variable "region" { description = "AWS Region" type = string } variable "vault-name" { default = "dynamic-aws-creds-vault-admin" } variable "ami_image" { description = "AWS AMI image name" type = string } variable "testbed_name" { description = "Testbed name" type = string } variable "instance_type" { description = "AWS instance type" type = string } variable "avail_zone" { description = "AWS availability zone" type = string } variable "topology_name" { description = "Prefix used when creating a topology file" type = string default = "3n_aws_c5n" } variable "environment_name" { description = "Environment name - used for Environment tag" type = string default = "CSIT-AWS" } variable "resources_name_prefix" { description = "Resource prefix - used for Name tag" type = string default = "CSIT_3n_aws_c5n" } variable "first_run_commands" { description = "Commands to run after deployment via remote-exec" type = list(string) default = [""] } variable "ansible_file_path" { description = "Path to Ansible playbook" type = string default = "../../fdio.infra.ansible/site.yaml" } variable "ansible_python_executable" { description = "Path to Python interpreter" type = string default = "/usr/bin/python3" } variable "ansible_topology_path" { description = "Path to Ansible playbook which creates a topology file" type = string default = "../../fdio.infra.ansible/cloud_topology.yaml" } variable "ansible_provision_pwd" { description = "Password used for ansible provisioning (ansible_ssh_pass)" type = string default = "Csit1234" } # Base VPC CIDRs variable "vpc_cidr_mgmt" { description = "Management CIDR block" type = string default = "" } variable "vpc_cidr_b" { description = "CIDR block B" type = string default = "" } variable "vpc_cidr_c" { description = "CIDR block C" type = string default = "" } variable "vpc_cidr_d" { description = "CIDR block D" type = string default = "" } # Trex Dummy CIDRs variable "trex_dummy_cidr_port_0" { description = "TREX dummy CIDR" type = string default = "" } variable "trex_dummy_cidr_port_1" { description = "TREX dummy CIDR" type = string default = "" } # IPs variable "tg_if1_ip" { description = "TG IP on interface 1" type = string default = "" } variable "tg_if2_ip" { description = "TG IP on interface 2" type = string default = "" } variable "dut1_if1_ip" { description = "DUT IP on interface 1" type = string default = "" } variable "dut1_if2_ip" { description = "DUT IP on interface 2" type = string default = "" } variable "dut2_if1_ip" { description = "DUT2 IP on interface 1" type = string default = "" } variable "dut2_if2_ip" { description = "DUT2 IP on interface 2" type = string default = "" } variable "tg_mgmt_ip" { description = "TG management interface IP" type = string default = "" } variable "dut1_mgmt_ip" { description = "DUT1 management interface IP" type = string default = "" } variable "dut2_mgmt_ip" { description = "DUT2 management interface IP" type = string default = "" }