# Copyright (c) 2018 Cisco and/or its affiliates. # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at: # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. set -exuo pipefail # This library defines functions used mainly by "bootstrap" entry scripts. # Generally, the functions assume "common.sh" library has been sourced already. # Keep functions ordered alphabetically, please. # TODO: Add a link to bash style guide. function gather_build () { set -exuo pipefail # Variables read: # - TEST_CODE - String affecting test selection, usually jenkins job name. # - DOWNLOAD_DIR - Path to directory pybot takes the build to test from. # Variables set: # - DUT - CSIT test/ subdirectory containing suites to execute. # Directories updated: # - ${DOWNLOAD_DIR} - Files needed by tests are gathered here. # Functions called: # - die - Print to stderr and exit, defined in common.sh # - gather_dpdk, gather_vpp, gather_ligato - See their definitions. # Multiple other side effects are possible, # see functions called from here for their current description. # TODO: Separate DUT-from-TEST_CODE from gather-for-DUT, # when the first one becomes relevant for per_patch. pushd "${DOWNLOAD_DIR}" || die "Pushd failed." case "${TEST_CODE}" in *"hc2vpp"*) DUT="hc2vpp" # FIXME: Avoid failing on empty ${DOWNLOAD_DIR}. ;; *"vpp"*) DUT="vpp" gather_vpp || die "The function should have died on error." ;; *"ligato"*) DUT="kubernetes" gather_ligato || die "The function should have died on error." ;; *"dpdk"*) DUT="dpdk" gather_dpdk || die "The function should have died on error." ;; *) die "Unable to identify DUT type from: ${TEST_CODE}" ;; esac popd || die "Popd failed." } function gather_dpdk () { set -exuo pipefail # Ensure latest DPDK archive is downloaded. # # Variables read: # - TEST_CODE - The test selection string from environment or argument. # Hardcoded: # - dpdk archive name to download if TEST_CODE is not time based. # Directories updated: # - ./ - Assumed ${DOWNLOAD_DIR}, dpdk-*.tar.xz is downloaded if not there. # Functions called: # - die - Print to stderr and exit, defined in common.sh dpdk_repo="https://fast.dpdk.org/rel" # Use downloaded packages with specific version if [[ "${TEST_CODE}" == *"daily"* ]] || \ [[ "${TEST_CODE}" == *"weekly"* ]] || \ [[ "${TEST_CODE}" == *"timed"* ]]; then echo "Downloading latest DPDK packages from repo..." # URL is not in quotes, calling command from variable keeps them. wget_command=("wget" "--no-check-certificate" "-nv" "-O" "-") wget_command+=("${dpdk_repo}") dpdk_stable_ver="$("${wget_command[@]}" | grep -v "2015"\ | grep -Eo 'dpdk-[^\"]+xz' | tail -1)" || { die "Composite piped command failed." } else echo "Downloading DPDK package of specific version from repo ..." # Downloading DPDK version based on what VPP is using. Currently # it is not easy way to detect from VPP version automatically. dpdk_stable_ver="$(< "${CSIT_DIR}/DPDK_VPP_VER")".tar.xz || { die "Failed to read DPDK VPP version!" } fi # TODO: Use "wget -N" instead checking for file presence? if [[ ! -f "${dpdk_stable_ver}" ]]; then wget -nv --no-check-certificate "${dpdk_repo}/${dpdk_stable_ver}" || { die "Failed to get DPDK package from: ${dpdk_repo}" } fi } function gather_ligato () { set -exuo pipefail # Build docker image (with vpp, ligato and vpp-agent), # and put it to ${DOWNLOAD_DIR}/. # # Access rights needed for: # - "wget", "git clone", "dpdk -x", "cd" above ${CSIT_DIR}. # - "sudo" without password. # - With sudo: # - "dpdk -i" is allowed. # - "docker" commands have everything they needs. # Variables read: # - DOWNLOAD_DIR - Path to directory pybot takes the build to test from. # - CSIT_DIR - Path to existing root of local CSIT git repository. # Files read: # - ${CSIT_DIR}/VPP_AGENT_STABLE_VER - Vpp agent version to use. # Directories updated: # - ${DOWNLOAD_DIR} - Docker image stored, VPP *.deb stored and deleted. # - /tmp/vpp - VPP is unpacked there, not cleaned afterwards. # - ${CSIT_DIR}/vpp-agent - Created, vpp-agent git repo si cloned there. # - Also, various temporary files are stored there. # System consequences: # - Docker package is installed. # - Presumably dockerd process is started. # - The ligato/dev-vpp-agent docker image is downloaded. # - Results of subsequent image manipulation are probably left lingering. # Other hardcoded values: # - Docker .deb file name to download and install. # Functions called: # - die - Print to stderr and exit, defined in common_functions.sh # - gather_vpp - See eponymous fragment file assumend to be sourced already. # TODO: What is the best order of description items? # TODO: Many of the following comments act as abstraction. # But the abstracted blocks are mostly one-liners (plus "|| die"), # so maybe it is not worth introducing fragments/functions for