# Copyright (c) 2019 Cisco and/or its affiliates. # Copyright (c) 2019 PANTHEON.tech and/or its affiliates. # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at: # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. set -exuo pipefail # This library defines functions used by multiple entry scripts. # Keep functions ordered alphabetically, please. # TODO: Add a link to bash style guide. # TODO: Consider putting every die into a {} block, # the code might become more readable (but longer). function activate_docker_topology () { # Create virtual vpp-device topology. Output of the function is topology # file describing created environment saved to a file. # # Variables read: # - BASH_FUNCTION_DIR - Path to existing directory this file is located in. # - TOPOLOGIES - Available topologies. # - NODENESS - Node multiplicity of desired testbed. # - FLAVOR - Node flavor string, usually describing the processor. # - IMAGE_VER_FILE - Name of file that contains the image version. # - CSIT_DIR - Directory where ${IMAGE_VER_FILE} is located. # Variables set: # - WORKING_TOPOLOGY - Path to topology file. set -exuo pipefail source "${BASH_FUNCTION_DIR}/device.sh" || { die "Source failed!" } device_image="$(< ${CSIT_DIR}/${IMAGE_VER_FILE})" case_text="${NODENESS}_${FLAVOR}" case "${case_text}" in "1n_skx" | "1n_tx2") # We execute reservation over csit-shim-dcr (ssh) which runs sourced # script's functions. Env variables are read from ssh output # back to localhost for further processing. hostname=$(grep search /etc/resolv.conf | cut -d' ' -f3) || die ssh="ssh root@${hostname} -p 6022" run="activate_wrapper ${NODENESS} ${FLAVOR} ${device_image}" # backtics to avoid https://midnight-commander.org/ticket/2142 env_vars=`${ssh} "$(declare -f); ${run}"` || { die "Topology reservation via shim-dcr failed!" } set -a source <(echo "$env_vars" | grep -v /usr/bin/docker) || { die "Source failed!" } set +a ;; "1n_vbox") # We execute reservation on localhost. Sourced script automatially # sets environment variables for further processing. activate_wrapper "${NODENESS}" "${FLAVOR}" "${device_image}" || die ;; *) die "Unknown specification: ${case_text}!" esac trap 'deactivate_docker_topology' EXIT || { die "Trap attempt failed, please cleanup manually. Aborting!" } # Replace all variables in template with those in environment. source <(echo 'cat <topo.yml'; cat ${TOPOLOGIES[0]}; echo EOF;) || { die "Topology file create failed!" } WORKING_TOPOLOGY="/tmp/topology.yaml" mv topo.yml "${WORKING_TOPOLOGY}" || { die "Topology move failed!" } cat ${WORKING_TOPOLOGY} | grep -v password || { die "Topology read failed!" } } function activate_virtualenv () { # Update virtualenv pip package, delete and create virtualenv directory, # activate the virtualenv, install requirements, set PYTHONPATH. # Arguments: # - ${1} - Path to existing directory for creating virtualenv in. # If missing or empty, ${CSIT_DIR} is used. # - ${2} - Path to requirements file, ${CSIT_DIR}/requirements.txt if empty. # Variables read: # - CSIT_DIR - Path to existing root of local CSIT git repository. # Variables exported: # - PYTHONPATH - CSIT_DIR, as CSIT Python scripts usually need this. # Functions called: # - die - Print to stderr and exit. set -exuo pipefail root_path="${1-$CSIT_DIR}" env_dir="${root_path}/env" req_path=${2-$CSIT_DIR/requirements.txt} rm -rf "${env_dir}" || die "Failed to clean previous virtualenv." pip install --upgrade virtualenv || { die "Virtualenv package install failed." } virtualenv "${env_dir}" || { die "Virtualenv creation failed." } set +u source "${env_dir}/bin/activate" || die "Virtualenv activation