specify `internal` if you want to create an internal load balancer in your Amazon VPC so that your Elastic Beanstalk application cannot be accessed from outside your Amazon VPC." type = string default = "public" } # aws:elbv2:listener:default variable "default_listener_enabled" { description = "Set to false to disable the listener. You can use this option to disable the default listener on port 80." type = bool default = true } # aws:elasticbeanstalk:environment variable "environment_loadbalancer_type" { description = "Load Balancer type, e.g. 'application' or 'classic'." type = string default = "network" } # aws:elasticbeanstalk:environment:process:default variable "environment_process_default_healthcheck_interval" { description = "The interval of time, in seconds, that Elastic Load Balancing checks the health of the Amazon EC2 instances of your application." type = number default = 10 } variable "environment_process_default_healthy_threshold_count" { description = "The number of consecutive successful requests before Elastic Load Balancing changes the instance health status." type = number default = 3 } variable "environment_process_default_port" { description = "Port application is listening on." type = number default = 5000 } variable "environment_process_default_unhealthy_threshold_count" { description = "The number of consecutive unsuccessful requests before Elastic Load Balancing changes the instance health status." type = number default = 3 } # aws:elasticbeanstalk:healthreporting:system variable "healthreporting_system_type" { description = "Whether to enable enhanced health reporting for this environment" type = string default = "enhanced" } # aws:elasticbeanstalk:managedactions variable "managedactions_managed_actions_enabled" { description = "Enable managed platform updates. When you set this to true, you must also specify a `PreferredStartTime` and `UpdateLevel`" type = bool default = true } variable "managedactions_preferred_start_time" { description = "Configure a maintenance window for managed actions in UTC" type = string default = "Sun:10:00" } # aws:elasticbeanstalk:managedactions:platformupdate variable "managedactions_platformupdate_update_level" { description = "The highest level of update to apply with managed platform updates" type = string default = "minor" } variable "managedactions_platformupdate_instance_refresh_enabled" { description = "Enable weekly instance replacement." type = bool default = true } # aws:autoscaling:asg variable "autoscaling_asg_minsize" { description = "Minumum instances to launch" type = number default = 1 } variable "autoscaling_asg_maxsize" { description = "Maximum instances to launch" type = number default = 2 } # aws:autoscaling:trigger variable "autoscaling_trigger_measure_name" { description = "Metric used for your Auto Scaling trigger" type = string default = "CPUUtilization" } variable "autoscaling_trigger_statistic" { description = "Statistic the trigger should use, such as Average" type = string default = "Average" } variable "autoscaling_trigger_unit" { description = "Unit for the trigger measurement, such as Bytes" type = string default = "Percent" } variable "autoscaling_trigger_lower_threshold" { description = "Minimum level of autoscale metric to remove an instance" type = number default = 20 } variable "autoscaling_trigger_lower_breach_scale_increment" { description = "How many Amazon EC2 instances to remove when performing a scaling activity." type = number default = -1 } variable "autoscaling_trigger_upper_threshold" { description = "Maximum level of autoscale metric to add an instance" type = number default = 80 } variable "autoscaling_trigger_upper_breach_scale_increment" { description = "How many Amazon EC2 instances to add when performing a scaling activity" type = number default = 1 } # aws:elasticbeanstalk:hostmanager variable "hostmanager_log_publication_control" { description = "Copy the log files for your application's Amazon EC2 instances to the Amazon S3 bucket associated with your application" type = bool default = true } # aws:elasticbeanstalk:cloudwatch:logs variable "cloudwatch_logs_stream_logs" { description = "Whether to create groups in CloudWatch Logs for proxy and deployment logs, and stream logs from each instance in your environment" type = bool default = true } variable "cloudwatch_logs_delete_on_terminate" { description = "Whether to delete the log groups when the environment is terminated. If false, the logs are kept RetentionInDays days" type = bool default = true } variable "cloudwatch_logs_retention_in_days" { description = "The number of days to keep log events before they expire." type = number default = 3 } # aws:elasticbeanstalk:cloudwatch:logs:health variable "cloudwatch_logs_health_health_streaming_enabled" { description = "For environments with enhanced health reporting enabled, whether to create a group in CloudWatch Logs for environment health and archive Elastic Beanstalk environment health data. For information about enabling enhanced health, see aws:elasticbeanstalk:healthreporting:system." type = bool default = true } variable "cloudwatch_logs_health_delete_on_terminate" { description = "Whether to delete the log group when the environment is terminated. If false, the health data is kept RetentionInDays days." type = bool default = true } variable "cloudwatch_logs_health_retention_in_days" { description = "The number of days to keep the archived health data before it expires." type = number default = 3 } variable "environment_type" { description = "Environment type, e.g. 'LoadBalanced' or 'SingleInstance'. If setting to 'SingleInstance', `rolling_update_type` must be set to 'Time', `updating_min_in_service` must be set to 0, and `loadbalancer_subnets` will be unused (it applies to the ELB, which does not exist in SingleInstance environments)." type = string default = "LoadBalanced" } # aws:elasticbeanstalk:application:environment variable "environment_variables" { description = "Map of custom ENV variables to be provided to the application." type = map(string) default = {} }