# Copyright (c) 2019 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at:
#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

"""Core dump library."""

from time import time

from resources.libraries.python.Constants import Constants
from resources.libraries.python.DUTSetup import DUTSetup
from resources.libraries.python.LimitUtil import LimitUtil
from resources.libraries.python.SysctlUtil import SysctlUtil
from resources.libraries.python.ssh import exec_cmd_no_error, scp_node
from resources.libraries.python.topology import NodeType

__all__ = ["CoreDumpUtil"]

class CoreDumpUtil(object):
    """Class contains methods for processing core dumps."""

    # Use one instance of class for all tests. If the functionality should
    # be enabled per suite or per test case, change the scope to "TEST SUITE" or
    # "TEST CASE" respectively.

    def __init__(self):
        """Initialize CoreDumpUtil class."""
        # Corekeeper is configured.
        self._corekeeper_configured = False
        # Enable setting core limit for process. This can be used to prevent
        # library to further set the core limit for unwanted behavior.
        self._core_limit_enabled = True

    def set_core_limit_enabled(self):
        """Enable setting of core limit for PID."""
        self._core_limit_enabled = True

    def set_core_limit_disabled(self):
        """Disable setting of core limit for PID."""
        self._core_limit_enabled = False

    def is_core_limit_enabled(self):
        """Check if core limit is set for process.

        :returns: True if core limit is set for process.
        :rtype: bool
        return self._corekeeper_configured and self._core_limit_enabled

    def setup_corekeeper_on_all_nodes(self, nodes):
        """Setup core dumps system wide on all nodes.

        :param nodes: Nodes in the topology.
        :type nodes: dict
        for node in nodes.values():
            # Any binary which normally would not be dumped is dumped anyway,
            # but only if the "core_pattern" kernel sysctl is set to either a
            # pipe handler or a fully qualified path. (For more details on this
            # limitation, see CVE-2006-2451.) This mode is appropriate when
            # administrators are attempting to debug problems in a normal
            # environment, and either have a core dump pipe handler that knows
            # to treat privileged core dumps with care, or specific directory
            # defined for catching core dumps. If a core dump happens without a
            # pipe handler or fully qualifid path, a message will be emitted to
            # syslog warning about the lack of a correct setting.
            SysctlUtil.set_sysctl_value(node, 'fs.suid_dumpable', 2)

            # Specify a core dumpfile pattern name (for the output filename).
            # %p    pid
            # %u    uid (in initial user namespace)
            # %g    gid (in initial user namespace)
            # %s    signal number
            # %t    UNIX time of dump
            # %h    hostname
            # %e    executable filename (may be shortened)
            SysctlUtil.set_sysctl_value(node, 'kernel.core_pattern',

        self._corekeeper_configured = True

    def enable_coredump_limit(node, pid):
        """Enable coredump for PID(s) by setting no core limits.

        :param node: Node in the topology.
        :param pid: Process ID(s) to set core dump limit to unlimited.
        :type node: dict
        :type pid: list or int
        if isinstance(pid, list):
            for item in pid:
                LimitUtil.set_pid_limit(node, item, 'core', 'unlimited')
                LimitUtil.get_pid_limit(node, item)
            LimitUtil.set_pid_limit(node, pid, 'core', 'unlimited')
            LimitUtil.get_pid_limit(node, pid)

    def enable_coredump_limit_vpp_on_all_duts(self, nodes):
        """Enable coredump for all VPP PIDs by setting no core limits on all
        DUTs if setting of core limit by this library is enabled.

        :param nodes: Nodes in the topology.
        :type nodes: dict
        for node in nodes.values():
            if node['type'] == NodeType.DUT and self.is_core_limit_enabled():
                vpp_pid = DUTSetup.get_vpp_pid(node)
                self.enable_coredump_limit(node, vpp_pid)

    def get_core_files_on_all_nodes(self, nodes, disable_on_success=True):
        """Process all core files and remove the original core files on al

        :param nodes: Nodes in the topology.
        :param disable_on_success: If True, disable setting of core limit by
            this instance of library. Default: True
        :type nodes: dict
        :type disable_on_success: bool
        for node in nodes.values():
            command = ('for f in {dir}/*.core; do '
                       'sudo gdb /usr/bin/vpp ${{f}} '
                       '--eval-command="set pagination off" '
                       '--eval-command="thread apply all bt" '
                       '--eval-command="quit"; '
                       'sudo rm -f ${{f}}; done'
                exec_cmd_no_error(node, command, timeout=3600)
                if disable_on_success:
            except RuntimeError:
                # If compress was not sucessfull ignore error and skip further
                # processing.