the blocks. # TODO: This fragment is too long anyway, split it up. gather_vpp || die "The function should have died on error." mkdir -p /tmp/vpp && rm -f /tmp/vpp/* || { die "Failed to create temporary directory!" } dpkg -x "${DOWNLOAD_DIR}/vpp_"*".deb" "/tmp/vpp" || { die "Failed to extract VPP packages for kubernetes!" } ligato_repo_url="https://github.com/ligato/" vpp_agent_stable_ver="$(< "${CSIT_DIR}/VPP_AGENT_STABLE_VER")" || { die "Failed to read vpp-agent stable version!" } # Clone & checkout stable vpp-agent. cd "${CSIT_DIR}" || die "Change directory failed!" git clone -b master --single-branch \ "${ligato_repo_url}/vpp-agent" "vpp-agent" || { die "Failed to run: git clone ${ligato_repo_url}/vpp-agent!" } cd "vpp-agent" || die "Change directory failed!" # Install Docker. curl -fsSL https://get.docker.com | sudo bash || { die "Failed to install Docker package!" } # Pull ligato/dev_vpp_agent docker image and re-tag as local. sudo docker pull "ligato/dev-vpp-agent:${vpp_agent_stable_ver}" || { die "Failed to pull Docker image!" } params=(ligato/dev-vpp-agent:${vpp_agent_stable_ver} dev_vpp_agent:latest) sudo docker tag "${params[@]}" || { die "Failed to tag Docker image!" } # Start dev_vpp_agent container as daemon. sudo docker run --rm -itd --name "agentcnt" "dev_vpp_agent" bash || { die "Failed to run Docker image!" } # Copy latest vpp api into running container. sudo docker exec agentcnt rm -rf "agentcnt:/usr/share/vpp/api" || { die "Failed to remove previous API!" } sudo docker cp "/tmp/vpp/usr/share/vpp/api" "agentcnt:/usr/share/vpp" || { die "Failed to copy files Docker image!" } # Recompile vpp-agent. script_arg=". ~/.bashrc; cd /go/src/github.com/ligato/vpp-agent" script_arg+=" && make generate && make install" sudo docker exec -i agentcnt script -qec "${script_arg}" || { die "Failed to recompile vpp-agent in Docker image!" } # Make sure .deb files of other version are not present. rm_cmd="rm -vf /opt/vpp-agent/dev/vpp/build-root/vpp*.deb /opt/vpp/*.deb" sudo docker exec agentcnt bash -c "${rm_cmd}" || { die "Failed to remove VPP debian packages!" } for f in "${DOWNLOAD_DIR}"/*; do sudo docker cp "$f" "agentcnt:/opt/vpp-agent/dev/vpp/build-root"/ || { die "Failed to copy files to Docker image!" } done # Save container state. sudo docker commit "$(sudo docker ps -q)" "dev_vpp_agent:latest" || { die "Failed to commit state of Docker image!" } # Build prod_vpp_agent docker image. cd "docker/prod" || die "Change directory failed." sudo docker build --tag "prod_vpp_agent" --no-cache "." || { die "Failed to build Docker image!" } # Export Docker image. sudo docker save "prod_vpp_agent" | gzip > "prod_vpp_agent.tar.gz" || { die "Failed to save Docker image!" } docker_image="$(readlink -e "prod_vpp_agent.tar.gz")" || { die "Failed to get Docker image path!" } rm -r "${DOWNLOAD_DIR}/vpp"* || die "Failed to remove VPP packages!" mv "${docker_image}" "${DOWNLOAD_DIR}"/ || die "Failed to move image!" } function gather_vpp () { set -exuo pipefail # Variables read: # - BASH_FUNCTION_DIR - Bash directory with functions. # - TEST_CODE - The test selection string from environment or argument. # - DOWNLOAD_DIR - Path to directory pybot takes the build to test from. # - CSIT_DIR - Path to existing root of local CSIT git repository. # Files read: # - ${CSIT_DIR}/DPDK_STABLE_VER - DPDK version to use # by csit-vpp not-timed jobs. # - ${CSIT_DIR}/VPP_STABLE_VER_UBUNTU - VPP version to use by those. # - ../vpp*.deb - Relative to ${DOWNLOAD_DIR}, copied for vpp-csit jobs. # Directories updated: # - ${DOWNLOAD_DIR}, vpp-*.deb files are copied here for vpp-csit jobs. # - ./ - Assumed ${DOWNLOAD_DIR}, vpp-*.deb files # are downloaded here for csit-vpp. # Functions called: # - die - Print to stderr and exit, defined in common_functions.sh # Bash scripts executed: # - ${CSIT_DIR}/resources/tools/scripts/download_install_vpp_pkgs.sh # - Should download and extract requested files to ./. case "${TEST_CODE}" in # Not csit-vpp as this code is re-used by ligato gathering. "csit-"*) # Use downloaded packages with specific version. if [[ "${TEST_CODE}" == *"daily"* ]] || \ ([[ "${TEST_CODE}" == *"weekly"* ]] && \ [[ "${TEST_CODE}" != *"device"* ]]) || \ [[ "${TEST_CODE}" == *"semiweekly"* ]]; then warn "Downloading latest VPP packages from Packagecloud." else warn "Downloading stable VPP packages from Packagecloud." VPP_VERSION="$(<"${CSIT_DIR}/VPP_STABLE_VER_UBUNTU_BIONIC")" || { die "Read VPP stable version failed." } fi source "${BASH_FUNCTION_DIR}/artifacts.sh" || die "Source failed." download_artifacts || die ;; "vpp-csit-"*) # Use locally built packages. mv "${DOWNLOAD_DIR}"/../"vpp"*".deb" "${DOWNLOAD_DIR}"/ || { die "Move command failed." } ;; *) die "Unable to identify job type from: ${TEST_CODE}" ;; esac }