failed." set -u pip install --upgrade -r "${req_path}" || { die "Requirements installation failed." } # Most CSIT Python scripts assume PYTHONPATH is set and exported. export PYTHONPATH="${CSIT_DIR}" || die "Export failed." } function archive_tests () { # Create .tar.xz of generated/tests for archiving. # To be run after generate_tests, kept separate to offer more flexibility. # Directory read: # - ${GENERATED_DIR}/tests - Tree of executed suites to archive. # File rewriten: # - ${ARCHIVE_DIR}/tests.tar.xz - Archive of generated tests. set -exuo pipefail tar c "${GENERATED_DIR}/tests" | xz -9e > "${ARCHIVE_DIR}/tests.tar.xz" || { die "Error creating archive of generated tests." } } function check_download_dir () { # Fail if there are no files visible in ${DOWNLOAD_DIR}. # # Variables read: # - DOWNLOAD_DIR - Path to directory pybot takes the build to test from. # Directories read: # - ${DOWNLOAD_DIR} - Has to be non-empty to proceed. # Functions called: # - die - Print to stderr and exit. set -exuo pipefail if [[ ! "$(ls -A "${DOWNLOAD_DIR}")" ]]; then die "No artifacts downloaded!" fi } function check_prerequisites () { # Fail if prerequisites are not met. # # Functions called: # - installed - Check if application is installed/present in system. # - die - Print to stderr and exit. set -exuo pipefail if ! installed sshpass; then die "Please install sshpass before continue!" fi } function cleanup_topo () { # Variables read: # - WORKING_TOPOLOGY - Path to topology yaml file of the reserved testbed. # - PYTHON_SCRIPTS_DIR - Path to directory holding the reservation script. set -exuo pipefail python "${PYTHON_SCRIPTS_DIR}/topo_cleanup.py" -t "${WORKING_TOPOLOGY}" # Not using "|| die" as some callers might want to ignore errors, # e.g. in teardowns, such as unreserve. } function common_dirs () { # Set global variables, create some directories (without touching content). # Variables set: # - BASH_FUNCTION_DIR - Path to existing directory this file is located in. # - CSIT_DIR - Path to existing root of local CSIT git repository. # - TOPOLOGIES_DIR - Path to existing directory with available tpologies. # - RESOURCES_DIR - Path to existing CSIT subdirectory "resources". # - TOOLS_DIR - Path to existing resources subdirectory "tools". # - PYTHON_SCRIPTS_DIR - Path to existing tools subdirectory "scripts". # - ARCHIVE_DIR - Path to created CSIT subdirectory "archive". # - DOWNLOAD_DIR - Path to created CSIT subdirectory "download_dir". # - GENERATED_DIR - Path to created CSIT subdirectory "generated". # Directories created if not present: # ARCHIVE_DIR, DOWNLOAD_DIR, GENERATED_DIR. # Functions called: # - die - Print to stderr and exit. set -exuo pipefail this_file=$(readlink -e "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}") || { die "Some error during locating of this source file." } BASH_FUNCTION_DIR=$(dirname "${this_file}") || { die "Some error during dirname call." } # Current working directory could be in a different repo, e.g. VPP. pushd "${BASH_FUNCTION_DIR}" || die "Pushd failed" relative_csit_dir=$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel) || { die "Git rev-parse failed." } CSIT_DIR=$(readlink -e "${relative_csit_dir}") || die "Readlink failed." popd || die "Popd failed." TOPOLOGIES_DIR=$(readlink -e "${CSIT_DIR}/topologies/available") || { die "Readlink failed." } RESOURCES_DIR=$(readlink -e "${CSIT_DIR}/resources") || { die "Readlink failed." } TOOLS_DIR=$(readlink -e "${RESOURCES_DIR}/tools") || { die "Readlink failed." } DOC_GEN_DIR=$(readlink -e "${TOOLS_DIR}/doc_gen") || { die "Readlink failed." } PYTHON_SCRIPTS_DIR=$(readlink -e "${TOOLS_DIR}/scripts") || { die "Readlink failed." } ARCHIVE_DIR=$(readlink -f "${CSIT_DIR}/archive") || { die "Readlink failed." } mkdir -p "${ARCHIVE_DIR}" || die "Mkdir failed." DOWNLOAD_DIR=$(readlink -f "${CSIT_DIR}/download_dir") || { die "Readlink failed." } mkdir -p "${DOWNLOAD_DIR}" || die "Mkdir failed." GENERATED_DIR=$(readlink -f "${CSIT_DIR}/generated") || { die "Readlink failed." } mkdir -p "${GENERATED_DIR}" || die "Mkdir failed." } function compose_pybot_arguments () { # Variables read: # - WORKING_TOPOLOGY - Path to topology yaml file of the reserved testbed. # - DUT - CSIT test/ subdirectory, set while processing tags. # - TAGS - Array variable holding selected tag boolean expressions. # - TOPOLOGIES_TAGS - Tag boolean expression filtering tests for topology. # - TEST_CODE - The test selection string from environment or argument. # Variables set: # - PYBOT_ARGS - String holding part of all arguments for pybot. # - EXPANDED_TAGS - Array of strings pybot arguments compiled from tags. set -exuo pipefail # No explicit check needed with "set -u". PYBOT_ARGS=("--loglevel" "TRACE") PYBOT_ARGS+=("--variable" "TOPOLOGY_PATH:${WORKING_TOPOLOGY}") case "${TEST_CODE}" in *"device"*) PYBOT_ARGS+=("--suite" "tests.${DUT}.device") ;; *"func"*) PYBOT_ARGS+=("--suite" "tests.${DUT}.func") ;; *"perf"*) PYBOT_ARGS+=("--suite" "tests.${DUT}.perf") ;; *) die "Unknown specification: ${TEST_CODE}" esac EXPANDED_TAGS=() for tag in "${TAGS[@]}"; do if [[ ${tag} == "!"* ]]; then EXPANDED_TAGS+=("--exclude" "${tag#$"!"}") else EXPANDED_TAGS+=("--include" "${TOPOLOGIES_TAGS}AND${tag}") fi done } function copy_archives () { # Create additional archive if workspace variable is set. # This way if script is running in jenkins all will be # automatically archived to logs.fd.io. # # Variables read: # - WORKSPACE - Jenkins workspace, copy only if the value is not empty. # Can be unset, then it speeds up manual testing. # - ARCHIVE_DIR - Path to directory with content to be copied. # Directories updated: # - ${WORKSPACE}/archives/ - Created if does not exist. # Content of ${ARCHIVE_DIR}/ is copied here. # Functions called: # - die - Print to stderr and exit. set -exuo pipefail if [[ -n "${WORKSPACE-}" ]]; then mkdir -p "${WORKSPACE}/archives/" || die "Archives dir create failed." cp -rf "${ARCHIVE_DIR}"/* "${WORKSPACE}/archives" || die "Copy failed." fi } function deactivate_docker_topology () { # Deactivate virtual vpp-device topology by removing containers. # # Variables read: # - NODENESS - Node multiplicity of desired testbed. # - FLAVOR - Node flavor string, usually describing the processor. set -exuo pipefail case_text="${NODENESS}_${FLAVOR}" case "${case_text}" in "1n_skx" | "1n_tx2") hostname=$(grep search /etc/resolv.conf | cut -d' ' -f3) || die ssh="ssh root@${hostname} -p 6022" env_vars=$(env | grep CSIT_ | tr '\n' ' ' ) || die ${ssh} "$(declare -f); deactivate_wrapper ${env_vars}" || { die "Topology cleanup via shim-dcr failed!" } ;; "1n_vbox") enter_mutex || die clean_environment || { die "Topology cleanup locally failed!" } exit_mutex || die ;; *) die "Unknown specification: ${case_text}!" esac } function die () { # Print the message to standard error end exit with error code specified # by the second argument. # # Hardcoded values: # - The default error message. # Arguments: # - ${1} - The whole error message, be sure to quote. Optional # - ${2} - the code to exit with, default: 1. set -x set +eu warn "${1:-Unspecified run-time error occurred!