packer { required_plugins { amazon = { version = ">= 1.2.6" source = "" } } } variable "first_run_commands" { description = "Commands to run before deployment via remote-exec" type = list(string) default = [ "" ] } variable "last_run_commands" { description = "Commands to run after deployment via remote-exec" type = list(string) default = [ "sudo sed -i 's/Unattended-Upgrade \"1\"/Unattended-Upgrade \"0\"/g' /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/20auto-upgrades" ] } variable "ansible_file_path" { description = "Path to Ansible playbook" type = string default = "../../fdio.infra.ansible/site.yaml" } variable "ansible_python_executable" { description = "Path to Python interpreter" type = string default = "/usr/bin/python3" } variable "ansible_topology_path" { description = "Path to Ansible playbook which creates a topology file" type = string default = "../../fdio.infra.ansible/cloud_topology.yaml" } variable "ansible_provision_pwd" { description = "Password used for ansible provisioning (ansible_ssh_pass)" type = string default = "Csit1234" } source "amazon-ebs" "csit_ubuntu_jammy_x86_sut" { ami_name = "csit_ubuntu_jammy_x86_sut" ami_description = "CSIT SUT image based on Ubuntu Jammy" ena_support = true instance_type = "c6in.4xlarge" launch_block_device_mappings { device_name = "/dev/sda1" volume_size = 40 volume_type = "gp2" } force_deregister = true region = "eu-central-1" skip_create_ami = false source_ami = "ami-026c3177c9bd54288" ssh_username = "ubuntu" } source "amazon-ebs" "csit_ubuntu_jammy_x86_tg" { ami_name = "csit_ubuntu_jammy_x86_tg" ami_description = "CSIT TG image based on Ubuntu Jammy" ena_support = true instance_type = "c6in.4xlarge" launch_block_device_mappings { device_name = "/dev/sda1" volume_size = 40 volume_type = "gp2" } force_deregister = true region = "eu-central-1" skip_create_ami = false source_ami = "ami-026c3177c9bd54288" ssh_username = "ubuntu" } build { name = "csit_ubuntu_jammy_x86_sut-packer" sources = [ "" ] provisioner "shell" { inline = var.first_run_commands } provisioner "ansible" { playbook_file = var.ansible_file_path user = "ubuntu" use_proxy = false groups = ["sut_aws"] extra_arguments = [ "--extra-vars", "ansible_ssh_pass=${var.ansible_provision_pwd}", "--extra-vars", "aws=true" ] } provisioner "shell" { inline = var.last_run_commands } } build { name = "csit_ubuntu_jammy_x86_tg-packer" sources = [ "" ] provisioner "shell" { inline = var.first_run_commands } provisioner "ansible" { playbook_file = var.ansible_file_path user = "ubuntu" use_proxy = false groups = ["tg_aws"] extra_arguments = [ "--extra-vars", "ansible_ssh_pass=${var.ansible_provision_pwd}", "--extra-vars", "aws=true" ] } provisioner "shell" { inline = var.last_run_commands } }