variable "nomad_acl" { description = "Nomad ACLs enabled/disabled." type = bool default = false } variable "nomad_provider_address" { description = " Nomad cluster address." type = string default = "" } variable "nomad_provider_ca_file" { description = "A local file path to a PEM-encoded certificate authority." type = string default = "/etc/nomad.d/ssl/nomad-ca.pem" } variable "nomad_provider_cert_file" { description = "A local file path to a PEM-encoded certificate." type = string default = "/etc/nomad.d/ssl/nomad-cli.pem" } variable "nomad_provider_key_file" { description = "A local file path to a PEM-encoded private key." type = string default = "/etc/nomad.d/ssl/nomad-cli-key.pem" } variable "vault_provider_address" { description = "Vault cluster address." type = string default = "http://vault.service.consul:8200" } variable "vault_provider_skip_tls_verify" { description = "Verification of the Vault server's TLS certificate." type = bool default = false } variable "vault_provider_token" { description = "Vault root token." type = string sensitive = true }