}" exit "${2:-1}" } function die_on_pybot_error () { # Source this fragment if you want to abort on any failed test case. # # Variables read: # - PYBOT_EXIT_STATUS - Set by a pybot running fragment. # Functions called: # - die - Print to stderr and exit. set -exuo pipefail if [[ "${PYBOT_EXIT_STATUS}" != "0" ]]; then die "Test failures are present!" "${PYBOT_EXIT_STATUS}" fi } function generate_tests () { # Populate ${GENERATED_DIR}/tests based on ${CSIT_DIR}/tests/. # Any previously existing content of ${GENERATED_DIR}/tests is wiped before. # The generation is done by executing any *.py executable # within any subdirectory after copying. # This is a separate function, because this code is called # both by autogen checker and entries calling run_pybot. # Directories read: # - ${CSIT_DIR}/tests - Used as templates for the generated tests. # Directories replaced: # - ${GENERATED_DIR}/tests - Overwritten by the generated tests. set -exuo pipefail rm -rf "${GENERATED_DIR}/tests" || die cp -r "${CSIT_DIR}/tests" "${GENERATED_DIR}/tests" || die cmd_line=("find" "${GENERATED_DIR}/tests" "-type" "f") cmd_line+=("-executable" "-name" "*.py") file_list=$("${cmd_line[@]}") || die for gen in ${file_list}; do directory="$(dirname "${gen}")" || die filename="$(basename "${gen}")" || die pushd "${directory}" || die ./"${filename}" || die popd || die done } function get_test_code () { # Arguments: # - ${1} - Optional, argument of entry script (or empty as unset). # Test code value to override job name from environment. # Variables read: # - JOB_NAME - String affecting test selection, default if not argument. # Variables set: # - TEST_CODE - The test selection string from environment or argument. # - NODENESS - Node multiplicity of desired testbed. # - FLAVOR - Node flavor string, usually describing the processor. set -exuo pipefail TEST_CODE="${1-}" || die "Reading optional argument failed, somehow." if [[ -z "${TEST_CODE}" ]]; then TEST_CODE="${JOB_NAME-}" || die "Reading job name failed, somehow." fi case "${TEST_CODE}" in *"1n-vbox"*) NODENESS="1n" FLAVOR="vbox" ;; *"1n-skx"*) NODENESS="1n" FLAVOR="skx" ;; *"1n-tx2"*) NODENESS="1n" FLAVOR="tx2" ;; *"2n-skx"*) NODENESS="2n" FLAVOR="skx" ;; *"3n-skx"*) NODENESS="3n" FLAVOR="skx" ;; *"2n-clx"*) NODENESS="2n" FLAVOR="clx" ;; *"2n-dnv"*) NODENESS="2n" FLAVOR="dnv" ;; *"3n-dnv"*) NODENESS="3n" FLAVOR="dnv" ;; *"3n-tsh"*) NODENESS="3n" FLAVOR="tsh" ;; *) # Fallback to 3-node Haswell by default (backward compatibility) NODENESS="3n" FLAVOR="hsw" ;; esac } function get_test_tag_string () { # Variables read: # - GERRIT_EVENT_TYPE - Event type set by gerrit, can be unset. # - GERRIT_EVENT_COMMENT_TEXT - Comment text, read for "comment-added" type. # - TEST_CODE - The test selection string from environment or argument. # Variables set: # - TEST_TAG_STRING - The string following trigger word in gerrit comment. # May be empty, not set on event types not adding comment. # TODO: ci-management scripts no longer need to perform this. set -exuo pipefail trigger="" if [[ "${GERRIT_EVENT_TYPE-}" == "comment-added" ]]; then case "${TEST_CODE}" in *"device"*) # On parsing error, ${trigger} stays empty. trigger="$(echo "${GERRIT_EVENT_COMMENT_TEXT}" \ | grep -oE '(devicetest$|devicetest[[:space:]].+$)')" \ || true # Set test tags as string. TEST_TAG_STRING="${trigger#$"devicetest"}" ;; *"perf"*) # On parsing error, ${trigger} stays empty. comment="${GERRIT_EVENT_COMMENT_TEXT}" # As "perftest" can be followed by something, we substitute it. comment="${comment/perftest-2n/perftest}" comment="${comment/perftest-3n/perftest}" comment="${comment/perftest-hsw/perftest}" comment="${comment/perftest-skx/perftest}" comment="${comment/perftest-dnv/perftest}" comment="${comment/perftest-tsh/perftest}" tag_string="$(echo "${comment}" \ | grep -oE '(perftest$|perftest[[:space:]].