#!/usr/bin/env bash # Copyright (c) 2018 Cisco and/or its affiliates. # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at: # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. set -exuo pipefail function ansible_host () { # Setup host via ansible playbook. # # Variable read: # - ${HOST} - Server production IP address (Linux). set -exuo pipefail pushd "${TOOLS_DIR}"/testbed-setup/ansible || die "Pushd failed!" ssh-copy-id -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no testuser@"${HOST}" ansible-playbook --vault-id vault_pass --extra-vars '@vault.yml' \ --inventory lf_inventory site.yaml --limit ${HOST} || { die "Failed to ansible host!" } popd || die "Popd failed!" } function installed () { # Check if the given utility is installed. Fail if not installed. # # Arguments: # - ${1} - Utility to check. # Returns: # - 0 - If command is installed. # - 1 - If command is not installed. set -exuo pipefail command -v "${1}" } function pxe_cimc () { # Reboot server with next boot set to PXE, disables PXE after server is UP # to prevent endless loop. # # Variable read: # - ${HOST} - Server production IP address (Linux). # - ${MGMT} - Server management IP address (IPMI/CIMC). # - ${USER} - CIMC user. # - ${PASS} - CIMC pass. set -exuo pipefail pushd "${TOOLS_DIR}"/testbed-setup/cimc || die "Pushd failed!" ./cimc.py -u "${USER}" -p "${PASS}" "${MGMT}" --debug -pxe || { die "Failed to send the PXE reboot command!" } for i in $(seq 1 500); do warn "Waiting for server to become reachable ... " || die if pingable "${HOST}"; then ./cimc.py -u "${USER}" -p "${PASS}" "${MGMT}" --debug -hdd || { die "Failed to send the HDD command!" } ssh-keygen -f "/home/testuser/.ssh/known_hosts" -R "${HOST}" || { die "Failed to remove obsolete SSH key!" } warn "Server reachable, PXE running!" || die break fi done popd || die "Popd failed!" } function pxe_host () { # Reboot host into PXE mode and detect once it is up. # # Variable read: # - ${@} - All script arguments from command line. # Variable set: # - ${HOST} - Server production IP address (Linux). # - ${MGMT} - Server management IP address (IPMI/CIMC). # - ${USER} - User. # - ${PASS} - Pass. set -exuo pipefail if ! installed ipmitool; then die "ipmitool not present. Please install before continue!" fi HOST=${1} MGMT=${2} USER=${3} PASS=${4} ipmi="ipmitool -I lanplus -H ${MGMT} -U ${USER} -P ${PASS} chassis status" cimc="./cimc.py -u ${USER} -p ${PASS} ${MGMT} --mac-table" pushd "${TOOLS_DIR}"/testbed-setup/cimc || die "Pushd failed!" if ${ipmi}; then warn "This is IMPI managed server!" pxe_supermicro || die elif ${cimc}; then warn "This is CIMC managed server!" pxe_cimc || die else die "Unknown management console!" fi popd || die "Popd failed!" wait_for_ssh || die } function pxe_supermicro () { # Reboot server with next boot set to PXE. # # Variable read: # - ${HOST} - Server production IP address (Linux). # - ${MGMT} - Server management IP address (IPMI/CIMC). # - ${USER} - IPMI user. # - ${PASS} - IPMI pass. set -exuo pipefail if ! installed ipmitool; then die "ipmitool not present. Please install before continue!" fi cmd="chassis bootdev pxe" ipmitool -I lanplus -H "${MGMT}" -U "${USER}" -P "${PASS}" "${cmd}" || { die "Failed to send the ${cmd} command!" } cmd="power reset" ipmitool -I lanplus -H "${MGMT}" -U "${USER}" -P "${PASS}" "${cmd}" || { die "Failed to send the ${cmd} command!" } for i in $(seq 1 500); do warn "Waiting for server to become reachable ... " || die if pingable "${HOST}"; then ssh-keygen -f "/home/testuser/.ssh/known_hosts" -R "${HOST}" || { die "Failed to remove obsolete SSH key!" } warn "Server reachable, PXE running!" || die break fi done } function pingable () { # Check if the host is reachable over ping. Fail if not reachable. # # Arguments: # - ${1} - Host to check. # Returns: # - 0 - If host is reachable over ping. # - 1 - If host is not reachable over ping. set -exuo pipefail ping -q -c 1 "${1}" 2>&1 > /dev/null } function wait_for_ssh () { # Check if the host is reachable over SSH. Fail if not reachable. # # Variable read: # - ${HOST} - Server production IP address (Linux). set -exuo pipefail while ! ssh "${HOST}" do warn "SSH not yet reachable, trying again!" sleep 2 done warn "SSH reachable!" }