+$)' || true)" # Set test tags as string. TEST_TAG_STRING="${tag_string#$"perftest"}" ;; *) die "Unknown specification: ${TEST_CODE}" esac fi } function installed () { # Check if the given utility is installed. Fail if not installed. # # Duplicate of common.sh function, as this file is also used standalone. # # Arguments: # - ${1} - Utility to check. # Returns: # - 0 - If command is installed. # - 1 - If command is not installed. set -exuo pipefail command -v "${1}" } function reserve_and_cleanup_testbed () { # Reserve physical testbed, perform cleanup, register trap to unreserve. # When cleanup fails, remove from topologies and keep retrying # until all topologies are removed. # # Variables read: # - TOPOLOGIES - Array of paths to topology yaml to attempt reservation on. # - PYTHON_SCRIPTS_DIR - Path to directory holding the reservation script. # - BUILD_TAG - Any string suitable as filename, identifying # test run executing this function. May be unset. # Variables set: # - TOPOLOGIES - Array of paths to topologies, with failed cleanups removed. # - WORKING_TOPOLOGY - Path to topology yaml file of the reserved testbed. # Functions called: # - die - Print to stderr and exit. # - ansible_hosts - Perform an action using ansible, see ansible.sh # Traps registered: # - EXIT - Calls cancel_all for ${WORKING_TOPOLOGY}. set -exuo pipefail while true; do for topo in "${TOPOLOGIES[@]}"; do set +e scrpt="${PYTHON_SCRIPTS_DIR}/topo_reservation.py" opts=("-t" "${topo}" "-r" "${BUILD_TAG:-Unknown}") python "${scrpt}" "${opts[@]}" result="$?" set -e if [[ "${result}" == "0" ]]; then # Trap unreservation before cleanup check, # so multiple jobs showing failed cleanup improve chances # of humans to notice and fix. WORKING_TOPOLOGY="${topo}" echo "Reserved: ${WORKING_TOPOLOGY}" trap "untrap_and_unreserve_testbed" EXIT || { message="TRAP ATTEMPT AND UNRESERVE FAILED, FIX MANUALLY." untrap_and_unreserve_testbed "${message}" || { die "Teardown should have died, not failed." } die "Trap attempt failed, unreserve succeeded. Aborting." } # Cleanup check. set +e ansible_hosts "cleanup" result="$?" set -e if [[ "${result}" == "0" ]]; then break fi warn "Testbed cleanup failed: ${topo}" untrap_and_unreserve_testbed "Fail of unreserve after cleanup." fi # Else testbed is accessible but currently reserved, moving on. done if [[ -n "${WORKING_TOPOLOGY-}" ]]; then # Exit the infinite while loop if we made a reservation. warn "Reservation and cleanup successful." break fi if [[ "${#TOPOLOGIES[@]}" == "0" ]]; then die "Run out of operational testbeds!" fi # Wait ~3minutes before next try. sleep_time="$[ ( ${RANDOM} % 20 ) + 180 ]s" || { die "Sleep time calculation failed." } echo "Sleeping ${sleep_time}" sleep "${sleep_time}" || die "Sleep failed." done } function run_pybot () { # Run pybot with options based on input variables. Create output_info.xml # # Variables read: # - CSIT_DIR - Path to existing root of local CSIT git repository. # - ARCHIVE_DIR - Path to store robot result files in. # - PYBOT_ARGS, EXPANDED_TAGS - See compose_pybot_arguments.sh # - GENERATED_DIR - Tests are assumed to be generated under there. # Variables set: # - PYBOT_EXIT_STATUS - Exit status of most recent pybot invocation. # Functions called: # - die - Print to stderr and exit. set -exuo pipefail all_options=("--outputdir" "${ARCHIVE_DIR}" "${PYBOT_ARGS[@]}") all_options+=("--noncritical" "EXPECTED_FAILING") all_options+=("${EXPANDED_TAGS[@]}") pushd "${CSIT_DIR}" || die "Change directory operation failed." set +e pybot "${all_options[@]}" "${GENERATED_DIR}/tests/" PYBOT_EXIT_STATUS="$?" set -e # Generate INFO level output_info.xml for post-processing. all_options=("--loglevel" "INFO") all_options+=("--log" "none") all_options+=("--report" "none") all_options+=("--output" "${ARCHIVE_DIR}/output_info.xml") all_options+=("${ARCHIVE_DIR}/output.xml") rebot "${all_options[@]}" || true popd || die "Change directory operation failed." } function select_arch_os () { # Set variables affected by local CPU architecture and operating system. # # Variables set: # - VPP_VER_FILE - Name of file in CSIT dir containing vpp stable version. # - IMAGE_VER_FILE - Name of file in CSIT dir containing the image name. # - PKG_SUFFIX - Suffix of OS package file name, "rpm" or "deb." set -exuo pipefail os_id=$(grep '^ID=' /etc/os-release | cut -f2- -d= | sed -e 's/\"//g') || { die "Get OS release failed." } case "${os_id}" in "ubuntu"*) IMAGE_VER_FILE="VPP_DEVICE_IMAGE_UBUNTU" VPP_VER_FILE="VPP_STABLE_VER_UBUNTU_BIONIC" PKG_SUFFIX="deb" ;; "centos"*) IMAGE_VER_FILE="VPP_DEVICE_IMAGE_CENTOS" VPP_VER_FILE="VPP_STABLE_VER_CENTOS" PKG_SUFFIX="rpm" ;; *) die "Unable to identify distro or os from ${os_id}" ;; esac arch=$(uname -m) || { die "Get CPU architecture failed." } case "${arch}" in "aarch64") IMAGE_VER_FILE="${IMAGE_VER_FILE}_ARM" ;; *) ;; esac } function select_tags () { # Variables read: # - WORKING_TOPOLOGY - Path to topology yaml file of the reserved testbed. # - TEST_CODE - String affecting test selection, usually jenkins job name. # - TEST_TAG_STRING - String selecting tags, from gerrit comment. # Can be unset. # - TOPOLOGIES_DIR - Path to existing directory with available tpologies. # - BASH_FUNCTION_DIR - Directory with input files to process. # Variables set: # - TAGS - Array of processed tag boolean expressions. set -exuo pipefail # NIC SELECTION start_pattern='^ TG:' end_pattern='^ \? \?[A-Za-z0-9]\+:' # Remove the TG section from topology file sed_command="/${start_pattern}/,/${end_pattern}/d" # All topologies DUT NICs available=$(sed "${sed_command}" "${TOPOLOGIES_DIR}"/* \ | grep -hoP "model: \K.*" | sort -u) # Selected topology DUT NICs reserved=$(sed "${sed_command}" "${WORKING_TOPOLOGY}" \ | grep -hoP "model: \K.*" | sort -u) # All topologies DUT NICs - Selected topology DUT NICs exclude_nics=($(comm -13 <(echo "${reserved}") <(echo "${available}"))) || { die "Computation of excluded NICs failed." } # Select default NIC tag. case "${TEST_CODE}" in *"3n-dnv"* | *"2n-dnv"*) default_nic="nic_intel-x553" ;; *"3n-tsh"*) default_nic="nic_intel-x520-da2" ;; *"3n-skx"* | *"2n-skx"* | *"2n-clx"*) default_nic="nic_intel-xxv710" ;; *"3n-hsw"*) default_nic="nic_intel-xl710" ;; *) default_nic="nic_intel-x710" ;; esac sed_nic_sub_cmd="sed s/\${default_nic}/${default_nic}/" # Tag file directory shorthand. tfd="${BASH_FUNCTION_DIR}" case "${TEST_CODE}" in # Select specific performance tests based on jenkins job type variable. *"ndrpdr-weekly"* ) readarray -t test_tag_array < "${tfd}/mlr-weekly.txt" || die ;; *"mrr-daily"* ) readarray -t test_tag_array <<< $(${sed_nic_sub_cmd} \ ${tfd}/mrr-daily-${FLAVOR}.txt) || die ;; *"mrr-weekly"* ) readarray -t test_tag_array < "${tfd}/mrr-weekly.txt" || die ;; * ) if [[ -z "${TEST_TAG_STRING-}" ]]; then # If nothing is specified, we will run pre-selected tests by # following tags. test_tag_array=("mrrAND${default_nic}AND1cAND64bANDip4base" "mrrAND${default_nic}AND1cAND78bANDip6base" "mrrAND${default_nic}AND1cAND64bANDl2bdbase" "mrrAND${default_nic}AND1cAND64bANDl2xcbase" "!dot1q" "!drv_avf") else # If trigger contains tags, split them into array. test_tag_array=(${TEST_TAG_STRING//:/ }) fi ;; esac # Blacklisting certain tags per topology. # # Reasons for blacklisting: # - ipsechw - Blacklisted on testbeds without crypto hardware accelerator. # TODO: Add missing reasons here (if general) or where used (if specific). case "${TEST_CODE}" in *"2n-skx"*) test_tag_array+=("!ipsechw") ;; *"3n-skx"*) test_tag_array+=("!ipsechw") # Not enough nic_intel-xxv710 to support double link tests. test_tag_array+=("!3_node_double_link_topoANDnic_intel-xxv710") ;; *"2n-clx"*) test_tag_array+=("!ipsechw") ;; *"2n-dnv"*) test_tag_array+=("!ipsechw") test_tag_array+=("!memif") test_tag_array+=("!srv6_proxy") test_tag_array+=("!vhost") test_tag_array+=("!vts") test_tag_array+=("!drv_avf") ;; *"3n-dnv"*) test_tag_array+=("!memif") test_tag_array+=("!srv6_proxy") test_tag_array+=("!vhost") test_tag_array+=("!vts") test_tag_array+=("!drv_avf") ;; *"3n-tsh"*) # 3n-tsh only has x520 NICs which don't work with AVF test_tag_array+=("!drv_avf") test_tag_array+=("!ipsechw") ;; *"3n-hsw"*) # TODO: Introduce NOIOMMU version of AVF tests. # TODO: Make (both) AVF tests work on Haswell, # or document why (some of) it is not possible. # https://github.com/FDio/vpp/blob/master/src/plugins/avf/README.md test_tag_array+=("!drv_avf") # All cards have access to QAT. But only one card (xl710) # resides in same NUMA as QAT. Other cards must go over QPI # which we do not want to even run. test_tag_array+=("!ipsechwNOTnic_intel-xl710") ;; *) # Default to 3n-hsw due to compatibility. test_tag_array+=("!drv_avf") test_tag_array+=("!ipsechwNOTnic_intel-xl710") ;; esac # We will add excluded NICs. test_tag_array+=("${exclude_nics[@]/#/!NIC_}") TAGS=() # We will prefix with perftest to prevent running other tests # (e.g. Functional). prefix="perftestAND" set +x if [[ "${TEST_CODE}" == "vpp-"* ]]; then # Automatic prefixing for VPP jobs to limit the NIC used and # traffic evaluation to MRR. if [[ "${TEST_TAG_STRING-}" == *"nic_"* ]]; then prefix="${prefix}mrrAND" else prefix="${prefix}mrrAND${default_nic}AND" fi fi for tag in "${test_tag_array[@]}"; do if [[ "${tag}" == "!"* ]]; then # Exclude tags are not prefixed. TAGS+=("${tag}") elif [[ "${tag}" != "" && "${tag}" != "#"* ]]; then # Empty and comment lines are skipped. # Other lines are normal tags, they are to be prefixed. TAGS+=("${prefix}${tag}") fi done set -x } function select_topology () { # Variables read: # - NODENESS - Node multiplicity of testbed, either "2n" or "3n". # - FLAVOR - Node flavor string, currently either "hsw" or "skx". # - CSIT_DIR - Path to existing root of local CSIT git repository. # - TOPOLOGIES_DIR - Path to existing directory with available topologies. # Variables set: # - TOPOLOGIES - Array of paths to suitable topology yaml files. # - TOPOLOGIES_TAGS - Tag expression selecting tests for the topology. # Functions called: # - die - Print to stderr and exit. set -exuo pipefail case_text="${NODENESS}_${FLAVOR}" case "${case_text}" in # TODO: Move tags to "# Blacklisting certain tags per topology" section. # TODO: Double link availability depends on NIC used. "1n_vbox") TOPOLOGIES=( "${TOPOLOGIES_DIR}"/*vpp_device*.template ) TOPOLOGIES_TAGS="2_node_single_link_topo" ;; "1n_skx" | "1n_tx2") TOPOLOGIES=( "${TOPOLOGIES_DIR}"/*vpp_device*.template ) TOPOLOGIES_TAGS="2_node_single_link_topo" ;; "2n_skx") TOPOLOGIES=( "${TOPOLOGIES_DIR}"/*2n_skx*.yaml ) TOPOLOGIES_TAGS="2_node_*_link_topo" ;; "3n_skx") TOPOLOGIES=( "${TOPOLOGIES_DIR}"/*3n_skx*.yaml ) TOPOLOGIES_TAGS="3_node_*_link_topo" ;; "2n_clx") TOPOLOGIES=( "${TOPOLOGIES_DIR}"/*2n_clx*.yaml ) TOPOLOGIES_TAGS="2_node_*_link_topo" ;; "2n_dnv") TOPOLOGIES=( "${TOPOLOGIES_DIR}"/*2n_dnv*.yaml ) TOPOLOGIES_TAGS="2_node_single_link_topo" ;; "3n_dnv") TOPOLOGIES=( "${TOPOLOGIES_DIR}"/*3n_dnv*.yaml ) TOPOLOGIES_TAGS="3_node_single_link_topo" ;; "3n_hsw") TOPOLOGIES=( "${TOPOLOGIES_DIR}"/*3n_hsw*.yaml ) TOPOLOGIES_TAGS="3_node_single_link_topo" ;; "3n_tsh") TOPOLOGIES=( "${TOPOLOGIES_DIR}"/*3n_tsh*.yaml ) TOPOLOGIES_TAGS="3_node_single_link_topo" ;; *) # No falling back to 3n_hsw default, that should have been done # by the function which has set NODENESS and FLAVOR. die "Unknown specification: ${case_text}" esac if [[ -z "${TOPOLOGIES-}" ]]; then die "No applicable topology found!" fi } function select_vpp_device_tags () { # Variables read: # - TEST_CODE - String affecting test selection, usually jenkins job name. # - TEST_TAG_STRING - String selecting tags, from gerrit comment. # Can be unset. # Variables set: # - TAGS - Array of processed tag boolean expressions. set -exuo pipefail case "${TEST_CODE}" in # Select specific device tests based on jenkins job type variable. * ) if [[ -z "${TEST_TAG_STRING-}" ]]; then # If nothing is specified, we will run pre-selected tests by # following tags. Items of array will be concatenated by OR # in Robot Framework. test_tag_array=() else # If trigger contains tags, split them into array. test_tag_array=(${TEST_TAG_STRING//:/ }) fi ;; esac # Blacklisting certain tags per topology. # # Reasons for blacklisting: # - avf - AVF is not possible to run on enic driver of VirtualBox. # - vhost - VirtualBox does not support nesting virtualization on Intel CPU. case "${TEST_CODE}" in *"1n-vbox"*) test_tag_array+=("!avf") test_tag_array+=("!vhost") ;; *) ;; esac TAGS=() # We will prefix with devicetest to prevent running other tests # (e.g. Functional). prefix="devicetestAND" if [[ "${TEST_CODE}" == "vpp-"* ]]; then # Automatic prefixing for VPP jobs to limit testing. prefix="${prefix}" fi for tag in "${test_tag_array[@]}"; do if [[ ${tag} == "!"* ]]; then # Exclude tags are not prefixed. TAGS+=("${tag}") else TAGS+=("${prefix}${tag}") fi done } function untrap_and_unreserve_testbed () { # Use this as a trap function to ensure testbed does not remain reserved. # Perhaps call directly before script exit, to free testbed for other jobs. # This function is smart enough to avoid multiple unreservations (so safe). # Topo cleanup is executed (call it best practice), ignoring failures. # # Hardcoded values: # - default message to die with if testbed might remain reserved. # Arguments: # - ${1} - Message to die with if unreservation fails. Default hardcoded. # Variables read (by inner function): # - WORKING_TOPOLOGY - Path to topology yaml file of the reserved testbed. # - PYTHON_SCRIPTS_DIR - Path to directory holding Python scripts. # Variables written: # - WORKING_TOPOLOGY - Set to empty string on successful unreservation. # Trap unregistered: # - EXIT - Failure to untrap is reported, but ignored otherwise. # Functions called: # - die - Print to stderr and exit. # - ansible_hosts - Perform an action using ansible, see ansible.sh set -xo pipefail set +eu # We do not want to exit early in a "teardown" function. trap - EXIT || echo "Trap deactivation failed, continuing anyway." wt="${WORKING_TOPOLOGY}" # Just to avoid too long lines. if [[ -z "${wt-}" ]]; then set -eu warn "Testbed looks unreserved already. Trap removal failed before?" else ansible_hosts "cleanup" || true python "${PYTHON_SCRIPTS_DIR}/topo_reservation.py" -c -t "${wt}" || { die "${1:-FAILED TO UNRESERVE, FIX MANUALLY.}" 2 } WORKING_TOPOLOGY="" set -eu fi } function warn () { # Print the message to standard error. # # Arguments: # - ${@} - The text of the message. set -exuo pipefail echo "$@" >&2 }